Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunday A Day For The Pig

Just another day in missions! During the Sunday service at Jicamarcas as Bethany and James were leading in worship some members noticed that David's pig was out of the pen and on the mountain.

Marco and Ryan ventured onto the mountain to catch the wayward pig. Pastor Hodges appeared and joined in the pursuit along with Chase. For the next 15 minutes they scurried upon the mountain to surround the pig, but to no avail. Marco got close enough to grab its legs. Pastor Hodges told them to rub the pig's belly to cause him to settle down, but the squealing continued as they carried him by the church on the way to his pen.

Now you will hear various versions of this depending on who you talk to, but believe me this was an exciting begining to the worship service.

When the service ended they spent 2-3 hours casting a demon out of one attendee. Victory on both sides. The pig was back and the demon was out!

It is Monday evening as I write this as it is being dictated to me by Ryan. We are in my favorite place and that of the whole team -- "Four Bucks!" We will soon be on our way to Jicamarca to pack, move the Hodges belongings downstairs and the leave about 12:00 for the airport.

Until we see you on Wednesday -- sometime -- that is if we get out of bed!

God bless and thanks for your prayers.

Dr D and the Gang

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday - A Day of Battles

We are very busy as you can tell from the previous posting. Along with the "hard" work which the 20 Something's approached with vigor, consistancy and no complaining there have been those among us who have been attacked physically. Four of us have had battles with stomach problems.

Since I am not with the team today or tomorrow (Monday) I do not know the condition of the one who got sick Saturday, but I heard by phone today that he is still having problems. And then whatever it is or was grabbed me this morning before service -- but I made it through and we had a great service.

I spoke to David Hodges earlier this evening and he updated me on the manifestation of the devil through one of his wife's nieces. They spent much time praying and in worship to see her devlivered from a demon. I am sure the team memebers will never forget what they saw -- the screaming, the biting of the inside of her mouth USA. There is no connection in Jicamarca and the only reason we have been able to send one email and to add it to the blog is because I am in Lima with Pastor Agustin today and tomorrow we will travel to Chincha to check on the progress of the rebuilding of some of the churches which were damaged, even destroyed in the earthquake one year ago this month.

God bless and thank you for your prayers.

Dr. D.

20 Somethings - Peru


There is no way that I can describe or write all that has taken place in the time we have been here. It has been a busy trip -- some of the plans that were made have been accomplished but a lot more has been done as well.

Because of the Hurricane (Tropical Storm) My husband and I along with Carrie, Chase and Ryan went to Miami on Monday night. We spent the night in the Airport -- we were determined to make our flight and we had no problem. It was an interesting night in the Airport and we have pictures of our experience. Chase and Ryan's brother, Nick, met us in Miami and was able to fly "stand-by" with us to Lima. Bethany went to Ft. Lauderdale on Monday night and made her flight with Spirit on Tuesday. James and Paul were able to fly stand-by to Houston Monday night and we all arrived in Lima at our scheduled time.

We are staying at David and Ceci's new house in Jicamarca. Although it is new -- it isn't finished and there were/are lots of things yet to be done. The girls are sleeping upstairs (on air mattresses) and the guys downstairs. It gets cold at night. The temperature may not be under 50 -- but it is damp and the building soak in the moisture. It is a challenge staying warm while sleeping.

They have no refrigerator and their showers are still not working as they should -- it is a true camping experience. Tonight is our first opportunity to be where there is Internet (which is a challenge). I have never experienced as many flies in my entire 62 years under any circumstances. It is winter, and they are swarming and lethargic which is something I have never seen. They and swarming -- I can't imagine what their summer will bring.

Lima is desert - but this particular area has huge boulders and lots of dirt and dust. The only thing "green" you will find is something someone has planted and is watering. It is not like our desert where you find cactus and other growing things. Because this is winter a heavy mist settles down and the result is mud which is tracked everywhere. It keeps a person busy just trying to clean up the dirt and mud.

The guys have been working on electrical things and the plumbing. They came with a plan (and a water pump) and they have done all the right things but the pump (and battery) just aren't powerful enough to pump the amount of water that needs to be pumped. They have spent countless hours working on it. The pump for the septic system has been installed and is working. They put in light in their laundry area and other odds and ends as well as installing a reverse osmosis system so they can have pure drinking water.

My husband, the girls, Paul and James have painted the downstairs and the living room. When that was finished they tried get the courtyard level and they made great progress on that.

They have had a service for adults, one for children and two for youth. Tomorrow they have one for children and one for adults. My husband and I had a seminar for couples last night. My husband speaks for Agustin on Sunday and is going to Chincha on Monday to visit the Pastors and see what has happened since the Earthquake two years ago. Sunday and Monday afternoon and evening we will do some shopping and sight seeing.

Sorry we haven't been able to communicate -- believe me, we like it better when we have daily contact with home.

James and Paul leave Monday night and the rest of us on Tuesday. The group has worked hard and harmoniously - they have been uncomplaining in trying situations. It has been a delight to be with them.

Thanks for your prayers -- we have been mostly healthy and James is extremely happy as this is the first Missions Trip he has taken and NOT been sick. However Paul is sick with stomach cramps. So pray for all.
