Wednesday, November 25
The timing of God is incredible to be part of – to be included in! This trip and its timing was totally planned by God and orchestrated by the Holy Spirit.
It all began the Tuesday morning I received the email from Vadim just before Prayer With The Pastors began. I forwarded it to Pastor. I contemplated responding several times, and when I started, I head Pastor Ryan say I want to read a email my father forwarded to me...that is how it began to flow!
From there God’s people supplied the needed finances and I lifted off from the ground at Ft. Myers on Friday, November 13 – there is nothing bad about Friday the 13th! I landed in Kiev on Saturday at 4:50 PM and was at the Uruymagov home by 6:00 PM, where I saw Vadim’s wife, Inna who greeted me with a soft voice saying, “Papa!” I was there to minister to her and the family as she battled breast cancer.
From then on I was “on assignment” of ministry to the Urumyagovs, their Church congregation - New Time, Abundant Life and Way of Life in Chernivtsi. Each task on this assignment was “on time” and God ordained and Spirit led in what was said and done!
Inna went to glory at 5:00 AM Monday morning.
Today was the climax of my “assignment.” I was the principal speaker at Inna’s funeral. Everything began at 9:00 at the morgue. In Ukraine this is where you receive the body of someone who died. All family and friends gather there to receive the earthly home. Today we were there for almost two hours until the first viewing had taken place by close relatives and friends and the body was loaded on a special bus.
We had the traditional procession – except that it was not led by a police escort, and the journey was 60-65 miles. Oh, did it tell you it was in the high 30's to low 40's and windy – better yet it became very cold as the day progressed.
We arrived at the “chapel” – a room about 20 feet square with only two benches for the immediate family, but no one used them and the rest of us all gathered around standing shoulder to shoulder. That part was probably good because there was no heat in the room, the double doors open and the wind whipped through the room. There was no stand to lay your Bible or notes on. And an invitation was given for anyone who desired to say something to stand to the left of the head of the casket.
I am not making fun, nor do I desire to be-little the customs of any culture or country. It is just that I want to communicate my experience – my first experience for a funeral outside of the US.
The casket was a very simple plywood style box, similar to those you see on the old westerns, but not as deep. After all had shared, including me, those who brought flowers placed them in the casket as the filed by to greet the family.
We loaded up again and made about a 3/4 mile trip to the grave site. It was a simple freshly dug by hand hole just big enough for the casket approximately 3-4 feet from other freshly covered graves. The pastor in charge completed his prayer and before the workers placed the lid on all flowers were removed and distributed to those who wanted one. It was then nailed shut and the workers lowered it into the ground by hand, then proceeded to replace the earth. Large wreaths, about 4 feet high were placed over the mound produced by the excess dirt due to the casket now in the hole.
As is customary even in the US, we greeted and loved on one-another for some time and then made our way to our cars and journeyed back to our homes.
The message I shared, I called: Inna Died In Faith, based on Hebrews 11:13. I had found out on Tuesday when I read it to Vadim after the Holy Spirit placed it so heavily on my spirit, that Inna had been focusing on it and tell him that it was “better to die in faith than live without faith!”
She lived as she died – she walked by faith and lived by faith and died in faith! What more can be said?
Some day I want to read the many sermons she wrote this last year. They are un-preached! In fact she read the Bible through three times since January! She lived by faith!
I start my travels home tomorrow evening, spend the night in Amsterdam (airport) and then touch down in Ft. Myers Friday evening.
Once again! Thanks for being “on time” with your support and prayers. I thank God I was your representative to the Uruymagov family, their congregation, their friends and the believers I was honored to minister to.
God bless,
Dr D
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday, November 24
Some days are better than others, they are personally more exciting and then there are days that you have for the benefit of others. And that summarizes today! But there is something exciting about giving without expectation of return! There are days in which you feel “better” about it than others! And that is the lingering “feeling,” reflection about today!
I was “just there”! That can be the best comfort you can give someone that is grieving: “Be there!”
Now comes the task of preparing a message for those who will attend the funeral tomorrow at 10:00. A funeral is the same in any country. The only difference is the location and language. You speak to the living about “living.” You share the person who brings “life.” You present Jesus and thank God it is easier when the deceased was a believer.
So today’s “blog” is short because that is all I can think to say and share with you. I go now to finish a message called, “Inna’s Faith.” It is the result of the Holy Spirit speaking a verse to me and then quoting it to Vadim. When I finished he said to me, “Inna said, ‘It is better to die in faith, than to live without faith.’” So tomorrow we focus on Hebrews 11:13(NKJV) “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.”
She saw, she claimed, but confessed she was just passing through this life to another – and there she is!
God bless and thank you for sending me on this timely mission,
Dr D
Some days are better than others, they are personally more exciting and then there are days that you have for the benefit of others. And that summarizes today! But there is something exciting about giving without expectation of return! There are days in which you feel “better” about it than others! And that is the lingering “feeling,” reflection about today!
I was “just there”! That can be the best comfort you can give someone that is grieving: “Be there!”
Now comes the task of preparing a message for those who will attend the funeral tomorrow at 10:00. A funeral is the same in any country. The only difference is the location and language. You speak to the living about “living.” You share the person who brings “life.” You present Jesus and thank God it is easier when the deceased was a believer.
So today’s “blog” is short because that is all I can think to say and share with you. I go now to finish a message called, “Inna’s Faith.” It is the result of the Holy Spirit speaking a verse to me and then quoting it to Vadim. When I finished he said to me, “Inna said, ‘It is better to die in faith, than to live without faith.’” So tomorrow we focus on Hebrews 11:13(NKJV) “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.”
She saw, she claimed, but confessed she was just passing through this life to another – and there she is!
God bless and thank you for sending me on this timely mission,
Dr D
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22:
The past 48 hours have been a whirlwind of activity! I have preached twice, traveled to Chernivtsi and back, made arrangements for an Idea Exchange for Pastors in Ukraine, counseled a pastor, and wept with another.
Sunday morning I was privileged to minister the Word at Abundant Life. It was a great service from the first chorus of worship through the salvation of a guest at the conclusion. In-between somewhere I delivered a my heart and the congregation’s response to the revelation they personally received from God was awesome to witness. Forget the preacher! The response of the people to the Word is what I am pointing you toward. Sometimes you “know” when the Word has penetrated their hearts. The message the Lord directed me with was confirmed immediately after the worship time and before I had opportunity to deliver it. A lady who led the congregation in prayer exhorted and prayed some of the key thoughts of my message and I knew I had heard from heaven. And — Heaven Came Down!
I was taken back to the house of my host and had opportunity to eat a quick few bites before I was to leave for the airport and stop to pray with Vadim and Inna – and I spent 30 minutes of intense prayer and worship with them before heading to catch my plane. The flight was only one hour and I was met by my Ukrainian Secretary/Interpreter taken to her flat, got to relax for 15 minutes and then walked 20 minutes to the location for the evening service with Way of Life Church and ministering the Word again.
After the service (it was great also as was the response) I spent three hours of fellowship with Tolik and Oksana (secretary/interpreter) and a couple for the Church with whom I was privileged last spring to spend a couple of days with at their hotel on the northwest coast of Crimea. They have extended me the opportunity of inviting pastors and wives with whom I have a relationship in Ukraine to come and stay for 3-4 days at their hotel on the Black Sea – free room and they only have to assist with a minimal fee for the food.
It is their desire to “invest in the kingdom of God through His servants in Ukraine.” WOW! What a novel idea! And then there is a special twist added to it – well not really a twist but a special invitation for Marilyn and I to spend the next week on vacation without any expense as their guests! That sounds too good to turn down! Not for me as much as for the pastors with whom I labor in Ukraine.
Monday, November 23
I crash about 1:30-2:00 AM and hear the phone ringing at 5:00. I can tell from the sounds it is Vadim and the next words I hear rip me apart: “Inna has just passed away!” I respond by praying with him and then tell him I will change me ticket and return on Monday.
Unfortunately there isn’t the same travel agent in Chernivtsi as in Kiev and so I am forced to purchase a one-way ticket for only 165 Hryvna (pronounced - grevna) that is less about $20 less than a round-trip. It also means that I will probably not be able to get any refund on the unused portion. But ministry to Vadim and the boys is more important than the money.
I will skip the emotional struggle I went through when I walked into Vadim’s apartment and greeted him.
The funeral will be on Wednesday morning and I ask you please keep Vadim and his boys in prayer. I will be involved in some way but I am not sure how as of tonight.
I have no answers as to “Why Lord?” However I do know Jesus Christ is Lord. I know God doesn’t make any mistakes! He is still God!
Thank you for your response to the appeal for finances so I could be here to support Vadim and his family.
God bless you for you prayers.
Dr D.
The past 48 hours have been a whirlwind of activity! I have preached twice, traveled to Chernivtsi and back, made arrangements for an Idea Exchange for Pastors in Ukraine, counseled a pastor, and wept with another.
Sunday morning I was privileged to minister the Word at Abundant Life. It was a great service from the first chorus of worship through the salvation of a guest at the conclusion. In-between somewhere I delivered a my heart and the congregation’s response to the revelation they personally received from God was awesome to witness. Forget the preacher! The response of the people to the Word is what I am pointing you toward. Sometimes you “know” when the Word has penetrated their hearts. The message the Lord directed me with was confirmed immediately after the worship time and before I had opportunity to deliver it. A lady who led the congregation in prayer exhorted and prayed some of the key thoughts of my message and I knew I had heard from heaven. And — Heaven Came Down!
I was taken back to the house of my host and had opportunity to eat a quick few bites before I was to leave for the airport and stop to pray with Vadim and Inna – and I spent 30 minutes of intense prayer and worship with them before heading to catch my plane. The flight was only one hour and I was met by my Ukrainian Secretary/Interpreter taken to her flat, got to relax for 15 minutes and then walked 20 minutes to the location for the evening service with Way of Life Church and ministering the Word again.
After the service (it was great also as was the response) I spent three hours of fellowship with Tolik and Oksana (secretary/interpreter) and a couple for the Church with whom I was privileged last spring to spend a couple of days with at their hotel on the northwest coast of Crimea. They have extended me the opportunity of inviting pastors and wives with whom I have a relationship in Ukraine to come and stay for 3-4 days at their hotel on the Black Sea – free room and they only have to assist with a minimal fee for the food.
It is their desire to “invest in the kingdom of God through His servants in Ukraine.” WOW! What a novel idea! And then there is a special twist added to it – well not really a twist but a special invitation for Marilyn and I to spend the next week on vacation without any expense as their guests! That sounds too good to turn down! Not for me as much as for the pastors with whom I labor in Ukraine.
Monday, November 23
I crash about 1:30-2:00 AM and hear the phone ringing at 5:00. I can tell from the sounds it is Vadim and the next words I hear rip me apart: “Inna has just passed away!” I respond by praying with him and then tell him I will change me ticket and return on Monday.
Unfortunately there isn’t the same travel agent in Chernivtsi as in Kiev and so I am forced to purchase a one-way ticket for only 165 Hryvna (pronounced - grevna) that is less about $20 less than a round-trip. It also means that I will probably not be able to get any refund on the unused portion. But ministry to Vadim and the boys is more important than the money.
I will skip the emotional struggle I went through when I walked into Vadim’s apartment and greeted him.
The funeral will be on Wednesday morning and I ask you please keep Vadim and his boys in prayer. I will be involved in some way but I am not sure how as of tonight.
I have no answers as to “Why Lord?” However I do know Jesus Christ is Lord. I know God doesn’t make any mistakes! He is still God!
Thank you for your response to the appeal for finances so I could be here to support Vadim and his family.
God bless you for you prayers.
Dr D.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Saturday, November 21
Today I ministered to New Time Church, the Church pastored by Vadim and Inna. You could feel the pain and stress they are experiencing. They were much more solemn than at any time previously. Frankly, it was a battle but at then end I know the there was a communication from the Spirit to them.
They still face some emotional struggles with the possibility that their pastor will turn the reigns over to another man for a period of time, if not permanently. No one can say what is ahead. Though he is a shepherd, his first concern is his wife and family. They must be his priority and that is where Vadim is focusing.
So, continue to pray with us and for the Urumyagov family and New Time Church.
We are facing a countdown! There is not much more the physical body undergo naturally. We recognize that the hour is ripe for the display of God’s power in her life. This is the “hour of faith!” Though we cannot see more than the natural, the physical, we rejoice because we do not walk by sight, but by faith!
Sunday will be a busy day. I will minister the Word at Abundant Life, make a quick trip to the Borispol airport and a one-hour flight to Chernivtsi and minister the Word in the evening.
Monday I have several appointments to give guidance and encouragement and then fly back to Kiev Tuesday, arriving at 6:00 PM and spend the evening praying with Vadim and Inna. I will be in contact by phone with them every few hours.
Please maintain your prayers for them,
Dr D
Today I ministered to New Time Church, the Church pastored by Vadim and Inna. You could feel the pain and stress they are experiencing. They were much more solemn than at any time previously. Frankly, it was a battle but at then end I know the there was a communication from the Spirit to them.
They still face some emotional struggles with the possibility that their pastor will turn the reigns over to another man for a period of time, if not permanently. No one can say what is ahead. Though he is a shepherd, his first concern is his wife and family. They must be his priority and that is where Vadim is focusing.
So, continue to pray with us and for the Urumyagov family and New Time Church.
We are facing a countdown! There is not much more the physical body undergo naturally. We recognize that the hour is ripe for the display of God’s power in her life. This is the “hour of faith!” Though we cannot see more than the natural, the physical, we rejoice because we do not walk by sight, but by faith!
Sunday will be a busy day. I will minister the Word at Abundant Life, make a quick trip to the Borispol airport and a one-hour flight to Chernivtsi and minister the Word in the evening.
Monday I have several appointments to give guidance and encouragement and then fly back to Kiev Tuesday, arriving at 6:00 PM and spend the evening praying with Vadim and Inna. I will be in contact by phone with them every few hours.
Please maintain your prayers for them,
Dr D
Friday, November 20, 2009
Friday, November 20
Have you ever found that sometimes you just can’t think of any way to say something different about the same thing? That is true today!
But I can say: “Jesus is OUR HEALER!” And I can do that with confidence!
Yes, we are still holding on – praying - ministering - and waiting on the manifestation of our payers – yours, and the untold number of others who have joined us in praying for Inna to be raised from this bed of sickness.
Tomorrow, Saturday at 3:30 PM Ukraine time - 8:30 AM Florida, I will be speaking to New Time Church which is the Church pastored by Vadim and Inna Uruymagov. It has been as hard for the congregation to see their pastor going through this struggle as well as the fact that he has been absent from the pulpit for over one month. I will stand to encourage them to hold steadfast during this time. And I will also set in order interim pastor who will be working under Pastor Vadim for the next few months and who may be in line to replace Pastor Vadim after they have had time to re-group themselves from this struggle.
In the midst of all the personal and family battle, Pastor Vadim’s concern is also for the sheep God has given him responsibility to shepherd. (Here in Ukraine, the Russian word for “pastor” and “shepherd” are the same. There is a definite connection between the two.)
Keep us in prayer as we walk with all of these precious people through this difficult time.
Dr D
Have you ever found that sometimes you just can’t think of any way to say something different about the same thing? That is true today!
But I can say: “Jesus is OUR HEALER!” And I can do that with confidence!
Yes, we are still holding on – praying - ministering - and waiting on the manifestation of our payers – yours, and the untold number of others who have joined us in praying for Inna to be raised from this bed of sickness.
Tomorrow, Saturday at 3:30 PM Ukraine time - 8:30 AM Florida, I will be speaking to New Time Church which is the Church pastored by Vadim and Inna Uruymagov. It has been as hard for the congregation to see their pastor going through this struggle as well as the fact that he has been absent from the pulpit for over one month. I will stand to encourage them to hold steadfast during this time. And I will also set in order interim pastor who will be working under Pastor Vadim for the next few months and who may be in line to replace Pastor Vadim after they have had time to re-group themselves from this struggle.
In the midst of all the personal and family battle, Pastor Vadim’s concern is also for the sheep God has given him responsibility to shepherd. (Here in Ukraine, the Russian word for “pastor” and “shepherd” are the same. There is a definite connection between the two.)
Keep us in prayer as we walk with all of these precious people through this difficult time.
Dr D
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wednesday, November 18
Today was almost the same as yesterday as far as ministry to Vadim and Inna. Pray! Pray! Encourage! Pray some more. Physical evidence points to the soon coming time for a miracle to be revealed. So continue to pray with us!
The only difference was the evening meal and fellowship with Pastor Andre and Ira Ivanov of Abundant Life and their six month old daughter, Katherine. (I hope that is the way they spell it!) Great fellowship, food and time to answer questions about different aspect of Church management.
Then back to my abode and continued warmth and fellowship with the Prudkiy family: Sasha, Alona, Alexandra – Vovo was not here tonight! And of course the new Mexican member of their family - a not so friendly Chihuahua! Need I say more? He sees me as a threat!
God bless and thanks for your prayers,
Dr D
Today was almost the same as yesterday as far as ministry to Vadim and Inna. Pray! Pray! Encourage! Pray some more. Physical evidence points to the soon coming time for a miracle to be revealed. So continue to pray with us!
The only difference was the evening meal and fellowship with Pastor Andre and Ira Ivanov of Abundant Life and their six month old daughter, Katherine. (I hope that is the way they spell it!) Great fellowship, food and time to answer questions about different aspect of Church management.
Then back to my abode and continued warmth and fellowship with the Prudkiy family: Sasha, Alona, Alexandra – Vovo was not here tonight! And of course the new Mexican member of their family - a not so friendly Chihuahua! Need I say more? He sees me as a threat!
God bless and thanks for your prayers,
Dr D
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuesday, November 17:
No one is surrendering. Sickness was already defeated by Jesus!
Though the days and nights are hard, the presence of the Holy Spirit ministering to Vadim and Inna is precious. They both are standing firm and so are many many churches and people who are praying.
Today was just another walk in faith to see the power of God displayed. Today included more time of ministry to Vadim than previously. He has many questions about how to proceed with the Church he pastors and what the future holds for the people. His main concern is the Body of Christ. And so we discussed what God is saying to him, is revealing to him in various ways – through prayer – prophet words from God’s servants – dreams and visions by many from around the world and of course through the Word itself.
Please keep Vadim and Inna in prayer as we continue to minister to them.
I will be speaking to their congregation on Saturday at 3:00 PM Ukraine time (8:00 AM Eastern Standard). Then on Sunday I will be speaking at Abundant Life pastored by Andre and Ira Ivanov and then catch a one hour flight to Chernivtsi to speak that evening, returning on Tuesday to Kiev.
Thanks for your prayers and faithfulness,
Dr D
No one is surrendering. Sickness was already defeated by Jesus!
Though the days and nights are hard, the presence of the Holy Spirit ministering to Vadim and Inna is precious. They both are standing firm and so are many many churches and people who are praying.
Today was just another walk in faith to see the power of God displayed. Today included more time of ministry to Vadim than previously. He has many questions about how to proceed with the Church he pastors and what the future holds for the people. His main concern is the Body of Christ. And so we discussed what God is saying to him, is revealing to him in various ways – through prayer – prophet words from God’s servants – dreams and visions by many from around the world and of course through the Word itself.
Please keep Vadim and Inna in prayer as we continue to minister to them.
I will be speaking to their congregation on Saturday at 3:00 PM Ukraine time (8:00 AM Eastern Standard). Then on Sunday I will be speaking at Abundant Life pastored by Andre and Ira Ivanov and then catch a one hour flight to Chernivtsi to speak that evening, returning on Tuesday to Kiev.
Thanks for your prayers and faithfulness,
Dr D
Monday, November 16, 2009
“With:” The Power of Presence
Monday, November 16
The word “with” sums up much ministry that can and should take place from all of us!
You thought I’d be writing about the day’s activities, didn’t you? Well I just did! That is what I am doing! Being “with” and watching the power of “presence” impact lives. Not only that of Vadim and Inna, but also that of their boys as well as other Ukrainian believers who have found it interesting that a Church would send someone all that distance just to be “with” a pastor and his wife. It has spoken loudly!
O, I am praying!
I also have discovered that this is not a physical battle! It is a spiritual battle! She does not have a “disease,” she is the victim of an attack! Satan is trying to put out a “fire” raging within her!
Proof? The many, many who have had dreams and visions and have reported those to Vadim and Inna. In fact, just this morning a friend from Germany called to say that she had a dream last night. In it she saw Inna in Germany, thin, weak, but recovering because the battle had been won!
What more can I say?
When I am there I do not sense death, but only a spiritual struggle. The is a sweet presence of God when in the room and praying.
Though you are aware that both Vadim and Inna are weary you hear no words of death but only words of “life” flowing regardless of the moment.
I witness others stopping to drop of even meager sacks of food - not much but enough to help. I hear them and I know again – the victory is forthcoming.
Thanks for your prayers,
Dr D
The word “with” sums up much ministry that can and should take place from all of us!
You thought I’d be writing about the day’s activities, didn’t you? Well I just did! That is what I am doing! Being “with” and watching the power of “presence” impact lives. Not only that of Vadim and Inna, but also that of their boys as well as other Ukrainian believers who have found it interesting that a Church would send someone all that distance just to be “with” a pastor and his wife. It has spoken loudly!
O, I am praying!
I also have discovered that this is not a physical battle! It is a spiritual battle! She does not have a “disease,” she is the victim of an attack! Satan is trying to put out a “fire” raging within her!
Proof? The many, many who have had dreams and visions and have reported those to Vadim and Inna. In fact, just this morning a friend from Germany called to say that she had a dream last night. In it she saw Inna in Germany, thin, weak, but recovering because the battle had been won!
What more can I say?
When I am there I do not sense death, but only a spiritual struggle. The is a sweet presence of God when in the room and praying.
Though you are aware that both Vadim and Inna are weary you hear no words of death but only words of “life” flowing regardless of the moment.
I witness others stopping to drop of even meager sacks of food - not much but enough to help. I hear them and I know again – the victory is forthcoming.
Thanks for your prayers,
Dr D
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday: November 16, 2009
Good sleep and an early rise make for a tired body by 9:15 PM. It is only amplified by the seven hour time difference.
Since this is Sunday – I went to Church, Abundant Life pastored by Andrey and Inna Ivanov, even though I did not have any scheduled service to minister the Word. I went just to worship and gain more strength for the battle that lies ahead. The battle is with the “spirit of infirmity,” namely, “the spirit of cancer and death.”
About 2:30 my ride arrived and we journeyed across the river to the home of Vadim and Inna Urumyagov. Inna was sleeping when I arrived so I found a place in the eldest son’s bedroom and began to work of some files I brought with me to see if every document was already on my computer and necessary. If so, then I updated the current file with any notes on my papers. Then it was “file 13" for the balance. It is amazing how few printed pages are necessary and can be discarded.
When Inna stirred I then spent a couple of hours praying in her room. She is very weak and cannot talk above a whisper and has to receive some Oxygen in the evenings for a few minutes to help her lungs breath so she can sleep. For this reason, the window is open allowing in the winter and damp winds. She cannot do anything for herself and so the burden falls on her husband and boys.
YET! There is faith in the air. There are plans for the future being made even now as they express their faith in the power of Jesus Christ to heal. I have not heard one whisper of negative words or complaining because of what they are going through..
It is wearisome, but you can hear the appreciation in their words.
And I spent some 30-40 minutes just allowing Vadim to vent and share some concepts for future ministry.
I had noticed on Saturday when I stopped by from the airport that the kitchen no longer had and cabinets and all the dishes were stacked on a shelf, and that when it was time to wash some dish or spoon that the individual do it would go to the bathroom. So this evening I asked 10 million dollar questions that you do not need to ask, but just to be sure you do! You know, “Are you selling your furniture to get finances to survive?” You guessed it! “YES,” came the response and I did not press for anything else.
Inna is going through the physical, spiritual and emotional strain but Vadim is also going through the same and as well as is his wife. It requires ministry but from a different point of view based on who you are and God’s directive.
I returned back to my place of abode and a tasty Ukrainian meal. Now to stop this and get to sleep, even though it is only 9:30 PM because I found my brain had stopped and my eyes were shut at least three times and you should have seen what my hands had typed! Words? Yes, but they did not make any sense and seemed to change subjects abruptly.
Please continue to stand in faith with me for Inna’s deliverance.
With love,
Dr D
Good sleep and an early rise make for a tired body by 9:15 PM. It is only amplified by the seven hour time difference.
Since this is Sunday – I went to Church, Abundant Life pastored by Andrey and Inna Ivanov, even though I did not have any scheduled service to minister the Word. I went just to worship and gain more strength for the battle that lies ahead. The battle is with the “spirit of infirmity,” namely, “the spirit of cancer and death.”
About 2:30 my ride arrived and we journeyed across the river to the home of Vadim and Inna Urumyagov. Inna was sleeping when I arrived so I found a place in the eldest son’s bedroom and began to work of some files I brought with me to see if every document was already on my computer and necessary. If so, then I updated the current file with any notes on my papers. Then it was “file 13" for the balance. It is amazing how few printed pages are necessary and can be discarded.
When Inna stirred I then spent a couple of hours praying in her room. She is very weak and cannot talk above a whisper and has to receive some Oxygen in the evenings for a few minutes to help her lungs breath so she can sleep. For this reason, the window is open allowing in the winter and damp winds. She cannot do anything for herself and so the burden falls on her husband and boys.
YET! There is faith in the air. There are plans for the future being made even now as they express their faith in the power of Jesus Christ to heal. I have not heard one whisper of negative words or complaining because of what they are going through..
It is wearisome, but you can hear the appreciation in their words.
And I spent some 30-40 minutes just allowing Vadim to vent and share some concepts for future ministry.
I had noticed on Saturday when I stopped by from the airport that the kitchen no longer had and cabinets and all the dishes were stacked on a shelf, and that when it was time to wash some dish or spoon that the individual do it would go to the bathroom. So this evening I asked 10 million dollar questions that you do not need to ask, but just to be sure you do! You know, “Are you selling your furniture to get finances to survive?” You guessed it! “YES,” came the response and I did not press for anything else.
Inna is going through the physical, spiritual and emotional strain but Vadim is also going through the same and as well as is his wife. It requires ministry but from a different point of view based on who you are and God’s directive.
I returned back to my place of abode and a tasty Ukrainian meal. Now to stop this and get to sleep, even though it is only 9:30 PM because I found my brain had stopped and my eyes were shut at least three times and you should have seen what my hands had typed! Words? Yes, but they did not make any sense and seemed to change subjects abruptly.
Please continue to stand in faith with me for Inna’s deliverance.
With love,
Dr D
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Saturday 10:30 PM Ukraine - 3:30 PM Florida:
The best way to explain why I am here is to copy an email and let you read it. It will self-explanatory and set the stage for the rest of m communications from Kiev:
Dear David and Marilyn,
Thank you so much for your concern about Inna. She sees you as her spiritual Father, David.
The health condition is critical. It's the main item of everything I think about or do. Inna has been staying in bed for a last two months and disable to take care of herself without help for three weeks. She suffers pains (not taking strong drugs) and lack of breath (this is the most terrible). Before taking injections she was even sleepless. It was absolutely exhaustive. I have to stay with her all the time. We are very tired of that fight but do not give up. We expect the miracle. keep us in your prayers please, the time is short.
May God be with you always. With love,
On Tuesday morning of this week during “Praying With The Pastors” – live on the internet Pastor Ryan read the email I had as prayer began and forwarded to him. At the exact moment that he began to read I had completed about 3-4 words on my iPhone in response to Vadim’s email. After reading the email he stated that even though he had not talked to me, he believed it was necessary for me to fly to Ukraine and minister to Vadim and Inna and their boys.
So here I am! Thanks to people who are committed to reaching the World for Christ! Thanks faithful supporters of Life Church who answered the call for finances to send me immediately.
My flight over was the easiest I have ever had. I accomplished a lot of Covenant Life University work, read a book on leadership and began preparation for making a leadership course from it’s teachings. And then slept almost all the seven plus hours from Detroit to Amsterdam and about half of the way from Amsterdam to Kiev.
Upon clearing immigration and customs I was met and taken to the home of Vadim and Inna Uruymagov residence where I wept both with joy for seeing Inna and with heaviness of heart in the natural for seeing her so weak. But there arose a joy from deep down inside as we began to immediately pray and join our faith with hers and her husband, as well as their two boys.
It was evident that they had not lost any ground of faith and trusting in God though the walk has been heavy, hard and lonesome. I head how God was speaking to both. How over 10 people in the last month or two have had visions/dreams about Inna and her victory over breast cancer and the impact of the miracle.
After about one and one-half hours I found my way to my residence here for the next two weeks. Sasha and Lena Prudkiy have opened their hearts and lovely apartment and given me a “prophet’s quarters” while I am here and ministering to Inna and Vadim.
Please join me in prayer because I believe it is “turn-around-time-for-Inna”! It is a spiritual battle with the spirit of cancer. In fact several say that their dream included seeing demons attacking Inna. I am convinced, on my last visit in the spring I heard God speak to me that it is a “spirit” which has fastened itself to her physical body to stop her from “feeding” the people of God from her “breast of spiritual nourishment.”
So please join me in this battle against the devil and his attack on a “daughter of the Lord.” Spread the word – request prayer – the battle is the Lords!
God bless and thanks,
Dr D
The best way to explain why I am here is to copy an email and let you read it. It will self-explanatory and set the stage for the rest of m communications from Kiev:
Dear David and Marilyn,
Thank you so much for your concern about Inna. She sees you as her spiritual Father, David.
The health condition is critical. It's the main item of everything I think about or do. Inna has been staying in bed for a last two months and disable to take care of herself without help for three weeks. She suffers pains (not taking strong drugs) and lack of breath (this is the most terrible). Before taking injections she was even sleepless. It was absolutely exhaustive. I have to stay with her all the time. We are very tired of that fight but do not give up. We expect the miracle. keep us in your prayers please, the time is short.
May God be with you always. With love,
On Tuesday morning of this week during “Praying With The Pastors” – live on the internet Pastor Ryan read the email I had as prayer began and forwarded to him. At the exact moment that he began to read I had completed about 3-4 words on my iPhone in response to Vadim’s email. After reading the email he stated that even though he had not talked to me, he believed it was necessary for me to fly to Ukraine and minister to Vadim and Inna and their boys.
So here I am! Thanks to people who are committed to reaching the World for Christ! Thanks faithful supporters of Life Church who answered the call for finances to send me immediately.
My flight over was the easiest I have ever had. I accomplished a lot of Covenant Life University work, read a book on leadership and began preparation for making a leadership course from it’s teachings. And then slept almost all the seven plus hours from Detroit to Amsterdam and about half of the way from Amsterdam to Kiev.
Upon clearing immigration and customs I was met and taken to the home of Vadim and Inna Uruymagov residence where I wept both with joy for seeing Inna and with heaviness of heart in the natural for seeing her so weak. But there arose a joy from deep down inside as we began to immediately pray and join our faith with hers and her husband, as well as their two boys.
It was evident that they had not lost any ground of faith and trusting in God though the walk has been heavy, hard and lonesome. I head how God was speaking to both. How over 10 people in the last month or two have had visions/dreams about Inna and her victory over breast cancer and the impact of the miracle.
After about one and one-half hours I found my way to my residence here for the next two weeks. Sasha and Lena Prudkiy have opened their hearts and lovely apartment and given me a “prophet’s quarters” while I am here and ministering to Inna and Vadim.
Please join me in prayer because I believe it is “turn-around-time-for-Inna”! It is a spiritual battle with the spirit of cancer. In fact several say that their dream included seeing demons attacking Inna. I am convinced, on my last visit in the spring I heard God speak to me that it is a “spirit” which has fastened itself to her physical body to stop her from “feeding” the people of God from her “breast of spiritual nourishment.”
So please join me in this battle against the devil and his attack on a “daughter of the Lord.” Spread the word – request prayer – the battle is the Lords!
God bless and thanks,
Dr D
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Monday, October 26
Things here just do not seem to remain the same even after setting a schedule. The key word around which you must build your time overseas is “flexibility”
Today was supposed to be a day of updating all materials and shopping to purchase holders for each of the copies of the CD cycles. So I took advantage of t he time the electricity was to be available wand completed some work. As always the only thing consistent is the “power shut off” – allo though you are never sure exactly when that will be. Then comes the unexpected: Announcement - we have to leave at noon to have dinner with the Pastor from the Assembly of God – the same one we had been with on Sunday evening after the service at the Mennonite Church..
I begin to wonder: What is she fixing now? I really begin to question what is happening because our journey does not go in the direction where we had the meal on Sunday evening. It is a long journey - requiring about one hour. I begin to recognize the area. It is the area where the Junta Judge lives. I visited him in August. Trying to locate the house is a problem but we finally see the husband of the pastor standing in the street and confidence builds. I hear my mind saying, “I would never have placed them in this neighborhood after seeing the area where the Church is located. This is “heaven” compared to the location of the Church.”
We eat, talk and I notice the time. I was told that we were to have out next appointment at 5:00 and that means rush hour traffic. I also know we are to pick up an interpreter. But we also have to journey back to the house and get my equipment. We do and I do. But it is “rest time” according to my host and of course that means a quick trip under the water in the shower to cool off afterwards. Finally we depart – late according to “gringo time” but “on time” according to Dominican Republic time.
We locate Daniel, the interpreter on a street, apparently at a pre-arranged location and head to meet Pastor Perez and his wife. After many turns and “returns” as well as phone calls we locate the building, climb the stairs and are taken into a room with a table, padded walls and a small table with snacks and drink. I almost panic but then I see that this is their recording room as well as a conference room for us today.
GREAT – was the meeting. They also are “on-board” and tell me they project that when they start in January they will have 100 +/- students. Fabulous! That means we are well over the original goal and will probably exceed the original by three times.
So we complete the evening by returning home but have a meal on the way. Monday is complete!
Tuesday, October 27:
My alarm goes off and I rise to prepare for the day. I hear the sound of other alarms but no one else rises to the occasion. When I am finally ready, equipment, clothes, tooth paste, etc., I make noise to arouse the others from their slumber so we can get on the way to Jarabacoa and the YWAM – DTS School. These students are preparing for a missions assignment in Africa. My host and I are to be substitute teachers for the morning.
Jarabacoa is in the mountains about 50 kilometers from Santiago. I was told it was going to be “cold” there so I wore a long sleeve shirt. Wrong! It was cooler but not “cold”. It is about 2 hours from Santo Domingo and we arrived in sufficient time for nothing! It was hit the road and teach. I taught for my allotted time and began a break. Then I am told what the subject was I am to speak about and questioned where I was going with the second session. Recognizing that the first session was on-target but the second was not in the middle of the subject, I suggested that my host, Augusto Chavez, take the next session.
WE ate with the students, had a time of fellowship and I was directed to a room where I could relax for the afternoon. Afternoon! I thought we were to be on our way to Santiago! Wrong! The actor from Peru, who had also been with us on many occasion and was also staying at the house was schedule to do a drama teaching that afternoon and we were to then proceed to Santiago. He did! I did but no rest only work!
My evening appointment became also my home for the evening. Pastor Raul Castellano, his wife and son were perfect hosts. But when their son was not available it was back to “Spanish Sign Language” because my interpreter was to spend the night with some friends and my host, Chavez was going back to Jarabacoa to teach the evening and the next morning – which I did not know until he had departed.
I meet with Pastor Raul and two other pastors as well as US missionary. Pacto De Vida was well accepted although we were not given any final decision. However, I know it will happen, “when” is the only question.
I am told they have hot water. I assume they were talking about the shower to which they had just referred in the same breath. WRONG! But it is too late as I am already in shock from the cold water that attacks my body. I decide that a simple running of water over my body will suffice for the night and got out quickly.
Wednesday, October 28
Morning comes, I slowly begin moving my body, pack and head downstairs for some coffee – yeah me! I spend the next hour using my hands to illustrate words, and the same for Pastor Raul. We laugh a lot but also recognize that we “have” communicated.
His wife makes her way downstairs and we go to the street to meet a taxi who takes me to meet Alvaro Rodriquez, the brother of Gustavo Rodriquez, a close pastor friend from Peru. I am taken to a beautiful school facility and discover that Pastor Alvaro, with his wife as director operate an English speaking private school of 275 students, 1-12.
So I figure that the morning meeting will take place here, but no mention is ever made about a meeting or discussing the university program. Instead I am taken to an outside pavilion where high school students are gathered and hear that the actor, my interpreter and another man from Santo Domingo will do the same play that was done in the Methodist Church where I ministered on Sunday morning.
Bottom Line: No university presentation took place! But Pastor Alvaro took us on a tour of Santiago of key historical locations and treated us to a lunch. Then back to his house to await the arrival of Pastor Chavez to begin our journey back to Santo Domingo.
Bored yet? Okay, I’ll continue!
We return to the city, drop off my interpreter at the YWAM facility, drive across town and drop of the man who came to assist with the drama. Find our way home, with a stop to acquire a Cappuccino and I unpack and ready my materials for the evening sessions – two fo them. One is only a presentation and the other is a sermon.
Yeah, you guessed it! We depart late and have to swing by and pick up Pastor Omar Ramirez, the older brother of Imer, the interpreter who went to Santiago with us. We drive to the house of the Pastor Reuben Peguro with whom we have the appointment. But......!
Here is where things are different than I was told! He get in the car and we drive all the way across town to the same area where I had lunch on Monday but to a different section. We have to drive through mud holes that are at least 12 - 18 inches deep and after several phone calls we arrive at a home where people are in prayer on the lanai area with 50+ white plastic chairs assembled. A projector hangs from the ceiling and musical instruments line on one end with sound equipment.
I am introduced to a pastor and discover here is the connection for the university, not with Pastor Peguro. But I am told by my host, Chavez, that I need to do this meeting in less than one hour so we can hit the road again and make it to the next location for their evening service. I condense my presentation with speed. Pastor Chavez shares and we see 25 hands raised to indicate the desire of those who want to enroll.
We make a hurried exit and on the way to the next location I am told that the pastor where we departed was going to take the university to his whole neighborhood and to the other pastors and churches to involve them in the education opportunity.
Hurriedly we travel and arrive to see the congregation eagerly awaiting our presence. With Bible in hand and giving the Spanish scriptures to Pastor Omar we launch into the message of the evening. They church has already received the Pacto De Vida presentation and their projected number had doubled on Friday evening. The Word was readily received with joy and after special ministry to several we departed for home.
I spent some time working on some documents and crashed into bed knowing that I was to be taken about 9:00 AM to the home of one team member where I would have internet access and electricity so I would complete all documents to leave with Pastor Chavez for the extensions and final preparations.
Thursday, October 29:
Things changed again! I am invited to have lunch with the ladies on the board of the ministry to abused wives and children headed by Janette, a TV personality and the wife of the “high judge” with whom I met in August. I take advantage of the electricity until noon,– it ends and we depart for the lunch.
Five ladies arrive and later the husband of one. We greet, sit and order our meal. Well, our host does. Not one of them speaks English and my only interpreter is the actor from Peru and his English is only slightly better than my Spanish. Difficult? YEAH!!!! They are brought up-to-date regarding what is transpiring with the university – they have volunteered to assist. Two are lawyers, one of them is a law instructor in the university and is currently also studying clinical psychology. Another is a journalist. Ooops! I can’t remember the occupation of the last one. Sorry!
As we are about to leave the table, I am requested to change my return ticket and remain to be with them in the morning for a breakfast meeting. Why? I an not sure, but God does. However, I tell them I cannot because I must get home and prepare for a trip to Oklahoma City early Monday morning. So until the next visit we do the typical Spanish “check-to-cheek goodbye” and depart with a full stomach and pocketbook – the treat was theirs!
The afternoon schedule included a Pacto De Vida review and discussion with Pastor Chavez and Pastor Omar Ramirez. POW! WOW! I discover Pastor Chavez has not understood the terminology of “academic year” vs. “calendar year” and the number of credits that complete the “academic year.” After much time new light enters the mind and we complete out planning, having set the stage for further expansion.
The final sharing of the working of the university is with Tabernacle Asaemblaes De Dios, and Pastor Francisco Morrobel. I had ministered there in August. It is a good church, filled with receptive people. Again the process of getting there on time is blurred as we have to pick up my interpreter for the evening, Marlene Luna, pick-up and drop off two and the actor at their location for the evening – again hard to find – and then cris-cross already traveled roads to get to the Church.
Finally we arrive, make the presentation, take a count of hands – I think the count was between 25-35. And we depart to pick up the others. But we do not go to the same location and eventually arrive at an apartment complex. It is the home of the lady who interpreted for me on the previous Friday evening. She has fixed a meal, spaghetti. We all eat, fellowship and then head home – of course dropping off the two Dominican actors, my interpreter and then home for the final hours of preparation for a 9:01 AM departure, meaning a 6:15 AM departure from the house.
I can tell it will be an “all-nighter” It was, in fact no sleep because by the time I finished the work I had to do about 3:45 AM. But there is no reason to try to sleep for one hour and fifteen minutes – I’d be too groggy.
The final surprise was awaiting me. I found out that we were going to pick up Pastor Peguro who is to be on the same JetBlue flight back to For Lauderdale. No problem! Now the problem! I had two suitcase and my carry-on. My host had a case as well as the actor, apparently they were going somewhere on Friday. Then the pastor we picked up had his suitcase and a carry-on.
The car? A Toyota corolla! And the trunk already had a propane gas tank in it as well as some tools and other odds and ends. Pack? Yes! We packed two men and several suitcase into the back seat and “bounced” across the streets to the airport.
That ends it, except for a stop at Ikea on the way home. Marilyn and Nicole met me and had plans to do some shopping. Ikea is only one block north of I-75 on the way home, so no problem, except I had not had anything to eat and no sleep. But I survived as you can tell – I hope.
Thanks again for your interest and prayers,
Dr D
Things here just do not seem to remain the same even after setting a schedule. The key word around which you must build your time overseas is “flexibility”
Today was supposed to be a day of updating all materials and shopping to purchase holders for each of the copies of the CD cycles. So I took advantage of t he time the electricity was to be available wand completed some work. As always the only thing consistent is the “power shut off” – allo though you are never sure exactly when that will be. Then comes the unexpected: Announcement - we have to leave at noon to have dinner with the Pastor from the Assembly of God – the same one we had been with on Sunday evening after the service at the Mennonite Church..
I begin to wonder: What is she fixing now? I really begin to question what is happening because our journey does not go in the direction where we had the meal on Sunday evening. It is a long journey - requiring about one hour. I begin to recognize the area. It is the area where the Junta Judge lives. I visited him in August. Trying to locate the house is a problem but we finally see the husband of the pastor standing in the street and confidence builds. I hear my mind saying, “I would never have placed them in this neighborhood after seeing the area where the Church is located. This is “heaven” compared to the location of the Church.”
We eat, talk and I notice the time. I was told that we were to have out next appointment at 5:00 and that means rush hour traffic. I also know we are to pick up an interpreter. But we also have to journey back to the house and get my equipment. We do and I do. But it is “rest time” according to my host and of course that means a quick trip under the water in the shower to cool off afterwards. Finally we depart – late according to “gringo time” but “on time” according to Dominican Republic time.
We locate Daniel, the interpreter on a street, apparently at a pre-arranged location and head to meet Pastor Perez and his wife. After many turns and “returns” as well as phone calls we locate the building, climb the stairs and are taken into a room with a table, padded walls and a small table with snacks and drink. I almost panic but then I see that this is their recording room as well as a conference room for us today.
GREAT – was the meeting. They also are “on-board” and tell me they project that when they start in January they will have 100 +/- students. Fabulous! That means we are well over the original goal and will probably exceed the original by three times.
So we complete the evening by returning home but have a meal on the way. Monday is complete!
Tuesday, October 27:
My alarm goes off and I rise to prepare for the day. I hear the sound of other alarms but no one else rises to the occasion. When I am finally ready, equipment, clothes, tooth paste, etc., I make noise to arouse the others from their slumber so we can get on the way to Jarabacoa and the YWAM – DTS School. These students are preparing for a missions assignment in Africa. My host and I are to be substitute teachers for the morning.
Jarabacoa is in the mountains about 50 kilometers from Santiago. I was told it was going to be “cold” there so I wore a long sleeve shirt. Wrong! It was cooler but not “cold”. It is about 2 hours from Santo Domingo and we arrived in sufficient time for nothing! It was hit the road and teach. I taught for my allotted time and began a break. Then I am told what the subject was I am to speak about and questioned where I was going with the second session. Recognizing that the first session was on-target but the second was not in the middle of the subject, I suggested that my host, Augusto Chavez, take the next session.
WE ate with the students, had a time of fellowship and I was directed to a room where I could relax for the afternoon. Afternoon! I thought we were to be on our way to Santiago! Wrong! The actor from Peru, who had also been with us on many occasion and was also staying at the house was schedule to do a drama teaching that afternoon and we were to then proceed to Santiago. He did! I did but no rest only work!
My evening appointment became also my home for the evening. Pastor Raul Castellano, his wife and son were perfect hosts. But when their son was not available it was back to “Spanish Sign Language” because my interpreter was to spend the night with some friends and my host, Chavez was going back to Jarabacoa to teach the evening and the next morning – which I did not know until he had departed.
I meet with Pastor Raul and two other pastors as well as US missionary. Pacto De Vida was well accepted although we were not given any final decision. However, I know it will happen, “when” is the only question.
I am told they have hot water. I assume they were talking about the shower to which they had just referred in the same breath. WRONG! But it is too late as I am already in shock from the cold water that attacks my body. I decide that a simple running of water over my body will suffice for the night and got out quickly.
Wednesday, October 28
Morning comes, I slowly begin moving my body, pack and head downstairs for some coffee – yeah me! I spend the next hour using my hands to illustrate words, and the same for Pastor Raul. We laugh a lot but also recognize that we “have” communicated.
His wife makes her way downstairs and we go to the street to meet a taxi who takes me to meet Alvaro Rodriquez, the brother of Gustavo Rodriquez, a close pastor friend from Peru. I am taken to a beautiful school facility and discover that Pastor Alvaro, with his wife as director operate an English speaking private school of 275 students, 1-12.
So I figure that the morning meeting will take place here, but no mention is ever made about a meeting or discussing the university program. Instead I am taken to an outside pavilion where high school students are gathered and hear that the actor, my interpreter and another man from Santo Domingo will do the same play that was done in the Methodist Church where I ministered on Sunday morning.
Bottom Line: No university presentation took place! But Pastor Alvaro took us on a tour of Santiago of key historical locations and treated us to a lunch. Then back to his house to await the arrival of Pastor Chavez to begin our journey back to Santo Domingo.
Bored yet? Okay, I’ll continue!
We return to the city, drop off my interpreter at the YWAM facility, drive across town and drop of the man who came to assist with the drama. Find our way home, with a stop to acquire a Cappuccino and I unpack and ready my materials for the evening sessions – two fo them. One is only a presentation and the other is a sermon.
Yeah, you guessed it! We depart late and have to swing by and pick up Pastor Omar Ramirez, the older brother of Imer, the interpreter who went to Santiago with us. We drive to the house of the Pastor Reuben Peguro with whom we have the appointment. But......!
Here is where things are different than I was told! He get in the car and we drive all the way across town to the same area where I had lunch on Monday but to a different section. We have to drive through mud holes that are at least 12 - 18 inches deep and after several phone calls we arrive at a home where people are in prayer on the lanai area with 50+ white plastic chairs assembled. A projector hangs from the ceiling and musical instruments line on one end with sound equipment.
I am introduced to a pastor and discover here is the connection for the university, not with Pastor Peguro. But I am told by my host, Chavez, that I need to do this meeting in less than one hour so we can hit the road again and make it to the next location for their evening service. I condense my presentation with speed. Pastor Chavez shares and we see 25 hands raised to indicate the desire of those who want to enroll.
We make a hurried exit and on the way to the next location I am told that the pastor where we departed was going to take the university to his whole neighborhood and to the other pastors and churches to involve them in the education opportunity.
Hurriedly we travel and arrive to see the congregation eagerly awaiting our presence. With Bible in hand and giving the Spanish scriptures to Pastor Omar we launch into the message of the evening. They church has already received the Pacto De Vida presentation and their projected number had doubled on Friday evening. The Word was readily received with joy and after special ministry to several we departed for home.
I spent some time working on some documents and crashed into bed knowing that I was to be taken about 9:00 AM to the home of one team member where I would have internet access and electricity so I would complete all documents to leave with Pastor Chavez for the extensions and final preparations.
Thursday, October 29:
Things changed again! I am invited to have lunch with the ladies on the board of the ministry to abused wives and children headed by Janette, a TV personality and the wife of the “high judge” with whom I met in August. I take advantage of the electricity until noon,– it ends and we depart for the lunch.
Five ladies arrive and later the husband of one. We greet, sit and order our meal. Well, our host does. Not one of them speaks English and my only interpreter is the actor from Peru and his English is only slightly better than my Spanish. Difficult? YEAH!!!! They are brought up-to-date regarding what is transpiring with the university – they have volunteered to assist. Two are lawyers, one of them is a law instructor in the university and is currently also studying clinical psychology. Another is a journalist. Ooops! I can’t remember the occupation of the last one. Sorry!
As we are about to leave the table, I am requested to change my return ticket and remain to be with them in the morning for a breakfast meeting. Why? I an not sure, but God does. However, I tell them I cannot because I must get home and prepare for a trip to Oklahoma City early Monday morning. So until the next visit we do the typical Spanish “check-to-cheek goodbye” and depart with a full stomach and pocketbook – the treat was theirs!
The afternoon schedule included a Pacto De Vida review and discussion with Pastor Chavez and Pastor Omar Ramirez. POW! WOW! I discover Pastor Chavez has not understood the terminology of “academic year” vs. “calendar year” and the number of credits that complete the “academic year.” After much time new light enters the mind and we complete out planning, having set the stage for further expansion.
The final sharing of the working of the university is with Tabernacle Asaemblaes De Dios, and Pastor Francisco Morrobel. I had ministered there in August. It is a good church, filled with receptive people. Again the process of getting there on time is blurred as we have to pick up my interpreter for the evening, Marlene Luna, pick-up and drop off two and the actor at their location for the evening – again hard to find – and then cris-cross already traveled roads to get to the Church.
Finally we arrive, make the presentation, take a count of hands – I think the count was between 25-35. And we depart to pick up the others. But we do not go to the same location and eventually arrive at an apartment complex. It is the home of the lady who interpreted for me on the previous Friday evening. She has fixed a meal, spaghetti. We all eat, fellowship and then head home – of course dropping off the two Dominican actors, my interpreter and then home for the final hours of preparation for a 9:01 AM departure, meaning a 6:15 AM departure from the house.
I can tell it will be an “all-nighter” It was, in fact no sleep because by the time I finished the work I had to do about 3:45 AM. But there is no reason to try to sleep for one hour and fifteen minutes – I’d be too groggy.
The final surprise was awaiting me. I found out that we were going to pick up Pastor Peguro who is to be on the same JetBlue flight back to For Lauderdale. No problem! Now the problem! I had two suitcase and my carry-on. My host had a case as well as the actor, apparently they were going somewhere on Friday. Then the pastor we picked up had his suitcase and a carry-on.
The car? A Toyota corolla! And the trunk already had a propane gas tank in it as well as some tools and other odds and ends. Pack? Yes! We packed two men and several suitcase into the back seat and “bounced” across the streets to the airport.
That ends it, except for a stop at Ikea on the way home. Marilyn and Nicole met me and had plans to do some shopping. Ikea is only one block north of I-75 on the way home, so no problem, except I had not had anything to eat and no sleep. But I survived as you can tell – I hope.
Thanks again for your interest and prayers,
Dr D
Friday, October 23, 2009
I have not forgotten you! I have just been without internet abilities – well, better “access.” And it has been very busy.
On Wednesday I was able to spend a lot of time in curriculum preparation as well as operational procedures for Dominican Republic’s extensions of Pacto De Vida Universidad (Covenant Life University). It is important to change all documents so as to give ownership in the country where you are establishing extensions.
And then there is the difference in monies - from soles to pesos, from exchange rates of 2.85-3.00/dollar to 32-36/dollar. So all excel documents need altering, as well as all policies and procedures. Couple that with differences in the meaning of Spanish words and terms and you can see the struggle. But remember you have “gringo” trying to make sense out of Spanish! Fun!!??
I finally figured out why I was shifted from Augusto Chavez’s bachelor pad to that of Moises de la Rosa’s pad with his brother and the maid that their parents have to take care of the place while they live in New York. Why? Because Moises is one member of the five member team that has been organized to operate Pacto De Vida here in Dominicana. That’s right!
Chavez has a degree in marketing and he has put together a team of five guys: an ophthalmologist, an associate Pastor, a Youth With A Mission student and a husky hungry college age student. Each has a special assignment. Only two of them are from the same Church and they are brothers. But all want to serve! And they are not asking for payment – only to cover their expenses such as gas, phone, etc. Three speak fluent English and the other one is in the process.
I “thought” I was having a meeting on Thursday with three pastors to train them on the operational procedures for their extension. Instead it was a meeting of the “team” to introduce all the members to me and to go over their plans to facilitate the university here. They have it planned! I could not offer any further advice at this time, but I will wait and see how their plan operates. I really do not see any evident “bugs” in the operational procedures.
Thursday evening was spent visiting a couple of pastors, just to say “hi” and then to stop a cell group meeting and share a quick 120 second message (Really! I did it!) Then over to the house of the only lady involved who is not one of the front five, but is a “standby” at her request due to her educational schedule. She non-the-less had already gone over some documents and checked their translation accuracy for the Republic of Dominica.
Today, Friday, I got my schedule and boy are the next seven days full! Tonight I went to the first church for the purpose of sharing about Pacto De Vida – its program and educational opportunities. It as one of the five on the list with an expected enrollment of 10. But after presenting a PowerPoint Presentation we discovered that there are 20 who desired to enroll! I return there on Wednesday evening to preach at 8:00 PM – and that is after I present the university to another church at 6:00.
Tomorrow morning I am scheduled to speak at the YWAM - King’s Kids at 9:00. Then in the evening a 7:00 sermon to present, followed by a university presentation. Sunday there are two services to minister the Word – one a Methodist and the evening one is Mennonite. Monday a 5:00 presentation to Casa de Camino completes the day but on Tuesday we depart for Santiago and a 7 pm appointment, another on Wednesday morning at 9 then back to Santo Domingo for a 6 pm Pacto De Vida presentation and then a quick trip to preach at the same church I mentioned that had 20 instead of 10 prospective students. Thursday it’s a 7 pm presentation to an Assemblies of God pastor and congregation then dart over to the Mennonite Church (Sunday eve’s church) for another university presentation.
And with all of this I have discovered that they must have “no-see-ems” here! And boy do they love me! My only means of protection has been to keep the fan running on high at night and “blow them ‘itches’ away”. Either that is what is biting or they have the smallest mosquitoes I have ever seen! It is survival time and I plan on surviving!
Right now it is 12:40 and I am still pressed to complete the message for the youth tomorrow – alkdfla;kgn – pardon that – it isn’t swear words – it is the result of “bug swatting!”
And – there is always an “and” that links you to another situation – and then the cord to my power supply for this laptop has developed a short. I can get around it when I do not have to use my projector. The projector has a cord that adapts easily to the transformer, but I need the projector also! So when I set up it is a “touch-and-go” situation to get the cord twisted just right so it will remain in an “on” position!
And (there it is again) there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason for the power company’s decision to turn off the electricity. This morning it was off from about 8:00 to 10:30. Then it came back but went off again about 2:00 =/-. And that meant it was off until 6:00 pm. Now try to use your computer when the battery is going on two years of age and it holds only about a 40% charge which dissipates very quickly - and wouldn’t you know it right in the middle of something important that must be finished before you leave fo the next appointment.
I am not complaining! Just stating facts! No complaints from me, because it is too exciting to see how God is opening doors and working through ways and people you would not naturally select.
I MUST get that message completed for the youth, so until you read the next blog, remember to keep me in your prayers.
Dr D
Saturday, October 24th
As you can see I was not able to get my computer to a place to update the blog. So I am just adding to it until I can accomplish the task.
Saturday was a “different day.” Different because of a communication gap. We arrived at our destination – YWAM – and I spoke to the youth and ministered to them individually. There were approximately 25 in my session. When I completed the session and went looking for my host, I was told that he would return at 6:00 P.M. It was now 11:30 A.M. So I would be “stranded” here for without my computer and the things I HAD to work on all afternoon. That was bad enough but when he would pick me up we would only have one hour to make it to our evening assignment and it was traffic rush hour. So to go by his house, pick up my computer, my sermon, my bible and the projector was a MUST.
Fortunately, those in charge of YWAM had prepared a bed for me to take a nap and were going to provide lunch and supper. So I made the best of it. And I was glad for my iPhone because I could catch up on my emails – at least those which required a “short” response. That is the way things happen when you are a “missionary” traveling under the responsibility of others. You either adjust or “blow-up” and who wants to find all the parts after such an explosion? Not me!
We did accomplish our assignment and made the evening service at about 8:00 – one hour later than I thought was scheduled. I brought the word and then presented Pacto De Vida (Covenant Life University for you who can’t remember). Surprise! Surprise! Instead of the anticipated 10 potential students, 20 hands were raised. That means that we are now at a rate of double the enrollment than what was projected originally. At this rate we may have well over 100 students before I return home.
If you heard the noise it was just my host rattling on with his Spanish humor making fun of me! I’ll get him during the service this morning when I have an interpreter.
O yes! Another assignment has fallen on my plate. I am to speak to a group of students of YWAM Tuesday morning at 9:30. They are in training for an overseas assignment in the city of Jarabacoa. I am told that, using their words, is “very cold” there. It is in the mountain region on the way to Santiago.
I have now come to the point where I cannot accept any more appointments and still complete all the work that I must do in preparation for starting the extensions of Pacto De Vida here in Dominican Republic.
Sunday, October 25
This has been a fast busy hard day! Part of the struggle is derived from being told that the AM service is at 10:00 and because of the past I ask when will we depart. I am told, “10:00!” So I am ready before the hour and walk out only to see my host still lying on his pad on the floor in front of the door trying to keep cool! The other guest is still asleep. I try discussing it and find out that we do have to be there until 11:00 because the 10:00 is Sunday School. So I adjust my gears and take time to do something on the computer only because the electricity has returned (it goes off at 6:00 AM).
Then to my surprise, we do leave until a few minutes before 11:00. We go out of the way – I can tell – to pick up one other person and then find ourselves in a traffic jam along a very busy street filled with Sunday vendors. Finally we arrive at Iglesia Evangelica Methodist Libre Central. We walk in and “o” that is a biblical term of surprise) they are still in their Sunday School hour so we sit down in the back of the auditorium for 15 minutes, then continue to wait while they go through a “transition” of testimonies, prayer, looking the congregation over to see who is missing. This is led by the pastor who point to people and asks them who they recognize is missing.
We switch to the worship, with which I am pleasantly surprised to see the people involved in worship and vociferous (I like the sound of that word) singing. It was robust and sincere. Even the boy on the backup who could not have been more that twelve.
I will say that I do not know when I have shared the Word with a more active, responsive, enthusiastic group of people – and they are Methodist! To make it short and “sweet” (if that is possible) – it was a great service and was well received. I concluded by giving the pastor a word. He turned to me and grabbed me and for 3-4 minutes “held on for dear life.” Something I said spoke to him. Thank you Jesus!
We were requested to go to the parking lot and “bless a new car.” We did! And it is blessed!
A slow drive without much traffic found us back at the favorite restaurant of my host! Good food! Reliable food! Good waitresses! Good time! Enough said!
Then we journeyed for 5 minutes and found our beds at 3:30. Well they did! I had work to do and had to take advantage of the fact that the electricity was on. That ended – the electricity at 5:00.
Once again, I was ready only to find out that we did not need to leave until 5:30. The Mennonite Church was just around the corner – well 5 corners. Upon arriving there were only 10-15 people there. The pastor began to apologize saying that the extremely hot weather was going to keep people away. It did not but they were slow arriving.
The pastor is the father of the four sons, three of whom have interpreted for me. All are excellent but the oldest, Omar is very responsive and gets into it with me. We have a lot of fun ministering. The Word is delivered and received. Then the pastor comes and very gently suggests that I take only 30 minutes to present the extension ministry of Pacto De Vida because the people want to go home. I accommodate his request but 90% remain and then stand around outside for another 20 minutes. Ten indicate they are interested in becoming students. Good! That makes a prospective list of 50 students and there are four more Churches desiring an extension – or at least we have meetings with them.
We depart and I begin to wonder where we are going. I discover without asking any questions. We returned to the area where we were on Saturday evening and park in front of the Church. The service ends and out comes the pastor and her husband. I am told to get out and follow them across the street and up the steel circular stairs (watching my head because one could seriously endanger their brains on it due to its close circle and low overhead.) I then discover we are going to have a Dominican Meal! It is yucca and onions lightly placed in a skillet – more like a stir fry with rice and chicken.
I am dead on my feet but I make it through. At 10:00 we take our leave and journey home. Here I am and here I will be until noon tomorrow. Because on the way home I am told we will have dinner with the same pastor at noon. She is fixing a traditional “soup” with beef, seafood and ?????
Enough, I am exhausted and want to post this since I can use the computer of my host to do it.
Dr D
I have not forgotten you! I have just been without internet abilities – well, better “access.” And it has been very busy.
On Wednesday I was able to spend a lot of time in curriculum preparation as well as operational procedures for Dominican Republic’s extensions of Pacto De Vida Universidad (Covenant Life University). It is important to change all documents so as to give ownership in the country where you are establishing extensions.
And then there is the difference in monies - from soles to pesos, from exchange rates of 2.85-3.00/dollar to 32-36/dollar. So all excel documents need altering, as well as all policies and procedures. Couple that with differences in the meaning of Spanish words and terms and you can see the struggle. But remember you have “gringo” trying to make sense out of Spanish! Fun!!??
I finally figured out why I was shifted from Augusto Chavez’s bachelor pad to that of Moises de la Rosa’s pad with his brother and the maid that their parents have to take care of the place while they live in New York. Why? Because Moises is one member of the five member team that has been organized to operate Pacto De Vida here in Dominicana. That’s right!
Chavez has a degree in marketing and he has put together a team of five guys: an ophthalmologist, an associate Pastor, a Youth With A Mission student and a husky hungry college age student. Each has a special assignment. Only two of them are from the same Church and they are brothers. But all want to serve! And they are not asking for payment – only to cover their expenses such as gas, phone, etc. Three speak fluent English and the other one is in the process.
I “thought” I was having a meeting on Thursday with three pastors to train them on the operational procedures for their extension. Instead it was a meeting of the “team” to introduce all the members to me and to go over their plans to facilitate the university here. They have it planned! I could not offer any further advice at this time, but I will wait and see how their plan operates. I really do not see any evident “bugs” in the operational procedures.
Thursday evening was spent visiting a couple of pastors, just to say “hi” and then to stop a cell group meeting and share a quick 120 second message (Really! I did it!) Then over to the house of the only lady involved who is not one of the front five, but is a “standby” at her request due to her educational schedule. She non-the-less had already gone over some documents and checked their translation accuracy for the Republic of Dominica.
Today, Friday, I got my schedule and boy are the next seven days full! Tonight I went to the first church for the purpose of sharing about Pacto De Vida – its program and educational opportunities. It as one of the five on the list with an expected enrollment of 10. But after presenting a PowerPoint Presentation we discovered that there are 20 who desired to enroll! I return there on Wednesday evening to preach at 8:00 PM – and that is after I present the university to another church at 6:00.
Tomorrow morning I am scheduled to speak at the YWAM - King’s Kids at 9:00. Then in the evening a 7:00 sermon to present, followed by a university presentation. Sunday there are two services to minister the Word – one a Methodist and the evening one is Mennonite. Monday a 5:00 presentation to Casa de Camino completes the day but on Tuesday we depart for Santiago and a 7 pm appointment, another on Wednesday morning at 9 then back to Santo Domingo for a 6 pm Pacto De Vida presentation and then a quick trip to preach at the same church I mentioned that had 20 instead of 10 prospective students. Thursday it’s a 7 pm presentation to an Assemblies of God pastor and congregation then dart over to the Mennonite Church (Sunday eve’s church) for another university presentation.
And with all of this I have discovered that they must have “no-see-ems” here! And boy do they love me! My only means of protection has been to keep the fan running on high at night and “blow them ‘itches’ away”. Either that is what is biting or they have the smallest mosquitoes I have ever seen! It is survival time and I plan on surviving!
Right now it is 12:40 and I am still pressed to complete the message for the youth tomorrow – alkdfla;kgn – pardon that – it isn’t swear words – it is the result of “bug swatting!”
And – there is always an “and” that links you to another situation – and then the cord to my power supply for this laptop has developed a short. I can get around it when I do not have to use my projector. The projector has a cord that adapts easily to the transformer, but I need the projector also! So when I set up it is a “touch-and-go” situation to get the cord twisted just right so it will remain in an “on” position!
And (there it is again) there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason for the power company’s decision to turn off the electricity. This morning it was off from about 8:00 to 10:30. Then it came back but went off again about 2:00 =/-. And that meant it was off until 6:00 pm. Now try to use your computer when the battery is going on two years of age and it holds only about a 40% charge which dissipates very quickly - and wouldn’t you know it right in the middle of something important that must be finished before you leave fo the next appointment.
I am not complaining! Just stating facts! No complaints from me, because it is too exciting to see how God is opening doors and working through ways and people you would not naturally select.
I MUST get that message completed for the youth, so until you read the next blog, remember to keep me in your prayers.
Dr D
Saturday, October 24th
As you can see I was not able to get my computer to a place to update the blog. So I am just adding to it until I can accomplish the task.
Saturday was a “different day.” Different because of a communication gap. We arrived at our destination – YWAM – and I spoke to the youth and ministered to them individually. There were approximately 25 in my session. When I completed the session and went looking for my host, I was told that he would return at 6:00 P.M. It was now 11:30 A.M. So I would be “stranded” here for without my computer and the things I HAD to work on all afternoon. That was bad enough but when he would pick me up we would only have one hour to make it to our evening assignment and it was traffic rush hour. So to go by his house, pick up my computer, my sermon, my bible and the projector was a MUST.
Fortunately, those in charge of YWAM had prepared a bed for me to take a nap and were going to provide lunch and supper. So I made the best of it. And I was glad for my iPhone because I could catch up on my emails – at least those which required a “short” response. That is the way things happen when you are a “missionary” traveling under the responsibility of others. You either adjust or “blow-up” and who wants to find all the parts after such an explosion? Not me!
We did accomplish our assignment and made the evening service at about 8:00 – one hour later than I thought was scheduled. I brought the word and then presented Pacto De Vida (Covenant Life University for you who can’t remember). Surprise! Surprise! Instead of the anticipated 10 potential students, 20 hands were raised. That means that we are now at a rate of double the enrollment than what was projected originally. At this rate we may have well over 100 students before I return home.
If you heard the noise it was just my host rattling on with his Spanish humor making fun of me! I’ll get him during the service this morning when I have an interpreter.
O yes! Another assignment has fallen on my plate. I am to speak to a group of students of YWAM Tuesday morning at 9:30. They are in training for an overseas assignment in the city of Jarabacoa. I am told that, using their words, is “very cold” there. It is in the mountain region on the way to Santiago.
I have now come to the point where I cannot accept any more appointments and still complete all the work that I must do in preparation for starting the extensions of Pacto De Vida here in Dominican Republic.
Sunday, October 25
This has been a fast busy hard day! Part of the struggle is derived from being told that the AM service is at 10:00 and because of the past I ask when will we depart. I am told, “10:00!” So I am ready before the hour and walk out only to see my host still lying on his pad on the floor in front of the door trying to keep cool! The other guest is still asleep. I try discussing it and find out that we do have to be there until 11:00 because the 10:00 is Sunday School. So I adjust my gears and take time to do something on the computer only because the electricity has returned (it goes off at 6:00 AM).
Then to my surprise, we do leave until a few minutes before 11:00. We go out of the way – I can tell – to pick up one other person and then find ourselves in a traffic jam along a very busy street filled with Sunday vendors. Finally we arrive at Iglesia Evangelica Methodist Libre Central. We walk in and “o” that is a biblical term of surprise) they are still in their Sunday School hour so we sit down in the back of the auditorium for 15 minutes, then continue to wait while they go through a “transition” of testimonies, prayer, looking the congregation over to see who is missing. This is led by the pastor who point to people and asks them who they recognize is missing.
We switch to the worship, with which I am pleasantly surprised to see the people involved in worship and vociferous (I like the sound of that word) singing. It was robust and sincere. Even the boy on the backup who could not have been more that twelve.
I will say that I do not know when I have shared the Word with a more active, responsive, enthusiastic group of people – and they are Methodist! To make it short and “sweet” (if that is possible) – it was a great service and was well received. I concluded by giving the pastor a word. He turned to me and grabbed me and for 3-4 minutes “held on for dear life.” Something I said spoke to him. Thank you Jesus!
We were requested to go to the parking lot and “bless a new car.” We did! And it is blessed!
A slow drive without much traffic found us back at the favorite restaurant of my host! Good food! Reliable food! Good waitresses! Good time! Enough said!
Then we journeyed for 5 minutes and found our beds at 3:30. Well they did! I had work to do and had to take advantage of the fact that the electricity was on. That ended – the electricity at 5:00.
Once again, I was ready only to find out that we did not need to leave until 5:30. The Mennonite Church was just around the corner – well 5 corners. Upon arriving there were only 10-15 people there. The pastor began to apologize saying that the extremely hot weather was going to keep people away. It did not but they were slow arriving.
The pastor is the father of the four sons, three of whom have interpreted for me. All are excellent but the oldest, Omar is very responsive and gets into it with me. We have a lot of fun ministering. The Word is delivered and received. Then the pastor comes and very gently suggests that I take only 30 minutes to present the extension ministry of Pacto De Vida because the people want to go home. I accommodate his request but 90% remain and then stand around outside for another 20 minutes. Ten indicate they are interested in becoming students. Good! That makes a prospective list of 50 students and there are four more Churches desiring an extension – or at least we have meetings with them.
We depart and I begin to wonder where we are going. I discover without asking any questions. We returned to the area where we were on Saturday evening and park in front of the Church. The service ends and out comes the pastor and her husband. I am told to get out and follow them across the street and up the steel circular stairs (watching my head because one could seriously endanger their brains on it due to its close circle and low overhead.) I then discover we are going to have a Dominican Meal! It is yucca and onions lightly placed in a skillet – more like a stir fry with rice and chicken.
I am dead on my feet but I make it through. At 10:00 we take our leave and journey home. Here I am and here I will be until noon tomorrow. Because on the way home I am told we will have dinner with the same pastor at noon. She is fixing a traditional “soup” with beef, seafood and ?????
Enough, I am exhausted and want to post this since I can use the computer of my host to do it.
Dr D
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Back Again To Dominican Republic
October 21, 2009
Greetings from the Dominican Republic with all of its heat, no A/C, cold showers and great people!
Thanks to a couple of families with a burden for the nations, and their booking the flight I have returned to Dominican Republic to start four extensions of Covenant Life University or as stated in Spanish - Pacto De Vida Universidad.
There is always a surprise waiting on you when you venture into the other lands. On Monday the surprise this time was that my host would be out of town Tuesday and Wednesday in Haiti where he is in the process of building a building for a ministry to the children of the city. AND!!! (There can always be an “and”.)
If you remember the last time I was here, someone stole the power line to the house where I stayed. This time they must have stolen the water line to the bathroom. Why? No water in the bathroom at all! So it means that to shower you use a container and pour water over your body, then soap up and again pour water over you to rinse off. Sounds rough but in one way it was better than having the water shoot out from the pipe in the wall with all of it’s coldness. Why is it better? Well the water had been in the bucket over-night and so it had come to room temperature and therefore wasn’t so bad.
Well, since Pastor Chavez had to be out of town, I was placed in the home of a friend of his who speaks at the best, a little better English than I do Spanish. Oh, I did have an interpreter yesterday when we met with two pastors – well that is with the first one, although the pastor does speak English. Last night’s meeting was okay because the Pastor is fluent in English.
I knew these brothers from the Spanish Conference of the SonShine Network Ministries (International Pentecostal Holiness). They are great pastors. Johnnie Martinez has a church in a tent. Not just “a tent” but an air-conditioned tent seating 750+ with seats like those we have in Ft. Myers. Their attendance at this location is about 1,000. He has a TV ministry that is broadcast on satellite four times. They have two services on Sunday morning then he travels about one hour to his second location where they have another tent and about 400 in attendance. He has a great vision for ministering to his country and raising up workers for the kingdom both as Kings (professionals) and as Priests (Pastors). I believe I will hear from him again.
Tuesday evening I met with Freddy Perez who holds his services in the coliseum in the boxing arena. They currently have about 2,000 in attendance. They were having their midweek prayer service and he asked me to meet him before the service at 7:00 pm. I did and we adjourned about 7:45 to the service. It was very interesting as well as powerful. They have an emphasis on deliverance. Believe me there is a big need for it in this country. He is the preacher of the hour on Sunday and his wife is the preacher on Tuesdays. There is no doubt about it – she is good and knows how to communicate with the people.
During the service he requested that I meet with both him and his wife after the service. The result: I will meet with them on Monday evening to go into details about putting an extension in their Church. So from four the number is now five!
My guest house - or better the house where I am staying is a clean house and Moises and his sister - I think - maybe another relative and his brother. His father lives in New York.
Hold everything! He just came into my room and typed the following on my computer then translated it for me using Babelfish: voy a ir a comprar algo para la gripe y me quedare jugando un poco de domino,si me necesitas llamame al celular – I am going to go to buy something for the influenza and it will be playing a little I dominate to me, if you need call to me to the cellular phone!
Did you read that word: “influenza!” I DID! So keep me in your prayers!
Back to the house - at least it has running water even though it is cold – and I found it is better to dip and pour even here. I will be here tonight and then back to the “Chavez Pad”
Tomorrow I have an 11:00 appointment to train three pastors on how to operate an extension of Pacto De Vida. And hopefully to find out more about the schedule I face.
So until you read – and I am not sure when – because I have a great difficulty getting on-line at the “pad” .....
God Bless,
Dr D
Greetings from the Dominican Republic with all of its heat, no A/C, cold showers and great people!
Thanks to a couple of families with a burden for the nations, and their booking the flight I have returned to Dominican Republic to start four extensions of Covenant Life University or as stated in Spanish - Pacto De Vida Universidad.
There is always a surprise waiting on you when you venture into the other lands. On Monday the surprise this time was that my host would be out of town Tuesday and Wednesday in Haiti where he is in the process of building a building for a ministry to the children of the city. AND!!! (There can always be an “and”.)
If you remember the last time I was here, someone stole the power line to the house where I stayed. This time they must have stolen the water line to the bathroom. Why? No water in the bathroom at all! So it means that to shower you use a container and pour water over your body, then soap up and again pour water over you to rinse off. Sounds rough but in one way it was better than having the water shoot out from the pipe in the wall with all of it’s coldness. Why is it better? Well the water had been in the bucket over-night and so it had come to room temperature and therefore wasn’t so bad.
Well, since Pastor Chavez had to be out of town, I was placed in the home of a friend of his who speaks at the best, a little better English than I do Spanish. Oh, I did have an interpreter yesterday when we met with two pastors – well that is with the first one, although the pastor does speak English. Last night’s meeting was okay because the Pastor is fluent in English.
I knew these brothers from the Spanish Conference of the SonShine Network Ministries (International Pentecostal Holiness). They are great pastors. Johnnie Martinez has a church in a tent. Not just “a tent” but an air-conditioned tent seating 750+ with seats like those we have in Ft. Myers. Their attendance at this location is about 1,000. He has a TV ministry that is broadcast on satellite four times. They have two services on Sunday morning then he travels about one hour to his second location where they have another tent and about 400 in attendance. He has a great vision for ministering to his country and raising up workers for the kingdom both as Kings (professionals) and as Priests (Pastors). I believe I will hear from him again.
Tuesday evening I met with Freddy Perez who holds his services in the coliseum in the boxing arena. They currently have about 2,000 in attendance. They were having their midweek prayer service and he asked me to meet him before the service at 7:00 pm. I did and we adjourned about 7:45 to the service. It was very interesting as well as powerful. They have an emphasis on deliverance. Believe me there is a big need for it in this country. He is the preacher of the hour on Sunday and his wife is the preacher on Tuesdays. There is no doubt about it – she is good and knows how to communicate with the people.
During the service he requested that I meet with both him and his wife after the service. The result: I will meet with them on Monday evening to go into details about putting an extension in their Church. So from four the number is now five!
My guest house - or better the house where I am staying is a clean house and Moises and his sister - I think - maybe another relative and his brother. His father lives in New York.
Hold everything! He just came into my room and typed the following on my computer then translated it for me using Babelfish: voy a ir a comprar algo para la gripe y me quedare jugando un poco de domino,si me necesitas llamame al celular – I am going to go to buy something for the influenza and it will be playing a little I dominate to me, if you need call to me to the cellular phone!
Did you read that word: “influenza!” I DID! So keep me in your prayers!
Back to the house - at least it has running water even though it is cold – and I found it is better to dip and pour even here. I will be here tonight and then back to the “Chavez Pad”
Tomorrow I have an 11:00 appointment to train three pastors on how to operate an extension of Pacto De Vida. And hopefully to find out more about the schedule I face.
So until you read – and I am not sure when – because I have a great difficulty getting on-line at the “pad” .....
God Bless,
Dr D
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Dominican Republic Catch-Up and Final For This Trip
I left you last at 10:00 AM on Saturday. Since that time much, much has happened and many, many doors of various kinds have opened.
We departed from our place of abode and headed across town to pick up Marlene Luna, my interpreter and headed after a couple of stops to a lunch meeting with a group of prominent ladies who are the force behind an organization that works to assist abused women and children of the Dominican Republic. The leader is a TV personality and those who assist her are lawyers, journalists, one is even from Miami.
I knew that Jeaneris was married to a judge, but I was not expecting what I found. First of all we were met by a vehicle that escorted us to their house. When the driver stepped out of his car, I discovered I was in the presence of several well armed government security men and personal body guards. The judge is a very high judge comparable to our Supreme Court Judges.
After a time of sharing, then eating a typical Dominican meal I was privileged to sit with the judge, talk to him and pray for both he and his wife and then the other members of the foundation. The judge informed me the government was in the process of writing a law which would give the Evangelical pastors the privilege of performing marriages even as the Catholic Priests now have. So the “project” – as Pacto De Vida became known for the remainder of my trip – was very interesting to him and he promised his support and legal knowledge to assist even in the process of registering Pacto De Vida (Covenant Life University) in the country. AND – the spokesman for the foundation – informed me that they wanted to be of any assistance I might need. Those who were lawyers freely offered their help and were going to start their own research.
We had to tear ourselves away from those present so we could make it to our evening Church appointment. We arrived after they service had started – which seemed to be the pattern because we were always behind schedule due to the pressing of those we were with previous to our next appointment. The sounds of worship echoed from the little room on the corner of the block and all I can say is that it was a joyous sound.
Now I can’t say much about the preacher – it would be too easy to overstate the case – but the response was again tremendous (as had been the other services to this point.) When the service ended we rushed out, into our car and I thought I was going to get home early! WRONG AGAIN! We drove to the YWAM (Youth With A Mission) facility where I became the final speaker for the weeks activities.
My assignment: Challenge the parents to support the youth and what God had accomplished in their lives during the past week. I “think” it was a success by the way the parents greeted me and hugged me as though I was “their pastor.”
Now since I had not eaten anything since 2:30 and it was now almost 11:00 (again this was becoming a pattern for the week) but by the time we took Marlene home and got back to our place it was now 12:30 AM on Sunday and sleep was a necessity if I was to survive the upcoming events.
Sunday’s activities began with departure at 9:30 AM, go across town (after getting a cappuccino and a pastry – a bun like piece of bread, which also became a morning ritual for breakfast. It took us over 45 minutes to traverse the city of Santo Domingo even on Sunday AM – and then to try to get to the Tabernacle Assembly of God, pastored by Pastor Francisco and Anna Rosa. We did but had to venture around and around because of the activities taking place in the area of the Church. Well, we did not make it for Sunday School, but we were slightly early for the 11:00 service.
The place was packed! IT HAD AIR CONDITIONING! Thank the Lord! Their auditorium was upstairs and would hold about 200 in close quarters sitting and then I am not sure how many were standing on the stairs that led back downstairs to the floor below.
I was greeted with a warm welcoming statement: “You have a minimum of one hour to preach. And one hour can be too short for these people!” Only a preacher can enjoy such a statement! I did my best! Now wait a minute, after sharing about the university I only preached for about 45-50 minutes, plus an altar ministry (well maybe it was 50-55 minutes – I haven’t edited the sermon which I recorded yet!
I had to meet with the pastor and his wife after the service to share about the university, so it was after 2:00 PM when we walked outside to the car and drove to the mall for some Dominican Pizza and a Dominican Pizza Desert (WOW!) Both were good and after doing my best to eat my share – which was not my normal amount – we took Marlene to the YWAM facility and picked up Imer Ramierz, a pastor’s son, 21 years of age and a YWAM-er to travel with us to Santiago for two service in the evening, the first which was scheduled to begin at 5:30 PM.
However, it requires a minimum of two hours travel time. But since we did not depart until 4:00 PM and had to drive in a down pour, we did not arrive until about 6:15 and the pastor’s wife was ministering the Word. So, I missed sharing but by 7:00 their second service started, the auditorium finally filled up, I ministered the Word and God blessed.
Pastor Chavez disappeared at the beginning of the second service and returned with another pastor – a Cuban who was pastoring another church in this city of Santiago. He wanted to introduce him to me and for him to be a part of the meeting after the service regarding Pacto De Vida. So we ventured out to the mall, had some Dominican food and talked about the university.
I have found out that Pastors like to talk to other Pastors – particularly when one is from he United States. So we spent a lot of time after talking about education and then finally drove to a home where my host used a key he had, opened the gate, then went in the house and disarmed the security, took me inside and showed me my room and the shower. I wonder where we were and he told me that the owners, who were there at this time, had given him a key and permission to stay there whenever he was in the city.
So I crashed with my a pedestal fan acting as my personal air-conditioner and tried to sleep. But being in a new place, with different sounds and knowing that I only had about 4 hours and it would be time to get up again and drive to Haiti, it was hard to shut my mind off from the activities of the day and what may be ahead of me. Well, as you can imagine, morning came either too soon or too slowly so it was “upward and onward” into the unknown.
By 9:30 AM Monday, we were in Dajadon, Dominican Republic on the border of Haiti. What now, I wondered as we made our way on foot through the teeming groups of businesses lining the street, merchants pushing their carts of all sizes and shapes loaded with everything from fruit to chairs and mattresses through the mobs and listening to the cries of others selling their wares. All of this while we were walking toward the border crossing.
Allow me to only say that “a miracle provided” our entry into Haiti in less than 5 minutes. It was very interesting to hear the border patrol officers scream out “Chavez,” throw up their hands and welcome us as we walked through the covered gate. I cannot tell you how crowded the narrow roadway was with people going both directions. It was like watching a colony of ants busily working on some bread crumbs and toting them to their ant hill.
The shock came when I saw the different conditions on the Haitian side of the border. Over 60,000 people live in this village area. “Filth, stench, unsanitary” are the best words to describe what I saw. I will not even begin to describe what my eyes saw, but only say, food stands with food lying on dirty clothes covered the ground right next to piles of garbage from which water was draining from the rains the day before. Meat was being cut with axes and machetes on dirty clothes lying right on the ground. In the middle of the major market an area about the size of the infield of a baseball diamond and completely surrounded by food peddlers was a pile of garbage averaging about 30 inches high through which many would come at night and sift through to see if any peddler had thrown away anything they could eat.
We eventually wound our way from there to a building under construction. Pastor Chavez is building a place where he can educate, feed and train children of this area. On the way there I heard time and time again the cries of children as the called out “Chavez! Chavez!” and ran to hug him as we walked. His plan is to complete the first floor of 6 rooms about 20 feet square. He has also purchased a field behind the building on which he plans to build a playground and use some for growing food. His desire is to build a clinic in front so he can see the children receive the medical help they need. I asked him how much money he needed to get it open in September. $2,000 with which to purchase the doors and windows.
It took me two hours after crossing the border back in to Dominican Republic to get the odor out of my consciousness. And the sights and sounds vividly remain with me as I write this.
We had an appointment with the brother of Gustavo Rodriquez from Peru at the mall to share with him the “project”. We meet him there about 4:30 - 5:00. The meeting was almost completed when Pastor Chavez saw a pastor descending on the escalator. He went over and called to him. The pastor came and sat down. I was instructed to share with him the “project” but before I could, Alvaro, Gustavo’s brother began and in less than three minutes I was given an “opportunity” to speak at the Santiago Evangelical Pastors Meeting at 7:00 PM. I say “opportunity” but is such a divine appointment really an “opportunity” or is it another point of destiny with God?
Simply, I did and the response was over-whelming and a demand was placed on us that we open an extension also in Santiago. Question? How do you open “an extension” by choosing “one church, one pastor” over the desires and needs of “many pastors?” That is the question I face, both in Santiago and Santo Domingo!
We got back to Santo Domingo and to our home about 11:30 PM, only to discover that someone had cut the electric wire from the pole to the house and taken it with them. So for the next 36 hours we were without the “natural” electrical feed to the house. An extension cord was dropped out a window to the neighbor below and we used it for our fans on Monday evening. However, for Tuesday night we “back-fed” the electricity using the cord and plugged it into a receptacle and sent it throughout the house. So I at least had electricity to do some very necessary computer work and thus be albs to leave some valuable material with Pastor Chavez and the team of two youth who have volunteered to help in the beginning of Pacto De Vida in the Dominican Republic.
Tuesday, my last day here was filled with appointments with pastors and leaders as well as an evening service. One of those appointments was in the home of a man who owns five optometry stores in Santo Domingo. I soon discovered that he was also a Mennonite pastor. We had spent about 30-40 minutes talking about the “project” and various other spiritual thoughts when he turned to my host and said, “Pastor Chavez, everyone needs to be submitted to someone who is older in the ministry than they are. You and I need to submit our lives and ministry to Dr. D.”
My mouth probably dropped open and I am sure the look on my \face was something else as he turned to me and asked me if I would be his “father -in-the-faith” and watch over him and his ministry. He jumped over any denominational barrier, over any cultural barrier and what could I say?
The presence of the Holy Spirit was rich and I simply responded, “I would be honored.” I will not continue (it would take too much space) to share the other things he expressed. This man is a very successful business man with a lovely family of two late teen, early twenties daughters and a handsome son in the same age category. And then the next words were, “Will you come in later October and be the speaker for our Couples Retreat? And if you cannot be here in October, will you commit to next year?”
The ministry portion of the trip ended Tuesday evening service. I am home! But the impact of this trip will last forever. However, the challenge is BIG! The open doors are many! A nation can be changed spiritually by walking along side of these pastors and their people to assist them in doing the work God has called them to do in their country.
NOW WHAT? We need finances immediately so we can purchase the necessary equipment and supplies as well as print the syllabus outlines of the lessons for the students to purchase. A computer, a printer and a CD/DVD reproducer and some CD/DVD’s and some paper to print the applications as well as the CD/DVD covers.
$3-5,000 will launch the “project”!
The pastors and the students are waiting! God opened the doors! Destiny is ahead!
THE CHALLENGE! Finances! And God is the provider? Are you a channel for the provisions? Pray with us that God will supply what we nee so we can open Universidad Pacto De Vida - Dominican Republic before November.
We departed from our place of abode and headed across town to pick up Marlene Luna, my interpreter and headed after a couple of stops to a lunch meeting with a group of prominent ladies who are the force behind an organization that works to assist abused women and children of the Dominican Republic. The leader is a TV personality and those who assist her are lawyers, journalists, one is even from Miami.
I knew that Jeaneris was married to a judge, but I was not expecting what I found. First of all we were met by a vehicle that escorted us to their house. When the driver stepped out of his car, I discovered I was in the presence of several well armed government security men and personal body guards. The judge is a very high judge comparable to our Supreme Court Judges.
After a time of sharing, then eating a typical Dominican meal I was privileged to sit with the judge, talk to him and pray for both he and his wife and then the other members of the foundation. The judge informed me the government was in the process of writing a law which would give the Evangelical pastors the privilege of performing marriages even as the Catholic Priests now have. So the “project” – as Pacto De Vida became known for the remainder of my trip – was very interesting to him and he promised his support and legal knowledge to assist even in the process of registering Pacto De Vida (Covenant Life University) in the country. AND – the spokesman for the foundation – informed me that they wanted to be of any assistance I might need. Those who were lawyers freely offered their help and were going to start their own research.
We had to tear ourselves away from those present so we could make it to our evening Church appointment. We arrived after they service had started – which seemed to be the pattern because we were always behind schedule due to the pressing of those we were with previous to our next appointment. The sounds of worship echoed from the little room on the corner of the block and all I can say is that it was a joyous sound.
Now I can’t say much about the preacher – it would be too easy to overstate the case – but the response was again tremendous (as had been the other services to this point.) When the service ended we rushed out, into our car and I thought I was going to get home early! WRONG AGAIN! We drove to the YWAM (Youth With A Mission) facility where I became the final speaker for the weeks activities.
My assignment: Challenge the parents to support the youth and what God had accomplished in their lives during the past week. I “think” it was a success by the way the parents greeted me and hugged me as though I was “their pastor.”
Now since I had not eaten anything since 2:30 and it was now almost 11:00 (again this was becoming a pattern for the week) but by the time we took Marlene home and got back to our place it was now 12:30 AM on Sunday and sleep was a necessity if I was to survive the upcoming events.
Sunday’s activities began with departure at 9:30 AM, go across town (after getting a cappuccino and a pastry – a bun like piece of bread, which also became a morning ritual for breakfast. It took us over 45 minutes to traverse the city of Santo Domingo even on Sunday AM – and then to try to get to the Tabernacle Assembly of God, pastored by Pastor Francisco and Anna Rosa. We did but had to venture around and around because of the activities taking place in the area of the Church. Well, we did not make it for Sunday School, but we were slightly early for the 11:00 service.
The place was packed! IT HAD AIR CONDITIONING! Thank the Lord! Their auditorium was upstairs and would hold about 200 in close quarters sitting and then I am not sure how many were standing on the stairs that led back downstairs to the floor below.
I was greeted with a warm welcoming statement: “You have a minimum of one hour to preach. And one hour can be too short for these people!” Only a preacher can enjoy such a statement! I did my best! Now wait a minute, after sharing about the university I only preached for about 45-50 minutes, plus an altar ministry (well maybe it was 50-55 minutes – I haven’t edited the sermon which I recorded yet!
I had to meet with the pastor and his wife after the service to share about the university, so it was after 2:00 PM when we walked outside to the car and drove to the mall for some Dominican Pizza and a Dominican Pizza Desert (WOW!) Both were good and after doing my best to eat my share – which was not my normal amount – we took Marlene to the YWAM facility and picked up Imer Ramierz, a pastor’s son, 21 years of age and a YWAM-er to travel with us to Santiago for two service in the evening, the first which was scheduled to begin at 5:30 PM.
However, it requires a minimum of two hours travel time. But since we did not depart until 4:00 PM and had to drive in a down pour, we did not arrive until about 6:15 and the pastor’s wife was ministering the Word. So, I missed sharing but by 7:00 their second service started, the auditorium finally filled up, I ministered the Word and God blessed.
Pastor Chavez disappeared at the beginning of the second service and returned with another pastor – a Cuban who was pastoring another church in this city of Santiago. He wanted to introduce him to me and for him to be a part of the meeting after the service regarding Pacto De Vida. So we ventured out to the mall, had some Dominican food and talked about the university.
I have found out that Pastors like to talk to other Pastors – particularly when one is from he United States. So we spent a lot of time after talking about education and then finally drove to a home where my host used a key he had, opened the gate, then went in the house and disarmed the security, took me inside and showed me my room and the shower. I wonder where we were and he told me that the owners, who were there at this time, had given him a key and permission to stay there whenever he was in the city.
So I crashed with my a pedestal fan acting as my personal air-conditioner and tried to sleep. But being in a new place, with different sounds and knowing that I only had about 4 hours and it would be time to get up again and drive to Haiti, it was hard to shut my mind off from the activities of the day and what may be ahead of me. Well, as you can imagine, morning came either too soon or too slowly so it was “upward and onward” into the unknown.
By 9:30 AM Monday, we were in Dajadon, Dominican Republic on the border of Haiti. What now, I wondered as we made our way on foot through the teeming groups of businesses lining the street, merchants pushing their carts of all sizes and shapes loaded with everything from fruit to chairs and mattresses through the mobs and listening to the cries of others selling their wares. All of this while we were walking toward the border crossing.
Allow me to only say that “a miracle provided” our entry into Haiti in less than 5 minutes. It was very interesting to hear the border patrol officers scream out “Chavez,” throw up their hands and welcome us as we walked through the covered gate. I cannot tell you how crowded the narrow roadway was with people going both directions. It was like watching a colony of ants busily working on some bread crumbs and toting them to their ant hill.
The shock came when I saw the different conditions on the Haitian side of the border. Over 60,000 people live in this village area. “Filth, stench, unsanitary” are the best words to describe what I saw. I will not even begin to describe what my eyes saw, but only say, food stands with food lying on dirty clothes covered the ground right next to piles of garbage from which water was draining from the rains the day before. Meat was being cut with axes and machetes on dirty clothes lying right on the ground. In the middle of the major market an area about the size of the infield of a baseball diamond and completely surrounded by food peddlers was a pile of garbage averaging about 30 inches high through which many would come at night and sift through to see if any peddler had thrown away anything they could eat.
We eventually wound our way from there to a building under construction. Pastor Chavez is building a place where he can educate, feed and train children of this area. On the way there I heard time and time again the cries of children as the called out “Chavez! Chavez!” and ran to hug him as we walked. His plan is to complete the first floor of 6 rooms about 20 feet square. He has also purchased a field behind the building on which he plans to build a playground and use some for growing food. His desire is to build a clinic in front so he can see the children receive the medical help they need. I asked him how much money he needed to get it open in September. $2,000 with which to purchase the doors and windows.
It took me two hours after crossing the border back in to Dominican Republic to get the odor out of my consciousness. And the sights and sounds vividly remain with me as I write this.
We had an appointment with the brother of Gustavo Rodriquez from Peru at the mall to share with him the “project”. We meet him there about 4:30 - 5:00. The meeting was almost completed when Pastor Chavez saw a pastor descending on the escalator. He went over and called to him. The pastor came and sat down. I was instructed to share with him the “project” but before I could, Alvaro, Gustavo’s brother began and in less than three minutes I was given an “opportunity” to speak at the Santiago Evangelical Pastors Meeting at 7:00 PM. I say “opportunity” but is such a divine appointment really an “opportunity” or is it another point of destiny with God?
Simply, I did and the response was over-whelming and a demand was placed on us that we open an extension also in Santiago. Question? How do you open “an extension” by choosing “one church, one pastor” over the desires and needs of “many pastors?” That is the question I face, both in Santiago and Santo Domingo!
We got back to Santo Domingo and to our home about 11:30 PM, only to discover that someone had cut the electric wire from the pole to the house and taken it with them. So for the next 36 hours we were without the “natural” electrical feed to the house. An extension cord was dropped out a window to the neighbor below and we used it for our fans on Monday evening. However, for Tuesday night we “back-fed” the electricity using the cord and plugged it into a receptacle and sent it throughout the house. So I at least had electricity to do some very necessary computer work and thus be albs to leave some valuable material with Pastor Chavez and the team of two youth who have volunteered to help in the beginning of Pacto De Vida in the Dominican Republic.
Tuesday, my last day here was filled with appointments with pastors and leaders as well as an evening service. One of those appointments was in the home of a man who owns five optometry stores in Santo Domingo. I soon discovered that he was also a Mennonite pastor. We had spent about 30-40 minutes talking about the “project” and various other spiritual thoughts when he turned to my host and said, “Pastor Chavez, everyone needs to be submitted to someone who is older in the ministry than they are. You and I need to submit our lives and ministry to Dr. D.”
My mouth probably dropped open and I am sure the look on my \face was something else as he turned to me and asked me if I would be his “father -in-the-faith” and watch over him and his ministry. He jumped over any denominational barrier, over any cultural barrier and what could I say?
The presence of the Holy Spirit was rich and I simply responded, “I would be honored.” I will not continue (it would take too much space) to share the other things he expressed. This man is a very successful business man with a lovely family of two late teen, early twenties daughters and a handsome son in the same age category. And then the next words were, “Will you come in later October and be the speaker for our Couples Retreat? And if you cannot be here in October, will you commit to next year?”
The ministry portion of the trip ended Tuesday evening service. I am home! But the impact of this trip will last forever. However, the challenge is BIG! The open doors are many! A nation can be changed spiritually by walking along side of these pastors and their people to assist them in doing the work God has called them to do in their country.
NOW WHAT? We need finances immediately so we can purchase the necessary equipment and supplies as well as print the syllabus outlines of the lessons for the students to purchase. A computer, a printer and a CD/DVD reproducer and some CD/DVD’s and some paper to print the applications as well as the CD/DVD covers.
$3-5,000 will launch the “project”!
The pastors and the students are waiting! God opened the doors! Destiny is ahead!
THE CHALLENGE! Finances! And God is the provider? Are you a channel for the provisions? Pray with us that God will supply what we nee so we can open Universidad Pacto De Vida - Dominican Republic before November.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Dominican Republic Blog
Wednesday (8/12/09)
I arrived on time and that is after the plane arrived in Fort Lauderdale 35 minutes late. Somehow those “Spirit” people got us away from the gate right on time - 6:15 PM. And then they sat us down on the runway at 8:21 PM and I walked off the plane before 8:30 PM.
Immigration and Aduana (Customs) was no problem and I breezed through it and out the door to my waiting host – I thought before 8:45. But to my amazement – no one greeted me! And they had my picture – but maybe that is why no one was there. I finally went upstairs and ran into a friendly taxi drive hoping to get a fair I figured. He did not speak English but he wanted to help and in a few minutes with no help from any airlines or terminal staff, he just took out his phone and called the number of the pastor. I had that with me and in a few seconds the voice on the other end told him they had arrived and would be upstairs to get me in a few seconds. They did! And we were out he door.
Now remember, my Spanish level rises to the great heights of about the size of the letters you are reading. Well, on a scale of 1-10, it hits the heights of .001! But the pastor who knows no English brought a Doctor – and that is scarey in itself. Why is it that Ukraine, Peru, and now Dominican have doctors that come to meet me? Well, Paul had Dr. Luke so I guess I am in with the best!
We stopped by the mall to get some food – Burger King and then a couple of bottles of water and off we went to the bachelor pad! The pastor is single and his home is just that – a bachelor pad. No screens, an ocillating fan for AC, no shower head, just a stream of water and I’m not sure yet if it is hot or cold and a toliet that does not flush – you pour the water into it from the sink and the sink faucwet runs slowly so it is a major job to get enough water to flush. But anyway, it isn’t an “outhouse” and the place looks clean.
No internet tonight – problems with the equipment of the pastors, so off to bed – if I can sleep. Like a dumb bunny I did not bring my printer, having printed out the sermons I thought they requested but now I find out that there are several more services added with each having a requested subject.
Tomorrow it is a youth camp which focuses on missions and I am to speak about missions. That will not be hard but I’ll lay away most of the night tring to get it right so the Spirit can have something to use to speak to the youth.
Hey! This is enough for tonight. I’ll add to it later because tomorrow is here and the activity begins at 8:00 not the 10:30 that was on my schedule.
Thursday & Friday (11:00 AM on Friday)
I slept last night, rather Wednesday night “some”. No AC and a fan blowing on me and no pillow only my zipper bag of t-shirts as a pillow and covered by the t-shirt I had worn on Wednesday’s trip to Santo Domingo. Talk about “improvising”.
Then I had to face the shower! I could not do it! I decided I’d just do a “spash wash” (whatever that is) and get by since we were going to a YWAM camp. I knew it had to be rustic! Was I surprised! It was lovely and the youth were fantastic. But here was the “catch”.
I have never felt comfortable speaking to youth – at least in the last 20-25 years. However, God showed up and honored my faith and we had a fabulous morning service as I challenged the youth to give their life to a full-time ministry – to which we are all called! The only difference between any of us is “how we earn our living”. The response and altar service lasted for one and one-half hours.
After eating lunch, Pastor Chavez said we were going to take a nap, then we would talk about the university at 4:00 PM. That was okay with me, even though I had just found out we would remain here and go from here to the street meeting with these youth. A street meeting was in the agenda, but I did not know we were going with this group of kids. So, as in missions, you just “punt” and play hard.
HOWEVER! While I was resting, not sleeping, it began to storm and I mean STORM!!! Lightning, thunder and torrential rain for over two hours. When I got up to go outside, it had almost ceased so I journied from my room to the main area and open air cabana to meet with the pastor. He had a strange look on his face and I began to wonder “what now?” The “what now” was that the rain had flooded the low area where we had to ford the water and we were not going to be able to have the street meeting ... AND WE WERE NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO EVEN GO BACK TO HIS HOUSE!
Hold it Jack! That meant I would have to sleep here, without any thing with me but what I had on. No towel, no soap, no toothbrush or toothpaste and all the rest! So, because of that, I was then told I would be the speaker for the evening service, after we concluded our discussion about the university – which lasted four hours (your eyes read that correctly - 4 HOURS) and no time to even get my mind in gear and hear what the Holy Spirit had planned.
But as is the beauty of the Spirit of God, he fed me and I fed the youth. Another blow-out service. The Word, prayer, prophetic words to some, encouragement to others, emotional healings and much much more. The service concluded about 11:30 and I was then taken to the cafeteria to eat what I refused to eat before the service. Now it was not because I did not like what they were serving. I eat what is set before me regardless (well almost) but because I do not eat just before speaking.
I ate, spent some time sharing with the youth who dropped by and spoke English or who brought an interpreter with them. Some workers brought us bedding and we ventured down to our room, mae our beds and took the towel and headed to the shower. On the way, Pastor Chavez entered the room of some guys and found a bar of soap. After taking my shower I found a tube of tooth paste God had placed in the room because of one youth’s forgetfulness and with my finger “brushed - that is rubbed” my teeth – at least my mouth felt clean.
Sleeping??? Well that was another story that will have to wait until I return from my noon appointment. See you then!
I AM BACK! I hope you are glad to see me! I mean read what I have to say about my experiences here.
The night was rough when it came to sleeping. The ceiling fan was on high and it blew a “mean wind.” The bed was tolerable but the sheets did not fit and so you kept waking up trying to put the bottom sheet back in place over the vinyl that covered the mattress. Then the sheet you covered up with was not enough to keep the cold air from bothering you so you do the next best thing and pull the sleeping bag you were given down from the steps of the bunk bed and draw it up over you. All the time you are wrestling with the pillow which was about the size of a legal sheet of paper – a piece of foam also covered with vinyl and of course a pillow case on it. That made it hot! Now my body in hot and my head is cold because the wind from the van was whipping it around bouncing it off the wall and it was “very cool,” that is cold. So between all that and getting to bed at 12:45 AM it made for a rough night of missions.
I skipped breakfast - first of all because I do not normally eat breakfast and secondly because I was asked to speak again – in 10 minutes to a very talented group of youth dancers who were facing competition on Saturday against many others who are not believers. When I say dancing, I mean the youth stomping, coreographed to perfection. They are good!
Then a quick meeting with the director who wanted to know more about the university she heard I was here to open in some churches. She is a lovely person who loves the youth and they love and respect her. Finally we departed.
Oh, did I tell you that the place where the camp is located requires us to drive through the Seattle Mariners baseball camp facilities here in Santo Domingo? I didn’t? Well it does!
Now to fill you in on the rest of the day! It is now about 9:45 AM and we are on our way back to the house. I am offered a shower and time to rest. I forego the shower because I am afraid of cold water and I also skip the 25 minute nap because I must get some material ready for the day. So onward and upward we go departing the house at 11:35 AM and off we go to get my interpreter for the day.
We picked up Marlene Luna, a 21 year old psychology major after a drive across Santo Domingo. She is a beautiful young lady who dearly loves the Lord. She has been through YWAM (Youth With A Mission) training and has been on location in Africa and Peru (both in Lima and in the the jungle). Her English is clear and without any accent.
Our next stop was to meet Jeaneris, who works for a local TV station – on the air and who has aan organization registered with their Dominican Government to help abused and underprivileged children. I was requested to share about the “project” (as Pastor Chavez calls Pacto De Vida). She said she wanted us to meet with her and the other “prominent ladies” who serve as members of her organization because she wants to help with the “project.” Who knows where this will lead.
Because Pastor Chavez is from Peru and both Marlene and I are familiar with Peru and like Peruvian food, he took us to a Peruvian restaurant to have Civichi and Lomas Saltada - a beef, vegetable, and french fry, rice combo.
A quick stop by the house to get my materials for the evening service and we were on the road again headed to meet three pastors and to share with them about the project. From the time we departed at 3:45 PM until almost 8:00 we were sharing the “project” and the “project” was very warmly welcomed and accepted with great anticipation and with the expression – “God sent you here at the right time. Our country is experiencing a move of God and we need to teach our people.”
The evening ended by sharing with an Assemblies of God pastor, and teaching a lesson from the Marriage Material I have developed with PowerPoint and student notes – The Basis of Marriage, lessons one and two: The Yoke of Marriage and The Emotions of Marriage.
Now when the church is on a very busy neighborhood intersection, with card games taking place in the street outside, children funning to and fro on the sidewalks, all doors and windows open to attempt to stay cool, all fans in the building running a full speed, a generator running on the door steps of the church because it was the time of day when the electricity for this section of Santo Domingo has their service turned off, and children inside moving about freely – well you get the message! AND – then we had to stop and turn the generator off, throw a switch to return to the “normal power” – which meant to turn off the projector to protect the bulb, the restart it and then to have to stop and do it again because the “normal power” when off again, which meant we switched back to the generator. Anyway it was an eventful evening and the teaching was well received – anyway that is what the pastor (a lady) and her husband and the pastor’s mother (who is a pastor in New Jersey) expressed.
So I thought since it was now 9:00 PM that we would be going back home. WRONG! We drove to another part of the city, found the YWAM team in the process of holding a street meeting with their 96 youth and a large crowd. Then I discovered that the pastor was to bring the evangelistic message. So I spent my time observing and chatting with some of the youth from Thursday’s event-filled day.
Well that brings you up-to-date and here it is Saturday morning about 10:00. I did sleep good with the help of two little friends and a cold shower.
Now for the day and all it holds. Thank God he hold this day as he has all the others in this “timely” – “God’s time” venture through this door He has opened.
I’ll be back on line whenever I have access to the internet.
God bless,
Dr D
I arrived on time and that is after the plane arrived in Fort Lauderdale 35 minutes late. Somehow those “Spirit” people got us away from the gate right on time - 6:15 PM. And then they sat us down on the runway at 8:21 PM and I walked off the plane before 8:30 PM.
Immigration and Aduana (Customs) was no problem and I breezed through it and out the door to my waiting host – I thought before 8:45. But to my amazement – no one greeted me! And they had my picture – but maybe that is why no one was there. I finally went upstairs and ran into a friendly taxi drive hoping to get a fair I figured. He did not speak English but he wanted to help and in a few minutes with no help from any airlines or terminal staff, he just took out his phone and called the number of the pastor. I had that with me and in a few seconds the voice on the other end told him they had arrived and would be upstairs to get me in a few seconds. They did! And we were out he door.
Now remember, my Spanish level rises to the great heights of about the size of the letters you are reading. Well, on a scale of 1-10, it hits the heights of .001! But the pastor who knows no English brought a Doctor – and that is scarey in itself. Why is it that Ukraine, Peru, and now Dominican have doctors that come to meet me? Well, Paul had Dr. Luke so I guess I am in with the best!
We stopped by the mall to get some food – Burger King and then a couple of bottles of water and off we went to the bachelor pad! The pastor is single and his home is just that – a bachelor pad. No screens, an ocillating fan for AC, no shower head, just a stream of water and I’m not sure yet if it is hot or cold and a toliet that does not flush – you pour the water into it from the sink and the sink faucwet runs slowly so it is a major job to get enough water to flush. But anyway, it isn’t an “outhouse” and the place looks clean.
No internet tonight – problems with the equipment of the pastors, so off to bed – if I can sleep. Like a dumb bunny I did not bring my printer, having printed out the sermons I thought they requested but now I find out that there are several more services added with each having a requested subject.
Tomorrow it is a youth camp which focuses on missions and I am to speak about missions. That will not be hard but I’ll lay away most of the night tring to get it right so the Spirit can have something to use to speak to the youth.
Hey! This is enough for tonight. I’ll add to it later because tomorrow is here and the activity begins at 8:00 not the 10:30 that was on my schedule.
Thursday & Friday (11:00 AM on Friday)
I slept last night, rather Wednesday night “some”. No AC and a fan blowing on me and no pillow only my zipper bag of t-shirts as a pillow and covered by the t-shirt I had worn on Wednesday’s trip to Santo Domingo. Talk about “improvising”.
Then I had to face the shower! I could not do it! I decided I’d just do a “spash wash” (whatever that is) and get by since we were going to a YWAM camp. I knew it had to be rustic! Was I surprised! It was lovely and the youth were fantastic. But here was the “catch”.
I have never felt comfortable speaking to youth – at least in the last 20-25 years. However, God showed up and honored my faith and we had a fabulous morning service as I challenged the youth to give their life to a full-time ministry – to which we are all called! The only difference between any of us is “how we earn our living”. The response and altar service lasted for one and one-half hours.
After eating lunch, Pastor Chavez said we were going to take a nap, then we would talk about the university at 4:00 PM. That was okay with me, even though I had just found out we would remain here and go from here to the street meeting with these youth. A street meeting was in the agenda, but I did not know we were going with this group of kids. So, as in missions, you just “punt” and play hard.
HOWEVER! While I was resting, not sleeping, it began to storm and I mean STORM!!! Lightning, thunder and torrential rain for over two hours. When I got up to go outside, it had almost ceased so I journied from my room to the main area and open air cabana to meet with the pastor. He had a strange look on his face and I began to wonder “what now?” The “what now” was that the rain had flooded the low area where we had to ford the water and we were not going to be able to have the street meeting ... AND WE WERE NOT GOING TO BE ABLE TO EVEN GO BACK TO HIS HOUSE!
Hold it Jack! That meant I would have to sleep here, without any thing with me but what I had on. No towel, no soap, no toothbrush or toothpaste and all the rest! So, because of that, I was then told I would be the speaker for the evening service, after we concluded our discussion about the university – which lasted four hours (your eyes read that correctly - 4 HOURS) and no time to even get my mind in gear and hear what the Holy Spirit had planned.
But as is the beauty of the Spirit of God, he fed me and I fed the youth. Another blow-out service. The Word, prayer, prophetic words to some, encouragement to others, emotional healings and much much more. The service concluded about 11:30 and I was then taken to the cafeteria to eat what I refused to eat before the service. Now it was not because I did not like what they were serving. I eat what is set before me regardless (well almost) but because I do not eat just before speaking.
I ate, spent some time sharing with the youth who dropped by and spoke English or who brought an interpreter with them. Some workers brought us bedding and we ventured down to our room, mae our beds and took the towel and headed to the shower. On the way, Pastor Chavez entered the room of some guys and found a bar of soap. After taking my shower I found a tube of tooth paste God had placed in the room because of one youth’s forgetfulness and with my finger “brushed - that is rubbed” my teeth – at least my mouth felt clean.
Sleeping??? Well that was another story that will have to wait until I return from my noon appointment. See you then!
I AM BACK! I hope you are glad to see me! I mean read what I have to say about my experiences here.
The night was rough when it came to sleeping. The ceiling fan was on high and it blew a “mean wind.” The bed was tolerable but the sheets did not fit and so you kept waking up trying to put the bottom sheet back in place over the vinyl that covered the mattress. Then the sheet you covered up with was not enough to keep the cold air from bothering you so you do the next best thing and pull the sleeping bag you were given down from the steps of the bunk bed and draw it up over you. All the time you are wrestling with the pillow which was about the size of a legal sheet of paper – a piece of foam also covered with vinyl and of course a pillow case on it. That made it hot! Now my body in hot and my head is cold because the wind from the van was whipping it around bouncing it off the wall and it was “very cool,” that is cold. So between all that and getting to bed at 12:45 AM it made for a rough night of missions.
I skipped breakfast - first of all because I do not normally eat breakfast and secondly because I was asked to speak again – in 10 minutes to a very talented group of youth dancers who were facing competition on Saturday against many others who are not believers. When I say dancing, I mean the youth stomping, coreographed to perfection. They are good!
Then a quick meeting with the director who wanted to know more about the university she heard I was here to open in some churches. She is a lovely person who loves the youth and they love and respect her. Finally we departed.
Oh, did I tell you that the place where the camp is located requires us to drive through the Seattle Mariners baseball camp facilities here in Santo Domingo? I didn’t? Well it does!
Now to fill you in on the rest of the day! It is now about 9:45 AM and we are on our way back to the house. I am offered a shower and time to rest. I forego the shower because I am afraid of cold water and I also skip the 25 minute nap because I must get some material ready for the day. So onward and upward we go departing the house at 11:35 AM and off we go to get my interpreter for the day.
We picked up Marlene Luna, a 21 year old psychology major after a drive across Santo Domingo. She is a beautiful young lady who dearly loves the Lord. She has been through YWAM (Youth With A Mission) training and has been on location in Africa and Peru (both in Lima and in the the jungle). Her English is clear and without any accent.
Our next stop was to meet Jeaneris, who works for a local TV station – on the air and who has aan organization registered with their Dominican Government to help abused and underprivileged children. I was requested to share about the “project” (as Pastor Chavez calls Pacto De Vida). She said she wanted us to meet with her and the other “prominent ladies” who serve as members of her organization because she wants to help with the “project.” Who knows where this will lead.
Because Pastor Chavez is from Peru and both Marlene and I are familiar with Peru and like Peruvian food, he took us to a Peruvian restaurant to have Civichi and Lomas Saltada - a beef, vegetable, and french fry, rice combo.
A quick stop by the house to get my materials for the evening service and we were on the road again headed to meet three pastors and to share with them about the project. From the time we departed at 3:45 PM until almost 8:00 we were sharing the “project” and the “project” was very warmly welcomed and accepted with great anticipation and with the expression – “God sent you here at the right time. Our country is experiencing a move of God and we need to teach our people.”
The evening ended by sharing with an Assemblies of God pastor, and teaching a lesson from the Marriage Material I have developed with PowerPoint and student notes – The Basis of Marriage, lessons one and two: The Yoke of Marriage and The Emotions of Marriage.
Now when the church is on a very busy neighborhood intersection, with card games taking place in the street outside, children funning to and fro on the sidewalks, all doors and windows open to attempt to stay cool, all fans in the building running a full speed, a generator running on the door steps of the church because it was the time of day when the electricity for this section of Santo Domingo has their service turned off, and children inside moving about freely – well you get the message! AND – then we had to stop and turn the generator off, throw a switch to return to the “normal power” – which meant to turn off the projector to protect the bulb, the restart it and then to have to stop and do it again because the “normal power” when off again, which meant we switched back to the generator. Anyway it was an eventful evening and the teaching was well received – anyway that is what the pastor (a lady) and her husband and the pastor’s mother (who is a pastor in New Jersey) expressed.
So I thought since it was now 9:00 PM that we would be going back home. WRONG! We drove to another part of the city, found the YWAM team in the process of holding a street meeting with their 96 youth and a large crowd. Then I discovered that the pastor was to bring the evangelistic message. So I spent my time observing and chatting with some of the youth from Thursday’s event-filled day.
Well that brings you up-to-date and here it is Saturday morning about 10:00. I did sleep good with the help of two little friends and a cold shower.
Now for the day and all it holds. Thank God he hold this day as he has all the others in this “timely” – “God’s time” venture through this door He has opened.
I’ll be back on line whenever I have access to the internet.
God bless,
Dr D
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
OOPS! CATCH-UP TIME: Sunday and Monday
Time has gone so fast and the work has been very intense. Traveling in Lima to go almost anywhere and back is like driving to Tampa – 2 hours minimum! Therefore the days become long and tiring before I can lay my body down for some rest. But is has been very rewarding.
Sunday morning we were in the city or region of Ancon at Iglesia Cristiana El Camion, pastored by Walter and Clarisa Villajuan. We departed from my apartment here at 8:00, drove to Agustin Ciccia’s house to get my Bible and notebook (which for the first time I forgot and left it on the pulpit.) Then we went to the home of Dr. Roger Falcon – he was my interpreter for the day – all this by taxi. We arrived at Ancon at 10:30 with 30 minutes to spare.
Pastor Walter had invited four other pastors friends to be in the service. He had also requested that I minister on the subject of marriages. The worship was one of the finest I have enjoyed in Peru for some time. The Word was well received (And they Lived Happily Ever After). By the time the altar service was over (2 came to Christ) and I had prayed for every couple as well as those who spouses were not present it was 2:30. We walked to a restaurant, accompanied by the four pastors and spouses then were requested to take a walk along the beach – the city is famous for its resorts of the rich and famous. By the time we got finished with the walk and back to the Church and our car, it was time to leave and go to our evening service about a 15 minute drive.
Comunidad Carismatica Cristian Cristo Sanador, pastored by Everth Ipanaque is a very interesting Church. Pastor Everth is blind. He was blinded by a large rock that hit him in the forehead when he was 21 (now 43) and another rock from the rock slide tore of his right leg just above his knee. At the time this happened he was heavily involved in a drug cartel moving drugs from the jungle. At some point their cartel was involved in the robbing of several banks and a guard was killed by one of the men. He came to Lima to hide and it was here while helping his brother that the accident happened.
The Church was celebrating their 11th Anniversary. I was shocked when I walked in! The room was filled with youth who enthusiastically greeted us. By the time the service began there were over 150 people present and a minimum of them were youth – probably 50-60. They were involved in the worship which was led by Pastor Everth playing his guitar and supported by two youth who were vocals and another on the synthesizer – drums and another guy on the keyboard. Their worship was intense and you could see the depth of their commitment by the expressions on their faces. The older generation were as excited and involved as the youth.
I took time at the end of my message to pray for the youth. It was thrilling to watch them and experience the moving of the Holy Spirit upon them as I prayed for them.
The “FUN” all began after that! They had a Peruvian Church Party! The youth and children did their skits, choreographic dances including rap dancing. The approval on the faces of the adults was fascinating to watch. We were then fed a meal of rice, with onions on top, yucca and a chicken leg. Because it was already 8:45 and it would take me two hours to get back to my bed, we excused ourselves and departed.
Now for some very important information. This area is a “poor” area. Yet the Pastor takes the youth and adults to other churches to do evangelistic meetings. They take with them clothing, food and money to assist others! This information crystalized in my heart the reason why the Church was dynamic and the youth were so deeply involved.
The pastor shared with me that many of the youth are involved in Pacto De Vida and because it is so inexpensive (only 50 soles per trimester – about $16 – yet even this is costly for these who live in this area) these youth who cannot afford a secular education are attending the university to get a Biblical Education.
Monday, well it was a day of going back to an adjoining city and meeting with pastor Guillermo Sifuentes and his wife, Lisset. They also have Pacto De Vida and wanted to discuss some ideas for classes they wanted in their local curriculum. I have designed the curriculum to allow the pastors to produce courses they want to teach to their people and this is what they wanted to discuss. They will have their first group complete the first year in November.
While there, he told me of a couple who had been luke-warm and struggling with their marriage when we were there in February. During that service I spoke a word from God to him and his wife. It was exactly what he needed and spoke directly to the need in his life. Since that time he and his wife have become solid and are working closely with the pastor and taking a load from him so he can more adequately what God wants him to do.
We departed for the meeting at 10:00, arrived at 11:00 and departed at 2:40 to meet Pastor Walter (from Sunday) to discuss his involvement in the university. He was the original contact who got the invitation for us to present Pacto De Vida to the meeting of the leaders of the pastors organization throughout Peru. He will be helping us to move forward in curriculum and coordinating the new schools.
So with the new challenges of many more schools, God has also caused Pastors to step-up and declare their assistance to move forward and meet the challenges.
I finally found my bed – I even skipped supper and ate only some chips, Oreo’s and some yogurt – and did the bed ever feel good.
Well, thanks for your prayers. Pray that we will know how to step up and complete the vision God has given.
Dr D
Sunday morning we were in the city or region of Ancon at Iglesia Cristiana El Camion, pastored by Walter and Clarisa Villajuan. We departed from my apartment here at 8:00, drove to Agustin Ciccia’s house to get my Bible and notebook (which for the first time I forgot and left it on the pulpit.) Then we went to the home of Dr. Roger Falcon – he was my interpreter for the day – all this by taxi. We arrived at Ancon at 10:30 with 30 minutes to spare.
Pastor Walter had invited four other pastors friends to be in the service. He had also requested that I minister on the subject of marriages. The worship was one of the finest I have enjoyed in Peru for some time. The Word was well received (And they Lived Happily Ever After). By the time the altar service was over (2 came to Christ) and I had prayed for every couple as well as those who spouses were not present it was 2:30. We walked to a restaurant, accompanied by the four pastors and spouses then were requested to take a walk along the beach – the city is famous for its resorts of the rich and famous. By the time we got finished with the walk and back to the Church and our car, it was time to leave and go to our evening service about a 15 minute drive.
Comunidad Carismatica Cristian Cristo Sanador, pastored by Everth Ipanaque is a very interesting Church. Pastor Everth is blind. He was blinded by a large rock that hit him in the forehead when he was 21 (now 43) and another rock from the rock slide tore of his right leg just above his knee. At the time this happened he was heavily involved in a drug cartel moving drugs from the jungle. At some point their cartel was involved in the robbing of several banks and a guard was killed by one of the men. He came to Lima to hide and it was here while helping his brother that the accident happened.
The Church was celebrating their 11th Anniversary. I was shocked when I walked in! The room was filled with youth who enthusiastically greeted us. By the time the service began there were over 150 people present and a minimum of them were youth – probably 50-60. They were involved in the worship which was led by Pastor Everth playing his guitar and supported by two youth who were vocals and another on the synthesizer – drums and another guy on the keyboard. Their worship was intense and you could see the depth of their commitment by the expressions on their faces. The older generation were as excited and involved as the youth.
I took time at the end of my message to pray for the youth. It was thrilling to watch them and experience the moving of the Holy Spirit upon them as I prayed for them.
The “FUN” all began after that! They had a Peruvian Church Party! The youth and children did their skits, choreographic dances including rap dancing. The approval on the faces of the adults was fascinating to watch. We were then fed a meal of rice, with onions on top, yucca and a chicken leg. Because it was already 8:45 and it would take me two hours to get back to my bed, we excused ourselves and departed.
Now for some very important information. This area is a “poor” area. Yet the Pastor takes the youth and adults to other churches to do evangelistic meetings. They take with them clothing, food and money to assist others! This information crystalized in my heart the reason why the Church was dynamic and the youth were so deeply involved.
The pastor shared with me that many of the youth are involved in Pacto De Vida and because it is so inexpensive (only 50 soles per trimester – about $16 – yet even this is costly for these who live in this area) these youth who cannot afford a secular education are attending the university to get a Biblical Education.
Monday, well it was a day of going back to an adjoining city and meeting with pastor Guillermo Sifuentes and his wife, Lisset. They also have Pacto De Vida and wanted to discuss some ideas for classes they wanted in their local curriculum. I have designed the curriculum to allow the pastors to produce courses they want to teach to their people and this is what they wanted to discuss. They will have their first group complete the first year in November.
While there, he told me of a couple who had been luke-warm and struggling with their marriage when we were there in February. During that service I spoke a word from God to him and his wife. It was exactly what he needed and spoke directly to the need in his life. Since that time he and his wife have become solid and are working closely with the pastor and taking a load from him so he can more adequately what God wants him to do.
We departed for the meeting at 10:00, arrived at 11:00 and departed at 2:40 to meet Pastor Walter (from Sunday) to discuss his involvement in the university. He was the original contact who got the invitation for us to present Pacto De Vida to the meeting of the leaders of the pastors organization throughout Peru. He will be helping us to move forward in curriculum and coordinating the new schools.
So with the new challenges of many more schools, God has also caused Pastors to step-up and declare their assistance to move forward and meet the challenges.
I finally found my bed – I even skipped supper and ate only some chips, Oreo’s and some yogurt – and did the bed ever feel good.
Well, thanks for your prayers. Pray that we will know how to step up and complete the vision God has given.
Dr D
Friday, July 10, 2009
The meeting with the ‘Fraternity of Fraternity of Pastors” (Confraternidad Peruana De Pastores Evangelicos – CONPPE) can best be explained in the terms of the speaker from the Peruvian Health Department as he spoke about the spread of “flu” when he said “it is passed from one to another” and that is what happened today.
We used our allotted time to share the vision and burden of Pacto De Vida. Then, because I had my computer and projector I found myself as the “media technician” and projected for several other speakers. It seemed strange for a North American to be serving the pastors of Peru. It was a “big” “ice-breaker” and produced much communication.
After the close of the meeting about 1:00 PM (it started at 9:00) Marco Aroni, our National Coordinator and Walter Villajuan, our regional coordinator from Ancon, were kept busy for 30 minutes answering questions and taking information from those pastors who were interested. And I had to find Jose Navarro, one of the officers of CONPPE to translate for me so I could assist others.
One pastor began his discussion with me by asking, “Have you been to or are you now working in Ecuador?” Of course my response was “No.” Then came the inevitable statement and invitation: “Will you come to Ecuador in January or February? If you will, I will set up a meeting with the pastors of the 25 Churches related to our Church and make introduction for you to the organization of 1,000 pastors.”
What do you say and do? Ecuador has the same law which requires pastors to have a degree and if they do not, the present government is doing all it can to shut the doors of those evangelical churches.
I hear Jesus saying, “Behold the fields! They are white unto harvest!” Why else would Satan be trying so hard to stop the voice of the evangelical pastors?
Here we stand, poised with the answer to the crisis and we did not even know about the crisis!
And then we return to my abode and get a call from a fellow North American who has been using ISOM materials (the same teachings we currently use for the first year and one half). He requests we come to his house for lunch on Saturday. He wants to discuss how we can work together to help the pastors who do not have the required education. He states he has been able to take 2,500 people through the first year of ISOM and wants a way to help them go further. We are the answer to “further!”
I was invited upstairs to speak to the local students. This is only their 3rd or 4th night of classes. Pastor Jorge introduced me to two young girls, not more than 20. He said that because of the money donated by Destiny International, St. Augustine, FL, pastor Donovan Tinsley, they are able to scholarship them. They are currently working with youth in a very poor area just outside Lima. Their faces were beaming with excitement! They are now able to attend Bible College!
Someone please give me a “handle to hold on to!” This is a bigger challenge than I had anticipated! And yet the results can impact the nation of Peru! We must meet the challenge!
I need you! I need your prayers! I need your involvement! I need a financial investment in this “Peru Challenge” to take it to the next level.
Thanks for your prayers!!!!!
Dr D
We used our allotted time to share the vision and burden of Pacto De Vida. Then, because I had my computer and projector I found myself as the “media technician” and projected for several other speakers. It seemed strange for a North American to be serving the pastors of Peru. It was a “big” “ice-breaker” and produced much communication.
After the close of the meeting about 1:00 PM (it started at 9:00) Marco Aroni, our National Coordinator and Walter Villajuan, our regional coordinator from Ancon, were kept busy for 30 minutes answering questions and taking information from those pastors who were interested. And I had to find Jose Navarro, one of the officers of CONPPE to translate for me so I could assist others.
One pastor began his discussion with me by asking, “Have you been to or are you now working in Ecuador?” Of course my response was “No.” Then came the inevitable statement and invitation: “Will you come to Ecuador in January or February? If you will, I will set up a meeting with the pastors of the 25 Churches related to our Church and make introduction for you to the organization of 1,000 pastors.”
What do you say and do? Ecuador has the same law which requires pastors to have a degree and if they do not, the present government is doing all it can to shut the doors of those evangelical churches.
I hear Jesus saying, “Behold the fields! They are white unto harvest!” Why else would Satan be trying so hard to stop the voice of the evangelical pastors?
Here we stand, poised with the answer to the crisis and we did not even know about the crisis!
And then we return to my abode and get a call from a fellow North American who has been using ISOM materials (the same teachings we currently use for the first year and one half). He requests we come to his house for lunch on Saturday. He wants to discuss how we can work together to help the pastors who do not have the required education. He states he has been able to take 2,500 people through the first year of ISOM and wants a way to help them go further. We are the answer to “further!”
I was invited upstairs to speak to the local students. This is only their 3rd or 4th night of classes. Pastor Jorge introduced me to two young girls, not more than 20. He said that because of the money donated by Destiny International, St. Augustine, FL, pastor Donovan Tinsley, they are able to scholarship them. They are currently working with youth in a very poor area just outside Lima. Their faces were beaming with excitement! They are now able to attend Bible College!
Someone please give me a “handle to hold on to!” This is a bigger challenge than I had anticipated! And yet the results can impact the nation of Peru! We must meet the challenge!
I need you! I need your prayers! I need your involvement! I need a financial investment in this “Peru Challenge” to take it to the next level.
Thanks for your prayers!!!!!
Dr D
Thursday, July 9, 2009
My last Blog was written on Saturday, July 4th. Today is Thursday, well it was, because it is just about over. This week has gone very fast. So allow me to fill you in on the happenings since Saturday.
Saturday we spent the day with Doctor Roger (MD) and Magaly and Abigail (their 5 month old daughter.) Roger went with me as my interpreter for the Saturday evening service at Escuela Biblica Corazon En Fuego where Hector Carpio, the engineer on the Hodges home is connected. The Church has one of our largest University classes - 44 in the 3rd Trimester and 20 in the 1st Trimester. It is about 25 minutes from the airport and in a very, very poor area.
Pacto De Vida’s success there is very exciting. Not only does the local Church have many students but their students come from other area Churches and include several pastors. I was able to spend about 45 minutes sharing with a couple of them. Their excitement about what they have learned is indeed gratifying and helps to propel me forward to do more to help them do the work of Christ among their own people.
Sunday, we departed from Jicamarca earlier than we, David and I, needed because we had the incorrect information about the starting time of our morning service at Iglesia Pentecostal de Santidad, with Pastor Jorge & Janine Watanabe. He is the superintendent of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church here in Peru. Upon arrival we discovered that the pastor was very sick with the flu and that many of the congregation were also sick. But in-spite of not having any musicians we had a good service.
We returned back to Jicamarca just in time to stretch out for 45 minutes and then prepare for the evening service at Iglesia Vida (Life Church) pastored by our own David and Ceci Hodges and boys. Sometimes you’d think that their eldest, “El-E-L” (I just discovered I do not know how to spell his name) was the pastor to listen to him. Anyway, wearing my leather sport jacket and my Ukrainian black sweater shirt, I made it through another cold evening at Church without any heat – the Holy Spirit and fire assisted greatly.
Monday, I spent the entire day going from one place to another in the greater Lima area to accomplish many tasks. The most interesting was that of having the privilege of hosting four pastors from Lima. These men are the officers of the “Fraternity of Leaders of Fraternities of Pastors of Peru.” That is the only way I know how to explain who they are. You will understand more in a moment.
The purpose of the meeting was to share with them about Pacto De Vida (Covenant Life University). The President wanted to meet me and discuss the university prior to my sharing with the Presidents of the Fraternities of Pastors throughout Peru. There will be 100 of them gathering tomorrow, Friday. Together these men represent all the Fraternities of Pastors in all of Peru. The bottom line is this: They represent literally thousands of Churches in Peru.
Now listen to this: The government of Peru is or has prepared a bill that will require all pastors to have an education equivalent or parallel to that of the Catholic Priests. Meaning, that the majority of the pastors of Peru do not have an Biblical education. AND THAT MEANS: Pacto De Vida is being given the opportunity to share how it can help educated the pastors and they can remain at their task of pastoring their churches and keep their jobs and not leave their homes to fulfill the requirements of this law.
I felt like Esther - destiny wise: “For Such A Time As This!” Here I am, the doors swinging wide open to the entire nation of spiritual leaders of all faiths! All four pastors opened their hearts and gave me complete support to be the first item on the agenda on Friday morning! One offered his lawyer to help Pacto De Vida secure government registration. Another shared how the classes have impacted his Church and how many were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke with tongues as they listened to A.L. Gill teach on the Holy Spirit.
The President, who teaches at three or four different Bible Colleges said that he was completely behind our method of Biblical Education and offered to teach any course that would assist and allow us to use it on DVD without any fees attached. Another, who speaks excellent English and also is fluent in Quechua - the language of the mountain people said he would donate his time and effort to assist in dubbing any teaching into the Quechua tongue.
And then the evening concluded with 25% of the people present in Jicamarca being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in Tongues! Well, allow me to say that means five – an another so hungry and so close but fear kept him back. This was the culmination of the teaching on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the Initial Physical Evidence of Speaking With Tongues – a four part, four hour teaching requested by Pastor Hodges.
Tuesday was a repeat of time spent traveling in Lima to complete the tasks begun on Monday, picking up my laptop that had developed even more serious problems (I hope it will last until I can get my new one). And shopping for a new printer for the University here – the other one developed a leak in the ink system and ruined the mother-board – we are still looking and checking prices.
We had to do some last minute grocery shopping so we would have the necessary food for the guests for supper. Pastor Agustin and Jessica Ciccia and their three children and Pastor Gustavo and Jenny Rodriquez who had been invited by the Hodges to eat with us. They are close friends of the Hodges and also are special to us. And, well, after picking up some material for the Restaurant being built on the Church property to assist with local expenses, I made it back just in time to sit a spell and then get geared up for the evening.
Let me tell you – a trip to Lima and its many, many adjacent “burgs” is an all day, tiring trip even with a car and a driver. I can’t imagine doing it by foot, moto-cab, taxi, bus and then repeating the same to get back home. Yet the Hodges have no other means at this time.
Wednesday was a day off! Hush! I am not “off every day!” It was good to relax, but it also meant that we had to complete many small tasks, and then pack to be ready to leave at 3:30 AM Thursday to take Marilyn to the airport for her 7:05 departure for Miami and home. It would have been easier but some of the people of the Church decided that Marilyn needed to spend some time with them – the ladies! So they arrived and she did! They finally departed at 11:30 PM! We completed the necessary things and decided to shower, shave, etc. before retiring since the generator was on and we had electricity for lights – which we would not have at 2:45 AM!
Problem! Sleep never arrived! At least for me, though I thought I heard some strange sounds from the bunk below. Please be careful how you handle this. No one needs to know that my lovely wife makes sounds that sound like “snoring.” So we completed the hours and departed from Jicamarca at 3:35 AM and did find the airport and Dunkin Donuts as well as “Starbucks” – which between the two it helped the body do without the sleep it wanted.
Marco and I said good-by to Marilyn about 5:20 AM and made our way to my new place of abode – at the International Pentecostal Church Headquarters here in Peru which also houses the Church pastored by Jorge Watanabe.
Dan Clowers, the Latin American - Caribbean Missions Director had offered me a room in his apartment and I had accepted, provided he take me out to eat “Alpaca Steak”. However, due to the death of his mother, he is not here. Thanks Dan and may God bless and strengthen you at this time.
Marco and I crashed for two hours, worked for four, caught some food at a very nice buffet filled with a Chinese-Peruvian mixed foods and drink – all for 50 soles (divide by 3 to get dollars). Since I thought it would be my first and only meal today, and I had only one meal yesterday – I took advantage of the great food – including chevechi (fish cooked in lemon juice). It was great!
Then back to the bed for another nap and up and back to work on the presentation for the Fraternity of Pastors tomorrow.
Here I sit - tired, glad I have finished this blog, and very happy to be back in communication via the internet and can catch up on some very important communications and work.
God bless!
Dr D (Marilyn is home! I spoke with her and watched her via Skype and the computer.)
Saturday we spent the day with Doctor Roger (MD) and Magaly and Abigail (their 5 month old daughter.) Roger went with me as my interpreter for the Saturday evening service at Escuela Biblica Corazon En Fuego where Hector Carpio, the engineer on the Hodges home is connected. The Church has one of our largest University classes - 44 in the 3rd Trimester and 20 in the 1st Trimester. It is about 25 minutes from the airport and in a very, very poor area.
Pacto De Vida’s success there is very exciting. Not only does the local Church have many students but their students come from other area Churches and include several pastors. I was able to spend about 45 minutes sharing with a couple of them. Their excitement about what they have learned is indeed gratifying and helps to propel me forward to do more to help them do the work of Christ among their own people.
Sunday, we departed from Jicamarca earlier than we, David and I, needed because we had the incorrect information about the starting time of our morning service at Iglesia Pentecostal de Santidad, with Pastor Jorge & Janine Watanabe. He is the superintendent of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church here in Peru. Upon arrival we discovered that the pastor was very sick with the flu and that many of the congregation were also sick. But in-spite of not having any musicians we had a good service.
We returned back to Jicamarca just in time to stretch out for 45 minutes and then prepare for the evening service at Iglesia Vida (Life Church) pastored by our own David and Ceci Hodges and boys. Sometimes you’d think that their eldest, “El-E-L” (I just discovered I do not know how to spell his name) was the pastor to listen to him. Anyway, wearing my leather sport jacket and my Ukrainian black sweater shirt, I made it through another cold evening at Church without any heat – the Holy Spirit and fire assisted greatly.
Monday, I spent the entire day going from one place to another in the greater Lima area to accomplish many tasks. The most interesting was that of having the privilege of hosting four pastors from Lima. These men are the officers of the “Fraternity of Leaders of Fraternities of Pastors of Peru.” That is the only way I know how to explain who they are. You will understand more in a moment.
The purpose of the meeting was to share with them about Pacto De Vida (Covenant Life University). The President wanted to meet me and discuss the university prior to my sharing with the Presidents of the Fraternities of Pastors throughout Peru. There will be 100 of them gathering tomorrow, Friday. Together these men represent all the Fraternities of Pastors in all of Peru. The bottom line is this: They represent literally thousands of Churches in Peru.
Now listen to this: The government of Peru is or has prepared a bill that will require all pastors to have an education equivalent or parallel to that of the Catholic Priests. Meaning, that the majority of the pastors of Peru do not have an Biblical education. AND THAT MEANS: Pacto De Vida is being given the opportunity to share how it can help educated the pastors and they can remain at their task of pastoring their churches and keep their jobs and not leave their homes to fulfill the requirements of this law.
I felt like Esther - destiny wise: “For Such A Time As This!” Here I am, the doors swinging wide open to the entire nation of spiritual leaders of all faiths! All four pastors opened their hearts and gave me complete support to be the first item on the agenda on Friday morning! One offered his lawyer to help Pacto De Vida secure government registration. Another shared how the classes have impacted his Church and how many were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke with tongues as they listened to A.L. Gill teach on the Holy Spirit.
The President, who teaches at three or four different Bible Colleges said that he was completely behind our method of Biblical Education and offered to teach any course that would assist and allow us to use it on DVD without any fees attached. Another, who speaks excellent English and also is fluent in Quechua - the language of the mountain people said he would donate his time and effort to assist in dubbing any teaching into the Quechua tongue.
And then the evening concluded with 25% of the people present in Jicamarca being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in Tongues! Well, allow me to say that means five – an another so hungry and so close but fear kept him back. This was the culmination of the teaching on the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the Initial Physical Evidence of Speaking With Tongues – a four part, four hour teaching requested by Pastor Hodges.
Tuesday was a repeat of time spent traveling in Lima to complete the tasks begun on Monday, picking up my laptop that had developed even more serious problems (I hope it will last until I can get my new one). And shopping for a new printer for the University here – the other one developed a leak in the ink system and ruined the mother-board – we are still looking and checking prices.
We had to do some last minute grocery shopping so we would have the necessary food for the guests for supper. Pastor Agustin and Jessica Ciccia and their three children and Pastor Gustavo and Jenny Rodriquez who had been invited by the Hodges to eat with us. They are close friends of the Hodges and also are special to us. And, well, after picking up some material for the Restaurant being built on the Church property to assist with local expenses, I made it back just in time to sit a spell and then get geared up for the evening.
Let me tell you – a trip to Lima and its many, many adjacent “burgs” is an all day, tiring trip even with a car and a driver. I can’t imagine doing it by foot, moto-cab, taxi, bus and then repeating the same to get back home. Yet the Hodges have no other means at this time.
Wednesday was a day off! Hush! I am not “off every day!” It was good to relax, but it also meant that we had to complete many small tasks, and then pack to be ready to leave at 3:30 AM Thursday to take Marilyn to the airport for her 7:05 departure for Miami and home. It would have been easier but some of the people of the Church decided that Marilyn needed to spend some time with them – the ladies! So they arrived and she did! They finally departed at 11:30 PM! We completed the necessary things and decided to shower, shave, etc. before retiring since the generator was on and we had electricity for lights – which we would not have at 2:45 AM!
Problem! Sleep never arrived! At least for me, though I thought I heard some strange sounds from the bunk below. Please be careful how you handle this. No one needs to know that my lovely wife makes sounds that sound like “snoring.” So we completed the hours and departed from Jicamarca at 3:35 AM and did find the airport and Dunkin Donuts as well as “Starbucks” – which between the two it helped the body do without the sleep it wanted.
Marco and I said good-by to Marilyn about 5:20 AM and made our way to my new place of abode – at the International Pentecostal Church Headquarters here in Peru which also houses the Church pastored by Jorge Watanabe.
Dan Clowers, the Latin American - Caribbean Missions Director had offered me a room in his apartment and I had accepted, provided he take me out to eat “Alpaca Steak”. However, due to the death of his mother, he is not here. Thanks Dan and may God bless and strengthen you at this time.
Marco and I crashed for two hours, worked for four, caught some food at a very nice buffet filled with a Chinese-Peruvian mixed foods and drink – all for 50 soles (divide by 3 to get dollars). Since I thought it would be my first and only meal today, and I had only one meal yesterday – I took advantage of the great food – including chevechi (fish cooked in lemon juice). It was great!
Then back to the bed for another nap and up and back to work on the presentation for the Fraternity of Pastors tomorrow.
Here I sit - tired, glad I have finished this blog, and very happy to be back in communication via the internet and can catch up on some very important communications and work.
God bless!
Dr D (Marilyn is home! I spoke with her and watched her via Skype and the computer.)
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Final Comments And Thoughts On Arequipa Ministry and Now Jicarmarca
I am sitting at the table in Jicamarca. It was a full day to get here. We were up and “at-em” at 7:00 AM. And then we departed for the Airport at 8:45 AM. As we made our way I began to reminisce about our time in Arequipa, Iglesia Comminuted de la Vin
Our hosts, Pastor Rolando Romero and wife were the finest. The atmosphere of their home and the conduct of their children were exemplary. I am not indicating in any way that the homes, children and hosts of any other homes were lacking. But I am only commenting on our experience in their home because it made the time there enjoyable and allowed us to speak to that issue when addressing their people in the Marriage Seminar on Tuesday Evening. We were able to place their pastors as an example of the type of home and family relationships that set forth the best Christian example.
Speaking of Tuesday evening. It was a casual evening of teaching. BUT the temperature was Zero Centigrade – that is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Just call it “COLD!” We both taught with our coats or insulated vests on and then when I sat down, I got cold. The room – that is the Church is not heated. People brought wool blankets to wrap around themselves. And they sat there for two hours of teaching with questions and answers. That is dedication! Then when the service was dismissed they stood around and fellowshipped for over 45 minutes – until the pastor indicated by pulling down the steel door it was time to go home.
One of the struggles faced in that of your interpreter. We have had many “first-time” interpreters. But our experience on Tuesday evening was a delight. I have never had a “first-timer” do so good – and I am probably one of the hardest to interpret. Vanessa was excellent and I have already informed her that she will be interpreting for me when I return to Arequipa – that is “if” her schedule as a Doctor will permit. She and her husband are doctors.
The ministry at both Comminuted Carismatica Arequipa, Pastor William Arteaga and Iglesia Buenas Nuevas Asambleas de Dios, Pastor Armando Castillo was a pleasure and there invitation and along with that of our host Church, Iglesia Comminuted Christian La Vina will be a pleasure to accept when our schedule will allow. And therein lies a problem – rather a burden! The growth of relationships is growing so fast it will become necessary to spend more time here in Peru. That is good and yet it is.............(I am not sure what to say.) Anyway, God is opening more and more doors and the hunger for spiritual relationships, training, counsel and fellowship is expanding very fast. If we were to spend three days with each contact who has requested, we’d be here for over six months.
Our ministry has been good for the first two nights. The subject of the ministry is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the Initial Physical Evidence of Speaking in Tongues. The attendance has been about 30 and the interest has been very good. David Hodges is translating for me and Rosita, Ceci’s niece is reading the scriptures from the projection on the wall. This help to keep their attention and the different voices helps to keep them awake.
The weather has been cold! You keep moving while teaching to stay warm, but because we are videoing the teaching my movement is limited. When I say cold, maybe it is because the home is not heated, the weather is damp from the mist, and the sun does not shine. Yesterday, the clouds settled in and you could not see the mountain right behind the house. All you could see is about one-fourth of the way up the mountain and the distance from the house to the base of the mountain behind is only about the length of a football field.
Remember: When you want to go upstairs from the bedroom, you go outside then up one flight of stairs to the kitchen and living room. If you need to go to the laundry area, then you go up another flight to the roof and the open room where the washing machine / dryer is found. And then of course you must conserve the water so you wet down, turn the water off, soap up, then turn the water on and rise off. Then you step out into the cold to complete the process. But because you know you are where you belong, you rejoice in the dedication and work of those who labor here all year.
Today we are in Lima, with Doctor Roger and his wife, Magaly, and their five month old daughter, Abigail. Roger came to Jicamarca last night and brought us to their home to spend the day with them. He will translating for me this evening and Marilyn will go back to the Hodges for a birthday celebration for Ceci.
So we are alive and well and enjoying fellowship with special people and following through on what God has called us to do here.
Next week the transportation will be a mess. Those who labor with the transportation – buses, taxi’s and such vehicles will be on strike. The new laws governing them is very, very hard to comply with and will more than double the number of buses and taxis needed to carry the same people. And if you have a family of more than 5 – then you cannot take them in your own personal car if there are only 5 seats in that car. Then the fine for even accidently running a red light will be 1,000 soles – that is about $350 – which is equivalent to more than half of their monthly income. Imagine that! The strike will be on Wednesday and Thursday!
Thank God Marilyn departs from Lima at 7:00 AM which means we will take her to the airport and be there before 4:00 AM and will be able to avoid the problem – which will include the burning of tires in the streets. But it means that my activities will be limited during those two days – my schedule must be adjusted.
Remember to pray for us and the potential problems arising from this difficulty.
God bless,
Dr D and Marilyn
Our hosts, Pastor Rolando Romero and wife were the finest. The atmosphere of their home and the conduct of their children were exemplary. I am not indicating in any way that the homes, children and hosts of any other homes were lacking. But I am only commenting on our experience in their home because it made the time there enjoyable and allowed us to speak to that issue when addressing their people in the Marriage Seminar on Tuesday Evening. We were able to place their pastors as an example of the type of home and family relationships that set forth the best Christian example.
Speaking of Tuesday evening. It was a casual evening of teaching. BUT the temperature was Zero Centigrade – that is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Just call it “COLD!” We both taught with our coats or insulated vests on and then when I sat down, I got cold. The room – that is the Church is not heated. People brought wool blankets to wrap around themselves. And they sat there for two hours of teaching with questions and answers. That is dedication! Then when the service was dismissed they stood around and fellowshipped for over 45 minutes – until the pastor indicated by pulling down the steel door it was time to go home.
One of the struggles faced in that of your interpreter. We have had many “first-time” interpreters. But our experience on Tuesday evening was a delight. I have never had a “first-timer” do so good – and I am probably one of the hardest to interpret. Vanessa was excellent and I have already informed her that she will be interpreting for me when I return to Arequipa – that is “if” her schedule as a Doctor will permit. She and her husband are doctors.
The ministry at both Comminuted Carismatica Arequipa, Pastor William Arteaga and Iglesia Buenas Nuevas Asambleas de Dios, Pastor Armando Castillo was a pleasure and there invitation and along with that of our host Church, Iglesia Comminuted Christian La Vina will be a pleasure to accept when our schedule will allow. And therein lies a problem – rather a burden! The growth of relationships is growing so fast it will become necessary to spend more time here in Peru. That is good and yet it is.............(I am not sure what to say.) Anyway, God is opening more and more doors and the hunger for spiritual relationships, training, counsel and fellowship is expanding very fast. If we were to spend three days with each contact who has requested, we’d be here for over six months.
Our ministry has been good for the first two nights. The subject of the ministry is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the Initial Physical Evidence of Speaking in Tongues. The attendance has been about 30 and the interest has been very good. David Hodges is translating for me and Rosita, Ceci’s niece is reading the scriptures from the projection on the wall. This help to keep their attention and the different voices helps to keep them awake.
The weather has been cold! You keep moving while teaching to stay warm, but because we are videoing the teaching my movement is limited. When I say cold, maybe it is because the home is not heated, the weather is damp from the mist, and the sun does not shine. Yesterday, the clouds settled in and you could not see the mountain right behind the house. All you could see is about one-fourth of the way up the mountain and the distance from the house to the base of the mountain behind is only about the length of a football field.
Remember: When you want to go upstairs from the bedroom, you go outside then up one flight of stairs to the kitchen and living room. If you need to go to the laundry area, then you go up another flight to the roof and the open room where the washing machine / dryer is found. And then of course you must conserve the water so you wet down, turn the water off, soap up, then turn the water on and rise off. Then you step out into the cold to complete the process. But because you know you are where you belong, you rejoice in the dedication and work of those who labor here all year.
Today we are in Lima, with Doctor Roger and his wife, Magaly, and their five month old daughter, Abigail. Roger came to Jicamarca last night and brought us to their home to spend the day with them. He will translating for me this evening and Marilyn will go back to the Hodges for a birthday celebration for Ceci.
So we are alive and well and enjoying fellowship with special people and following through on what God has called us to do here.
Next week the transportation will be a mess. Those who labor with the transportation – buses, taxi’s and such vehicles will be on strike. The new laws governing them is very, very hard to comply with and will more than double the number of buses and taxis needed to carry the same people. And if you have a family of more than 5 – then you cannot take them in your own personal car if there are only 5 seats in that car. Then the fine for even accidently running a red light will be 1,000 soles – that is about $350 – which is equivalent to more than half of their monthly income. Imagine that! The strike will be on Wednesday and Thursday!
Thank God Marilyn departs from Lima at 7:00 AM which means we will take her to the airport and be there before 4:00 AM and will be able to avoid the problem – which will include the burning of tires in the streets. But it means that my activities will be limited during those two days – my schedule must be adjusted.
Remember to pray for us and the potential problems arising from this difficulty.
God bless,
Dr D and Marilyn
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