Monday, October 26
Things here just do not seem to remain the same even after setting a schedule. The key word around which you must build your time overseas is “flexibility”
Today was supposed to be a day of updating all materials and shopping to purchase holders for each of the copies of the CD cycles. So I took advantage of t he time the electricity was to be available wand completed some work. As always the only thing consistent is the “power shut off” – allo though you are never sure exactly when that will be. Then comes the unexpected: Announcement - we have to leave at noon to have dinner with the Pastor from the Assembly of God – the same one we had been with on Sunday evening after the service at the Mennonite Church..
I begin to wonder: What is she fixing now? I really begin to question what is happening because our journey does not go in the direction where we had the meal on Sunday evening. It is a long journey - requiring about one hour. I begin to recognize the area. It is the area where the Junta Judge lives. I visited him in August. Trying to locate the house is a problem but we finally see the husband of the pastor standing in the street and confidence builds. I hear my mind saying, “I would never have placed them in this neighborhood after seeing the area where the Church is located. This is “heaven” compared to the location of the Church.”
We eat, talk and I notice the time. I was told that we were to have out next appointment at 5:00 and that means rush hour traffic. I also know we are to pick up an interpreter. But we also have to journey back to the house and get my equipment. We do and I do. But it is “rest time” according to my host and of course that means a quick trip under the water in the shower to cool off afterwards. Finally we depart – late according to “gringo time” but “on time” according to Dominican Republic time.
We locate Daniel, the interpreter on a street, apparently at a pre-arranged location and head to meet Pastor Perez and his wife. After many turns and “returns” as well as phone calls we locate the building, climb the stairs and are taken into a room with a table, padded walls and a small table with snacks and drink. I almost panic but then I see that this is their recording room as well as a conference room for us today.
GREAT – was the meeting. They also are “on-board” and tell me they project that when they start in January they will have 100 +/- students. Fabulous! That means we are well over the original goal and will probably exceed the original by three times.
So we complete the evening by returning home but have a meal on the way. Monday is complete!
Tuesday, October 27:
My alarm goes off and I rise to prepare for the day. I hear the sound of other alarms but no one else rises to the occasion. When I am finally ready, equipment, clothes, tooth paste, etc., I make noise to arouse the others from their slumber so we can get on the way to Jarabacoa and the YWAM – DTS School. These students are preparing for a missions assignment in Africa. My host and I are to be substitute teachers for the morning.
Jarabacoa is in the mountains about 50 kilometers from Santiago. I was told it was going to be “cold” there so I wore a long sleeve shirt. Wrong! It was cooler but not “cold”. It is about 2 hours from Santo Domingo and we arrived in sufficient time for nothing! It was hit the road and teach. I taught for my allotted time and began a break. Then I am told what the subject was I am to speak about and questioned where I was going with the second session. Recognizing that the first session was on-target but the second was not in the middle of the subject, I suggested that my host, Augusto Chavez, take the next session.
WE ate with the students, had a time of fellowship and I was directed to a room where I could relax for the afternoon. Afternoon! I thought we were to be on our way to Santiago! Wrong! The actor from Peru, who had also been with us on many occasion and was also staying at the house was schedule to do a drama teaching that afternoon and we were to then proceed to Santiago. He did! I did but no rest only work!
My evening appointment became also my home for the evening. Pastor Raul Castellano, his wife and son were perfect hosts. But when their son was not available it was back to “Spanish Sign Language” because my interpreter was to spend the night with some friends and my host, Chavez was going back to Jarabacoa to teach the evening and the next morning – which I did not know until he had departed.
I meet with Pastor Raul and two other pastors as well as US missionary. Pacto De Vida was well accepted although we were not given any final decision. However, I know it will happen, “when” is the only question.
I am told they have hot water. I assume they were talking about the shower to which they had just referred in the same breath. WRONG! But it is too late as I am already in shock from the cold water that attacks my body. I decide that a simple running of water over my body will suffice for the night and got out quickly.
Wednesday, October 28
Morning comes, I slowly begin moving my body, pack and head downstairs for some coffee – yeah me! I spend the next hour using my hands to illustrate words, and the same for Pastor Raul. We laugh a lot but also recognize that we “have” communicated.
His wife makes her way downstairs and we go to the street to meet a taxi who takes me to meet Alvaro Rodriquez, the brother of Gustavo Rodriquez, a close pastor friend from Peru. I am taken to a beautiful school facility and discover that Pastor Alvaro, with his wife as director operate an English speaking private school of 275 students, 1-12.
So I figure that the morning meeting will take place here, but no mention is ever made about a meeting or discussing the university program. Instead I am taken to an outside pavilion where high school students are gathered and hear that the actor, my interpreter and another man from Santo Domingo will do the same play that was done in the Methodist Church where I ministered on Sunday morning.
Bottom Line: No university presentation took place! But Pastor Alvaro took us on a tour of Santiago of key historical locations and treated us to a lunch. Then back to his house to await the arrival of Pastor Chavez to begin our journey back to Santo Domingo.
Bored yet? Okay, I’ll continue!
We return to the city, drop off my interpreter at the YWAM facility, drive across town and drop of the man who came to assist with the drama. Find our way home, with a stop to acquire a Cappuccino and I unpack and ready my materials for the evening sessions – two fo them. One is only a presentation and the other is a sermon.
Yeah, you guessed it! We depart late and have to swing by and pick up Pastor Omar Ramirez, the older brother of Imer, the interpreter who went to Santiago with us. We drive to the house of the Pastor Reuben Peguro with whom we have the appointment. But......!
Here is where things are different than I was told! He get in the car and we drive all the way across town to the same area where I had lunch on Monday but to a different section. We have to drive through mud holes that are at least 12 - 18 inches deep and after several phone calls we arrive at a home where people are in prayer on the lanai area with 50+ white plastic chairs assembled. A projector hangs from the ceiling and musical instruments line on one end with sound equipment.
I am introduced to a pastor and discover here is the connection for the university, not with Pastor Peguro. But I am told by my host, Chavez, that I need to do this meeting in less than one hour so we can hit the road again and make it to the next location for their evening service. I condense my presentation with speed. Pastor Chavez shares and we see 25 hands raised to indicate the desire of those who want to enroll.
We make a hurried exit and on the way to the next location I am told that the pastor where we departed was going to take the university to his whole neighborhood and to the other pastors and churches to involve them in the education opportunity.
Hurriedly we travel and arrive to see the congregation eagerly awaiting our presence. With Bible in hand and giving the Spanish scriptures to Pastor Omar we launch into the message of the evening. They church has already received the Pacto De Vida presentation and their projected number had doubled on Friday evening. The Word was readily received with joy and after special ministry to several we departed for home.
I spent some time working on some documents and crashed into bed knowing that I was to be taken about 9:00 AM to the home of one team member where I would have internet access and electricity so I would complete all documents to leave with Pastor Chavez for the extensions and final preparations.
Thursday, October 29:
Things changed again! I am invited to have lunch with the ladies on the board of the ministry to abused wives and children headed by Janette, a TV personality and the wife of the “high judge” with whom I met in August. I take advantage of the electricity until noon,– it ends and we depart for the lunch.
Five ladies arrive and later the husband of one. We greet, sit and order our meal. Well, our host does. Not one of them speaks English and my only interpreter is the actor from Peru and his English is only slightly better than my Spanish. Difficult? YEAH!!!! They are brought up-to-date regarding what is transpiring with the university – they have volunteered to assist. Two are lawyers, one of them is a law instructor in the university and is currently also studying clinical psychology. Another is a journalist. Ooops! I can’t remember the occupation of the last one. Sorry!
As we are about to leave the table, I am requested to change my return ticket and remain to be with them in the morning for a breakfast meeting. Why? I an not sure, but God does. However, I tell them I cannot because I must get home and prepare for a trip to Oklahoma City early Monday morning. So until the next visit we do the typical Spanish “check-to-cheek goodbye” and depart with a full stomach and pocketbook – the treat was theirs!
The afternoon schedule included a Pacto De Vida review and discussion with Pastor Chavez and Pastor Omar Ramirez. POW! WOW! I discover Pastor Chavez has not understood the terminology of “academic year” vs. “calendar year” and the number of credits that complete the “academic year.” After much time new light enters the mind and we complete out planning, having set the stage for further expansion.
The final sharing of the working of the university is with Tabernacle Asaemblaes De Dios, and Pastor Francisco Morrobel. I had ministered there in August. It is a good church, filled with receptive people. Again the process of getting there on time is blurred as we have to pick up my interpreter for the evening, Marlene Luna, pick-up and drop off two and the actor at their location for the evening – again hard to find – and then cris-cross already traveled roads to get to the Church.
Finally we arrive, make the presentation, take a count of hands – I think the count was between 25-35. And we depart to pick up the others. But we do not go to the same location and eventually arrive at an apartment complex. It is the home of the lady who interpreted for me on the previous Friday evening. She has fixed a meal, spaghetti. We all eat, fellowship and then head home – of course dropping off the two Dominican actors, my interpreter and then home for the final hours of preparation for a 9:01 AM departure, meaning a 6:15 AM departure from the house.
I can tell it will be an “all-nighter” It was, in fact no sleep because by the time I finished the work I had to do about 3:45 AM. But there is no reason to try to sleep for one hour and fifteen minutes – I’d be too groggy.
The final surprise was awaiting me. I found out that we were going to pick up Pastor Peguro who is to be on the same JetBlue flight back to For Lauderdale. No problem! Now the problem! I had two suitcase and my carry-on. My host had a case as well as the actor, apparently they were going somewhere on Friday. Then the pastor we picked up had his suitcase and a carry-on.
The car? A Toyota corolla! And the trunk already had a propane gas tank in it as well as some tools and other odds and ends. Pack? Yes! We packed two men and several suitcase into the back seat and “bounced” across the streets to the airport.
That ends it, except for a stop at Ikea on the way home. Marilyn and Nicole met me and had plans to do some shopping. Ikea is only one block north of I-75 on the way home, so no problem, except I had not had anything to eat and no sleep. But I survived as you can tell – I hope.
Thanks again for your interest and prayers,
Dr D
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
I have not forgotten you! I have just been without internet abilities – well, better “access.” And it has been very busy.
On Wednesday I was able to spend a lot of time in curriculum preparation as well as operational procedures for Dominican Republic’s extensions of Pacto De Vida Universidad (Covenant Life University). It is important to change all documents so as to give ownership in the country where you are establishing extensions.
And then there is the difference in monies - from soles to pesos, from exchange rates of 2.85-3.00/dollar to 32-36/dollar. So all excel documents need altering, as well as all policies and procedures. Couple that with differences in the meaning of Spanish words and terms and you can see the struggle. But remember you have “gringo” trying to make sense out of Spanish! Fun!!??
I finally figured out why I was shifted from Augusto Chavez’s bachelor pad to that of Moises de la Rosa’s pad with his brother and the maid that their parents have to take care of the place while they live in New York. Why? Because Moises is one member of the five member team that has been organized to operate Pacto De Vida here in Dominicana. That’s right!
Chavez has a degree in marketing and he has put together a team of five guys: an ophthalmologist, an associate Pastor, a Youth With A Mission student and a husky hungry college age student. Each has a special assignment. Only two of them are from the same Church and they are brothers. But all want to serve! And they are not asking for payment – only to cover their expenses such as gas, phone, etc. Three speak fluent English and the other one is in the process.
I “thought” I was having a meeting on Thursday with three pastors to train them on the operational procedures for their extension. Instead it was a meeting of the “team” to introduce all the members to me and to go over their plans to facilitate the university here. They have it planned! I could not offer any further advice at this time, but I will wait and see how their plan operates. I really do not see any evident “bugs” in the operational procedures.
Thursday evening was spent visiting a couple of pastors, just to say “hi” and then to stop a cell group meeting and share a quick 120 second message (Really! I did it!) Then over to the house of the only lady involved who is not one of the front five, but is a “standby” at her request due to her educational schedule. She non-the-less had already gone over some documents and checked their translation accuracy for the Republic of Dominica.
Today, Friday, I got my schedule and boy are the next seven days full! Tonight I went to the first church for the purpose of sharing about Pacto De Vida – its program and educational opportunities. It as one of the five on the list with an expected enrollment of 10. But after presenting a PowerPoint Presentation we discovered that there are 20 who desired to enroll! I return there on Wednesday evening to preach at 8:00 PM – and that is after I present the university to another church at 6:00.
Tomorrow morning I am scheduled to speak at the YWAM - King’s Kids at 9:00. Then in the evening a 7:00 sermon to present, followed by a university presentation. Sunday there are two services to minister the Word – one a Methodist and the evening one is Mennonite. Monday a 5:00 presentation to Casa de Camino completes the day but on Tuesday we depart for Santiago and a 7 pm appointment, another on Wednesday morning at 9 then back to Santo Domingo for a 6 pm Pacto De Vida presentation and then a quick trip to preach at the same church I mentioned that had 20 instead of 10 prospective students. Thursday it’s a 7 pm presentation to an Assemblies of God pastor and congregation then dart over to the Mennonite Church (Sunday eve’s church) for another university presentation.
And with all of this I have discovered that they must have “no-see-ems” here! And boy do they love me! My only means of protection has been to keep the fan running on high at night and “blow them ‘itches’ away”. Either that is what is biting or they have the smallest mosquitoes I have ever seen! It is survival time and I plan on surviving!
Right now it is 12:40 and I am still pressed to complete the message for the youth tomorrow – alkdfla;kgn – pardon that – it isn’t swear words – it is the result of “bug swatting!”
And – there is always an “and” that links you to another situation – and then the cord to my power supply for this laptop has developed a short. I can get around it when I do not have to use my projector. The projector has a cord that adapts easily to the transformer, but I need the projector also! So when I set up it is a “touch-and-go” situation to get the cord twisted just right so it will remain in an “on” position!
And (there it is again) there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason for the power company’s decision to turn off the electricity. This morning it was off from about 8:00 to 10:30. Then it came back but went off again about 2:00 =/-. And that meant it was off until 6:00 pm. Now try to use your computer when the battery is going on two years of age and it holds only about a 40% charge which dissipates very quickly - and wouldn’t you know it right in the middle of something important that must be finished before you leave fo the next appointment.
I am not complaining! Just stating facts! No complaints from me, because it is too exciting to see how God is opening doors and working through ways and people you would not naturally select.
I MUST get that message completed for the youth, so until you read the next blog, remember to keep me in your prayers.
Dr D
Saturday, October 24th
As you can see I was not able to get my computer to a place to update the blog. So I am just adding to it until I can accomplish the task.
Saturday was a “different day.” Different because of a communication gap. We arrived at our destination – YWAM – and I spoke to the youth and ministered to them individually. There were approximately 25 in my session. When I completed the session and went looking for my host, I was told that he would return at 6:00 P.M. It was now 11:30 A.M. So I would be “stranded” here for without my computer and the things I HAD to work on all afternoon. That was bad enough but when he would pick me up we would only have one hour to make it to our evening assignment and it was traffic rush hour. So to go by his house, pick up my computer, my sermon, my bible and the projector was a MUST.
Fortunately, those in charge of YWAM had prepared a bed for me to take a nap and were going to provide lunch and supper. So I made the best of it. And I was glad for my iPhone because I could catch up on my emails – at least those which required a “short” response. That is the way things happen when you are a “missionary” traveling under the responsibility of others. You either adjust or “blow-up” and who wants to find all the parts after such an explosion? Not me!
We did accomplish our assignment and made the evening service at about 8:00 – one hour later than I thought was scheduled. I brought the word and then presented Pacto De Vida (Covenant Life University for you who can’t remember). Surprise! Surprise! Instead of the anticipated 10 potential students, 20 hands were raised. That means that we are now at a rate of double the enrollment than what was projected originally. At this rate we may have well over 100 students before I return home.
If you heard the noise it was just my host rattling on with his Spanish humor making fun of me! I’ll get him during the service this morning when I have an interpreter.
O yes! Another assignment has fallen on my plate. I am to speak to a group of students of YWAM Tuesday morning at 9:30. They are in training for an overseas assignment in the city of Jarabacoa. I am told that, using their words, is “very cold” there. It is in the mountain region on the way to Santiago.
I have now come to the point where I cannot accept any more appointments and still complete all the work that I must do in preparation for starting the extensions of Pacto De Vida here in Dominican Republic.
Sunday, October 25
This has been a fast busy hard day! Part of the struggle is derived from being told that the AM service is at 10:00 and because of the past I ask when will we depart. I am told, “10:00!” So I am ready before the hour and walk out only to see my host still lying on his pad on the floor in front of the door trying to keep cool! The other guest is still asleep. I try discussing it and find out that we do have to be there until 11:00 because the 10:00 is Sunday School. So I adjust my gears and take time to do something on the computer only because the electricity has returned (it goes off at 6:00 AM).
Then to my surprise, we do leave until a few minutes before 11:00. We go out of the way – I can tell – to pick up one other person and then find ourselves in a traffic jam along a very busy street filled with Sunday vendors. Finally we arrive at Iglesia Evangelica Methodist Libre Central. We walk in and “o” that is a biblical term of surprise) they are still in their Sunday School hour so we sit down in the back of the auditorium for 15 minutes, then continue to wait while they go through a “transition” of testimonies, prayer, looking the congregation over to see who is missing. This is led by the pastor who point to people and asks them who they recognize is missing.
We switch to the worship, with which I am pleasantly surprised to see the people involved in worship and vociferous (I like the sound of that word) singing. It was robust and sincere. Even the boy on the backup who could not have been more that twelve.
I will say that I do not know when I have shared the Word with a more active, responsive, enthusiastic group of people – and they are Methodist! To make it short and “sweet” (if that is possible) – it was a great service and was well received. I concluded by giving the pastor a word. He turned to me and grabbed me and for 3-4 minutes “held on for dear life.” Something I said spoke to him. Thank you Jesus!
We were requested to go to the parking lot and “bless a new car.” We did! And it is blessed!
A slow drive without much traffic found us back at the favorite restaurant of my host! Good food! Reliable food! Good waitresses! Good time! Enough said!
Then we journeyed for 5 minutes and found our beds at 3:30. Well they did! I had work to do and had to take advantage of the fact that the electricity was on. That ended – the electricity at 5:00.
Once again, I was ready only to find out that we did not need to leave until 5:30. The Mennonite Church was just around the corner – well 5 corners. Upon arriving there were only 10-15 people there. The pastor began to apologize saying that the extremely hot weather was going to keep people away. It did not but they were slow arriving.
The pastor is the father of the four sons, three of whom have interpreted for me. All are excellent but the oldest, Omar is very responsive and gets into it with me. We have a lot of fun ministering. The Word is delivered and received. Then the pastor comes and very gently suggests that I take only 30 minutes to present the extension ministry of Pacto De Vida because the people want to go home. I accommodate his request but 90% remain and then stand around outside for another 20 minutes. Ten indicate they are interested in becoming students. Good! That makes a prospective list of 50 students and there are four more Churches desiring an extension – or at least we have meetings with them.
We depart and I begin to wonder where we are going. I discover without asking any questions. We returned to the area where we were on Saturday evening and park in front of the Church. The service ends and out comes the pastor and her husband. I am told to get out and follow them across the street and up the steel circular stairs (watching my head because one could seriously endanger their brains on it due to its close circle and low overhead.) I then discover we are going to have a Dominican Meal! It is yucca and onions lightly placed in a skillet – more like a stir fry with rice and chicken.
I am dead on my feet but I make it through. At 10:00 we take our leave and journey home. Here I am and here I will be until noon tomorrow. Because on the way home I am told we will have dinner with the same pastor at noon. She is fixing a traditional “soup” with beef, seafood and ?????
Enough, I am exhausted and want to post this since I can use the computer of my host to do it.
Dr D
I have not forgotten you! I have just been without internet abilities – well, better “access.” And it has been very busy.
On Wednesday I was able to spend a lot of time in curriculum preparation as well as operational procedures for Dominican Republic’s extensions of Pacto De Vida Universidad (Covenant Life University). It is important to change all documents so as to give ownership in the country where you are establishing extensions.
And then there is the difference in monies - from soles to pesos, from exchange rates of 2.85-3.00/dollar to 32-36/dollar. So all excel documents need altering, as well as all policies and procedures. Couple that with differences in the meaning of Spanish words and terms and you can see the struggle. But remember you have “gringo” trying to make sense out of Spanish! Fun!!??
I finally figured out why I was shifted from Augusto Chavez’s bachelor pad to that of Moises de la Rosa’s pad with his brother and the maid that their parents have to take care of the place while they live in New York. Why? Because Moises is one member of the five member team that has been organized to operate Pacto De Vida here in Dominicana. That’s right!
Chavez has a degree in marketing and he has put together a team of five guys: an ophthalmologist, an associate Pastor, a Youth With A Mission student and a husky hungry college age student. Each has a special assignment. Only two of them are from the same Church and they are brothers. But all want to serve! And they are not asking for payment – only to cover their expenses such as gas, phone, etc. Three speak fluent English and the other one is in the process.
I “thought” I was having a meeting on Thursday with three pastors to train them on the operational procedures for their extension. Instead it was a meeting of the “team” to introduce all the members to me and to go over their plans to facilitate the university here. They have it planned! I could not offer any further advice at this time, but I will wait and see how their plan operates. I really do not see any evident “bugs” in the operational procedures.
Thursday evening was spent visiting a couple of pastors, just to say “hi” and then to stop a cell group meeting and share a quick 120 second message (Really! I did it!) Then over to the house of the only lady involved who is not one of the front five, but is a “standby” at her request due to her educational schedule. She non-the-less had already gone over some documents and checked their translation accuracy for the Republic of Dominica.
Today, Friday, I got my schedule and boy are the next seven days full! Tonight I went to the first church for the purpose of sharing about Pacto De Vida – its program and educational opportunities. It as one of the five on the list with an expected enrollment of 10. But after presenting a PowerPoint Presentation we discovered that there are 20 who desired to enroll! I return there on Wednesday evening to preach at 8:00 PM – and that is after I present the university to another church at 6:00.
Tomorrow morning I am scheduled to speak at the YWAM - King’s Kids at 9:00. Then in the evening a 7:00 sermon to present, followed by a university presentation. Sunday there are two services to minister the Word – one a Methodist and the evening one is Mennonite. Monday a 5:00 presentation to Casa de Camino completes the day but on Tuesday we depart for Santiago and a 7 pm appointment, another on Wednesday morning at 9 then back to Santo Domingo for a 6 pm Pacto De Vida presentation and then a quick trip to preach at the same church I mentioned that had 20 instead of 10 prospective students. Thursday it’s a 7 pm presentation to an Assemblies of God pastor and congregation then dart over to the Mennonite Church (Sunday eve’s church) for another university presentation.
And with all of this I have discovered that they must have “no-see-ems” here! And boy do they love me! My only means of protection has been to keep the fan running on high at night and “blow them ‘itches’ away”. Either that is what is biting or they have the smallest mosquitoes I have ever seen! It is survival time and I plan on surviving!
Right now it is 12:40 and I am still pressed to complete the message for the youth tomorrow – alkdfla;kgn – pardon that – it isn’t swear words – it is the result of “bug swatting!”
And – there is always an “and” that links you to another situation – and then the cord to my power supply for this laptop has developed a short. I can get around it when I do not have to use my projector. The projector has a cord that adapts easily to the transformer, but I need the projector also! So when I set up it is a “touch-and-go” situation to get the cord twisted just right so it will remain in an “on” position!
And (there it is again) there doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason for the power company’s decision to turn off the electricity. This morning it was off from about 8:00 to 10:30. Then it came back but went off again about 2:00 =/-. And that meant it was off until 6:00 pm. Now try to use your computer when the battery is going on two years of age and it holds only about a 40% charge which dissipates very quickly - and wouldn’t you know it right in the middle of something important that must be finished before you leave fo the next appointment.
I am not complaining! Just stating facts! No complaints from me, because it is too exciting to see how God is opening doors and working through ways and people you would not naturally select.
I MUST get that message completed for the youth, so until you read the next blog, remember to keep me in your prayers.
Dr D
Saturday, October 24th
As you can see I was not able to get my computer to a place to update the blog. So I am just adding to it until I can accomplish the task.
Saturday was a “different day.” Different because of a communication gap. We arrived at our destination – YWAM – and I spoke to the youth and ministered to them individually. There were approximately 25 in my session. When I completed the session and went looking for my host, I was told that he would return at 6:00 P.M. It was now 11:30 A.M. So I would be “stranded” here for without my computer and the things I HAD to work on all afternoon. That was bad enough but when he would pick me up we would only have one hour to make it to our evening assignment and it was traffic rush hour. So to go by his house, pick up my computer, my sermon, my bible and the projector was a MUST.
Fortunately, those in charge of YWAM had prepared a bed for me to take a nap and were going to provide lunch and supper. So I made the best of it. And I was glad for my iPhone because I could catch up on my emails – at least those which required a “short” response. That is the way things happen when you are a “missionary” traveling under the responsibility of others. You either adjust or “blow-up” and who wants to find all the parts after such an explosion? Not me!
We did accomplish our assignment and made the evening service at about 8:00 – one hour later than I thought was scheduled. I brought the word and then presented Pacto De Vida (Covenant Life University for you who can’t remember). Surprise! Surprise! Instead of the anticipated 10 potential students, 20 hands were raised. That means that we are now at a rate of double the enrollment than what was projected originally. At this rate we may have well over 100 students before I return home.
If you heard the noise it was just my host rattling on with his Spanish humor making fun of me! I’ll get him during the service this morning when I have an interpreter.
O yes! Another assignment has fallen on my plate. I am to speak to a group of students of YWAM Tuesday morning at 9:30. They are in training for an overseas assignment in the city of Jarabacoa. I am told that, using their words, is “very cold” there. It is in the mountain region on the way to Santiago.
I have now come to the point where I cannot accept any more appointments and still complete all the work that I must do in preparation for starting the extensions of Pacto De Vida here in Dominican Republic.
Sunday, October 25
This has been a fast busy hard day! Part of the struggle is derived from being told that the AM service is at 10:00 and because of the past I ask when will we depart. I am told, “10:00!” So I am ready before the hour and walk out only to see my host still lying on his pad on the floor in front of the door trying to keep cool! The other guest is still asleep. I try discussing it and find out that we do have to be there until 11:00 because the 10:00 is Sunday School. So I adjust my gears and take time to do something on the computer only because the electricity has returned (it goes off at 6:00 AM).
Then to my surprise, we do leave until a few minutes before 11:00. We go out of the way – I can tell – to pick up one other person and then find ourselves in a traffic jam along a very busy street filled with Sunday vendors. Finally we arrive at Iglesia Evangelica Methodist Libre Central. We walk in and “o” that is a biblical term of surprise) they are still in their Sunday School hour so we sit down in the back of the auditorium for 15 minutes, then continue to wait while they go through a “transition” of testimonies, prayer, looking the congregation over to see who is missing. This is led by the pastor who point to people and asks them who they recognize is missing.
We switch to the worship, with which I am pleasantly surprised to see the people involved in worship and vociferous (I like the sound of that word) singing. It was robust and sincere. Even the boy on the backup who could not have been more that twelve.
I will say that I do not know when I have shared the Word with a more active, responsive, enthusiastic group of people – and they are Methodist! To make it short and “sweet” (if that is possible) – it was a great service and was well received. I concluded by giving the pastor a word. He turned to me and grabbed me and for 3-4 minutes “held on for dear life.” Something I said spoke to him. Thank you Jesus!
We were requested to go to the parking lot and “bless a new car.” We did! And it is blessed!
A slow drive without much traffic found us back at the favorite restaurant of my host! Good food! Reliable food! Good waitresses! Good time! Enough said!
Then we journeyed for 5 minutes and found our beds at 3:30. Well they did! I had work to do and had to take advantage of the fact that the electricity was on. That ended – the electricity at 5:00.
Once again, I was ready only to find out that we did not need to leave until 5:30. The Mennonite Church was just around the corner – well 5 corners. Upon arriving there were only 10-15 people there. The pastor began to apologize saying that the extremely hot weather was going to keep people away. It did not but they were slow arriving.
The pastor is the father of the four sons, three of whom have interpreted for me. All are excellent but the oldest, Omar is very responsive and gets into it with me. We have a lot of fun ministering. The Word is delivered and received. Then the pastor comes and very gently suggests that I take only 30 minutes to present the extension ministry of Pacto De Vida because the people want to go home. I accommodate his request but 90% remain and then stand around outside for another 20 minutes. Ten indicate they are interested in becoming students. Good! That makes a prospective list of 50 students and there are four more Churches desiring an extension – or at least we have meetings with them.
We depart and I begin to wonder where we are going. I discover without asking any questions. We returned to the area where we were on Saturday evening and park in front of the Church. The service ends and out comes the pastor and her husband. I am told to get out and follow them across the street and up the steel circular stairs (watching my head because one could seriously endanger their brains on it due to its close circle and low overhead.) I then discover we are going to have a Dominican Meal! It is yucca and onions lightly placed in a skillet – more like a stir fry with rice and chicken.
I am dead on my feet but I make it through. At 10:00 we take our leave and journey home. Here I am and here I will be until noon tomorrow. Because on the way home I am told we will have dinner with the same pastor at noon. She is fixing a traditional “soup” with beef, seafood and ?????
Enough, I am exhausted and want to post this since I can use the computer of my host to do it.
Dr D
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Back Again To Dominican Republic
October 21, 2009
Greetings from the Dominican Republic with all of its heat, no A/C, cold showers and great people!
Thanks to a couple of families with a burden for the nations, and their booking the flight I have returned to Dominican Republic to start four extensions of Covenant Life University or as stated in Spanish - Pacto De Vida Universidad.
There is always a surprise waiting on you when you venture into the other lands. On Monday the surprise this time was that my host would be out of town Tuesday and Wednesday in Haiti where he is in the process of building a building for a ministry to the children of the city. AND!!! (There can always be an “and”.)
If you remember the last time I was here, someone stole the power line to the house where I stayed. This time they must have stolen the water line to the bathroom. Why? No water in the bathroom at all! So it means that to shower you use a container and pour water over your body, then soap up and again pour water over you to rinse off. Sounds rough but in one way it was better than having the water shoot out from the pipe in the wall with all of it’s coldness. Why is it better? Well the water had been in the bucket over-night and so it had come to room temperature and therefore wasn’t so bad.
Well, since Pastor Chavez had to be out of town, I was placed in the home of a friend of his who speaks at the best, a little better English than I do Spanish. Oh, I did have an interpreter yesterday when we met with two pastors – well that is with the first one, although the pastor does speak English. Last night’s meeting was okay because the Pastor is fluent in English.
I knew these brothers from the Spanish Conference of the SonShine Network Ministries (International Pentecostal Holiness). They are great pastors. Johnnie Martinez has a church in a tent. Not just “a tent” but an air-conditioned tent seating 750+ with seats like those we have in Ft. Myers. Their attendance at this location is about 1,000. He has a TV ministry that is broadcast on satellite four times. They have two services on Sunday morning then he travels about one hour to his second location where they have another tent and about 400 in attendance. He has a great vision for ministering to his country and raising up workers for the kingdom both as Kings (professionals) and as Priests (Pastors). I believe I will hear from him again.
Tuesday evening I met with Freddy Perez who holds his services in the coliseum in the boxing arena. They currently have about 2,000 in attendance. They were having their midweek prayer service and he asked me to meet him before the service at 7:00 pm. I did and we adjourned about 7:45 to the service. It was very interesting as well as powerful. They have an emphasis on deliverance. Believe me there is a big need for it in this country. He is the preacher of the hour on Sunday and his wife is the preacher on Tuesdays. There is no doubt about it – she is good and knows how to communicate with the people.
During the service he requested that I meet with both him and his wife after the service. The result: I will meet with them on Monday evening to go into details about putting an extension in their Church. So from four the number is now five!
My guest house - or better the house where I am staying is a clean house and Moises and his sister - I think - maybe another relative and his brother. His father lives in New York.
Hold everything! He just came into my room and typed the following on my computer then translated it for me using Babelfish: voy a ir a comprar algo para la gripe y me quedare jugando un poco de domino,si me necesitas llamame al celular – I am going to go to buy something for the influenza and it will be playing a little I dominate to me, if you need call to me to the cellular phone!
Did you read that word: “influenza!” I DID! So keep me in your prayers!
Back to the house - at least it has running water even though it is cold – and I found it is better to dip and pour even here. I will be here tonight and then back to the “Chavez Pad”
Tomorrow I have an 11:00 appointment to train three pastors on how to operate an extension of Pacto De Vida. And hopefully to find out more about the schedule I face.
So until you read – and I am not sure when – because I have a great difficulty getting on-line at the “pad” .....
God Bless,
Dr D
Greetings from the Dominican Republic with all of its heat, no A/C, cold showers and great people!
Thanks to a couple of families with a burden for the nations, and their booking the flight I have returned to Dominican Republic to start four extensions of Covenant Life University or as stated in Spanish - Pacto De Vida Universidad.
There is always a surprise waiting on you when you venture into the other lands. On Monday the surprise this time was that my host would be out of town Tuesday and Wednesday in Haiti where he is in the process of building a building for a ministry to the children of the city. AND!!! (There can always be an “and”.)
If you remember the last time I was here, someone stole the power line to the house where I stayed. This time they must have stolen the water line to the bathroom. Why? No water in the bathroom at all! So it means that to shower you use a container and pour water over your body, then soap up and again pour water over you to rinse off. Sounds rough but in one way it was better than having the water shoot out from the pipe in the wall with all of it’s coldness. Why is it better? Well the water had been in the bucket over-night and so it had come to room temperature and therefore wasn’t so bad.
Well, since Pastor Chavez had to be out of town, I was placed in the home of a friend of his who speaks at the best, a little better English than I do Spanish. Oh, I did have an interpreter yesterday when we met with two pastors – well that is with the first one, although the pastor does speak English. Last night’s meeting was okay because the Pastor is fluent in English.
I knew these brothers from the Spanish Conference of the SonShine Network Ministries (International Pentecostal Holiness). They are great pastors. Johnnie Martinez has a church in a tent. Not just “a tent” but an air-conditioned tent seating 750+ with seats like those we have in Ft. Myers. Their attendance at this location is about 1,000. He has a TV ministry that is broadcast on satellite four times. They have two services on Sunday morning then he travels about one hour to his second location where they have another tent and about 400 in attendance. He has a great vision for ministering to his country and raising up workers for the kingdom both as Kings (professionals) and as Priests (Pastors). I believe I will hear from him again.
Tuesday evening I met with Freddy Perez who holds his services in the coliseum in the boxing arena. They currently have about 2,000 in attendance. They were having their midweek prayer service and he asked me to meet him before the service at 7:00 pm. I did and we adjourned about 7:45 to the service. It was very interesting as well as powerful. They have an emphasis on deliverance. Believe me there is a big need for it in this country. He is the preacher of the hour on Sunday and his wife is the preacher on Tuesdays. There is no doubt about it – she is good and knows how to communicate with the people.
During the service he requested that I meet with both him and his wife after the service. The result: I will meet with them on Monday evening to go into details about putting an extension in their Church. So from four the number is now five!
My guest house - or better the house where I am staying is a clean house and Moises and his sister - I think - maybe another relative and his brother. His father lives in New York.
Hold everything! He just came into my room and typed the following on my computer then translated it for me using Babelfish: voy a ir a comprar algo para la gripe y me quedare jugando un poco de domino,si me necesitas llamame al celular – I am going to go to buy something for the influenza and it will be playing a little I dominate to me, if you need call to me to the cellular phone!
Did you read that word: “influenza!” I DID! So keep me in your prayers!
Back to the house - at least it has running water even though it is cold – and I found it is better to dip and pour even here. I will be here tonight and then back to the “Chavez Pad”
Tomorrow I have an 11:00 appointment to train three pastors on how to operate an extension of Pacto De Vida. And hopefully to find out more about the schedule I face.
So until you read – and I am not sure when – because I have a great difficulty getting on-line at the “pad” .....
God Bless,
Dr D
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