Wednesday, November 25
The timing of God is incredible to be part of – to be included in! This trip and its timing was totally planned by God and orchestrated by the Holy Spirit.
It all began the Tuesday morning I received the email from Vadim just before Prayer With The Pastors began. I forwarded it to Pastor. I contemplated responding several times, and when I started, I head Pastor Ryan say I want to read a email my father forwarded to me...that is how it began to flow!
From there God’s people supplied the needed finances and I lifted off from the ground at Ft. Myers on Friday, November 13 – there is nothing bad about Friday the 13th! I landed in Kiev on Saturday at 4:50 PM and was at the Uruymagov home by 6:00 PM, where I saw Vadim’s wife, Inna who greeted me with a soft voice saying, “Papa!” I was there to minister to her and the family as she battled breast cancer.
From then on I was “on assignment” of ministry to the Urumyagovs, their Church congregation - New Time, Abundant Life and Way of Life in Chernivtsi. Each task on this assignment was “on time” and God ordained and Spirit led in what was said and done!
Inna went to glory at 5:00 AM Monday morning.
Today was the climax of my “assignment.” I was the principal speaker at Inna’s funeral. Everything began at 9:00 at the morgue. In Ukraine this is where you receive the body of someone who died. All family and friends gather there to receive the earthly home. Today we were there for almost two hours until the first viewing had taken place by close relatives and friends and the body was loaded on a special bus.
We had the traditional procession – except that it was not led by a police escort, and the journey was 60-65 miles. Oh, did it tell you it was in the high 30's to low 40's and windy – better yet it became very cold as the day progressed.
We arrived at the “chapel” – a room about 20 feet square with only two benches for the immediate family, but no one used them and the rest of us all gathered around standing shoulder to shoulder. That part was probably good because there was no heat in the room, the double doors open and the wind whipped through the room. There was no stand to lay your Bible or notes on. And an invitation was given for anyone who desired to say something to stand to the left of the head of the casket.
I am not making fun, nor do I desire to be-little the customs of any culture or country. It is just that I want to communicate my experience – my first experience for a funeral outside of the US.
The casket was a very simple plywood style box, similar to those you see on the old westerns, but not as deep. After all had shared, including me, those who brought flowers placed them in the casket as the filed by to greet the family.
We loaded up again and made about a 3/4 mile trip to the grave site. It was a simple freshly dug by hand hole just big enough for the casket approximately 3-4 feet from other freshly covered graves. The pastor in charge completed his prayer and before the workers placed the lid on all flowers were removed and distributed to those who wanted one. It was then nailed shut and the workers lowered it into the ground by hand, then proceeded to replace the earth. Large wreaths, about 4 feet high were placed over the mound produced by the excess dirt due to the casket now in the hole.
As is customary even in the US, we greeted and loved on one-another for some time and then made our way to our cars and journeyed back to our homes.
The message I shared, I called: Inna Died In Faith, based on Hebrews 11:13. I had found out on Tuesday when I read it to Vadim after the Holy Spirit placed it so heavily on my spirit, that Inna had been focusing on it and tell him that it was “better to die in faith than live without faith!”
She lived as she died – she walked by faith and lived by faith and died in faith! What more can be said?
Some day I want to read the many sermons she wrote this last year. They are un-preached! In fact she read the Bible through three times since January! She lived by faith!
I start my travels home tomorrow evening, spend the night in Amsterdam (airport) and then touch down in Ft. Myers Friday evening.
Once again! Thanks for being “on time” with your support and prayers. I thank God I was your representative to the Uruymagov family, their congregation, their friends and the believers I was honored to minister to.
God bless,
Dr D
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Tuesday, November 24
Some days are better than others, they are personally more exciting and then there are days that you have for the benefit of others. And that summarizes today! But there is something exciting about giving without expectation of return! There are days in which you feel “better” about it than others! And that is the lingering “feeling,” reflection about today!
I was “just there”! That can be the best comfort you can give someone that is grieving: “Be there!”
Now comes the task of preparing a message for those who will attend the funeral tomorrow at 10:00. A funeral is the same in any country. The only difference is the location and language. You speak to the living about “living.” You share the person who brings “life.” You present Jesus and thank God it is easier when the deceased was a believer.
So today’s “blog” is short because that is all I can think to say and share with you. I go now to finish a message called, “Inna’s Faith.” It is the result of the Holy Spirit speaking a verse to me and then quoting it to Vadim. When I finished he said to me, “Inna said, ‘It is better to die in faith, than to live without faith.’” So tomorrow we focus on Hebrews 11:13(NKJV) “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.”
She saw, she claimed, but confessed she was just passing through this life to another – and there she is!
God bless and thank you for sending me on this timely mission,
Dr D
Some days are better than others, they are personally more exciting and then there are days that you have for the benefit of others. And that summarizes today! But there is something exciting about giving without expectation of return! There are days in which you feel “better” about it than others! And that is the lingering “feeling,” reflection about today!
I was “just there”! That can be the best comfort you can give someone that is grieving: “Be there!”
Now comes the task of preparing a message for those who will attend the funeral tomorrow at 10:00. A funeral is the same in any country. The only difference is the location and language. You speak to the living about “living.” You share the person who brings “life.” You present Jesus and thank God it is easier when the deceased was a believer.
So today’s “blog” is short because that is all I can think to say and share with you. I go now to finish a message called, “Inna’s Faith.” It is the result of the Holy Spirit speaking a verse to me and then quoting it to Vadim. When I finished he said to me, “Inna said, ‘It is better to die in faith, than to live without faith.’” So tomorrow we focus on Hebrews 11:13(NKJV) “These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.”
She saw, she claimed, but confessed she was just passing through this life to another – and there she is!
God bless and thank you for sending me on this timely mission,
Dr D
Monday, November 23, 2009
Sunday, November 22:
The past 48 hours have been a whirlwind of activity! I have preached twice, traveled to Chernivtsi and back, made arrangements for an Idea Exchange for Pastors in Ukraine, counseled a pastor, and wept with another.
Sunday morning I was privileged to minister the Word at Abundant Life. It was a great service from the first chorus of worship through the salvation of a guest at the conclusion. In-between somewhere I delivered a my heart and the congregation’s response to the revelation they personally received from God was awesome to witness. Forget the preacher! The response of the people to the Word is what I am pointing you toward. Sometimes you “know” when the Word has penetrated their hearts. The message the Lord directed me with was confirmed immediately after the worship time and before I had opportunity to deliver it. A lady who led the congregation in prayer exhorted and prayed some of the key thoughts of my message and I knew I had heard from heaven. And — Heaven Came Down!
I was taken back to the house of my host and had opportunity to eat a quick few bites before I was to leave for the airport and stop to pray with Vadim and Inna – and I spent 30 minutes of intense prayer and worship with them before heading to catch my plane. The flight was only one hour and I was met by my Ukrainian Secretary/Interpreter taken to her flat, got to relax for 15 minutes and then walked 20 minutes to the location for the evening service with Way of Life Church and ministering the Word again.
After the service (it was great also as was the response) I spent three hours of fellowship with Tolik and Oksana (secretary/interpreter) and a couple for the Church with whom I was privileged last spring to spend a couple of days with at their hotel on the northwest coast of Crimea. They have extended me the opportunity of inviting pastors and wives with whom I have a relationship in Ukraine to come and stay for 3-4 days at their hotel on the Black Sea – free room and they only have to assist with a minimal fee for the food.
It is their desire to “invest in the kingdom of God through His servants in Ukraine.” WOW! What a novel idea! And then there is a special twist added to it – well not really a twist but a special invitation for Marilyn and I to spend the next week on vacation without any expense as their guests! That sounds too good to turn down! Not for me as much as for the pastors with whom I labor in Ukraine.
Monday, November 23
I crash about 1:30-2:00 AM and hear the phone ringing at 5:00. I can tell from the sounds it is Vadim and the next words I hear rip me apart: “Inna has just passed away!” I respond by praying with him and then tell him I will change me ticket and return on Monday.
Unfortunately there isn’t the same travel agent in Chernivtsi as in Kiev and so I am forced to purchase a one-way ticket for only 165 Hryvna (pronounced - grevna) that is less about $20 less than a round-trip. It also means that I will probably not be able to get any refund on the unused portion. But ministry to Vadim and the boys is more important than the money.
I will skip the emotional struggle I went through when I walked into Vadim’s apartment and greeted him.
The funeral will be on Wednesday morning and I ask you please keep Vadim and his boys in prayer. I will be involved in some way but I am not sure how as of tonight.
I have no answers as to “Why Lord?” However I do know Jesus Christ is Lord. I know God doesn’t make any mistakes! He is still God!
Thank you for your response to the appeal for finances so I could be here to support Vadim and his family.
God bless you for you prayers.
Dr D.
The past 48 hours have been a whirlwind of activity! I have preached twice, traveled to Chernivtsi and back, made arrangements for an Idea Exchange for Pastors in Ukraine, counseled a pastor, and wept with another.
Sunday morning I was privileged to minister the Word at Abundant Life. It was a great service from the first chorus of worship through the salvation of a guest at the conclusion. In-between somewhere I delivered a my heart and the congregation’s response to the revelation they personally received from God was awesome to witness. Forget the preacher! The response of the people to the Word is what I am pointing you toward. Sometimes you “know” when the Word has penetrated their hearts. The message the Lord directed me with was confirmed immediately after the worship time and before I had opportunity to deliver it. A lady who led the congregation in prayer exhorted and prayed some of the key thoughts of my message and I knew I had heard from heaven. And — Heaven Came Down!
I was taken back to the house of my host and had opportunity to eat a quick few bites before I was to leave for the airport and stop to pray with Vadim and Inna – and I spent 30 minutes of intense prayer and worship with them before heading to catch my plane. The flight was only one hour and I was met by my Ukrainian Secretary/Interpreter taken to her flat, got to relax for 15 minutes and then walked 20 minutes to the location for the evening service with Way of Life Church and ministering the Word again.
After the service (it was great also as was the response) I spent three hours of fellowship with Tolik and Oksana (secretary/interpreter) and a couple for the Church with whom I was privileged last spring to spend a couple of days with at their hotel on the northwest coast of Crimea. They have extended me the opportunity of inviting pastors and wives with whom I have a relationship in Ukraine to come and stay for 3-4 days at their hotel on the Black Sea – free room and they only have to assist with a minimal fee for the food.
It is their desire to “invest in the kingdom of God through His servants in Ukraine.” WOW! What a novel idea! And then there is a special twist added to it – well not really a twist but a special invitation for Marilyn and I to spend the next week on vacation without any expense as their guests! That sounds too good to turn down! Not for me as much as for the pastors with whom I labor in Ukraine.
Monday, November 23
I crash about 1:30-2:00 AM and hear the phone ringing at 5:00. I can tell from the sounds it is Vadim and the next words I hear rip me apart: “Inna has just passed away!” I respond by praying with him and then tell him I will change me ticket and return on Monday.
Unfortunately there isn’t the same travel agent in Chernivtsi as in Kiev and so I am forced to purchase a one-way ticket for only 165 Hryvna (pronounced - grevna) that is less about $20 less than a round-trip. It also means that I will probably not be able to get any refund on the unused portion. But ministry to Vadim and the boys is more important than the money.
I will skip the emotional struggle I went through when I walked into Vadim’s apartment and greeted him.
The funeral will be on Wednesday morning and I ask you please keep Vadim and his boys in prayer. I will be involved in some way but I am not sure how as of tonight.
I have no answers as to “Why Lord?” However I do know Jesus Christ is Lord. I know God doesn’t make any mistakes! He is still God!
Thank you for your response to the appeal for finances so I could be here to support Vadim and his family.
God bless you for you prayers.
Dr D.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Saturday, November 21
Today I ministered to New Time Church, the Church pastored by Vadim and Inna. You could feel the pain and stress they are experiencing. They were much more solemn than at any time previously. Frankly, it was a battle but at then end I know the there was a communication from the Spirit to them.
They still face some emotional struggles with the possibility that their pastor will turn the reigns over to another man for a period of time, if not permanently. No one can say what is ahead. Though he is a shepherd, his first concern is his wife and family. They must be his priority and that is where Vadim is focusing.
So, continue to pray with us and for the Urumyagov family and New Time Church.
We are facing a countdown! There is not much more the physical body undergo naturally. We recognize that the hour is ripe for the display of God’s power in her life. This is the “hour of faith!” Though we cannot see more than the natural, the physical, we rejoice because we do not walk by sight, but by faith!
Sunday will be a busy day. I will minister the Word at Abundant Life, make a quick trip to the Borispol airport and a one-hour flight to Chernivtsi and minister the Word in the evening.
Monday I have several appointments to give guidance and encouragement and then fly back to Kiev Tuesday, arriving at 6:00 PM and spend the evening praying with Vadim and Inna. I will be in contact by phone with them every few hours.
Please maintain your prayers for them,
Dr D
Today I ministered to New Time Church, the Church pastored by Vadim and Inna. You could feel the pain and stress they are experiencing. They were much more solemn than at any time previously. Frankly, it was a battle but at then end I know the there was a communication from the Spirit to them.
They still face some emotional struggles with the possibility that their pastor will turn the reigns over to another man for a period of time, if not permanently. No one can say what is ahead. Though he is a shepherd, his first concern is his wife and family. They must be his priority and that is where Vadim is focusing.
So, continue to pray with us and for the Urumyagov family and New Time Church.
We are facing a countdown! There is not much more the physical body undergo naturally. We recognize that the hour is ripe for the display of God’s power in her life. This is the “hour of faith!” Though we cannot see more than the natural, the physical, we rejoice because we do not walk by sight, but by faith!
Sunday will be a busy day. I will minister the Word at Abundant Life, make a quick trip to the Borispol airport and a one-hour flight to Chernivtsi and minister the Word in the evening.
Monday I have several appointments to give guidance and encouragement and then fly back to Kiev Tuesday, arriving at 6:00 PM and spend the evening praying with Vadim and Inna. I will be in contact by phone with them every few hours.
Please maintain your prayers for them,
Dr D
Friday, November 20, 2009
Friday, November 20
Have you ever found that sometimes you just can’t think of any way to say something different about the same thing? That is true today!
But I can say: “Jesus is OUR HEALER!” And I can do that with confidence!
Yes, we are still holding on – praying - ministering - and waiting on the manifestation of our payers – yours, and the untold number of others who have joined us in praying for Inna to be raised from this bed of sickness.
Tomorrow, Saturday at 3:30 PM Ukraine time - 8:30 AM Florida, I will be speaking to New Time Church which is the Church pastored by Vadim and Inna Uruymagov. It has been as hard for the congregation to see their pastor going through this struggle as well as the fact that he has been absent from the pulpit for over one month. I will stand to encourage them to hold steadfast during this time. And I will also set in order interim pastor who will be working under Pastor Vadim for the next few months and who may be in line to replace Pastor Vadim after they have had time to re-group themselves from this struggle.
In the midst of all the personal and family battle, Pastor Vadim’s concern is also for the sheep God has given him responsibility to shepherd. (Here in Ukraine, the Russian word for “pastor” and “shepherd” are the same. There is a definite connection between the two.)
Keep us in prayer as we walk with all of these precious people through this difficult time.
Dr D
Have you ever found that sometimes you just can’t think of any way to say something different about the same thing? That is true today!
But I can say: “Jesus is OUR HEALER!” And I can do that with confidence!
Yes, we are still holding on – praying - ministering - and waiting on the manifestation of our payers – yours, and the untold number of others who have joined us in praying for Inna to be raised from this bed of sickness.
Tomorrow, Saturday at 3:30 PM Ukraine time - 8:30 AM Florida, I will be speaking to New Time Church which is the Church pastored by Vadim and Inna Uruymagov. It has been as hard for the congregation to see their pastor going through this struggle as well as the fact that he has been absent from the pulpit for over one month. I will stand to encourage them to hold steadfast during this time. And I will also set in order interim pastor who will be working under Pastor Vadim for the next few months and who may be in line to replace Pastor Vadim after they have had time to re-group themselves from this struggle.
In the midst of all the personal and family battle, Pastor Vadim’s concern is also for the sheep God has given him responsibility to shepherd. (Here in Ukraine, the Russian word for “pastor” and “shepherd” are the same. There is a definite connection between the two.)
Keep us in prayer as we walk with all of these precious people through this difficult time.
Dr D
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wednesday, November 18
Today was almost the same as yesterday as far as ministry to Vadim and Inna. Pray! Pray! Encourage! Pray some more. Physical evidence points to the soon coming time for a miracle to be revealed. So continue to pray with us!
The only difference was the evening meal and fellowship with Pastor Andre and Ira Ivanov of Abundant Life and their six month old daughter, Katherine. (I hope that is the way they spell it!) Great fellowship, food and time to answer questions about different aspect of Church management.
Then back to my abode and continued warmth and fellowship with the Prudkiy family: Sasha, Alona, Alexandra – Vovo was not here tonight! And of course the new Mexican member of their family - a not so friendly Chihuahua! Need I say more? He sees me as a threat!
God bless and thanks for your prayers,
Dr D
Today was almost the same as yesterday as far as ministry to Vadim and Inna. Pray! Pray! Encourage! Pray some more. Physical evidence points to the soon coming time for a miracle to be revealed. So continue to pray with us!
The only difference was the evening meal and fellowship with Pastor Andre and Ira Ivanov of Abundant Life and their six month old daughter, Katherine. (I hope that is the way they spell it!) Great fellowship, food and time to answer questions about different aspect of Church management.
Then back to my abode and continued warmth and fellowship with the Prudkiy family: Sasha, Alona, Alexandra – Vovo was not here tonight! And of course the new Mexican member of their family - a not so friendly Chihuahua! Need I say more? He sees me as a threat!
God bless and thanks for your prayers,
Dr D
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tuesday, November 17:
No one is surrendering. Sickness was already defeated by Jesus!
Though the days and nights are hard, the presence of the Holy Spirit ministering to Vadim and Inna is precious. They both are standing firm and so are many many churches and people who are praying.
Today was just another walk in faith to see the power of God displayed. Today included more time of ministry to Vadim than previously. He has many questions about how to proceed with the Church he pastors and what the future holds for the people. His main concern is the Body of Christ. And so we discussed what God is saying to him, is revealing to him in various ways – through prayer – prophet words from God’s servants – dreams and visions by many from around the world and of course through the Word itself.
Please keep Vadim and Inna in prayer as we continue to minister to them.
I will be speaking to their congregation on Saturday at 3:00 PM Ukraine time (8:00 AM Eastern Standard). Then on Sunday I will be speaking at Abundant Life pastored by Andre and Ira Ivanov and then catch a one hour flight to Chernivtsi to speak that evening, returning on Tuesday to Kiev.
Thanks for your prayers and faithfulness,
Dr D
No one is surrendering. Sickness was already defeated by Jesus!
Though the days and nights are hard, the presence of the Holy Spirit ministering to Vadim and Inna is precious. They both are standing firm and so are many many churches and people who are praying.
Today was just another walk in faith to see the power of God displayed. Today included more time of ministry to Vadim than previously. He has many questions about how to proceed with the Church he pastors and what the future holds for the people. His main concern is the Body of Christ. And so we discussed what God is saying to him, is revealing to him in various ways – through prayer – prophet words from God’s servants – dreams and visions by many from around the world and of course through the Word itself.
Please keep Vadim and Inna in prayer as we continue to minister to them.
I will be speaking to their congregation on Saturday at 3:00 PM Ukraine time (8:00 AM Eastern Standard). Then on Sunday I will be speaking at Abundant Life pastored by Andre and Ira Ivanov and then catch a one hour flight to Chernivtsi to speak that evening, returning on Tuesday to Kiev.
Thanks for your prayers and faithfulness,
Dr D
Monday, November 16, 2009
“With:” The Power of Presence
Monday, November 16
The word “with” sums up much ministry that can and should take place from all of us!
You thought I’d be writing about the day’s activities, didn’t you? Well I just did! That is what I am doing! Being “with” and watching the power of “presence” impact lives. Not only that of Vadim and Inna, but also that of their boys as well as other Ukrainian believers who have found it interesting that a Church would send someone all that distance just to be “with” a pastor and his wife. It has spoken loudly!
O, I am praying!
I also have discovered that this is not a physical battle! It is a spiritual battle! She does not have a “disease,” she is the victim of an attack! Satan is trying to put out a “fire” raging within her!
Proof? The many, many who have had dreams and visions and have reported those to Vadim and Inna. In fact, just this morning a friend from Germany called to say that she had a dream last night. In it she saw Inna in Germany, thin, weak, but recovering because the battle had been won!
What more can I say?
When I am there I do not sense death, but only a spiritual struggle. The is a sweet presence of God when in the room and praying.
Though you are aware that both Vadim and Inna are weary you hear no words of death but only words of “life” flowing regardless of the moment.
I witness others stopping to drop of even meager sacks of food - not much but enough to help. I hear them and I know again – the victory is forthcoming.
Thanks for your prayers,
Dr D
The word “with” sums up much ministry that can and should take place from all of us!
You thought I’d be writing about the day’s activities, didn’t you? Well I just did! That is what I am doing! Being “with” and watching the power of “presence” impact lives. Not only that of Vadim and Inna, but also that of their boys as well as other Ukrainian believers who have found it interesting that a Church would send someone all that distance just to be “with” a pastor and his wife. It has spoken loudly!
O, I am praying!
I also have discovered that this is not a physical battle! It is a spiritual battle! She does not have a “disease,” she is the victim of an attack! Satan is trying to put out a “fire” raging within her!
Proof? The many, many who have had dreams and visions and have reported those to Vadim and Inna. In fact, just this morning a friend from Germany called to say that she had a dream last night. In it she saw Inna in Germany, thin, weak, but recovering because the battle had been won!
What more can I say?
When I am there I do not sense death, but only a spiritual struggle. The is a sweet presence of God when in the room and praying.
Though you are aware that both Vadim and Inna are weary you hear no words of death but only words of “life” flowing regardless of the moment.
I witness others stopping to drop of even meager sacks of food - not much but enough to help. I hear them and I know again – the victory is forthcoming.
Thanks for your prayers,
Dr D
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Sunday: November 16, 2009
Good sleep and an early rise make for a tired body by 9:15 PM. It is only amplified by the seven hour time difference.
Since this is Sunday – I went to Church, Abundant Life pastored by Andrey and Inna Ivanov, even though I did not have any scheduled service to minister the Word. I went just to worship and gain more strength for the battle that lies ahead. The battle is with the “spirit of infirmity,” namely, “the spirit of cancer and death.”
About 2:30 my ride arrived and we journeyed across the river to the home of Vadim and Inna Urumyagov. Inna was sleeping when I arrived so I found a place in the eldest son’s bedroom and began to work of some files I brought with me to see if every document was already on my computer and necessary. If so, then I updated the current file with any notes on my papers. Then it was “file 13" for the balance. It is amazing how few printed pages are necessary and can be discarded.
When Inna stirred I then spent a couple of hours praying in her room. She is very weak and cannot talk above a whisper and has to receive some Oxygen in the evenings for a few minutes to help her lungs breath so she can sleep. For this reason, the window is open allowing in the winter and damp winds. She cannot do anything for herself and so the burden falls on her husband and boys.
YET! There is faith in the air. There are plans for the future being made even now as they express their faith in the power of Jesus Christ to heal. I have not heard one whisper of negative words or complaining because of what they are going through..
It is wearisome, but you can hear the appreciation in their words.
And I spent some 30-40 minutes just allowing Vadim to vent and share some concepts for future ministry.
I had noticed on Saturday when I stopped by from the airport that the kitchen no longer had and cabinets and all the dishes were stacked on a shelf, and that when it was time to wash some dish or spoon that the individual do it would go to the bathroom. So this evening I asked 10 million dollar questions that you do not need to ask, but just to be sure you do! You know, “Are you selling your furniture to get finances to survive?” You guessed it! “YES,” came the response and I did not press for anything else.
Inna is going through the physical, spiritual and emotional strain but Vadim is also going through the same and as well as is his wife. It requires ministry but from a different point of view based on who you are and God’s directive.
I returned back to my place of abode and a tasty Ukrainian meal. Now to stop this and get to sleep, even though it is only 9:30 PM because I found my brain had stopped and my eyes were shut at least three times and you should have seen what my hands had typed! Words? Yes, but they did not make any sense and seemed to change subjects abruptly.
Please continue to stand in faith with me for Inna’s deliverance.
With love,
Dr D
Good sleep and an early rise make for a tired body by 9:15 PM. It is only amplified by the seven hour time difference.
Since this is Sunday – I went to Church, Abundant Life pastored by Andrey and Inna Ivanov, even though I did not have any scheduled service to minister the Word. I went just to worship and gain more strength for the battle that lies ahead. The battle is with the “spirit of infirmity,” namely, “the spirit of cancer and death.”
About 2:30 my ride arrived and we journeyed across the river to the home of Vadim and Inna Urumyagov. Inna was sleeping when I arrived so I found a place in the eldest son’s bedroom and began to work of some files I brought with me to see if every document was already on my computer and necessary. If so, then I updated the current file with any notes on my papers. Then it was “file 13" for the balance. It is amazing how few printed pages are necessary and can be discarded.
When Inna stirred I then spent a couple of hours praying in her room. She is very weak and cannot talk above a whisper and has to receive some Oxygen in the evenings for a few minutes to help her lungs breath so she can sleep. For this reason, the window is open allowing in the winter and damp winds. She cannot do anything for herself and so the burden falls on her husband and boys.
YET! There is faith in the air. There are plans for the future being made even now as they express their faith in the power of Jesus Christ to heal. I have not heard one whisper of negative words or complaining because of what they are going through..
It is wearisome, but you can hear the appreciation in their words.
And I spent some 30-40 minutes just allowing Vadim to vent and share some concepts for future ministry.
I had noticed on Saturday when I stopped by from the airport that the kitchen no longer had and cabinets and all the dishes were stacked on a shelf, and that when it was time to wash some dish or spoon that the individual do it would go to the bathroom. So this evening I asked 10 million dollar questions that you do not need to ask, but just to be sure you do! You know, “Are you selling your furniture to get finances to survive?” You guessed it! “YES,” came the response and I did not press for anything else.
Inna is going through the physical, spiritual and emotional strain but Vadim is also going through the same and as well as is his wife. It requires ministry but from a different point of view based on who you are and God’s directive.
I returned back to my place of abode and a tasty Ukrainian meal. Now to stop this and get to sleep, even though it is only 9:30 PM because I found my brain had stopped and my eyes were shut at least three times and you should have seen what my hands had typed! Words? Yes, but they did not make any sense and seemed to change subjects abruptly.
Please continue to stand in faith with me for Inna’s deliverance.
With love,
Dr D
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Saturday 10:30 PM Ukraine - 3:30 PM Florida:
The best way to explain why I am here is to copy an email and let you read it. It will self-explanatory and set the stage for the rest of m communications from Kiev:
Dear David and Marilyn,
Thank you so much for your concern about Inna. She sees you as her spiritual Father, David.
The health condition is critical. It's the main item of everything I think about or do. Inna has been staying in bed for a last two months and disable to take care of herself without help for three weeks. She suffers pains (not taking strong drugs) and lack of breath (this is the most terrible). Before taking injections she was even sleepless. It was absolutely exhaustive. I have to stay with her all the time. We are very tired of that fight but do not give up. We expect the miracle. keep us in your prayers please, the time is short.
May God be with you always. With love,
On Tuesday morning of this week during “Praying With The Pastors” – live on the internet Pastor Ryan read the email I had as prayer began and forwarded to him. At the exact moment that he began to read I had completed about 3-4 words on my iPhone in response to Vadim’s email. After reading the email he stated that even though he had not talked to me, he believed it was necessary for me to fly to Ukraine and minister to Vadim and Inna and their boys.
So here I am! Thanks to people who are committed to reaching the World for Christ! Thanks faithful supporters of Life Church who answered the call for finances to send me immediately.
My flight over was the easiest I have ever had. I accomplished a lot of Covenant Life University work, read a book on leadership and began preparation for making a leadership course from it’s teachings. And then slept almost all the seven plus hours from Detroit to Amsterdam and about half of the way from Amsterdam to Kiev.
Upon clearing immigration and customs I was met and taken to the home of Vadim and Inna Uruymagov residence where I wept both with joy for seeing Inna and with heaviness of heart in the natural for seeing her so weak. But there arose a joy from deep down inside as we began to immediately pray and join our faith with hers and her husband, as well as their two boys.
It was evident that they had not lost any ground of faith and trusting in God though the walk has been heavy, hard and lonesome. I head how God was speaking to both. How over 10 people in the last month or two have had visions/dreams about Inna and her victory over breast cancer and the impact of the miracle.
After about one and one-half hours I found my way to my residence here for the next two weeks. Sasha and Lena Prudkiy have opened their hearts and lovely apartment and given me a “prophet’s quarters” while I am here and ministering to Inna and Vadim.
Please join me in prayer because I believe it is “turn-around-time-for-Inna”! It is a spiritual battle with the spirit of cancer. In fact several say that their dream included seeing demons attacking Inna. I am convinced, on my last visit in the spring I heard God speak to me that it is a “spirit” which has fastened itself to her physical body to stop her from “feeding” the people of God from her “breast of spiritual nourishment.”
So please join me in this battle against the devil and his attack on a “daughter of the Lord.” Spread the word – request prayer – the battle is the Lords!
God bless and thanks,
Dr D
The best way to explain why I am here is to copy an email and let you read it. It will self-explanatory and set the stage for the rest of m communications from Kiev:
Dear David and Marilyn,
Thank you so much for your concern about Inna. She sees you as her spiritual Father, David.
The health condition is critical. It's the main item of everything I think about or do. Inna has been staying in bed for a last two months and disable to take care of herself without help for three weeks. She suffers pains (not taking strong drugs) and lack of breath (this is the most terrible). Before taking injections she was even sleepless. It was absolutely exhaustive. I have to stay with her all the time. We are very tired of that fight but do not give up. We expect the miracle. keep us in your prayers please, the time is short.
May God be with you always. With love,
On Tuesday morning of this week during “Praying With The Pastors” – live on the internet Pastor Ryan read the email I had as prayer began and forwarded to him. At the exact moment that he began to read I had completed about 3-4 words on my iPhone in response to Vadim’s email. After reading the email he stated that even though he had not talked to me, he believed it was necessary for me to fly to Ukraine and minister to Vadim and Inna and their boys.
So here I am! Thanks to people who are committed to reaching the World for Christ! Thanks faithful supporters of Life Church who answered the call for finances to send me immediately.
My flight over was the easiest I have ever had. I accomplished a lot of Covenant Life University work, read a book on leadership and began preparation for making a leadership course from it’s teachings. And then slept almost all the seven plus hours from Detroit to Amsterdam and about half of the way from Amsterdam to Kiev.
Upon clearing immigration and customs I was met and taken to the home of Vadim and Inna Uruymagov residence where I wept both with joy for seeing Inna and with heaviness of heart in the natural for seeing her so weak. But there arose a joy from deep down inside as we began to immediately pray and join our faith with hers and her husband, as well as their two boys.
It was evident that they had not lost any ground of faith and trusting in God though the walk has been heavy, hard and lonesome. I head how God was speaking to both. How over 10 people in the last month or two have had visions/dreams about Inna and her victory over breast cancer and the impact of the miracle.
After about one and one-half hours I found my way to my residence here for the next two weeks. Sasha and Lena Prudkiy have opened their hearts and lovely apartment and given me a “prophet’s quarters” while I am here and ministering to Inna and Vadim.
Please join me in prayer because I believe it is “turn-around-time-for-Inna”! It is a spiritual battle with the spirit of cancer. In fact several say that their dream included seeing demons attacking Inna. I am convinced, on my last visit in the spring I heard God speak to me that it is a “spirit” which has fastened itself to her physical body to stop her from “feeding” the people of God from her “breast of spiritual nourishment.”
So please join me in this battle against the devil and his attack on a “daughter of the Lord.” Spread the word – request prayer – the battle is the Lords!
God bless and thanks,
Dr D
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