Monday, May 30, 2011


Saturday, May 28th:
Key Leadership in Word of Life and I met for over four hours to discuss their present situation and pressing problems. But as is their “tradition” it had to begin with something to eat. So we had ice-cream smothered in fresh strawberries, with fresh banana slices and ground chocolate to sprinkle on the top. Maybe it is their way of getting everyone into a “sweet” frame of mind. I am not sure but it was worth the try – at least we had no difficulties.

It was evident from the conversation of those who attended the Crimea Pastors/Leaders Retreat an impact had been made that was working deeply into their spirits. So I picked up the subject and spent the first hour sharing about the need for leaders to be physicians to bring not only physical health to the spirit of the people, but the great need to by physicians of the soul. And of course physicians of the body to bring health by praying for the sick.

The Church has developed to the place where it is time to clarify the structure, establish some key ministries and present their vision to the people. That was the topic of conversation for the greater part of the meeting and I believe we were able to set the stage for them to move forward in this area.

The meeting finally concluded about 7:30 PM but then it was supper time and I had the opportunity to spend the rest of the evening speaking directly to the pastor and his wife about their role as shepherds of the body.

Sunday, May 29th:

Off to the worship service at 9:40 on foot for about one mile. Summer is here, school ended on Friday and for the Ukrainians it also means it is time to go to the villages and see relatives and begin vacation. The vacation for many may only be weekend trips to the villages where they were raised or where key relatives live. And therefore the crowd is down. And that was the case today. Even the presence of the preacher from Southwest Florida does not guarantee they will all be here as was the case today, but we still had a decent gathering and were able to minister the Word to an appreciative audience.

Then it was time to hike back home, eat a light lunch, take a nap and then rise again to take a journey with my hosts – Tolik and Oksana Smertina; and another couple from the Church, Slavic and Alena. The journey took us by car to a picnic in my honor where the pastor and another family were waiting. Ukrainian picnics are always an event in more ways than one for those from the United States. You always head into a wooded area, find some trees to sit under on blankets, though in this case someone had gathered three boards about six feet long and 4 chunks of wood and made a “u-shaped” bench with a table in the middle. The height of this picnic table was about twelve inches.

Then some of the guys always build a fire and we wait for the wood to become coals. They coals are then scraped back and potatoes are placed in the coals (without foil). After the coals are placed back on top, then the meat is carefully placed on the shiskabob rods. While this is taking place the ladies cut fresh vegetables, in this case, cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes. Then everyone watches to see what and how the “American” eats. The spotlight is on! So you eat what they eat! You laugh and have fun with them and all the while ignore what we “US picnicers” would frown at – the potential unsanitary table, cleaning of the vegetables, etc.

I just quote my favorite Bible verse for traveling: “And if you eat any deadly thing it will not harm you.” Then I dig in and enjoy the time.

Monday, May 30th:

It all began at 12:30! Would you believe? A second picnic! YES! That is right! But this one was with the children from the orphanage the ladies of the Church have been ministering to over the past 3-4 years or longer. I am the guest of the youth who will be there. They wanted the privilege of asking me questions. And they did! About America; about Christians in America; about my family; about the Church; about politics in America; and on and on. But I did get the answers to roll over to Jesus! I challenged them to think of David, whom many scholars say he was an unwanted sibling because he had a Moabite mother and of Jesus and the possibility of what other kids said about him because of the pregnancy of his mother before she married Joseph – you know all the cruel things that some kids will say because they did not understand the facts – some He understood some of their struggles.

I will wrapped up the day and the public ministry in the evening at the Cell Group which meets here at the flat (apartment for you Americans). It is an event that always happens and I am honored and consider it a privilege to share with God’s people anywhere, at anytime.

Tuesday, May 31st - Thursday, June 2nd:

I depart Chernivtsi at noon on Tuesday by car to meet my train to Kiev in Khmelnitsky. It departs about 4:30 and arrives in Kiev about 9:30 PM. I have two appointments in Kiev on Wednesday, then on Thursday I fly from Kiev to Istanbul to meet a team of missionaries and pastors. We will tour the Seven Cities of Asia Minor as listed in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. Our purpose is to work with a Pastor in Turkey to establish a Church in five of these cities. He has already started two.

So this will probably be my last Blog until I return to the United States because of the intense schedule I face. But I will do a blog on that trip upon my return.

God bless and thanks for your prayers.

Dr D

PS: You can read the blog here from Peru about the LTI students, Marilyn and their ministry developments.

Peru 2011 - Marilyn & LTI students - Blog #2

Debie Phillips!
soo...where to begin...well Tuesday was spent traveling, I think we spent like close to 10 hours traveling! Everything went smoothly overall, other than on the flight from Panama to Peru...there were like 6 guys standing in the middle of the isles on the plane, talking and laughing quite loudly. So Emily asked them politely to move in Spanish and they didn’t, so I asked the flight attendant if she could ask them to move because I didn’t like the man’s behind in my face....but apparently I used an improper word in Spanish for “behind” lol the lady laughed at me and proceeded to tell the men to sit down.
We arrived late and just went to bed, we were all so exhausted!
Wednesday, we woke up early and pretty much worked all day long. Emily and I spent most of the day painting several rooms in the church.
Then on Thursday, we cleaned out the entire church. The boys moved stuff into storage while us it may seem strange that we would spend almost an entire day dusting but this place is like one huge giant dust ball lol we are surrounded by little mountains of dirt and rocks, there isn’t any grass really and plants are few and far in between. So EVERYTHING gets soo dusty so fast and even more so in the church since they just finished doing a lot of work with dry wall. We wiped down all the chairs in the church that were covered by layers of dust. Then we spent the afternoon cleaning the seemed like a never ending job to be honest. They don’t really have traditional American mops here and even if they did, I think an American mop would cry at the thought of cleaning these floors. So we poured water and soap on the floor and scrubbed it with old brooms...then collected all of the excess muddy water with a small dustpan.
Thursday night was our first service at Iglesia Vida Peru. The children of the church led us in a few songs then jason and dillon spoke about being a true disciple of Christ. It was an awesome service. The people here are so hungry and ready to receive. I was supposed to share my testimony but somehow there was a mis-communication and I didn’t get to.
Friday we woke up early and walked down the hill to a nearby public school. This school was huge and very nice for this area of Peru. We spoke to about five groups of elementary kids, each group having like 30 kids in it. We performed our drumline, which they absolutely loved and we gave out salvation braclets along with a salvation message. I really enjoyed being there! Next Friday we will be going there again to speak to the older kids, Im looking forward to that, David Hodges told us that many of them are involved in gangs so im excited to bring the light of God’s word to them!
After we returned from the school, we had a couple hours of preparation for the kids retreat that evening. We started out having about 60 kids there, but as it got later, many of them left because they had to walk all the way up the mountain to get home. We had a campfire and smores with the kids after dark, it was such a great time. Most of them had never had smores before and we just sat, laughed and sang worship songs. After the campfire, we had a time of prayer and worship with the children. This was sooo awesome! Just to see these kids crying and worshiping the Lord, was so touching. We laid hands on them and washed their feet as they cried out for the salvation of their parents and friends. It was such a sweet time in the presence of God!
Today(Friday) , we got to sleep in! Yayy!! We woke up just in time to take the kids to Mcdonalds in the city. I must say, it was very interesting traveling in the dirty city, on public transportation, with 15 kids! But This was a huge treat as only a couple of them had ever been to mcdonalds. As soon as we walked in, every single one of them RAN to the playground and went crazy. They absolutely loved it! They all had happy meals and ice cream cones thanks to the kids from Life Church Ft. Myers for raising the money for them to have this experience!
Anyways....I’m really enjoying it here a lot, although yesterday I started missing home a bit. It brings such fulfilment to know that youre sharing the love of God with people who need it badly. I’m so glad to be a blessing here and to be apart of what the Lord is doing here. We are told that this area is growing fast and I know the Lord has huge plans for this church. Its awesome to even be a small part of that process!
Well I think thats all thats going on here....I miss everybody at home!
I love you mom and dad! Give Eli a hug for me!....and email me!
ANNA- I read your email today, i’m so glad youre having a good time in Louisiana! Miss you!!
CEDRIC!! I also read your email, so glad your doing well! I miss you soo much :-( love youuuuu!!! <3
thanks for reading!!! God bless!! :-)


OK Sooo I don’t remember where I left and I have Jason and Dylon rapping behind me which does not help. Lol at the moment the question as been raised about what rhymes with McDonalds... suggestions are welcome.
Starting with Friday we had a day that was packed from morning to night. We were able to go down to the school that is at the bottom of the mountain and speak to over 4 groups of kids, different age groups about what the living Word of God says...Amazing opportunity. Iglesia Vida Peru is taking territory just like Life Church Ft. Myers! That’s exciting. We were supposed to get back in time to have a couple hours to rest but as we were all well aware of...plans change. Our first part of the kids outreach at David and Ceci’s was supposed to start at 3 and we arrived back to the house at 2:45. FUN! We quickly had a campfire meeting and started to get things ready for the Kids.
After the first part of the program we had a dinner break and which then led into a campfire where we were all able to sit and have SMORES! The kids here have never had it and they couldn’t get over how good they were. It’s the little things like that I will remember most! We were able to sit and talk and worship god with a bunch of great kids who understand the meaning of worship and are not afraid to express that. We were also able to get some free classes from Pastor David Hodges on How To Roast A Marshmallow 101 &102. It was truly life changing and Dylon and Jason have now mastered both!
Once we were done with the campfire we headed back inside where we were able to shared some stories from the bible of who and how certain people knew Jesus. We then we went right into a worship and praying and we did foot washing with the kids. WOW... How exciting. The things that we were able to see. God was truly being glorified. These kids know all about crying out to God. Really crying out. They could teach most adult back home how to really pray and cry out to Lord! Just to be able and available for God to use each one of us to be able to speak life into the lives of these kids has truly been a blessing!
Yesterday Dylon and I were able to share a message with the youth out Romans 12:1 & 2. It was great to be able to both share on something that God had placed on both of our hearts. I actually had something totally different planned to share but the Holy Spirit had different plans. To be completely honest I freaked out a little about having to come up with another sermon in less than 24 hours but God help me get through it. Praise God! Today was great day full of the hardest physical labor I have probably ever done. Ever. It felt great to get so much accomplished. The boys finished up in the enclosed garden as Debie and I cleaned up the court yard and make a new pathway leading up to the latrine (outside bathroom) hopefully I spelled it correctly. Dinner was amazing and full of carbs!
Well I’m done for now. I’ll be back soon. I love all of you and appreciate all the prayers. Mom, Jose, Sherelyn love you guys. Cant wait to see you and tell you all the details. Give my girls a kiss for me and tell them Titi loves them!!!


Saturday we took the kids to McDonalds. The children enjoyed it very much. There was a homeless girl that was outside, Marco gave her an ice cream cone. We took a very crowded bus to McDonalds, it made me feel like I was in New York again, but on a much smaller bus. That night we had a youth service. The youth span from age 3-45, yes you read that correctly, age 3-45. Service was great, we did our cool drum line, I shared my testimony of how I came to know the Lord and Dylon and Emily tag team preached about giving yourself fully to God. Afterward an altar call was given and most people responded. The Holy Spirit was moving heavily. One girl even said that she felt as though she was being lifted up by her hands into the sky. Praise God. Today was a great day.

Sunday started off great, because it started off with pancakes. After pancakes, Pastor David put Dylon and I to some hard slave labor. I liked it, I was smashing rocks and throwing dirt all over the place. So much fun. We got a lot accomplished, the courtyard looks great. We laid some gravel down and finished some work we started a couple days ago. Lunch was tasty. Tonight we had service at 5:30. Debie and I tag team preached about suffering. It was great. I went long, but that probably was because I used almost every verse in the bible that talks about suffering -_-. Afterward people were invited to the altar by Pastor David, many responded. These people really know how to press into the presence of God. I prayed with a man who had been heavy laden with life, work, etc. I hugged him for about 20 minutes while he wept as the Lord ministered to him. Glory to God. Keep us in your prayers. Debie is feeling sick and I am feeling sick as well. I cant find my deodorant, pray that I can find it. Im not even kidding by the way. I really cant find my deodorant and I really want you to pray that I will find it. I really miss my beautiful fiancee Bethany Wolff (soon to be Bethany Edouard). P Nasty, wat up homie! Hi Wolffpac I hope your air condition is back in order again, shocking... If you are reading this, thank you for keeping up with the blog, and thank you for your prayers. Asta lavista baby


I was supposed to write this blog last night but I fell asleep as Jason was typing. It is Monday morning and it is our off day. Breakfast is being prepared before we head into the city to visit with Pastor Augustine (know to Dr.D as AuggieBucks,) have lunch and do some exploring at a location unbeknownst to me.

I didn’t tell you about day 3 in my last journal which I consider to be the most impact time of ministry thus far. I shared the morning devotion on the importance of our satisfaction in Christ from Phillipians 4. Verse 13 is continually used in the church as a means that anything accomplished, but in context this verse really has nothing to do with our achirevement, but everything to do with having Christ as our portion who will do things according to His will through us. I guess that was a side note. We headed to a secular school that is just down the mountain from Pastor David and Ceci’s. I don’t think anyone could have dreamed this school would be built so quickly. Eliel attends two days a week. Our goal here was to share the story of Jesus and the salvation story in an applicable way to younger kids. We thought we would be doing this through 4 programs with kids from the grades of 1st through 10th. Did you catch that? We THOUGHT wrong.

When we first arrived they attempted to have us go from classroom to classroom. Thanks to David this got changed to putting us in our own classroom and having about two classes at a time come to us. At the end of it, we went through our plan about 5 different times with Jason dressed up as an apostle to share the story of feeding 5k and wrapping it up with the gift of a salvation bracelet after all the “colors” of salvation were explained. One more time isn’t that big of a deal, but the excitement of the message lead to Jason and David temporarily losing their voices. Also, we will be returning on Friday to do grades 7-10! We are working on adapting a program more suitable to them.

We returned much later than anticipated from the school and, after lunch, had to immediately begin preparing for the arrival of many kids for an all night program. This was supposed to begin at 3, but to our advantage the culture runs about an hour behind schedule. We had games, bible stories, smores around a campfire and a great time of prayer and with everyone. These kids know how to cry out to God. They are taught that to be on their face before God is the best place to be in public prayer-- I’d have to say I agree.

Our program went well, just had to continually be adapted because of the schedule we were up against. The kids, all being well under the age of 12, needed to be in bed by midnight. We began to conclude about an hour before this by leading them in worship. I explained a few of the teaching of Christ and that as the greatest person to walk this earth He taught us to love and serve one another. I began to select some of the boys and wash their feet. I don’t really know how to explain it, but if you have never experienced a foot washing, it is a very emotional and intimate time. It was a lot of tears and a very bonding experience. By the time we were done everything, we all were exhausted and ready for bed.

Now for a fast forward... Saturday night was their youth service and Emily and I taught on commitment. During my times of ministering, I have been flowing more than I ever have before. My notes have not been a very good guide, as the Holy Spirit has spoken numerous things to me even during worship with instructions to take my teaching a different route. I am so glad He has given me the ability to flexible and operate with the word He is speaking to me. It is more important to me that I speak something specific and direct to the needs of the people than indulge in my own comfort. I finished with an altar call for the youth who wanted to display a greater commitment to Christ and as Paul said, “spend themselves.” The time of ministry at this time was very impactful and the Holy Spirit definitely ministered in the way He diesred. I have been told this reaction was not always the norm and I am glad that God used me as a means to accomplish His work.

Sunday was not a typical one for us. Jason and I were acutally reflecting about when service was taking place back home since our service here wasn’t until 5:30 PM. In the morning, Jason and I finished the tilling and irigation of the garden as well as prepared large holes with the proper soil and fertilizer for trees to be planted. (That explanation doesn’t give the work justice.) Jason and Debie taught on suffering for the Gospel and together they had a great synergy with their approach to what the Word says. I fell asleep very early after the conclusion of service and am feeling fantastic today.

The food has been awesome, the service excellent, the ministry powerful and life change permanent. I miss everyone at home. Love you Mom, Dad and Gma. I miss my pastors and time spent at the church. All is more than well here and I look forward to all the time we still have left.

PS- Pastor Jeremiah make sure the you know whats are ready for Wednesday night when I get back. :)

Pastor Marilyn

Thanks everyone for your continued prayers. Debie has been fighting a stomach issue - flu like. She has kept going but hasn’t felt well.

The kids have been working hard and ministering effectively. All of them have had an opportunity to speak and they have done a good job. They have labored hard. Yesterday, I helped with some of the work for the walkway to the dry latrine and did laundry - a necessary job for the team.
The team has spent three days of very hard labor and I am proud to be able to say that each one worked hard. Although we didn’t know there would be such intensive work to be done - it has been a huge blessing to the Church and to David and Ceci.

This morning Jason said he felt the hardest part was behind us and I would have to agree. They have all had experience working with an interpreter, they have worked together as a team and they have completed the hard labor. Although we have a busy week ahead there is more confidence on the part of the team as to how it will all play out.

I am not sure when we will be able to update the Blog. Things haven’t been like I thought they might but we will do our best although it could be several days before we post anything.

Love to all our family and friends.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Peru 2011 - Marilyn & LTI Students - Blog #1

It is Friday morning and the students are preparing for Ministry at a local school. This has been the FIRST opportunity we have had to write a blog and no one has been on the Internet as the only way we can do that is to have David or Ceci help us on their computer. So I am hoping that we can get this out today.

We arrived without big problems. David’s dad had made him Beef Jerky - and because the student that was carrying it got a “red light” going through customs and her bag was x-rayed, they investigated her bag and especially the jerky. By rights, she could have confiscated it as it was not labeled. After questioning, she allowed it to go through but next time we will have to re-think how it can be sent.

We arrived at the Hogdes just after mid-night, unloaded all the bags and made preparations for bed. There are four dogs and they were barking and they were the “alarm” that woke Jason and Dylon up at 7:00am although they could have slept later. We ate breakfast at nine and started working.

Elevation Church from Ft. Myers was here two weeks ago to complete some work in the Chruch Building. They built the platform area, two offices/study rooms and a nursery with dry wall, dry wall mud and sanding. The people of the Church had sanded and painted last week BUT the clean-up had not taken place so that was our job to accomplish. This was not a simple task as things had NOT been covered and not a lot of care was taken to keep things clean. It was obvious that the task to complete everything and get it done in a short amount of time was the primary concern.

With the three rooms that were built also came much needed attic/storage space. It had been decided what would go in each area and the we moved things to the right areas and the boys put everything in the attics. It seemed a monumental amount of “stuff” to be stored. It is hard to believe that just three years ago - only a shell of a house was here and David and Ceci didn’t even have furniture - to now, where there are three attic rooms of things that have to be stored and a fully equipped and furnished house, Church kitchen, class rooms and Church. God’s blessing is evident not only in the physical buildings that have been established but in the growth of the Church and the people as well (more about that later). To God be the glory!!

All of this has happened through relationships and teams that have come to help. In addition to Elevation Church, Honoring the Father Ministries from Ocala brought the Church building in a shipping container and erected it as well as bring school furnishing, tables and chairs and a multitude of other things. Teams from Life Church and others have also been a part of the process.

We didn’t finish working until 9:00pm (and the work wasn’t completed) and we were all ready for our beds and a good night’s rest. Up and at breakfast at 8:30 and started another long day. The gals working on the cleaning and the guys using pick axes to turn the dirt and dig trenches for an irrigation system in the courtyard which still has to be completed.

The gals mopped and remopped - washed chairs and rewashed chairs and arranged everything for service last night. Although I had decided everyone would quit working at 5:00 to have a little time before service - there was much to do and it just didn’t happen so they used what little time they to get cleaned up and ready for service.

Service - what an awesome time. First to see the Children of the Church leading in worship, praying and welcoming us as well as sharing what they have learned from God’s Word. One big change I saw was the majority of the people were here on time. What a change from the beginning when NO ONE would be here at starting time but the Hodges and their extended family. The people entered in, were receptive engaged. It was beautiful!

Emily shared in worship and prayer and Jason and Dylon did a “tag-team preaching” on being a Disciple. They all did a great job. Debie was on the schedule to share her testimony but somehow in the shuffle of things - it didn’t happen.

After service we shared with the people, had a snack and made preparations for today. I think all of us fell into bed well after 11:00. Maybe you have an idea why we haven’t had time to write and let me add - David and Ceci have worked right along with us and they haven’t been on the Internet either.

Saturday Morning -

As you can see - we did not have an opportunity to get on the Internet yesterday. There is no way to adequately explain the busyness of our days. We left for ministry in a school yesterday morning at 9:00 and were gone until after one. That gave the students just enough time to prepare for the Children’s Retreat that started yesterday afternoon. They boys didn’t get into bed until midnight and it was later for the girls. We have been busy and I am going to let the students tell you about their experiences.

Hi, my name is Jason Edouard. Fort Myers... um where do I start? I embarrassed myself at the airport, several times. Dylon almost left behind a carry on bag in Miami airport, the lady working there pretty much insulted his intelligence for doing so. Copa airlines is much better than spirit. I guess I abused my privileges because one flight attendant told another not to serve us anymore :( Can you blame me for being hungry? And thirsty? We reached Peru finally and encountered international resistance...not really, I guess the lady just had never seen beef jerky before because she searched the bag because of that. We arrived at David and Cecis and met the biggest dog in the history of doghood. His name is Big John. He eats stray dogs for lunch and dinner. He prefers a vegetarian breakfast though. Good thing Katie Galante did not travel with us this year lol. Ministry has been great. The children appreciate us they, they even sang a song to us in English. “Thank you brother for giving to the Lord” it was tight. The church looks great, the food is amazing. Im going to eat breakfast now. Hi Bethany Wolff, I miss you :)

Dylon here reporting from Peru. It has been a fantastic first four days and I hope all that has happened already is a sign of things to come on the rest of the trip. Obviously, and I’m sure as others have told you, we arrived safely, on time and went through customs smoothly. The bus ride from the airport to Jicamarca was just as exciting as last year with a tint of cold in the air.

Day one began with much work to be done in the church. A team was here just before us adding offices and a nursery to the already existing church. There were many finishing touches to be added including sanding, painting, organizing and eliminating the thick layer of dust that had accumulated from plaster and the beast of the air in Jicamarca- dust. Day two continued with labor as we served Pastor David and Sessi in the garden and la iglesia. I got to use a pickaxe for the very first time, outside of a video game, and it was an exciting job at first. Putting your back into it has a whole new level of meaning for me. The dirt in Jicamarca is... dry to say the least. Tilling the top layer and working through the tough rocks was a job in itself. Pastor David takes great pride in the health and color of his plants that requires much hard work. Jason and I were glad to offer ourselves in assistance to him.

We worked until about 5 on day two and then began to prepare for dinner and a mid-week service to be held on that evening at 7:30. Well, that’s the time we thought it would start. It was at this point we realized that every clock around the house and on our mobile devices was completely incorrect. I’ve read about experiments that have been done involving people living in a completely closed off area with no sunlight or clocks for them to use as a guide and observing their habits. Let me just say this- even with the sun shining brightly I have no idea what time it is. I’m always ready to eat though it may be hours before an appropriate time and I’m exhausted for bed by 9:30, which I could swear is really 1 in the morning.

Jason and I preached that evening on the topic of discipleship. I told Jason before the service that I felt like this trip would really be a time for me to flow and the service was a reflection of that. While I had notes, I really only used these for my scriptures and I spoke more from heart than I ever have before. Thank God he put many thoughts for me to address. While I do not want to use a congregation’s agreement with me as a measure of my success, this was the case and Pastor David said it was a very in-season word for the church as they continued to grow and finally had an “official” church building. I was glad for the confirmation of the Word that God had given to me.

Currently, I am sitting in a McDonald’s hogging the computer from both Debie and Emily who need to add to this, so I will have to write about Day 3 tomorrow. We took about 16 of the kids from Iglesia Vida on a special trip into the city for a treat. They got here and immediately jumped straight to the playground. They are currently enjoying the toys and hamburgers that came in their happy meals and this has been a great win for just loving on them and letting them know that we care and there is a church where we come from who also cares. I should also note, that the money to pay for this trip was donated by God’s Army who has been raising money for several months (they gave us over $300!) So a great thanks to them, Marcy Shaw, and the parents at home who teach their kids the importance of giving and the necessity of hard work through the means of allowance.

I am learning the love of Christ more and more every day and that is only increased by my time spent in Peru. Pastor David is a great example to me and the people here are so accepting of what we have to offer them. I love you all back home and am praying for you as you pray for me. Hey Mom, WHERE’S MY EMAIL?!


Hi everyone... WE’RE IN PERU! I just had to get that out. I guess it’s time to recap on everything that has happened and I apologize in advance if I leave anything out. Heading out of Ft. Myers I had a great idea of arriving early to make sure everything was done with enough time and of course I was the last one to arrive. (No bueno!) Heading to Miami I began to setting to mood with a little singing which quickly stop when the question was brought up by Jason if I was going to do that the whole way. HA LOL. I love that kid. Once we arrived to Miami we checked in and had lunch. Thanks Kelle (mom) for lunch it was good. D got a little upset though because I got Doritos and he didn’t. We won’t tell him it’s because you love me more :). Before we went through security we were given about 7 packs a travel size pringles because “they weren’t allowed through” we had no problem and we had snacks the whole ride to Peru. In between Florida and Peru, Jason made a friend who was 14 if I’m not mistaken who he spoke with most of the time. When we arrived to Peru, Jason Deb and I all got pulled aside and our bags checked because of the beef Jerky that David Hodges mom I guess packed for him.( It only took about 30 mins of our time away from getting to the house... but it’s OK) :) It was great to be back here. I didn’t think I would miss it as much as I did. God is good! There are so many things that have changed since the last time I was here. There are more buildings, more lights, Iglesia Vida is beautiful!!!! God has truly opened the windows of heaven and poured out his blessing over Jicamarca.

The our first two days here we were able to serve in the church by cleaning up and finishing up the things that needed to be done so that we would be able to hold service in the church with it actually picked up and put together. The room where the courses for CLU are taken if complete with tables, chairs, tv and a computer. David’s office is also done. The food has been amazing and we have been blessed with having our meals prepared by sister Maria which is Ceci’s sister.

Jason and Dylon shared an amazing message that seemed to be the perfect word for where the people of Iglesia Vida are. They spoke on being disciples of God and what all of that entails.

At the moment we are at Mcdonalds. I’m not done so this will be continued but we really just wanted to be able to post something to keep you guys updated. Debie and I will be adding more details about everything that has happened on the blog that will be posted on Monday. We love and miss everyone one back home. Thank you for all the prayers!!!


There are some days of almost no activity – ministry time – and then there are those who are full. So on the slow days provide the opportunity to catch up on some reading some books and putting together some more courses for the university. And so that was Thursday all day – except for a trip to get some relief from the cramp in my right calf muscle, which had not completely released itself. So with the help of some electro-stimulation therapy and a massage of my legs I was able to finally get some relief.

Friday, due to a an early rising – the sun sets about 9:30 PM and rises at 4:30 AM – I read one book and started the second, then met with Pastor Dmitry Nemchenko and discussed the recent developments in Word of Life since my last visit and prepared for the evening Communion Service.

They have communion one Friday each month in order to bring all the people of the congregation together. Here as it was in Khmelnitsky, the BIG day for those who work in the market is Sunday until 3:00 PM. Therefore those who have to work at the market are not able to attend the Sunday morning service. These attend a cell group but to facilitate and maintain the vital relationships between the people as well with the Church, they celebrate the Lord’s Supper together in this fashion.

The day culminated with a trip to the local Turkish operated pizza parlor. For you who have never been to Ukraine and had there pizza, there is no way to describe the difference. But “Ephesus” (the name of the pizza parlor) has the closest thing to US pizza. So we always get there at least once. Their lentel soup is delicious and the salads are always fresh – they cut them up just before they bring it to you. And to make you htink you are in the US, add a Coke to the menu. AND, “IF” you stomach makes it through the night without a “civil war” you consider it a worthy investment. I did not have a “civil war” and so it was a good investment, although, it was 11:30 pm by the time we got back to the apartment.

Then, leave it up to a bad thought from me, I suggested I show my hosts my “mini-projector”. And since I have not seen any of the Miami - Chicago games, Tolik (Oksana’s husband, she is my Ukraine secretary - interpreter) suggested we watch the latest, which he promptly downloaded and we watched it in Russian on the ‘BIG SCREEN” – wall style. But at half-time I “crashed” – it was enough!

That sounds like a “word in due season” - this is enough for now.

Thanks for your prayers,

Dr D

Thursday, May 26, 2011

CHERNIVTSI MINISTRY: Wednesday: May 25th

Up at and “at-em”— not quite! It did take some time to get to sleep after getting in so early in the morning, so I did what any good man would do – I slept in! But I did have a 12:00 appointment with Vika Kosovan – some of you will know her, but for the sake of others – she is the wife of a pastor with whom we once had a close relationship but has been cast aside. We keep in fellowship to encourage and support her in this hour of her life. She is a precious lady and we love her much.

Then it was back home – to the home of Oksana and Tolik Smertina. Oksana is the interpreter/secretary that works for us here in Ukraine. And of course they are my hosts when I return to Chernivtsi.

Tonight we served in the Cell Group Meeting of Vitaliy Pavelenko. Vitaliy is the assistant pastor of Word of Life. It was a good meeting and nothing is better than the fellowship with God’s people, after breaking the Word. It was interesting. I was led by the Lord to share a teaching on “The Broken Vessel” which shares how a potter repairs a vessel that cracked during the heating process. Why? That was the question.

It wasn’t until we were about half way through the worship time when a friend of Vitaliy’s, one he had invited many times but did not come, entered the apartment. He is unsaved. When I saw him the Lord quickened my heart and let me know he was the reason for the message, although it had a strong connection for all believers, it was a very non-threatening message for the only unsaved person in the room.

Right now I am enjoying a late night cup of Ukrainian Decaf Coffee with my favorite addition: When I finish this and get it delivered to you, I will crash and prepare for another day. I never know what schedule a new day will hold. Sometimes the schedule changes daily and sometimes two or three times in one day.

Good night – I mean have a good afternoon and evening. It is 11:00PM here so whatever time it is for you, have a blessed day.


Dr D

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Tuesday, May 24th:

I was already to pack and head to Chernivtsi this morning, but I received news yesterday they were not coming for me until after 6:00 PM today. What happened? Glad you asked!

The pastor of Dawn of Life requested for me to attend their top leadership session and again share more of the teaching I have been preparing for this trip. Did! Done! I have a full stomach! And my spirit is jumping in side of me because of the timing of the Lord. Everything God laid on my heart to teach to leadership at all locations of this visit have had a dynamic impact on the leadership of the Church here in Khmelnitsky. In fact, they are asking for more. So we have talked about the possibility of using Skype and doing some from my USA home. They would project me from Skype, point a camera toward the audience (of any size) and Rostic, the Assistant Pastor would interpret for me.

WOW! Praise God for this technological society!

Now lets go back to Monday, May 23rd:

It was a rest day! I needed it! But it was spent about 50 kilometers from Khmelnitsky in a village where a family in the Church has purchased a “cabin” (US size cabin) – a home here. Their goal is to make a Prophet’s Quarters.” And I had the privilege of being the “first” guest to go there. It is far from finished and in our standards – well, it can better depicted by calling it a “Hunting Cabin” – because it is that rustic.

But we had a great time fellowshiping with Eugene and his wife Veta, Pastor Valentyna and her husband, Franz; and Rostic and Sveta Kudin along with the two sons of Pastor and the son of the Kudins. Boy, was the chicken great. I almost overate. How many thighs did I eat? That is for me to know and you to guess.

I returned to my apartment here about 5:30 and worked to prepare for today. And of course to get all my personal things packed for departure on Tuesday.

I did and I am ready to move my home for a week.

God bless and thank you for your prayers.

Dr D

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Tuesday, May 24th:

I was already to pack and head to Chernivtsi this morning, but I received news yesterday they were not coming for me until after 6:00 PM today. What happened? Glad you asked!

The pastor of Dawn of Life requested for me to attend their top leadership session and again share more of the teaching I have been preparing for this trip. Did! Done! I have a full stomach! And my spirit is jumping in side of me because of the timing of the Lord. Everything God laid on my heart to teach to leadership at all locations of this visit have had a dynamic impact on the leadership of the Church here in Khmelnitsky. In fact, they are asking for more. So we have talked about the possibility of using Skype and doing some from my USA home. They would project me from Skype, point a camera toward the audience (of any size) and Rostic, the Assistant Pastor would interpret for me.

WOW! Praise God for this technological society!

Now lets go back to Monday, May 23rd:

It was a rest day! I needed it! But it was spent about 50 kilometers from Khmelnitsky in a village where a family in the Church has purchased a “cabin” (US size cabin) – a home here. Their goal is to make a Prophet’s Quarters.” And I had the privilege of being the “first” guest to go there. It is far from finished and in our standards – well, it can better depicted by calling it a “Hunting Cabin” – because it is that rustic.

But we had a great time fellowshiping with Eugene and his wife Veta, Pastor Valentyna and her husband, Franz; and Rostic and Sveta Kudin along with the two sons of Pastor and the son of the Kudins. Boy, was the chicken great. I almost overate. How many thighs did I eat? That is for me to know and you to guess.

I returned to my apartment here about 5:30 and worked to prepare for today. And of course to get all my personal things packed for departure on Tuesday.

I did and I am ready to move my home for a week.

God bless and thank you for your prayers.

Dr D

Monday, May 23, 2011


It is always a good feeling and yet sad and sometimes hard to be able to leave a place where you have poured out your heart and your heart has been warmed by God’s people. At least I have a day and one-half before I leave the city. This gives me time to reflect on what God has done while I am here.

Two great services. The morning service is really the vast portion of the people. The government threw them out of the building they had been using for years. The new Ukraine government is not favorable to Churches using government buildings. As a result they have had to find another facility while they do the necessary re-construction of the interrior of the build they purchased in the last year.

They are now meeting in the House of Culture. It is a three layered drama production facility. The main floor and two balconies that go completely around three sides. It is not large enough for their needs. But they are making the best of it for now. In fact, one week ago the landlord of their office complex doubled their rent and they were forced to move out of a large complex into a small three room flat.

Anyway, back to the events of Sunday. They also have a second service at 2:30 for those who work in the public market. Sunday is the best day for business in the market and those who make their living selling in the market find it necessary to be there to be able to have business enough to sustain them. So the Church provides a service for those people. Approximately 75-80 were in this service.

So after the 10:00 service, which ended about 12:30, I had time to enjoy a Ukrainian Pizza. I must say it was the best tasting Ukrainian Pizza I have had in a restaurant. Rostic Kudin, the associate pastor, was my host and I could tell from his suggestions to eat sushi, what his choice was. I am not real fond of eating sushi in Ukraine but I said, lets go. We did and I was rewarded with the pizza – and “WiFi”! So I got to Skype Marilyn and catch up on the news from home and to pick up my office emails. Fabulous!

I am now home – my room here – and getting over the scare of having lost my cell phone – my travel cell phone. It is the means by which I get my emails from AOL. I was able to “get over it” because Rostic found it. It had slipped out of my pocket in Rostics car prior to my getting back here. WHEW!

Well you will have at least one day to rest from reading these epistles, maybe (do not get too happy) since I will be moving to Chernivtsi on Tuesday.

God bless and THANKS for the support via prayer,

Dr D


Starbucks Makes Its Mark!

How do I explain what happened this evening? Better yet: How do explain today? The only thing easy for me to explain is that I forgot to close the lid on my Starbucks Coffee Mug and turned to do something on the desk and knocked it over. Not just on my Bible, my notebooks with all my teachings in them, but it splashed on the wall.

So I grabbed everything in sight and began to wipe. When I thought I had it all I moved the desk and to my greatest disappointment – more had escaped than I thought since there was a backstop to the desk. It had run down the wall in several directions from the initial splash. I am glad it was only a splash and not a “dump.” I did not discover what was behind the desk immediately and by the time I did, it had already soaked into the paint and stain Starbucks Coffee with Vanila had desecrated the wall.

Now I had to tell my hostess. When she returned I called her into the room, told her and pulled out my money to pay for the damages. She refused time and time again. She explained that she is going to paint the entire apartment in the next two years and what was on the wall was behind the desk and no one was going to see it. She did however, with a smile, comment on the new fragrance that filled the room – vanilla!

God Made His Mark!

I had a two hour counseling session with one of the leaders of the church in which my hostess served as my interpreter. The lady leader with whom I was counseling had trust in her and therefore it was made easy by the help of Luda, my hostess. I will only say, God showed up and made His Mark!

I enjoyed a, a, a, – I am not sure what it was. I think I had breakfast at 11:00, but it was fish, salad, and (my words since I cannot think of the correct Ukrainian word) little dough balls with meat inside oh now I know - varenyky --and sliced tomatoes. Then at 4:30, I had a pork steak (pounded pork, some solanka (my special soup) a salad made of cut up cheese, meat, with peas and other items and a cup of Americano (coffee) with a pancake filled with sesame seeds smothered in sour cream. And then the third meal when I got back to my apartment, home fries, two meat patties (of what I am not sure) a plate of sliced tomatoes and some Ukrainian DeCafe Coffee with my powdered vanilla to replace cream.

So you can understand, I am not sure which meal to call what. They make sure I am not hungry even though I am continually telling them I cannot eat that much. Somehow their graciousness gets the best of me and I try to eat it all, but I do not always succeed.

The evening and final service for the seminar was tonight. I was the speaker. But God was the ministering agent through the Holy Spirit. The entire plan I had was set aside this afternoon and I was led in a different direction, keying on what the pastor said last night and some of the areas I had shared. But all of this was directed by the Holy Spirit to wrap around the prophetic insight given to me about the Church, the leadership and their need at this time.

I cannot say more about the content of the message, but I say there was a powerful 60 minute ministry time that began with and was fed by the ministry of leader to leader in prayer and learning to bear one-another’s burdens – which meant opening up and letting others know what was going on in your life, what the pain is you are bearing.

The greatest need that seems to always surface in the former Soviet regime countries is that of rejection, verbal abuse, sexual abuse – male and female. There is such a strong feeling of loneliness among the people they are afraid to be open with one-another. But God began a work tonight I believe will continue. I was able to challenge the leaders, including the pastoral team to demonstrate this to all as they ministered to one-another in leadership meetings.

Now I await the services tomorrow! I am anxious to see what God is going to do!

I close with this statement: I am here, as was Marilyn, to fulfill a moment of destiny in the lives of pastors and their staffs. This was demonstrated in Dnipropetrovsk, in Crimea and now here in Khmelnitsky. Whatever the reason used, family seminar, pastors’ retreat, leadership seminar – these were only tools so we could meet a divine appointment with some desperately hurting pastors and wives and their ministry. I have never been more sure of this on any trip than I am now – regarding this trip.

God bless and thank you for investing in these lovely people,

Dr D

Saturday, May 21, 2011


It is good to be back in my room with the warm feelings of a successful day. I had two session of teaching today. The first was from 11-2 with a quick meal with those who are called “Pastors, or elders” – the are key leaders in Dawn of Life.

Then we changed locations and went to the Youth Club – a facility across the street from their new Church building – where they are remodeling a former sewing factory to establish a youth center for drawing youth from the area and presenting the Gospel to them. Right now it is still under construction and because it is really on the basement level, it is very cool and damp. But when the room is filled with leaders from all ministries it warms up quite nice. Here we spent two hours.

The over-all theme I am presenting deals with “Leaders - Eat What You Serve” and each session deals with a different aspect of leadership. Today the specific topics were: Pastors, Patterns, Priests.

The evening session speaker was the pastor, Valentyna Melnyk. She started the Church 20 years ago and it has grown to about 600 and possess a solid foundation with excellent teaching and a great spirit.

They, the leaders, did not expect me to attend the evening service, but I wanted to do more than just speak and disappear, so I went. The message was great. She challenged them to return to their original fire and zeal as in the early years of the church. The concluding worship–prayer time was rich. I am glad I went.

However, because of the length of time for the session tomorrow afternoon and having to have someone interpret it for me, I will remain in my room and be prepared to minister the Word and comply with their request to pray for all the leaders. Now that is a challenge. I expect more than 100 people to be there. If I only spend one minute per person, it will be a long evening and require the strengthen of the Lord.

So while you enjoy you day, remember me in prayer.

Dr D

Monday, May 16, 2011



Dear Pastor David-
I want to convey my warmest thanks for your service to pastors here in Ukraine. At the conference in Crimea, God strongly stirred within me through your sermons and prophetical service.

I have arrived home very inspired and have received a word from the Lord.

I wish to invite you to preach and serve in our church in Yenakievo, in the Donetsk region. You've already been in my native city some years back where you served at a conference.
We would be most happy to have you come in the knowledge that your service will bring many blessings.

With love in Christ-
Alexandr Gorbachyov
Senior Pastor
Good News Church, Yenakievo, Ukraine

Dair Devid and Marlin.

Thank you for fine conference in "Equator" on Tarhankut. There was many dialogue and revelation from God. You - a gift from God for us. I to want to tell Merlin: "you very beautiful woman and an example for all of us." I hope our acquaintance to become friendship. We to pray for you. I will trust that our meeting still.

Zina, Sasha. Yenakievo.Ukraina.


Today was spent in getting everything ready for the next two weeks and spending four hours in ministry and assistance with two pastors. It is through these occasions – the one-on-one – when you hear and see the impact of the relationships here in Ukraine.

Now to get to bed and rise early to take the five hour train ride – it is called the “fast train” – to Khmelnitsky and my next Church and Leadership Conference.

Thanks for your prayers,

Dr D

Sunday, May 15, 2011



Time can go by so fast when you are busy and trying to catch up with everything. Here it is Sunday evening and I promised myself to have the blog updated by Saturday evening. As you can see – I DID NOT MAKE IT! So lets get started...........

Thursday - The Final Night Of The Pastor’s Retreat:

What a great conclusion to an already splendid time! The day was filled with a session for Senior Pastors and wives as well as those who were pastoring daughter churches under their Senior Pastor. The challenge was to build “generationally” and to never forget that you, as a Senior Pastor now, once sat where your leaders and the congregation now sits (the pew). This session was prefaced with a challenging devotional by Dmitry Nemchenko of Word of Life in Chernivtsi.

Of course, even though we are spiritual we did take time to eat our dinner and then returned for a session for the church staff members who present. In this session we spoke about faithfulness, stewardship and leadership as the Levels of Leadership and the attitudes of true sons and daughters of the Father of the House (Their pastor).

But nothing compares with the presence of the Lord as the Holy Spirit brought Him into our midst during the final evening service. I cannot even begin to put into words the victories we saw transpire as our worship time led us into a time of personal ministry to people you do not know and cannot speak their language, yet God had a word for them that spoke directly to their present situation and brought direction, healing and freedom.

Have you lately, tasted and seen that our Lord is Good?

The evening and morning that followed displayed a great time of fellowship and expression from their hearts for their time and the meaning of that time at the retreat. You could visibly see new relationships developing as they were preparing to depart.

Some expressed they had never been to anything like the fellowship and bonding they experienced. Others said they were looking forward to next year.

And it is all because a partnership of three God-fearing, believing families bonded together to invest into the lives of the pastors of their nation! And would you believe it, they are so tightly bonded, they do not have a contract but operate by their word and their dependence upon God. Isn’t that a novel idea? It is even Godly! Their word is their covenant!

Thank you, the owners of “Equator” of Olenivka, at Cape Tarkhankout in Crimea. We love and appreciate you for your investment in your Pastors!

Friday - The Move To Kiev:

Did I say “move?” Well it is “moving” but.... Anyway we were blessed again by the owners. They did not want us to go to Simferopol and sit in the train station and have to try to find the right train track, the right car and also carry our luggage by ourselves. So instead of going with the earlier group, they took us personally the two and one-half hours to the station, waited for our train and then helped us get in our “room” and presented us with a sack lunch for the 17 hour ride to Kiev rocking and rolling train – even though it was the smoothest of our rides this year. Which we made without incident and were met by our hosts, the Prudky Pilots (Father and Son: dad flies for Aero Svit and son is completing his training to also fly for Aero Svit). I better stop and start again, because it is now 7:34 AM, Saturday morning.

Saturday in Kiev:

Wow! A great room! A hot meal! Two hours to rest – for me and the rest of the day for Marilyn. But my day just started!

I had a service to attend and minister the Word. Then to speak to the leadership immediately after the service. Then I got to go home – my Kiev home – eat, fellowship, help Marilyn complete her packing – well by that I mean, wait and weigh her luggage and give final instructions regarding her flights. As though she really needed it. But first we were visited by Ira Ivanov – really she came to spend time with Marilyn.

Sunday - Up Early, Back To Bed And Up Again:

It was late to bed and early to rise for this day! We had to get up at 3:20 AM and join Vova Prudky in his Pontiac Aerosport Van for the ride to Borispol Airport and Marilyn’s departure for the United States. Her flight departed at 6:20 AM - Kiev time - and she is scheduled back in Fort Myers at 6:13 PM Ft. Myers’ time.

For me it was out and back to bed and then up to attend Abundant Life Church pastored by a special couple, Andrey and Ira Ivanov. Ira was the first interpreter to travel with us as an interpreter on our first solo ministry trip in Ukraine and is still very close to us both, calling Marilyn her “second mother.” When she first introduced me to Andrey, she told him I was her “father” and so he said, “Well, then, you have to be my father also.” So you can understand our relationship.

Andrey delivered a great message after one of the best sounding worship services I have had the privilege of participating in – and the presence of the Lord just made it special. Oh, yes – thank you Luda Sirenko for interpreting the message, it was great to see you.

Home again for great food, fellowship and fun and the visit of Pastor Andrey Ivanov, who just wanted to come and spend some time with me. What an honor it was to fellowship with this pastor, his wife and daughter for three hours.

Now to complete this epistle, take the required help for sleep and health and hit the sack.

I just got word Marilyn is in Atlanta. So she is back in the US again.

With love and appreciation for your prayers,
Dr D and Marilyn

Friday, May 13, 2011


We are back to our room - exhausted, but feeling good. It once again seems to that all things went well today.

This morning we had devotions, presented by Vladimir Kartayev, a Bible Teacher who is leaving Ukraine the first of June to move to Egypt and teach in a Bible School there. Then we had a split! You heard it here first! The women split from the men! Whew! Oh, so that is okay? It was!

Marilyn took the ladies, 24 are here, and went to a special room to have a “party” - lady style! You know, gifts, snacks, games, talk, sharing and of course a lecture from “Mamma D.” And as always, they ladies came away smiling, having enjoyed their time.

That left me with the men. So we decided we should remain “spiritual.” And we did! We opened the floor for questions regarding “how to do....,” or “how do you handle.....” This allowed the older pastors and leaders to have personal input and to share with the younger as well as with each other. I only interjected necessary thoughts to keep them on the right path. Then I concluded with a short teaching about our manhood in relationship to the ministry - how we must allow those we lead to see our manhood - humanity, but at the same time keep them pointed to Christ. The focus of the morning was learning how to be real and open up and share our problems and needs with each other.

Lunch was of course a highlight for all! Unless you are having “stomach-quakes” with potential tsunamis’s following.

From 2-4 we held private counseling sessions with those in need. We were busy but not overwhelmed with those who desired to talk. This was followed by a much needed time of “laying before the Lord, face up” – for those who do not understand – a nap.

Supper again caught our attention, but it did not stop the fellowship and laughter. No one knows better how to laugh than a room full of pastors and staff.

We wound up with another time of worship and sharing of the Word. Tonight we focused on Leaders as Priests, and drew the New Testament parallel to the Old Testament Priests, their training, their service, the 12 defects that would prohibit them from serving in the Aaronic Priesthood, explaining the meaning of each as related to the five-fold ministry and our service before God and to the people.

I thought I’d better say something you considered spiritual, so I put it in and I trust your approve – do you?

Now we are trying to finish the day in our room and get ready for the final day.

Thank you for reading and praying for us.

Dr D & Marilyn

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The day has drawn to a close. My opinion is that it has been a successful day!

Using our best guess, there were 45-50 in attendance tonight and possible more to arrive in the morning. We will await the final tally tomorrow to see how close our guess – best estimation turns out to be.

The message hit home - well that is the speaker’s position. Why? Because of the words – the expressions coming back to him from those in attendance. And not from just two or three but from many more and because we were requested to sit with a pastor and his wife for counseling because of the struggles they are currently going through from attacks of some who have left the Church with the revelation the Church is no longer needed, the pastor is not needed, all they need is to gather with some and teach one-another.

It is the same wherever you go today. Deception is running rampant. The sad thing is that it is coming from people who have been in the Church for a long period of time. Suddenly they are more intelligent than Jesus who gave the pastor, teacher, apostle, prophet and evangelist as gifts to the Body of Christ. Strange isn’t it?

We were able to get some additional rest today, but the next two days will be filled with much activity, talking, counseling and establishing relationships with the new pastors and leaders who are here for the first time. We guess that 60% of those here are new. Several of those from last year called in the last few hours to tell is they were not able to come because of economic reasons. However, we are thrilled with those who did make it. And it is great to see some we have not seen for seven years – the last time we ministered in their Church.

The invitation list for future ministry is already beginning. The challenge is still ahead so we go forward for the privilege to invest in the lives of these Kingdom workers.

Bless you for your prayers,

Dr D and Marilyn


What can you say about a train ride from one city to another more than you have said in past. Honestly? Okay! Not much!

Pastor Konstantin Maximov with Ruslan Andreye, his assistant pastor, and Sergey the husband of another staff member transported us and our luggage to the train. It can be a task to get your luggage up the steps of the train station and then up into the car where you are assigned to spend your time sleeping. They accomplished it with ease.

The next issue facing us, was the making of our beds. You are provided with two sheets, a pillow case, a pillow and a wool blanket along with a hand towel. I will give you credit enough for your ability to know what we did with these items. You are right! We did!

Then we waited for the train to finally leave the station and venture out into the wild so we could do the final personal preparations for a night of “rumbling - screeching brakes - whistles - shaking - tornado like sounds as your train and another pass in the night.” Two “Tylenol PM’s” are not even enough to kick you into “never-never-land of slumber.” You just toss and turn and trust the remaining six hours will fly by. They did and we arrived, disembarked from our train and hired a “cart man” to take our luggage the 3-4 blocks to the station.

This is where the fun began. He had his own idea of where we wanted to go. I could have understood his problem if I had been the one to communicate where we wanted to go. But since it was done by Oksana, in clear Russian, you would think he would get it right! Wrong! He went almost two blocks too far. So we made him take us back, now three blocks to where we wanted to go in the first place.

We had to wait almost two hours for another party of eight from Chernivtsi to meet up with us. While waiting I purchased my train tickets from Kiev to Khmelnitsky and then back to Kiev. (Not really interested in this are you? Tough!)

The next struggle was when the bus driver who was to transport all of us to Olenivka and the Equator Hotel. He had parked so that we had to walk three blocks. But when we got to the foot of a stairs that went over the entire train tracks and train yard – three stories high, I put my good “ole USA” voice into operation and emphatically told him “Nit!” – Russian for “NO!”

Thank God for Oksana. She translated for me and I instructed him we were not going to carry four large suitcases weighing an average of 50 pounds and two carry-ons plus my briefcase up those steps and to his bus. The two ladies, Marilyn and Oksana could not carry them, which meant I would have to make at least three round-trips up that mountain of steps. He was going to have to move it closer. He hesitated, but, seeing our resolve, he finally obliged.
In ten minutes he returned and we only had to pull them about two sort blocks to his bus-van, load them and wait for the rest of our party. They soon arrived, loaded their belongings and we were off for a two hour ride to Olenivka and the welcoming party – our hosts for the Pastors Retreat.

As you can tell, we made it safely, took our luggage to our fabulous two room, bath and one-half suite. A quick meal, a little unpacking and we HIT THE BED FOR A NAP! Up and wait for the bar-b-que to be finished and then indulge in a great meal, fellowship, laughter and preparation for the coming event.

Our hosts, Roma and Tanya Goudyma, partners in the Equator (the other partners were not able to be here) are super people. They, with their partners, have opened their facilities to as many pastors as come for the low cost of about $7.00 per day for three meals per person – and there is no fee for the rooms.

Why do they do this? Because they want to invest in the lives of the men and women of Ukraine who lead the Body of Christ. Think about it! How much would it cost for 50-60 people to have great rooms for three days? Thank God for these men and women of God who are investing in the Kingdom of God.

Thanks for your prayers and keep reading for further developments,

Dr D and Marilyn

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I better go back to Saturday evening and bring you up-to-date!

Saturday Evening:

Marilyn was kept very busy after sharing on raising children by people who cornered here and asked personal questions. She again, did a great job! I mean, I have come to expect nothing less!

I finished the evening speaking to the youth. I discovered they had been told I was going to speak about dating, courtship and marriage. Guess what? I didn’t! God took me another direction – well figure it out from the title: Is This The Last Generation?

I cannot tell you if the speaker was good, but it sure was quiet and I had all eyes focused on me – or was it the interpreter? Anyway, I know I hit the bulls eye! How? When I got ready to print out the scriptures in Russian, I opened the computer program I use and each time it opens with a devotional thought in all scripture. The date: 5/7/11 and all the scriptures were in relationship to the end times. The date is significant: 5 is the number of grace; 7 is the number of completion; and 11 represents the 11th hour. So what do you think?

We went home and guess what! There is a lady who does nails. She requested the privilege to do Marilyn’s at the church. But then she said she wanted to come to the apartment where we are staying to do Oxsana’s nails and to also give both ladies a facial and a pedicure. But the BIG thing happened after she got there. She then said she wanted to do my nails. Well, I found enough manly control and power to allow her to do my nails, but NO POLISH! Not even a clear protector! NO WAY HOSEA! (Ops! Sorry Hosea - no slam intended – just protecting myself.)

A great service with worship team – and a very very active group – and even excellent group. It was Mother’s Day – almost a new custom for Ukraine because they have not been celebrating it as such except in the last few years – but being a guest speaker and not having been forewarned, I skirted it and let go with the Word God gave me for the Church.

They are going through some troubled waters at this time. Some leaders were caught stealing from the offering and subsequently dismissed from the Church. One man is threatening to take them to court; to tell the TV/Radio how crooked they are; and to bring in the government tax people to investigate them. It goes on from here. But they have video of the action of those who stole, however the man was not in the picture though it is known he was the one behind the theft.

So the message God had given me before I arrived was agin on target and I was able to point them through the Word to their way of deliverance from the attacks of the devil.

We ate lunch, went upstairs here at the Church to change clothes and rest from 3:00 to 11:00 PM. But just as I got into my travel clothes my cell rang. The pastor was requesting Marilyn and I to come to his office, there was a problem and they wanted our assistance with it. I cannot go into the problem, but we spent from then until 8:00 dealing with the family involved and then with the pastor on how he should handle the situation from his position.

The stress was that we were given permission to meet with the family alone, using our own interpreter and then only report to him the end result and give out advice on how to proceed. WOW! I wish I could say it was all “healed.” But there will be a separation. We were able to challenge both parties and instruct them in the Biblical way for each to go forth. Time will tell if our advice was heeded, but it was welcomed from both sides.

Now we have about three hours before we head out to the train and travel to Simferopol, Crimea, Ukraine to be met by our hosts of the Equator Resort and a two hour bus ride to the hotel on the Northwest of Crimea, right on the Black Sea.

Keep us in prayer, because I know there will be other strategic sessions while we are there.

God bless,
Marilyn and Dr D

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Monday Departure:
The transportation by air was a “breeze.” You just sleep, sleep, twist and squirm in your seat to keep your body comfortable – if possible. Then you get off that flight, hurry to catch the next, only to wait on the tarmac for 30-40 minutes to get clearance to take off. Well, anyway that just about covers the events of our flight to Ukraine. No problems and no complaints.

Tuesday Arrival and Travel:
Then the activity begins. You never know what to expect when entering Ukraine. They seem to always have a surprise waiting for you. This time we entered their new terminal and found a completely new system for entry. No paper work was required, just hand them your passport as in the US and proceed to get your luggage. Then walk out with no inspection as long as you have nothing to declare. Great!

Sasha Prudky, who is a pilot for Aero Svit, and his son, who is training to be a pilot, were waiting to transport us to their home for our first Ukrainian meal of this trip and a time to relax before heading for the six hour train trip to Dnepropetrovsk. Our departure time was 11:12 PM and we arrived at 7:00 AM.

The question is: What do you do on a night-time trip for 7 hours? You sleep! What else would you do? But how much sleep do you get? All you can! How much is that? Not much – maybe two hours and the rest of the time you turn over, try to get some fresh air and cool off. But we survived and were very glad to see a familiar face standing on the platform.

Wednesday In Dnepropetrovsk:

We drug our suitcases to the platform and released them into the hands of Pastor Konstantin Maximov and a staff member, Sergey. Was I ever glad to get to our apartment for the duration of our five day stay in Dnepropetrovsk. It is a large four room with bath – including HOT water and a GREAT shower. The church rented it for us. The us is Marilyn and I and our Secretary-Interpreter who met us in Kiev and accompanied us here.

We got a shower – you have to get the travel “crud” off after more than 41 hours of travel. And the next important thing is to catch some sleep on a nice bed! We did and were awakened at noon to eat the meal that was prepared for us, and then we crashed again until time to depart for the evening service.

The Wednesday Service:
The congregation was having a “Member’s Meeting” in which they share vision, receive members and celebrate what God is doing. So I was thrilled to know the message God had laid on my heart was right on subject and timing. I finally wound down after one-hour and fifteen minutes of preaching and prophesying but they had more to do and it was almost 10:00 when we left the Church and journeyed the three plus blocks to our home here.

I departed at 12:00 to have dinner with the pastor and then to teach for two hours to their Church Staff. Again God led me to the specific subject for the hour and opened the door for Friday’s two hour session. Marilyn and Oksana remained at the apartment, departing in time to walk the three blocks and be ready for the Marilyn’s two hour session with the Women’s Ministry Leaders. I thought I would be able to go home and relax during those two hours, but a rain storm descended just after Marilyn arrived. It poured and then pelted the area with hail stones and then rained again. So I just found a couch and relaxed until supper time.

Supper was followed by a seminar session for Men and one for Women. Again, the target was hit. There should be no surprise when you are willing to let the Holy Spirit guide your selection. But in the natural you are concerned whether or not you are headed in the right direction.

The conversation for the day about what we taught, as related to Marilyn and me, was one of appreciation and open reception. Thank God. Then we headed back to the apartment for some refreshments – Tea for the ladies, with Peanut Butter on Ukrainian Cookies. Some ham (?) – and cheese with some smoked salmon and of course Starbucks (I brought my own instant packages, with my own flavored cream -- two varieties).

Come on now! You can only “suffer for Jesus” so much! You must understand, I - we just think ahead!

And lest I forget, the “Surprise of The Day” was my opportunity to eat Salo with raw onions and Horse Meat Sausage. Yes you read it here! I had their “pig fat accompanied with onions” and I did eat horse meat. They did not tell me what it was until I had eater it. I thought it was just smoked sausage. But it wasn’t. No, I did not lose any of it! Will I do it again? Maybe, but not without some fore-thought.

Anyway, the statistics here say that their “Salo” - eating pig fat - helps to reduce the potential of getting cancer and that it will destroy cancer cells. True? I do not know! Do I want it as a preventive every day? NO!

But anyway the day ended and I did not die - as you can tell from reading this.

Another day of two hour seminars, one for the Church Staff and another for the Leaders of their Women’s Ministry. Two Ukrainian meals for me, but Marilyn and Oksana had another day of four meals. They had eaten breakfast, then ate a lunch before coming to the Church. Less than two hours later, they had almost another meal of specialties with the Ladies in their seminar – the specialty: Caviar – two days in a row!

While Marilyn was with the ladies, I joined the pastor, and two assistants and drove to the home of a member who had a tumor growing on his spine with the purpose to lay hands on him and release healing into his body. He has been fighting this for over two years and within the last two-three months has lost the ability to move his legs naturally. Even for someone to stretch them out was very painful. Did we see a miracle right then. No! But we believe God ministered to him and that we will see the miracle as he exercises his faith.

And then the evening service was geared to husband and wives and those who wanted information that would assist them as they prepared for marriage. Marilyn presented hers, “Myth Busters” – ten of them or was it twelve, I forget. Then had to follow her with some basics in marriage preparation - The Yoke of Marriage and The Emotions of Marriage. We concluded the evening by answer questions.

12:00 Noon and the pastor arrived with the van, his five children and took us to lunch at the church cafeteria. Then he drove us to the home he is building. It is a four story house built around and over the original home of relatives which was given to him. He has been in the process of building now for seven years and hopes to have it completed by the end of the year. It will be very nice and will probably be valued – US evaluation of at least $500,000, although it is much less than that here. He is able to do that because of an inheritance and the money he received by selling an apartment he previously had.

A quick stop at the home he is presently living in - very simple - four bedrooms, with bath (one is where the girl who assists his wife with the children lives and no living room or dining room. Then we are now back at the church where Marilyn is presenting a two hour seminar on raising children. I have a seminar for youth after supper – at 6:00 pm.

Tomorrow, we have to vacate the apartment when we leave for the 10:00 service. We will stay in the Church until time for us to leave for Crimea on the train shortly after midnight Sunday and will arrive in Simferopol about 7:45 AM.

Thanks for reading – and I am glad you made it to the end. But it cover several days........

Thanks for your prayers,
Dr D and Marilyn