Before I get to the headline, allow me to bring you up-to-date.
I arose from my position of rest, just like I do other days. But — skip it! You do too!
Anyway, Pastor Carlos and Jessica Mozon of Iglesia El Camino Rimac, with whom we had become acquainted at the El Camino Convention the first week of August, had contacted Marco Aroni, our Field Representative (I used that term to make you think we are big time. Why? Because we are not and but it sounded professional!) Fortunately we had a Friday open and so we headed to the Rimac area of Lima.
Rimac is not the best – to say the least – area of Lima. And taxi drivers from Elio, my home here, are not quick to accept fares to the area not only because of the crime, but because of the distance. We did secure a taxi and arrived. As I got out of the taxi, Javier (my interpreter) stepped behind me and Marco in front. Moving slowly across the street, Marco said, “The guy standing there is a thief, watch him closely.”
So, I did. I watched him. He got very nervous. You would too, if a tough looking preacher from the US looked at you! We continued our progress about half a block to a garage style steel door with a walk through door and above it a sign indicating we were there. But! No one else was there. So we took our position on the sidewalk awaiting the arrival of Pastor Carlos, cautiously watching all movements of those who were passing by. And then it happened! What? Nothing! I just wanted to create some suspense.
The building was packed. It was standing room only! Of course there were only about 50 seats! But again, it sure sounds big when you say it that way. But there were some passers-by who stood and watched.
I had the privilege of officially opening their extension of Universidad Pacto de Vida (CLU) and delivering the Word to God’s chosen in Rimac. The people impressed me with their attention and spirit. It was easy to determine the solid quality of the work accomplished in their lives. I am confident, if they had a larger facility, their attendance would easily grow. Thirteen (13) of those present are registered students, ready to start on Tuesday, August 30th. From no extension here three weeks ago and now 13 students!
The pastor of the church where we had schedule a first year graduation on Saturday, called Marco on Friday evening, just prior to our departure for Rimac and informed him there would be no service, no graduation on Saturday. Church problems! We were aware of some struggles within the congregation but our information received from the Pastor two days before seemed to indicate everything was settled. Anyway, it provided me with a day to work on developing a teaching on the subject of “Integrity.” I spoke on the subject at the El Camino Convention and became personally intrigued and stirred by the Holy Spirit.
While considering the subject, I had discovered a book on that subject was on my iPad and began to read it Friday upon returning from Rimac and before closing my eyes while lying upon my bed. The day was productive and I am already on page 21. Ten hours of that did create a tired mind and body.
Yesterday, Sunday, August 28th, I returned to Iglesia Centro Christiano De Avivamiento, with Pastor Gustavo & Jenny Rodriquez. This was my third service with them, but it was necessary to fulfill a previous commitment. It was not a burden because the Church is a growing, vibrant body and ministering the Word to them is an honor.
Sunday evening, Independicia, Lima found us awaiting the arrival of the pastor of Principe de Paz (Prince of Peace), Gilberto and Doris Varillas. We had taken a taxi to the shopping plaza in their area and were waiting on them outside a coffee shop. NO! It wasn’t Starbucks! NO! I did not buy a cup of coffee or any other coffee speciality. I stood in the cold mist and wind waiting Peruvian Time to pass and the arrival of Pastor Gilberto.
Here it is! What? The breaking of my 45 year record. What record? Well, wait a minute and I will tell you. It requires some background. Not really, background, but a description of my well disciplined habit of recording the Name of the Church, the Sermon Title, and the Date for every sermon preached.
I “looked at my overseas record” about one hour before our departure and only saw one record for any message at Independicia - Principe de Paz - Gilberto/Doris Varillas. So, the message which had come to my mind, was not one that I previously considered at all. But recognizing this may be the Spirit directing me, I told Javier, my interpreter he had better look over my notes for that message.
We arrived, about five minutes late to the service, but the assistant was already reading the scripture for the evening. We had a good worship time, even though Marco took time to shoot a picture of the large rat just below our feet – it was under the steel grate and could not get to us. I did not notice it nor Marco taking its picture. According to him it was about 12 inches long and fat. I am glad I was oblivious to it!
I ministered the Word. I prophesied over the pastor and his wife and turned the service to him. He called the people to the altar and 99% crowded to the front, forcing us to move from our seats of plastic – the standard pew here in Peru. At the pastor’s request I began to lay hands on the people. The Holy Spirit had been moving with power and so it was an easy task.
Led by the Spirit, I took the mic and requested those with any pain or sickness to place their hand on the affected area. I prayed. I asked for those who knew they had been healed to raise their hands. So many raised their hands, I requested them put their hands down. I repeated the request, but this time more hands were raised than previously. So I asked for some testimonies from those who knew their pain was gone. I wish I could remember all the testimonies. Suffice it to say, the healing power of God was there.
Now for the climatic revelation! As the pastor drove us back to a location where we could catch a taxi he stated, “I have been telling the people that we need to be broken. And then you came and ministered on the subject of being broken and used by God.”
Such a statement always is good to the ears of a visiting preacher. And I thought nothing more about it. When I arose this morning, I did what is normal. I opened my computer, moved through the documents, found the file: Nations - Sermon Records - Peru and then went to the title of the message from Sunday evening.
What did I find? Yes! Independicia: Principe de Paz - Gilberto/Doris Varillas - 4/10/10!
But my accident was not God’s accident, it was God’s direction on purpose! If I had seen the record I never would have considered that message, but God knew and by-passed my mind.
Now today, Monday, it is time to do laundry, pack and prepare for a two week trip north to Talara, Piura on the western side where there is plenty of warmth and fish, then to the eastern side adjacent to the jungle to Jaen and Bagua Grande, then back to Lima for three days before the final trip to Ayacucho and over the one lane road, the most of the time, to San Franciso - Kimbiri.
God bless,
Dr D
Monday, August 29, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
This has been another of the weeks that fly by like a jet airplane. I am not sure where the time went, but I do know it has been a busy week.
Since I left you, last Sunday evening, David Hodges and I have traveled south to Chincha, about two and one-half by vehicle where weI spent four hours with Pastor Honorato Martinez and his family. He pastors, Templo Apostolico Asambleas de Dios. It is there we established our first extension of Universidad Pacto de Vida. We also assisted in the reconstruction of the Church and his home as a result of the destruction caused by an earthquake. I had the privilege of ordaining his daughter, Maria Ysabel Martinez five years ago. She was our first Life Church pastor in Peru. And I got to see my “God-Child,” the oldest of Martine’s children – Pastor Honorato’s oldest son. So you can see we have some very close relationships with the pastors here in Peru.
While we were there, I asked Pastor Honorato to assist me with some Spanish material in preparation for adding it to our curriculum. He will be listening to teaching, then preparing a “teacher’s outline, and from that prepare the student outline and tests. Also he will be putting together some of his teachings on “Family Groups,” his style cell groups, for use as another course for Pacto de Vida.
I want to be begin placing Peruvian Pastors before the Peruvian people so there can be a “local identification” and cultural thought process to the local culture. I will edit, review and approve all the material then the Peruvian Pastor will teach “our” material as part of the curriculum.
Even though we accumulated five hours of travel, the time spent was invaluable for the Kingdom.
Tuesday and Wednesday, during the day, was a one-to-one teaching time with David Hodges to guide and assist him with techniques, study material, sharing biblical concepts and answering questions.
Tuesday evening was filled with meeting Pastor Jorge (Giorgio) Schiantiarelli, from Mision Cristiana Pan de Vida in Talara. He was in Lima and since I will be ministering in his Church in Talara and also in Negritos next week, he came to begin the relationship and to share with me the plans for our time with him.
Wednesday evening I ministered in Ancon, Comunidad Carismatica Cristiana Cristo Sanador, pastored by Everth Ipanaque. Pastor Everth is legally blind, has an artificial leg, leads worship, pastors two vibrant Churches and is full of joy, bringing excitement to every meeting. He also has Pacto de Vida and will begin the second year this September as well as start a new first year class. (And we feel sorry for ourselves for no reason, trying to find excuses why we cannot become part of the ministry of our local church — WHY?)
Last night, I returned to Iglesia Centro Cristiano De Avivamiento, pastored by Gustavo and Jenny Rodriquez and I will be with them again on Sunday morning. Pastor Gustavo will also become one of the Peruvian Pastors to teach in Pacto de Vida. Because he is fluent in English, he will be taking curriculum I have written and teaching it in Spanish, thus being able to add the Peruvian Cultural flavor.
O yes! On Wednesday, Pastor Gustavo came to share coffee and fellowship. And then on Thursday, Pastor Walter Villajuan from Iglesia Cristiana El Camino in Ancon traveled almost two hours by bus to share personally appreciation from the El Camino churches for our ministry in their convention the first week of August. It was then that a “mystery” was solved. When we arrived at the site of the convention, it was shared with me that this group of churches we Baptist. That was a puzzle to me, because I knew that Pastor Walter was Pentecostal. The truth is out! They are “Baptiscostal!” So, at least I can relax.
And lest I forget, Pastor Walter also has an extension of Pacto de Vida and will be assisting with producing the teacher, student and exams for courses.
The bottom line is this: God is opening doors! The Kingdom is growing! The “Shingles” over the door are not a barrier – to those who love God and His Children!
So thanks for your prayers!
God bless,
Dr D
Since I left you, last Sunday evening, David Hodges and I have traveled south to Chincha, about two and one-half by vehicle where weI spent four hours with Pastor Honorato Martinez and his family. He pastors, Templo Apostolico Asambleas de Dios. It is there we established our first extension of Universidad Pacto de Vida. We also assisted in the reconstruction of the Church and his home as a result of the destruction caused by an earthquake. I had the privilege of ordaining his daughter, Maria Ysabel Martinez five years ago. She was our first Life Church pastor in Peru. And I got to see my “God-Child,” the oldest of Martine’s children – Pastor Honorato’s oldest son. So you can see we have some very close relationships with the pastors here in Peru.
While we were there, I asked Pastor Honorato to assist me with some Spanish material in preparation for adding it to our curriculum. He will be listening to teaching, then preparing a “teacher’s outline, and from that prepare the student outline and tests. Also he will be putting together some of his teachings on “Family Groups,” his style cell groups, for use as another course for Pacto de Vida.
I want to be begin placing Peruvian Pastors before the Peruvian people so there can be a “local identification” and cultural thought process to the local culture. I will edit, review and approve all the material then the Peruvian Pastor will teach “our” material as part of the curriculum.
Even though we accumulated five hours of travel, the time spent was invaluable for the Kingdom.
Tuesday and Wednesday, during the day, was a one-to-one teaching time with David Hodges to guide and assist him with techniques, study material, sharing biblical concepts and answering questions.
Tuesday evening was filled with meeting Pastor Jorge (Giorgio) Schiantiarelli, from Mision Cristiana Pan de Vida in Talara. He was in Lima and since I will be ministering in his Church in Talara and also in Negritos next week, he came to begin the relationship and to share with me the plans for our time with him.
Wednesday evening I ministered in Ancon, Comunidad Carismatica Cristiana Cristo Sanador, pastored by Everth Ipanaque. Pastor Everth is legally blind, has an artificial leg, leads worship, pastors two vibrant Churches and is full of joy, bringing excitement to every meeting. He also has Pacto de Vida and will begin the second year this September as well as start a new first year class. (And we feel sorry for ourselves for no reason, trying to find excuses why we cannot become part of the ministry of our local church — WHY?)
Last night, I returned to Iglesia Centro Cristiano De Avivamiento, pastored by Gustavo and Jenny Rodriquez and I will be with them again on Sunday morning. Pastor Gustavo will also become one of the Peruvian Pastors to teach in Pacto de Vida. Because he is fluent in English, he will be taking curriculum I have written and teaching it in Spanish, thus being able to add the Peruvian Cultural flavor.
O yes! On Wednesday, Pastor Gustavo came to share coffee and fellowship. And then on Thursday, Pastor Walter Villajuan from Iglesia Cristiana El Camino in Ancon traveled almost two hours by bus to share personally appreciation from the El Camino churches for our ministry in their convention the first week of August. It was then that a “mystery” was solved. When we arrived at the site of the convention, it was shared with me that this group of churches we Baptist. That was a puzzle to me, because I knew that Pastor Walter was Pentecostal. The truth is out! They are “Baptiscostal!” So, at least I can relax.
And lest I forget, Pastor Walter also has an extension of Pacto de Vida and will be assisting with producing the teacher, student and exams for courses.
The bottom line is this: God is opening doors! The Kingdom is growing! The “Shingles” over the door are not a barrier – to those who love God and His Children!
So thanks for your prayers!
God bless,
Dr D
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Reporting now from Elio, Lima, Peru is your Biblical Reporter Dr D.
The last time I reported, I was telling you about the upcoming visit to Nuevas Fuerzas where Agustin and Jessia Ciccia pastor. At that time Marilyn was still here. The purpose of returning there was to spend the evening assisting in launching the new Church leadership team. If you remember, we had laid hands on Daniel Vargas ordaining him to the ministry to assist the Ciccias and also on his brother, Miguel and his wife Paola, setting them apart as Deacons.
So we took time to impart to the team biblical concepts of Church leadership speaking to them on such subjects as integrity, loyalty, team communication, levels of authority and other tid-bits of information from our experience leading churches. It was a joyful experience and the receptivity was fabulous.
From there we arrived back at the Falcons and Marilyn completed the last minute packing. I did what I could to assist – actually – I stayed out of the way, except to go online and check her in for the very early morning flight. The requirements of that flight pulled us out of bed at 3:00 AM, just over two and one-half hours after laying our heads on the bed. But it was worth it!
We arrived at the Lima airport and were 5th in line and since we had pre-checked online we had an open check-in and were completed by 4:45 – just 5 minutes after they opened for business at Copa. That gave us time to eat some donuts from Dunkin and drink some coffee together before she headed through security and to her gate.
Marco and I were back to the Falcon residence and had crawled back into bed by 6:00 AM. But “IF” you understand the potential impact of coffee then you know, there was little sleep ahead. Right On! But I survived and after getting my laundry done – again – actually I did not do it, but the girl who takes care of Abigail, the Faclon’s daughter did it for me while I packed.
It was a special treat to stay with Dr Roger and Magaly Falcon for the week. They are just “special” people and Marilyn and I love them dearly. God has His hand and call upon their lives. “I” believe the mission field of Peru will one day be their home and field of ministy.
I moved to the home of Dan and Brenda Clowers, the Overseas Missions Director for the Latin America-Carribean region of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church which is on the second floor of the IPHC headquarters and Church, Iglesia Pentecostal de Santidad.
And let me tell you I AM BLESSED to be able to stay here! The apartment is great! Quiet! Private! Has WiFi! A Hot Shower! And right now all mine. Dan and Brenda are in the states itinerating. Thanks Dan and Brenda!
Saturday evening I was once again back to Nuevas Fuerzas for their “youth” meeting. When referring to “youth” here in Peru, you may be talking about youth from 16/18 to 35. This meeting had 33 of the older age group only. But these have a history with Agustin and Jessica spanning back to the time he worked under his mother. They have matured and are building stones for the Church now.
Sunday, that is today, I ministered here this morning at Iglesia Pentecostal de Santidad, pastored by Jorge and Janine Watanabe. He is the leader of the IPHC here in Peru. Then we traveled across Lima to the area knows as Independencia to preach for Rolando Martinez and the congregation at Commnidad Biblica Vision Celestial. The Life Training Institute (LTI) students did ministry here in May. We also have an extension of Covenant Life University (Universidad Pacto de Vida) there. So their “President” came to share the word. (That’s me!)
And now I am back in the safety of my Peruvian Retreat Center! I got back here at 7:30 and I have fixed myself a gourmet meal: Starbucks Coffee filled with “medicine” [fiber] and French Vanilla Coffee Mate; a Peruvian bread (Pan) covered with Crunchy Peanut Butter and strawberry jelly; and a main course of Strawberry Yogurt poured over Granola Cereal. Sounds good, doesn’t it? It fills the stomach!
I must rise early tomorrow and begin a full day of travel with David Hodges. We are driving up to Chincha to visit Pastor Honorato Martinez and daughter. Maria Ysabel Martinez is licensed and ordained by Life Church, so I need to visit here and take her the tithe from the income of Pacto de Vida. Even though we really do not get enough to underwrite all the expenses here, we tithe on the portion we do receive from each extension. Maria has a Church there in Chincha, separate from that of her father and several years ago requested to be under our spiritual authority. She is one of us “Life-Churchers!”
So it is time to stop, do some book work and then hit the sack earlier that I did this morning – yes I said, “this morning.”
God bless and continue to pray,
Dr D
The last time I reported, I was telling you about the upcoming visit to Nuevas Fuerzas where Agustin and Jessia Ciccia pastor. At that time Marilyn was still here. The purpose of returning there was to spend the evening assisting in launching the new Church leadership team. If you remember, we had laid hands on Daniel Vargas ordaining him to the ministry to assist the Ciccias and also on his brother, Miguel and his wife Paola, setting them apart as Deacons.
So we took time to impart to the team biblical concepts of Church leadership speaking to them on such subjects as integrity, loyalty, team communication, levels of authority and other tid-bits of information from our experience leading churches. It was a joyful experience and the receptivity was fabulous.
From there we arrived back at the Falcons and Marilyn completed the last minute packing. I did what I could to assist – actually – I stayed out of the way, except to go online and check her in for the very early morning flight. The requirements of that flight pulled us out of bed at 3:00 AM, just over two and one-half hours after laying our heads on the bed. But it was worth it!
We arrived at the Lima airport and were 5th in line and since we had pre-checked online we had an open check-in and were completed by 4:45 – just 5 minutes after they opened for business at Copa. That gave us time to eat some donuts from Dunkin and drink some coffee together before she headed through security and to her gate.
Marco and I were back to the Falcon residence and had crawled back into bed by 6:00 AM. But “IF” you understand the potential impact of coffee then you know, there was little sleep ahead. Right On! But I survived and after getting my laundry done – again – actually I did not do it, but the girl who takes care of Abigail, the Faclon’s daughter did it for me while I packed.
It was a special treat to stay with Dr Roger and Magaly Falcon for the week. They are just “special” people and Marilyn and I love them dearly. God has His hand and call upon their lives. “I” believe the mission field of Peru will one day be their home and field of ministy.
I moved to the home of Dan and Brenda Clowers, the Overseas Missions Director for the Latin America-Carribean region of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church which is on the second floor of the IPHC headquarters and Church, Iglesia Pentecostal de Santidad.
And let me tell you I AM BLESSED to be able to stay here! The apartment is great! Quiet! Private! Has WiFi! A Hot Shower! And right now all mine. Dan and Brenda are in the states itinerating. Thanks Dan and Brenda!
Saturday evening I was once again back to Nuevas Fuerzas for their “youth” meeting. When referring to “youth” here in Peru, you may be talking about youth from 16/18 to 35. This meeting had 33 of the older age group only. But these have a history with Agustin and Jessica spanning back to the time he worked under his mother. They have matured and are building stones for the Church now.
Sunday, that is today, I ministered here this morning at Iglesia Pentecostal de Santidad, pastored by Jorge and Janine Watanabe. He is the leader of the IPHC here in Peru. Then we traveled across Lima to the area knows as Independencia to preach for Rolando Martinez and the congregation at Commnidad Biblica Vision Celestial. The Life Training Institute (LTI) students did ministry here in May. We also have an extension of Covenant Life University (Universidad Pacto de Vida) there. So their “President” came to share the word. (That’s me!)
And now I am back in the safety of my Peruvian Retreat Center! I got back here at 7:30 and I have fixed myself a gourmet meal: Starbucks Coffee filled with “medicine” [fiber] and French Vanilla Coffee Mate; a Peruvian bread (Pan) covered with Crunchy Peanut Butter and strawberry jelly; and a main course of Strawberry Yogurt poured over Granola Cereal. Sounds good, doesn’t it? It fills the stomach!
I must rise early tomorrow and begin a full day of travel with David Hodges. We are driving up to Chincha to visit Pastor Honorato Martinez and daughter. Maria Ysabel Martinez is licensed and ordained by Life Church, so I need to visit here and take her the tithe from the income of Pacto de Vida. Even though we really do not get enough to underwrite all the expenses here, we tithe on the portion we do receive from each extension. Maria has a Church there in Chincha, separate from that of her father and several years ago requested to be under our spiritual authority. She is one of us “Life-Churchers!”
So it is time to stop, do some book work and then hit the sack earlier that I did this morning – yes I said, “this morning.”
God bless and continue to pray,
Dr D
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Let me see, where did I leave off – it has been so long ago that my “blogging mind” has become rusty. Oh yes! Now I remember! We are ready for Saturday, August 6th. My how time flies when you are having fun.
Saturday, August 6th – Friday August 12th:
We are back with David and Cecci. And had I known the work that my wife had planned for the Davids, I am not sure I would have willingly returned to Jicamarca. (Just joking – ALMOST!)
Let me see if I can list the work first: Yup! I can! Many of you are acquainted with “Sparky.” But in case you are not I had better inform you. “Sparky” – that’s me – has a famous reputation as an electrician that “sticks” to his work – literally – with the help of 110 volts of electricity pulsating through his hand, while flopping on the floor and watching two adult men laugh!
Anyway one of the projects was to install a new ballast in a florescent light in the Church auditorium. Now they use 220 volts. So I had to do some real thinking (it is hard for me to do). We accomplished that and re-hung it over the platform with the help of some “monkey” tricks to reach the proper roof support from which to hang it. You use your mind about the method. In reality, the electrical work was a teaching project so David would be able to accomplish it by himself when no one was around to help.
Then we began the process of installing lights in his office and the study room, as well as adding a receptacle in the kitchen for their new location for the refrigerator. And I can say, I did not “stick” to my work on this one, for which I am thankful.
At the same time, “Mama D” (my wife as she is affectionately known here in Peru) cracked the whip and so David and I had to install some shelves in the kitchen on which to place the Microwave and to form a top for their dishwasher. This also required the installment of a new receptacle and the extension of one so we could add the other.
I will say, in her defense, Mama D did work too. She was responsible for putting Marine Varnish on the shelves. And she did a good job. Of course, with the assistance of the two “Great Davids” to do it when she did not want to – (I had better be nice or I’ll get it – whatever that is). Anyway between all of us doing what we could, the task was accomplished.
During this time, we also had ministry in Puente Piedra – Communidad Cristiana La Vina with Pastor Guillermo & Lisset Sifuentes and at Iglesia Vida, Jicamarca on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday as well as preparing many documents and videos to assist David with his ministry. And of course this always involved sharing information at all times on anything that popped into David’s head. “IF” you know him, that means “ANYTHING!” And of course it also involved fellowship with the people of the Church and often many hours of travel into Lima to Sodimac (hardware/lumberyard) to spy out, buy and plan the many projects that David is facing after our departure. (Did I mention: Starbucks also?)
Friday, August 12th - Wednesday, August 17th:
Friday we moved into Lima, to the home of Roger and Magaly Falcon to spend the time until Marilyn departs early Thursday morning, August 18th. Dr. Roger (MD) and Magaly are a special couple who insist that we spend time with them every time we are here. We met them on Marilyn’s first trip to Peru and they interpreted for us on that occasion.
Saturday, the 13th, I had a Universidad Pacto de Vida first year Graduation at Marquez Callao, La Viña Del Señor, Pastor Fabián Santillán. They had 25 graduates and if I remember correctly, more than 5 are pastors of other churches.
Sunday we were at Monterrico, Lima, Nuevas Fuerzas pastored by Agustin & Jessica Ciccia. We had the privilege of installing their second deacon Miguel Vargas and then ordaining his twin, Daniel Vargas to the ministry. He will be assisting the Ciccias. We return there tonight to spend time with the leadership to assist them as they begin their walk together as a team.
Monday, David and Cecci arrived to spend the day with us and to relax. I am not sure we accomplished the “relax” part but we had a good day. Tuesday, Marco Aroni, our Peru coordinator, representative came by so we could make some plans for the upcoming days of travel and to update the college information – it took all day.
So we are now up-to-date in a “fast-forward” style, which some of you appreciate and others enjoy the wanderings of my mind and fingers as they fly over the keyboard in realms unknown before by the operator.
Anyway, tonight we are back at Nuevas Fuerzas (New Strength) and then we rise about 3:00 to take Marilyn to the airport for her return to the US and the “Six-Pack” (Grandkids not drink! Though sometimes when they are having their fun, I think I have been drinking!)
God bless, and thanks for your prayers.
Dr D & Marilyn
Saturday, August 6th – Friday August 12th:
We are back with David and Cecci. And had I known the work that my wife had planned for the Davids, I am not sure I would have willingly returned to Jicamarca. (Just joking – ALMOST!)
Let me see if I can list the work first: Yup! I can! Many of you are acquainted with “Sparky.” But in case you are not I had better inform you. “Sparky” – that’s me – has a famous reputation as an electrician that “sticks” to his work – literally – with the help of 110 volts of electricity pulsating through his hand, while flopping on the floor and watching two adult men laugh!
Anyway one of the projects was to install a new ballast in a florescent light in the Church auditorium. Now they use 220 volts. So I had to do some real thinking (it is hard for me to do). We accomplished that and re-hung it over the platform with the help of some “monkey” tricks to reach the proper roof support from which to hang it. You use your mind about the method. In reality, the electrical work was a teaching project so David would be able to accomplish it by himself when no one was around to help.
Then we began the process of installing lights in his office and the study room, as well as adding a receptacle in the kitchen for their new location for the refrigerator. And I can say, I did not “stick” to my work on this one, for which I am thankful.
At the same time, “Mama D” (my wife as she is affectionately known here in Peru) cracked the whip and so David and I had to install some shelves in the kitchen on which to place the Microwave and to form a top for their dishwasher. This also required the installment of a new receptacle and the extension of one so we could add the other.
I will say, in her defense, Mama D did work too. She was responsible for putting Marine Varnish on the shelves. And she did a good job. Of course, with the assistance of the two “Great Davids” to do it when she did not want to – (I had better be nice or I’ll get it – whatever that is). Anyway between all of us doing what we could, the task was accomplished.
During this time, we also had ministry in Puente Piedra – Communidad Cristiana La Vina with Pastor Guillermo & Lisset Sifuentes and at Iglesia Vida, Jicamarca on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday as well as preparing many documents and videos to assist David with his ministry. And of course this always involved sharing information at all times on anything that popped into David’s head. “IF” you know him, that means “ANYTHING!” And of course it also involved fellowship with the people of the Church and often many hours of travel into Lima to Sodimac (hardware/lumberyard) to spy out, buy and plan the many projects that David is facing after our departure. (Did I mention: Starbucks also?)
Friday, August 12th - Wednesday, August 17th:
Friday we moved into Lima, to the home of Roger and Magaly Falcon to spend the time until Marilyn departs early Thursday morning, August 18th. Dr. Roger (MD) and Magaly are a special couple who insist that we spend time with them every time we are here. We met them on Marilyn’s first trip to Peru and they interpreted for us on that occasion.
Saturday, the 13th, I had a Universidad Pacto de Vida first year Graduation at Marquez Callao, La Viña Del Señor, Pastor Fabián Santillán. They had 25 graduates and if I remember correctly, more than 5 are pastors of other churches.
Sunday we were at Monterrico, Lima, Nuevas Fuerzas pastored by Agustin & Jessica Ciccia. We had the privilege of installing their second deacon Miguel Vargas and then ordaining his twin, Daniel Vargas to the ministry. He will be assisting the Ciccias. We return there tonight to spend time with the leadership to assist them as they begin their walk together as a team.
Monday, David and Cecci arrived to spend the day with us and to relax. I am not sure we accomplished the “relax” part but we had a good day. Tuesday, Marco Aroni, our Peru coordinator, representative came by so we could make some plans for the upcoming days of travel and to update the college information – it took all day.
So we are now up-to-date in a “fast-forward” style, which some of you appreciate and others enjoy the wanderings of my mind and fingers as they fly over the keyboard in realms unknown before by the operator.
Anyway, tonight we are back at Nuevas Fuerzas (New Strength) and then we rise about 3:00 to take Marilyn to the airport for her return to the US and the “Six-Pack” (Grandkids not drink! Though sometimes when they are having their fun, I think I have been drinking!)
God bless, and thanks for your prayers.
Dr D & Marilyn
Friday, August 5, 2011
I now can update you regarding our First Week! I finally have WiFi and the time to Blog – so hang on because here we goooooooooooooooooo..............
Our flight to Peru went without a hitch! In fact, because I had checked in on-line Wednesday evening - just in chance it would be viable – it was – and it allowed us to get through check-in without having our carry-on bags weighed. That was super! Why? Because they were over-weight!
We did draw the red light in Peru and had to take all our bags and run them through the scanner. No problems except for my carry-on and my projector. I had to argue to keep from listing it with customs. I had a problem the last time but the “judge” said it was to old to require being listed. But every inspector has different ideas. She allowed me to go on and told me to be sure and list it the next time. OK!
Friday, July 29th:
Sleep In! We did not get to bed until after 4 AM due to unpacking, talking, eating and other things - whatever that is! Therefore Friday was a day of rest to some degree.
Saturday, July 30th:
It was time to get busy - so I swung into action! Well, after once again sleeping until 10 – but only because we tend to stay up late and talk with David and Ceci. But since there was to be a service Saturday evening I did get busy, prepare and preach. Probably the highlight of the evening was setting up the wireless microphone system I brought to give to David. You should have seen his face when he was able to talk without hold a mic!
Sunday, July 31st:
Well, what can I say about Sunday? Everyone with any sense knows what to do on Sunday. You go to Church and worship! So we did! Even though I had to preach I went happily.
The Sunday service is generally at 5:00 PM, but because of the large amount of work that has had to be done on the wall, they are hold their service at 10:30 AM. It really worked out good because it allowed us to take David and Ceci downtown to Lima proper. They have been under a lot of pressure and they were able to relax and eat some Pizza with great fellowship. (Everyone knows that when you are in my presence, there is great fellowship! Well, there is fellowship anyway, regardless of what you are thinking! I’ll get even with you later!).
We finally found our way home about 9:30 PM, ate some popcorn, used our jaws to jabber for a while and then crashed for the night.
Monday, August 1st:
It was a day of victory for me! I finally drove a vehicle in Peru! If you have never been here you would not understand. But IF you have, then you know about such a victory. Well, honestly, I did not drive that far, but it was a victory anyway. I ran a couple of errands for David so he could complete his project without being delayed.
We packed for our next excursion - the 7th National Convention of Ministerios Cristianos El Camino and prepared to leave at 7:45 AM to meet Marco Aroni at his house. No I was not driving, David was.
Tuesday, August 2nd - Friday, August 5th:
These days began with an early departure from Jicamarca; meeting Marco at his house; meeting Agustin Ciccia - who was my interpreter for the 7th National Convention of El Camino and then driving two hours north west of Lima into the mountains - a climb to about 5,000 feet. And even though that isn’t high, you would notice the altitude when walking up from the dinning hall to our room.
I will not say much about the speaker, because if I do, you will think I am biased (and I would be) but – well I will go on to other things. So all I can say is, if the words shared upon departure were any indication, we – Marilyn and I – were well accepted (our ministry to the people). Pastor Walter who had extended the invitation indicated this morning that all the pastors in attendance rated this annual meeting as the best they have had – Word wise.
Our accommodation were specifically planned. They had our beds – bottom bunks – made with new sheets and pillow cases and a heavy warm wool blanket. They also installed a “widow-maker” hot water unit in the shower so we would not have to take COLD showers. For those of you who have traveled abroad, particularly in Central and South America you know the type of shower I am talking about.
This one had bare wires stuck into the receptacle just below the light switch on the door jam as you entered the rest room. But it was certainly “warm” and prevented the shock and screams created by the cascading of very, very cold water upon the frame of one’s body.
Our quarters was a separate building with two bedrooms, each with three bunks, a large entry room with a conference size table and of course the shower/toilet. On a small table we found containers of water, a flash light and some Styrofoam cups. And having taken my supply of Starbucks with me, I was all set.
One thing I do know and that is: We will be receiving invitations to take Pacto de Vida (Covenant Life University) to Ecuador and Chile and with that opportunities for ministry.
One pastor, just before giving his report, began to share an prophetic word which in summary stated that in the next five years, Pacto de Vida would have extensive growth and impact many more nations and with that would come an outside source of finances which would extend our personal ministry to many more pastors and churches. I was not prepared to record the word, but I hope to contact that pastor and see if he can recall the word he shared .
Three of the pastors present were from Van Nuys, CA. They are officers in the organization. Pastor Walter Villajuan, the Peruvian leader, told Marco the US leaders checked me out via goggle and FBI. Marco chucked when he said this. But who knows? It may be wisdom to do it! There are many charlatans around today. Anyway, we enjoyed the connections and the opportunity to share God’s Word with all present.
Anyway! Here we are back in Lima at Pastor Agustin Ciccia’s home, awaiting his special spaghetti and if I am not mistaken, they went to the market to purchase Ceviche (a Peruvian raw fish dish) for me to eat. My mouth is watering in anticipation. Do you want to join me?
O yes! The food was good at the convention.
Now it is time to complete our business here in Lima and then meet David and Ceci at Metro. They came into town to get some food items not available where they live.
So until I can get back on-line – just re-read this. You may be surprised what you find the second time that you missed the first time!
God bless, and thanks for your prayers.
Dr D and Marilyn
Our flight to Peru went without a hitch! In fact, because I had checked in on-line Wednesday evening - just in chance it would be viable – it was – and it allowed us to get through check-in without having our carry-on bags weighed. That was super! Why? Because they were over-weight!
We did draw the red light in Peru and had to take all our bags and run them through the scanner. No problems except for my carry-on and my projector. I had to argue to keep from listing it with customs. I had a problem the last time but the “judge” said it was to old to require being listed. But every inspector has different ideas. She allowed me to go on and told me to be sure and list it the next time. OK!
Friday, July 29th:
Sleep In! We did not get to bed until after 4 AM due to unpacking, talking, eating and other things - whatever that is! Therefore Friday was a day of rest to some degree.
Saturday, July 30th:
It was time to get busy - so I swung into action! Well, after once again sleeping until 10 – but only because we tend to stay up late and talk with David and Ceci. But since there was to be a service Saturday evening I did get busy, prepare and preach. Probably the highlight of the evening was setting up the wireless microphone system I brought to give to David. You should have seen his face when he was able to talk without hold a mic!
Sunday, July 31st:
Well, what can I say about Sunday? Everyone with any sense knows what to do on Sunday. You go to Church and worship! So we did! Even though I had to preach I went happily.
The Sunday service is generally at 5:00 PM, but because of the large amount of work that has had to be done on the wall, they are hold their service at 10:30 AM. It really worked out good because it allowed us to take David and Ceci downtown to Lima proper. They have been under a lot of pressure and they were able to relax and eat some Pizza with great fellowship. (Everyone knows that when you are in my presence, there is great fellowship! Well, there is fellowship anyway, regardless of what you are thinking! I’ll get even with you later!).
We finally found our way home about 9:30 PM, ate some popcorn, used our jaws to jabber for a while and then crashed for the night.
Monday, August 1st:
It was a day of victory for me! I finally drove a vehicle in Peru! If you have never been here you would not understand. But IF you have, then you know about such a victory. Well, honestly, I did not drive that far, but it was a victory anyway. I ran a couple of errands for David so he could complete his project without being delayed.
We packed for our next excursion - the 7th National Convention of Ministerios Cristianos El Camino and prepared to leave at 7:45 AM to meet Marco Aroni at his house. No I was not driving, David was.
Tuesday, August 2nd - Friday, August 5th:
These days began with an early departure from Jicamarca; meeting Marco at his house; meeting Agustin Ciccia - who was my interpreter for the 7th National Convention of El Camino and then driving two hours north west of Lima into the mountains - a climb to about 5,000 feet. And even though that isn’t high, you would notice the altitude when walking up from the dinning hall to our room.
I will not say much about the speaker, because if I do, you will think I am biased (and I would be) but – well I will go on to other things. So all I can say is, if the words shared upon departure were any indication, we – Marilyn and I – were well accepted (our ministry to the people). Pastor Walter who had extended the invitation indicated this morning that all the pastors in attendance rated this annual meeting as the best they have had – Word wise.
Our accommodation were specifically planned. They had our beds – bottom bunks – made with new sheets and pillow cases and a heavy warm wool blanket. They also installed a “widow-maker” hot water unit in the shower so we would not have to take COLD showers. For those of you who have traveled abroad, particularly in Central and South America you know the type of shower I am talking about.
This one had bare wires stuck into the receptacle just below the light switch on the door jam as you entered the rest room. But it was certainly “warm” and prevented the shock and screams created by the cascading of very, very cold water upon the frame of one’s body.
Our quarters was a separate building with two bedrooms, each with three bunks, a large entry room with a conference size table and of course the shower/toilet. On a small table we found containers of water, a flash light and some Styrofoam cups. And having taken my supply of Starbucks with me, I was all set.
One thing I do know and that is: We will be receiving invitations to take Pacto de Vida (Covenant Life University) to Ecuador and Chile and with that opportunities for ministry.
One pastor, just before giving his report, began to share an prophetic word which in summary stated that in the next five years, Pacto de Vida would have extensive growth and impact many more nations and with that would come an outside source of finances which would extend our personal ministry to many more pastors and churches. I was not prepared to record the word, but I hope to contact that pastor and see if he can recall the word he shared .
Three of the pastors present were from Van Nuys, CA. They are officers in the organization. Pastor Walter Villajuan, the Peruvian leader, told Marco the US leaders checked me out via goggle and FBI. Marco chucked when he said this. But who knows? It may be wisdom to do it! There are many charlatans around today. Anyway, we enjoyed the connections and the opportunity to share God’s Word with all present.
Anyway! Here we are back in Lima at Pastor Agustin Ciccia’s home, awaiting his special spaghetti and if I am not mistaken, they went to the market to purchase Ceviche (a Peruvian raw fish dish) for me to eat. My mouth is watering in anticipation. Do you want to join me?
O yes! The food was good at the convention.
Now it is time to complete our business here in Lima and then meet David and Ceci at Metro. They came into town to get some food items not available where they live.
So until I can get back on-line – just re-read this. You may be surprised what you find the second time that you missed the first time!
God bless, and thanks for your prayers.
Dr D and Marilyn
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