Wednesday, May 29, 2013

UKRAINE MINISTRY BLOG 15 - LOCATION: Yenakievo Last Night / Gorlovka Tonight

  Picture: Love of God - Gorlovka
Boy! Or Man Time sure flies when you are having “God Fun!”

Yesterday was fabulous.  We were in Yenakievo with Alexander and Natasha Naidanov at Word Of Life.  The service was “power packed” with the Holy Spirit and therefore the ministry was easy – it just flowed.  Prophetic ministry, prayer for healing – it all took place.  The Church is small in number (20 +/-) but BIG in receiving from the Word of God. 

NEWS BULLETIN: And the preacher, well he was flowing in a new temperament – almost sanguine!  I am “almost ashamed” of him.  You better pray for him BIG TIME and “llloonngg!”  He needs help.  I do not even recognize him.  But I can tell you one thing: He was having FUN doing it (preaching the Word that is).  You do not want him to come home like he is.  Now, back to the “regular scheduled blog.” 

Pastor Alexander was once the personal body guard for Ukrainian Maffia.  I call him “Goliath.”  His smile fits the “giant” he is.  Anyway you can easily see him fitting the former life style.  He go saved playing cards!  As he tells it, a man came to the office and said he wanted to talk to him (as best I can remember the story) and Alexander asked him if was a Christian.  The man said, “Yes,” so Alexander took him into another room and laid a deck of cards on the table and said if you want to talk then you will play cards with me.  The man refused telling him he did play cards, but after insisting they did.  The man then prayed that no one would come in the room while they were there.  And guess what?  No one did even though Alexander’s boss and others were looking for him throughout the office complex.  During the card came, the man led Alexander to Jesus.  He said he wanted to scream so he went to the window and threw it open and yelled as loud as he could – five stories in the air.  He said, it felt so good and he felt “free” for the first time in his life.  He is sending me he complete story and I am sure I will have to make some corrections to this but you get the idea.

The night was not over until we had fellowship and FOOD with the pastoral family and were entertained by their youngest who wanted attention but were also blessed by the talent of their oldest daughter, Dasha on the saxophone. – and she is also trained on the piano – and only 13!  And then it was home after seeing the Musical Fountain in the center area of Yenakievo – which is the home town of the present President of Ukraine.

Tonight we were in Gorlovka at Love of God with Pastor Anatoliy and Valentina Roy.  Well, let me say, we thought it was “tonight” (6:00) according to our records, but at 3:20 we had a call from the Pastor telling us he was outside waiting for us to come out and go to the service. So a quick change of clothing and a grab at my travel bag and we were out the door for a 40 minute ride to the Church. 

We were greeted with an applause for 40-50 people as we walked in “late” but there!  The evening was interesting.  I wondered as did Oksana whether they were getting anything out of the message (His Church - My Responsibility) but after closing and telling the Pastor I would pray for those who wanted prayer (I should know better - it is always over 75% who do) the first lady waked up and said she wanted the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  I asked her to wait until we had prayed for the others for healing. 

While sharing with her about the Holy Spirit and giving instructions what to expect and the part she had to play in receiving the Holy Spirit with tongues as the outward evidence and praying with her another lady walked up and now there were two.  Both did!  And they testified to the sound of another language that flowed from their lips.  Bless the Lord.  And on top of that others testified to the healing power of God.

And again, the evening is not complete without a meal and fellowship with the Pastor and some leaders from the Mother Church.  But the GOOD thing was, because the service was early, we got back to our “home” earlier.  Now maybe I can get a good night’s sleep.

God bless,
Dr D

Monday, May 27, 2013

UKRAINE MINISTRY BLOG 14 - LOCATION: Good News Church, Marganets, Ukrain

UKRAINE MINISTRY BLOG 14 - LOCATION: Good News Church, Marganets, Ukraine

I am, now in Yenakievo, Ukraine, having just settled in my “abode.”  There has been no time to write a blog until now.  What was scheduled to be three services in Marganets, when I left the US, became eight (8)!   But each one was unique and had a prophetic thread running through from the first to the last.  So permit me to bring you up to date by giving you a synopsis of the week.

We took a train on Wednesday May 22, from Evpatoria, which is about one hour’s drive from Olenivka where the Pastors’ Retreat was held.  Pastor Oleg and Inna Lugovosky met us in Zaporozhie and drove us to Marganets a journey of about 70 kilometers.  Then the activities of ministry began with a Leaders Meeting on Thursday evening and an assigned subject taken from a teaching I did at the Retreat: Vessels In The Potter’s House.

Friday evening the focus was on healing.  And the manifestation of the power of God was there as the Holy Spirit flowed through the people as they laid hands on those who had pain at that time and then on anyone who had a diagnosis of any disease from a medical person.

One lady (see the picture above) had broken her leg for the third time and the skin had turned black.  While she was being prayed for by another believer, right in front of their eyes, the skin turned PINK!  Talk about shock and excitement.  Many others testified to the disappearance of pain.

On Sunday morning a one lady, a gypsy, told the congregation how great the pain had been in her knees as she walked to church on Friday evening, but going home her friend could not keep up with her because she was running and jumping– pain free!  Another told how the burning in her stomach ceased after the prayer.  And on and on and on...

Saturday was a Three Session Seminar on The Gifts Of the Holy Spirit from 10-2 and then back again for the youth service.  YES I can still speak “youth”!  We had a great time together both with the Word and young spirited fellowship.  Did you happen to catch the short video I put on Facebook of some of their “games?”

Sunday began at 9:45 AM and ended at 9:30 PM.  Two services, one on generational living and the 5:00 service included a 15 minute teaching on faith and then an hour of answer any question the congregation had.  “HAD!” And they “had” them!  But I found it interesting and challenging and Spirit led.  They challenged me because of the cultural differences and thought patters, but the Holy Spirit so directed my answers that two or three “loaded” questions were “headed off at the pass” with the initial words from my mouth – words that normally would not have said in the majority of such sessions I have had in Ukraine.  Hallelujah! 

What did I do between services?  Glad you asked!  I had a “dual ministry” at the tables of believers.  Ministry to my body and to the Body of Christ.  After the morning service and after the evening service!  Then back to my private “prophet’s quarters” completed just for my arrival by the pastor and his family.  But then it was ministry in the cool of the evening on my porch to the son and daughter-in-law (Sergey and Anya), and then to receive my second welcomed massage from their son, Daniel (50-60 minutes of enjoyable TORTURE!) Vitaliy and Denis, their other sons, are also involved in active ministry at the Church.  Just a great family – all united in the call of God to their city!

It is special when you can minister confirmation and set a course of action for a Body of Believers but have it confirmed by the pastor and leadership as the direction God was speaking to them about, but to be the vessel God used to release it to the congregation in prophetic form.  Isn’t God GOOD!

Thanks for your prayers as this week begins here in Yenakievo area – a service every night and two on Saturday.

Dr D with my Ukrainian secretary/interpreter - Oksana Zeleviniska

Monday, May 20, 2013

UKRAINE MINISTRY BLOG 13 - LOCATION: Olenivka - Equator & Alushta - Center of Restoration

Rudenkos - Dr D -Gudymas
A few days have passed but they have been busy.  Ministry NEVER ceases when you are overseas.  Everyone you see is another opportunity to pour into their Vessel!  And I LIKE doing that!

Marilyn and Jason have departed and should be landing in the US about 4:30 your time.

My time has been used in catching up on some “ministry records” (so I do not preach/teach the same thing the next time I come) and preparing for future engagements. 

Sunday my hosts here at the Equator Resort, Roma and Tanya Gudyma and their son, Oleg, transported me along with Oksana (my secretary/interpreter) to Alushta and Center of Restoration Church.  It is a 3-4 hour journey and weather complications from fog made it even more difficult for the first couple of hours.  But by God’s grace we made it safely.

It is interesting how a schedule can grow from one day to the next.  I discovered on Saturday they were expecting me to minister two times on Sunday – the first at 10:00 AM and the second at 4:00 PM – and my calendar only had the first.  But, how can you say “No” to hungry hearts and needy people?   Not me!  But I suggested we do the second about 30 minutes after the first because it would free up the people and they would stay for the second whereas to return later we probably would not have as many.  Plus that would make it easier for us to return back to Olenivka – village of the Equator Resort.

WOW!  Did we ever have a service.  There was such a sweet presence of the Holy Spirit minister during the worship.  I stepped to the pastor and requested permission to “take the service”.  He allowed me and the Holy Spirit ministered to the people, including Pastor Ruslan Rudenko and his wife, Barbara. 

Center of Restoration is a small church, and they have been through a “revolving door” of pastoral leadership in the past 3 years.  Pastor Ruslan has only been there for one year, in fact he accepted the responsibility after last years Pastors Retreat.  God permitted me to step in and accept a spiritual relationship with the Rudenkos – as a “Spiritual Father” to them and their Church.  The response from those present was resoundingly in favor and I believe our relationship will bring stability into the life of the Church and those who have gone through the trauma caused by the changing of “Shepherds.”

Two messages, 30 minutes apart followed by 30-45 minutes of prayer for 90% of those present.  And God manifested Himself as was attested by the testimonies of many for whom we prayed and we are expecting more testimonies to come from others in the coming days.

I sum it up with the words from the Gudyma’s: “We were blessed!  It was a good day!”

I was asked this question by my hosts: “Why are so many pastors who came to the retreat hurting so much?” 
I could only say: “God knows and he sent you and your partners with a heart of compassion to extend the love of God to the pastors of Ukraine who are hurting.  I thank God for you and your partners for responding to the leading of God to offer Equator as a place of rest and restoration to the leaders of churches here in Ukraine for three days and giving me the honor of ministering to them.”

If I could only say in printed words the sound of compassion that came from that question, you would “weep!”

God bless and thanks for sending us!

Dr D and Marilyn

Saturday, May 18, 2013

UKRAINE MINISTRY BLOG 12 - LOCATION: Olenivka - Equator - Pastors Retreat


Yup! That is the way it was and what I am left with.  It was amazing how the Holy Spirit coordinated the retreat again this year.  I struggled with direction for all of the events, but He was never late – although I almost panicked – better be honest – Correct?

It was another year of increased attendance with new faces as well as some that have been here for all four years.  I will never cease to be amazed at how the Holy Spirit applies the Word to the hearts and lives of His people in ways I would never consider.  And so I sit here to attempt to re-construct something for you to read but I am not sure I can.  (As you can no doubt notice by the “rambling words.”)

Suffice it to be said: “Only the hugs, tears and invitations to come to their city” can explain the emotions and appreciation for the time together with fellow Pastors and Church Leaders.  AND for their appreciation for the owners of Equator for opening their doors and hearts to minister to the Churches of Ukraine with a beautiful place to come for a retreat, coupled with good food and hospitality that is SUPERIOR!

Emotional? Yes!  Exciting - words fail!

One story: A pastor who was also in the Grad School Class in Armyansk and who lives close brought his  six day old son and requested that we would dedicate him to the Lord on Wednesday evening.  And then prior to the service asked if he could call a lady from one of his cell groups and have them bring her at 9:00 PM for special prayer.  She “heard” (I put that in quotes because I am not sure “how” she “heard”) about a service where the sick were being prayed for.  There was no advertising locally of anything, but she “heard” and she came.  She had a tumor in her female organs.  As we were praying, she bent backwards and began to shake.  I spoke “peace” to her and gave her some instructions.  After praying again, I asked her if she could notice any difference.  She said, “I felt something lifting me up and bending back as though something was being taken away.”  We await further testimony, but it was evident God was working in her as well as others during the prayer.

The final service was again a “break-through time” and brought to a conclusion of our time together but you could see a “break-through- beginning” for them as God moved upon us.

Marilyn and Jason have departed for Kiev and their return on Monday to the US.  Karina Kudin is on her way back to Khmelnitskiy.  Oksana and I are here, preparing or a journey to Alushta tomorrow for two services – one more than I had on my calendar.  We will return to Olenivka and the Equator Sunday late and rest for two days and then on to our next assignment (which has also added an additional two more services to the schedule.)

But the need is great and while here I want to pour out what God has for His Servants here in Ukraine.  I see it as is stated in Nehemiah 8:10 (MSG):  He continued, "Go home and prepare a feast, holiday food and drink; and share it with those who don't have anything: This day is holy to God. Don't feel bad. The joy of GOD is your strength!"  This is a “holy day” and I want to share the “fat and drink the sweet” and give to those who do not have from what God has blessed me.

Thank you for your prayers and support....

Dr D & Marilyn - Jason Edouard and Karina Kudin

Sunday, May 12, 2013

UKRAINE MINISTRY BLOG 11 - LOCATION: Olenivka - Equator - Pastors Retreat

Well here I am again.  Marilyn has joined me along with Jason Edouard and Karina Kudin.  So the family is back together.  And the attendees are beginning to arrive already.  In fact, the registration already exceeds last year’s – but they have not all arrived and as always there will be some who inform us at the last minute they will not be able to come.  So to go to the “history lesson” of today – that is what happened.

We had a excellent worship time and well, the preacher was not all that bad, but God came on the scene.  There were so many hands raised for prayer, there was no way I could last long enough to lay hands on all of them.  And since my assignment from heaven this trip is to lead the people into laying hands on people and believing God to heal.

So I followed the pattern I have been doing in every church to this point.  I noticed a man down to my left who with his cane shuffled over to a couple nearest him and they laid hands on one another.  My eyes and mind were focused on the prayer and watching the flow of the Spirit.  So I did not notice what happened.  But at the conclusion of the service the pastor came over and informed me of the healing that had taken place to the man with the cane.  He had given it away and was not walking without a limp.  He came over to me and we conversed (that means “talked”).  That is him in the picture with this blog.

God had spoken to me about the following areas in lives of people He was going to speak to in this service: depression, lack, oppression, sickness, addiction -mentally and physically, rejection and paralyzing fear.

I cannot remember all the testimonies from people who just walked by and indicated God had brought healing to them. Thank You Jesus!  I will anxiously await the follow-up testimonies.

Hey everyone, this is Jason. I interrupted Dr. D to share my experience in Ukraine thus far! After 40 hours of travel, I finally arrived in Simferopol where I met Mama D, Pastor Yuri and Karina, my interpreter for the weekend. We visited a church by the name of, “School of Christ”, and got to participate in their mid-week worship service, morning prayer, connect group and Sunday morning service. These people are on fire for God! Though I don’t understand Russian, the way this church prays and pursues God ignites great faith in me.

At the connect group, we sang worship songs, prayed and took communion. The church then began asking Mama D and I questions about Life Church, and asked us to give an honest evaluation of their church and wisdom that would help them better serve Christ. As Mama D was, “dropping pearls of wisdom”, I was amazed at their hunger to learn and their passion to reach the lost in their community.
Sunday morning we visited their main worship service. The service begins at 10 am, but I found it interesting that the worship team does not wait until 10 am to begin worship. At 10am the ushers open the door to the sanctuary where the congregation enters into an atmosphere that is already full of worship. This is the first time I’ve seen such an approach to worship, but I like it!

After worship, Pastor Yuri invited me up to preach. There is not many things I enjoy more than preaching the word of God to His people! If you know me, you know I usually preach with a deep theological approach, (I think I learned this from Dr. D haha). As I was preparing the message, God impressed upon my heart very simple truths to share. Nothing deep, no great new revelation, just very simple truths about who God is, and what he has done for us. I have got to mention that it was the first time my interpreter, Karina, interpreted  a full sermon, but she did great!

After preaching, I invited people to receive prayer for healing and many people came to the altar and were prayed for. God did many great things in that service, and I am believing many great things are yet to come!

God bless and thanks for your prayers,

Dr D, Marilyn, Jason and Karina

Saturday, May 11, 2013

UKRAINE MINISTRY BLOG 10 - Location: Armyansk - New Life Church

Primary Mission Accomplished!  Delivery of Hermeneutics Course to the Graduate School here in  Armyansk, Ukraine – 8 Hours, Friday and 8 hours today Saturday.  I am tired – well my feet are and my body notices it, but I have a “satisfied” feeling down on the inside.  I did my best and the Holy Spirit took it to another level. 

Face it!  Teaching a course on Hermeneutics with all the principles of interpretation – all the theories – and the history of the study of Hermeneutics through the ages and how it was done from the time of Ezra through  today – well – to say the least – it can be BORING!  But I believe I hit my goal. 

Come on now, ask: “What was your goal?”

Thanks for asking, now I can tell you!  To present all the technical information in a way that would make it practical and easy to apply as a leader and a teacher of the people of God and still avoid the ‘scholarly bondage that can easily go with such a course.  These needed to know how to interpret the Word from a Biblical position and then be able to apply it to the lives of those whom they served.  That was my goal and I believe I did that!

But!!!!  Not without the able and great assistance of my interpreter and Ukrainian secretary, Oksana
Zelenivska.  Thank you “Kiddo!”

Now to unwind, and get the direction of the Holy Spirit for the Word for Sunday morning.  Then to eat dinner and make the journey from Armyansk south and west to the village of Olenivka and the resort, “Equator” to meet Marilyn, Jason and Karina and prepare for the arrival of about 90 who will be attending this years Pastors Retreat from here in Ukraine.

All because of the generosity and dedication to the Work of God in Ukraine by the owners of the resort who desire to give back to the Pastors of Ukraine for their dedication to God.


So until you read more (I would like to report on what Marilyn is doing, but since she is not with me I cannot.)

With our love and thanks,

Dr D, Marilyn, Jason and Karina

Thursday, May 9, 2013

UKRAINE MINISTRY BLOG. 9 - Location: Armyansk - New Life Church

I am back!  Like it or not!  Anyway there is some to report but not a lot. 

First of all we all made it to our destination: Marilyn and Carina to Simferopol and were joined by Jason Edouard about 2 plus hours later and were met by Yuri Kyzmin of School of Christ Church and his wife Gala and their six year old daughter, Vicki.

Marilyn’s train arrived first and Jason’s was late so while they waited they walked over to the famous “Golden Arch” for some morning refreshment.  They considered that a “treat!”  Believe it or not.  They will be there through Sunday morning and then go on to Olenivka and the Equator Resort to await my arrival and the pastors and families who are coming (a total of around 70 people).

I got off the train at 5:35 AM and was met by Pastor Sergey Smoler and Vasiliy Gapono, Dean of the Armyansk Graduate School.  They rushed me to my abode here and I have a very nice apartment all to myself and a cook who comes in and prepares for me.  Today for lunch I had: Salanka (a typical meat and vegetable soup); three whole fried potatoes with egg sized meat balls; Greek salad; and Caviar with homemade butter on fresh bread.  The problem is that the day has continued – constant food offers and I have had to put a stop to all the food. 

Simply said: The Host Church and their people are taking excellent care of me.

Oksana Zelenivska, my Ukrainian secretary and interpreter arrived just in time for a two and one-half hour meeting with the Pastor and Dean in preparation for two 8 - 1 hour sessions of lecture beginning tomorrow.  I am teaching a graduate course on Hermeneutics.  But I have 60 pages of notes – making 45 for the students – and it is all very important.  So I am putting everything in “high gear” in the morning.

If you could hear and see the fireworks now – the consummation of the “Ukraine Victory Day” celebration.  And it is almost the end of an extended holiday made that way by the late date for their Eastern Orthodox Easter.

Well, I got my old iPhone 4 jailbroke and set up for use overseas while in Khmelnitskiy.  They have a family who owns the Apple Store there and with joy they did the necessary work for me and blessed me with a new case.  And even took my sim card two doors down and had Kiev Star make me a new one that would fit the iPhone.  Now if I can just get my church email set up to work, all would be super.  But I am having problems, not sure why.

Enough! Enough! ENOUGH!

God bless and thanks for your prayers,

Dr D and Marilyn

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

UKRAINE MINISTRY BLOG 8 - Location: Khmelnitskiy - Dawn of Life

Sometimes life is confusing!  Ever have that feeling!

I am happy that I have finished the first stage of my ministry at Dawn of Life in Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine, but I am sad that it is over for, even if I will be returning June 4-10.  Returning?  Yes to complete the final phase of the “next phase” of helping them to move forward into the destiny God has for this Church family.

Tonight we has a pleasant time of sharing with leadership as we sat on a couch on stage and the leaders sat at tables eating fruit, drinking juice, water, tea or coffee while munching on sweets (cookies and chocolate).  This relaxed atmosphere helped as we focused on the subject: “Balancing Ministry and Family Life. 

We did not “preach” but shared from our experience the need for believers to fulfill the ministry Jesus left to us but to do it in such a way that our family was the focal point to begin and then to move out from there.

When you read Paul’s instructions to Timothy and Titus about Church Leadership you must recognize that family life and relationships is the first basis for consideration of anyone to fulfill the position of an Elder.  That being true, then the first ministry we have is to our family.  As we start here the door is open for others to see and behold the working of God in our life and in the lives of those who are the closest to us.  That makes our testimony the most effective.

OOPPPSSS!  I better stop preaching!

Anyway, we concluded a successful time here and tomorrow we move by train to our next assignment.  We depart at 2:02 PM and I get off at 5:30 AM in Armyansk to spend four days of ministry there teaching a Graduate Class on Hermeneutics and then concluding on Sunday morning.  Marilyn and Corina Kudin (I mentioned about her in Blog #7) go on to Simferopol where they are met by Jason who will arrive about 2 hours after they do.  Pastor Yuri Kyzmin and Gala will meet them and be their host through Sunday and then deliver them to the retreat site, Equator, in the village of Olenivka on the west of Crimea directly on the Black Sea.  I will join them there Sunday evening and will be able to rest until Tuesday evening.

I am not sure about our ability to get on the Web when we arrive at the Equator Resort.  But I will tell you more as I get the correct information.

Until we meet again by Blog,

God bless and continue to pray.  Much good has been taking place.


Dr D and Marilyn

Monday, May 6, 2013

UKRAINE MINISTRY BLOG 7 - Location: Khmelnitskiy - Dawn of Life

Our day is over!  What about yours?  And it has been a good busy day.

It all got started earlier than usual because I “think – but I could be wrong” that my body is finally adjusting to the time change.  Anyway I got up and got started before 7:30 – it has been 9:30-11:00.  Get off of it!  I am not lazy.  Because that is before you got up anyway!  Ha!

We spent the morning doing “household chores - completing the washing, and ironing” – honestly I put the clothes in the machine and Marilyn did the hanging, and ironing.  These European machines and I get along good.

Then this afternoon we spent with Pastor Valentyna Melnyk eating dinner and discussing the current process of reviewing church structure, vision and how to move forward from here.  We finally had to stop so we could return to our home]-away-from-home here to get ready to return for the evening activities, within 30 minutes.

The activities were simple this evening!  Marilyn speaking to the Ladies and yours truly, speaking to the Men.  I am sure I did better and she is sure she did the best.  Ask the ladies and they say Marilyn was great.  Ask the men and they loved me.  But since no woman heard me and no man heard her, the final decision will have to wait until eternity. 

But to be serious, it is always an opportunity to be practical and assist these great people in their maturity as husbands or husbands to be and wives or wives to be.  Their culture for years was designed to destroy families.  Women were “taught to hate and distrust men” – at least that was the words from one of the men in my session.  And there is a good reason for that.  Men were almost encouraged to have another woman although he stayed married to his legal wife.  It is therefore important to assist this generation if we expect to see the future generations enter marriage with the proper perspective.

Now as we unwind this eve we have only two more scheduled meetings.  Tomorrow begins at 12:40 PM and will end about 9:00 PM.  We have a meeting with the elders and then a session with the “Ministerial Couples” although I am not sure who all that includes.  But the focus will be on “Balancing Ministry And Family Life.”

So I will stop and get my mind moving in that direction!

O! YES!  Carina Kudin, the oldest daughter of Rostic Kudin is going with us to Crimea to help at the Pastors’ Retreat.  She will work with the children of the pastors and also be with Marilyn to help her in communication with the ladies.  She is very good with her English and has a heart for God.  And – she is another one of my Ukrainian Grandchildren.

God bless and good night and THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYERS.

Dr D & Marilyn

Sunday, May 5, 2013

UKRAINE MINISTRY BLOG 6 - Location: Khmelnitskiy - Dawn of Life

Privileged WE ARE!  We had the opportunity to celebrate two Easter Sundays!  One in the United States and the second one here in Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine!  Both were great times, but being a preacher and having the honor of sharing the Word at the conclusion of the Easter Celebration here at Dawn of Life just make it special – SPECIAL!

But what made it EXTRA SPECIAL were the five people who came forward to testify they had received Jesus during the congregation prayer at the altar service.  Then to top that off, six more came forward to testify of the healing power of God upon them during the Saturday evening service.

One of those said that while he was praying for another person, God healed him.  A lady raised her arms to demonstrate the healing of her arms and shoulders.  I can’t remember the others, due to my language problem (It isn’t that I cannot speak – but I cannot hear – but I am not deaf – nor hard of hearing) it is the result of the Tower of Babel – I blame them!  But the “Spirit” testified to me of the validity of their testimonies and the shouts of praise brought the second witness testimony — Praise God!  I can hardly wait to hear the other testimonies.

One lady told of the 3 or 4 opportunities she had after the service to prayer for sick people, either in person or over the phone.  I think she caught the message!  She is part of an “Invasion of Healing” by believers.  I believe she believes she is a one of those of whom Jesus said, “...these signs shall follow those who believe...they will lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” (Mark 16:17-18).

Yet one other privilege Marilyn and I had was to spend the evening meal with a beautiful teen, Corina Kudin, she is the oldest daughter of Rostic Kudin (Assistant Pastor at Dawn of Life)  who was with us at Life Church almost two years ago).  It was a our joy just to have the opportunity to share her dreams and confirm them as well as encourage her to continue the direction and allow God to unfold her destiny step by step.


Now we can spend the rest of the evening resting – along with completing some necessary laundry.

Thanks for reading – praying – and share the Blog with others.

God bless,

Dr D & Marilyn

UKRAINE MINISTRY BLOG 5 - Location: Khmelnitskiy - Dawn of Life

This is the “Day After Yesterday!” (Brilliant isn’t it?)  But “Yesterday” (Saturday for those of you who have forgotten what day “Yesterday” was) – well anyway it was a day full of Divine direction and illumination from Above!

We had a Leaders Seminar – 2 sessions in the afternoon and it was one of those occasions when you heard yourself saying things which had to be the result of the Holy Spirit’s momentary revelation, because though you had worked hard to prepare a teaching, you now had method and words to share what God had previously placed in your heart for the occasion.  Confused?  Well it was that “special!”

After a break for some typical Ukrainian sandwiches, tea, cookies and fellowship we returned to auditorium for an evening worship service.  Great music and I had the thrill of watching a teen participate on the worship team that I have known since she was 3 and always would sit on my lap and allow me to “tease” her.  My how fast they grow and mature in the things of Christ. 

“Corina, you are a special girl.  God bless you!  Keep it up!”

And that evening service was – well permit me to say it this way – I cannot remember the last time I was so tired, but inwardly satisfied from above, after ministering the Word.  It was special!”

The final outcome will yet be revealed, but many testified to being healed.  So “Hallelujah!”

Now try going to bed after a day like that!  You are tired, you are ready to sleep, but all the events of the day keep flowing through your head.  I did make it but only for spurts of sleep.  Enough....

Today we celebrate the Orthodox Easter – which is based on a different calendar dating than the one we use in the US.

God bless and thanks for your prayers...

Dr D and Marilyn

Friday, May 3, 2013

UKRAINE MINISTRY BLOG 4 - Location: Khmelnitskiy - Dawn of Life

Time goes fast - when you schedule is full and you are moving over the roads here in Ukraine – well honestly that IS NOT FAST!  Not at this time of the year!  The roads are broken up from the many “freezing and thawings” of this past winter.  You have to figure on 25-40% more time for a journey from city to city.

So we sing-along: “Over the bum and through the bumps we go – bumpty-bump-buMP!”

Wednesday morning we traveled from Chernivtsi to Khmelnitskiy so we could get settled and then travel back half-way to Kamenents-Podolskiy on Thursday.  (Probably spelled wrong but...)  We were invited to speak to the youth at their Spring Retreat.  Do not get the idea of a fancy retreat site!  Pretty it was!  But it was “rustic!”  One, two and three man tents dotted the woods.  No buildings AT ALL!  Not even the small ones that we all need to frequent.  Ladies go up the hill and men go down the hill! 

It did have a beautiful view of the Nester River and some took advantage of the water to swim.  But the “some” DID NOT include yours truly, nor his wife!

We did arrive about noon and settled in for fellowship, food fun and sharing of the Word with the youth.  It was great and enjoyable because of the opportunity to impart to the youth and to spend time counseling some who are going through tough times.

But it was so good to hit the bed after midnight and allow the eyelids to sink over the eyes so the body would shut down for some rest.  But then it was up and at it in preparation for today’s meeting (Friday) with the Pastors and Elders from 2 - 6 and then the Church Leaders from 6 - 8.

I only did the Pastor/Elders sessions and the “Practical Teacher” (of the family - my wife: Marilyn) stood and “wowed” the leaders with teaching that is necessary for serving under and over.  I inadvertently committed her to speak without telling her “when” but she more than met the task as she spoke on: “Temperaments - Power Language for Leaders - The Learning Styles - Motivational Gifts for Leaders”.

She was only going to speak for the first session but it went so good and with questions she adequately filled the entire evening and was I happy.  Wow!

Now it is back to the computer, prepare for a two hour session tomorrow afternoon with the Leaders and then a “Common” Church service.  They wanted to just to preach since I would only have about 15 minutes to wrap-up their Easter presentation on Sunday by giving an altar call for the unsaved.

Once again, THANK YOU for your PRAYERS – they sustain us more than you will ever know.

Dr D and Marilyn

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The assignment is completed here in Chernivtsi for this year.  In one hour we move to Khmelnitskiy.  (Try saying that and get it correct!)

Monday Marilyn met with the ladies and I am not sure what all she told them, but when I walked into their meeting room after I finished with the men they were full of words of appreciation and told me I should have been there.  Why?  I am not sure!  (You all know how “perfect” of a specimen of a man I am – Correct?  Please do not say that again.  You may hurt my feelings!)

Anyway she “wowed” the with her practical wisdom and insight (which I taught her - lol) – I mean which she derived after living with me for 49 years.  Anyway, she did another awesome job and when she is with me I am appreciated more – all because of her.

Last night we were in a cell group meeting here at the home where we stay.  It is a “custom” for me to spend the last night at this cell group.  Please keep the owner of the apartment in your prayers.  She has a crippling disease (has had it for years) and since January has not been able to walk.  Last night she responeded in faith and walked from the living room to the kitchen and back, a trip which took her over 10 minutes while we continued in prayer for her.

We are currently awaiting our transportation and a 4-5 hour journey over what is left from a hard freezing winter road to our next assignment.

God bless and thanks for your prayers.

Dr D and Marilyn