Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Wednesday - May 21:

HEADLINES: DR. D. CAUSES LANDSLIDE - Dr. D. Falls 7 Feet And Lands on His Face!

Yes! But it isn’t really that bad. We were at the Hodges Home building site. I needed to get some pictures of the progress from the first Saturday we were here. I moved to get another view and needed to climb the rock and sand pile that was in my path. I moved slowly up the hill and just as I planted my foot on the top, half of the pile began to slide to my left. I tried to shift my weight to the right foot and then the entire top began to slide. I rode it as long as I could and then tried to run down with it – but to no avail..

I knew I was in trouble when the ground started coming up to meet me! I fell almost face first but managed to change position so that I landed almost parallel with my body. I felt my teeth hit a rock and then warmth began to flow. I got up to the impatient voice of a concerned wife trying to find out if I was alright. How do you answer when you don’t know and everything seems to be hurting?

A quick check told me that me teeth were still intact, but that I had cut my upper lip. I felt for broken bones but they were whole. As I tried to dust myself off I felt bruises on my knees like I had been kneeling on cement for hours. I completed the inspection process and found out the only other visible damage was about one inch south of my mouth.

The next inspection was that of my two cameras. The video camera was in its case and it was okay. However my digital camera suffered damage to the moving parts of the lens. It would not shut.

Now I noticed that I could not see very good and discovered that my glasses were very, very dusty. In the process of pouring water over them two parallel scratches were discovered on my right lens. That was how close the projection of the one rock came to my eye.

I am okay, but I do have a few aches.

We completed the round of unique shopping areas this afternoon and returned home to finish the final packing process, load the bus and wait for the clock to reach 7:00.

Everyone is downstairs chatting and spending the last few minutes with the Ciccia family. They have been very gracious.

The students are ready to go home. They have had a good time – both in ministry and fellowship with the people. And of course, with the three children of Agustin and Jessica - our hosts. I think the kids believe that our team came here just to play with them.

We will be looking forward to seeing you Sunday – or perhaps before.

We should arrive at the Church sometime between 10 and 11 o’clock. I am sure that those students who have phones or who have the ability to twist the arm of a friend (which means “ALL”) will call their parents, relatives, friends, and even part-time friends on the way from Miami to Ft. Myers. If you have not heard anything, call the Church office for the projected arrival time.

God bless,

Dr. D. - Marilyn, Zac - Brian - Bethany - Lindsay - Mikaela

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