Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Written Wednesday, June 25th

Thank you God:

Yesterday afternoon Maria, JoVanna and I brought a sandwich dinner up to Jicamarca since we had planned on staying for the prayer and worship service at David Hodges church at 7:00pm. We ate in the Hodge´s dining room with a light on!! We now have power!! After dinner David and the team needed supplies to continue their work today so we were unable to stay for the prayer service.

I was dropped off at the hotel since I was not interested in shopping at the hardware store again this week. Not my usual place to shop if you know what I mean. Tom and Walker decided not to go as well, making it an early night for them. The rest of the team shopped and purchased the supplies needed and arrived back at the hotel around 10:30pm.

This moring I woke to laughter, lots of it! The men have been having breakfast down the hall from our rooms at 6:45am. I have been sleeping until 8:00 since I am not picked up until 9:00am to go to Maria´s to cook. The hotel is tiled from ceiling to floor so any noise in the hallway can be heard by all. When the men get together they are so full of joy and love to have fun. They are laughing and joking all the time. I believe everyone sleeping at the hotel this morning heard the joy of the Lord through these men as they fellowshiped at breakfast!!

Maria and I (mostly Maria) made a really good meal of rice, beef and vegies. We also made a delicious Peruvian dish. We rolled mashed potatoes like you would roll cookie dough, which had lime juice and an orange pepper mashed in also. Then we stuffed a little avocado inside. So very good, I will be trying this dish at home!

The men accomplished a lot this morning. By lunch time they had installed a ceiling fan, a real toilet, numerous other lights and outlets. The steel work continues with all the stair railing done. Marco is finishing and painting it before it can be installed. More plumbing is being done on the roof for a washer and sink as well as for the gray water and sewer on the lower level.

Tonight some of the men are talking about going to a soccer game. David felt wonderful throughout the day yesterday but ran a fever last night and today his sinus´s are causing him some problems. He has decided to call it an early night and get some rest.

Continue to pray that all the men get the rest they need. They are doing fine but they are working very hard, long days and we are now entering into the end of the week. Pray also for David that he feels better and is healed of whatever is causing these symptoms.



Lifemissionsblog said...

Thanks for the wonderful BLOG. You paint a beautiful word picture and give a wonderful report. We will continue to pray for David and for everyone else as well. mfd

Lifemissionsblog said...

Good work men! Keep it up! I will be looking forward to seeing your craftsmanship in August. Dr. D.