Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Sunday, February 21, 2010

We are back in Lima and access to the web so I will bring you up to speed on the events since Saturday.

Sunday morning were at Iglesia Pentecostal de Santidad in Lima. Rachel King, the Discipleship Director for the SonShine Conference shared the Word. O yes, lest I forget, pray for Pastor Watanabe. He had to undergo surgery to remove kidney stones.

We were privileged to hand out backpacks to the children who were in Sunday School here before we made a mad dash to our car and the highways of Peru to travel two and one-half hours south to the city of Chincha. We made it, and we checked into our hotel, changed clothes and darted off to Emanuel Pentecostal Holiness Church for their Sunday service which began at 5:00 PM.

We noticed, because we read the sign on the elevator and had to take the stairs that the electricity would be off from 5:00 AM - 5:00 PM. So even though we trudged up the stairs there was no concern because we had knowledge that it would soon be back on. But when the clock said 5:15 PM and the lights were not on at the Church concern did begin to set in. Soon Pastor Escalante spoke to his son, Desi and the message was relayed that we would go ahead with the service but in a shorter fashion since the lights would not be available until 6:30 PM.

So a prayer and three choruses later I heard my name and saw the Pastor’s hand motion me to the pulpit. Since it was darker there, we moved to a table directly in front of the first row. All this means that I must complete my message before darkness set in. But I had to be sure and adequately convey the Word because there were many visitors present because “if” they wanted a back pack for their child they had to attend and get a required identification card for Monday’s distribution. It worked! They place was full, 125-150 – as compared to an average of 80-90.

Anyway, that also meant I had to “trim” my message on the “fly”. Did! Done! Twenty hands raised for salvation culminated the meeting. So we said our “good-byes” and departed to find some food and then test out the beds. No problem, we did succeed.

Monday, February 22, 2010

10:00 AM and we were at Emanuel Church for the distribution of the last group of back packs. They used the occasion to also make special contact with their students and parents who are enrolled in Compassion International. And this was just the beginning of “organization”. The event was under the direction of the Pastor’s wife and she kept every thing in order and moving.

The activity commenced with dinner and fellowship and we returned to our hotel for a late check out preceded by a much needed time of rest prior to the evening activities which centered around the graduation of seven more Pacto de Vida at the Apostolic Temple Assemblies of God pastored by Honorato Martinez. This is the second group of students to complete the first year from this extension, which was also the first extension established here in Peru.

Their first group were waiting for these to complete their first year studies so they can all begin the second year together. The class will be approximately 20. And more news!

Maria Ysabel Martinez, the pastor’s daughter and even more a pastor herself, informed me that Life Church, Ica was growing under the leadership of her sister and husband and that she had another growing congregation right in Chincha. They have been building a 100 sq meter building and the only thing remaining is the roof. (Funds are not available for this but needed!) Maria also requested the privilege of establishing an extension in the Church she pastors. The work of God is going forward.

We were able to depart at a decent hour – 9:00 PM and returned to our home here in Peru by 11:30 PM. We all tumbled into bed with relief and joy knowing that we – you who gave to purchase the school supplies for the children – had accomplished a great task.

God bless,

Dr D with Mark and Rachel

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