Thursday, April 29, 2010

Wednesday, April 29th

The day is over and the “children” are all headed for bed. Oh that they would be silent so that I would not be reminded of how much energy they have after arriving at our “Peruvian Home” when they were telling me how tired they were on the way here.

But that’s “girls” for you! They can talk when there seems to be nothing to talk about. But now to get on with the day’s happenings.

The day was spent in Los Olivos at Communidad Cristiana La Vina, Pastored by Guillermo and Lisset Sifuentes. This morning the LTI Team ministered to all levels of the school directly across the courtyard from the Church. The comment I heard from Dylon was, “This was the best experience and provided the best opportunities for ministry of all the places we have been so far.”

They spent the afternoon cleaning the Church facilities. That is after we returned from eating. And our eating experience was interesting. We ate at Chili’s. Now past experience has told us that when you eat at Chili’s you have a pleasant experience. We did experience good food, but the service was lacking. It started with a “bang” and ended with a “fizzle and a sputter”. But we were full!

Marilyn was the keynote person today! She took an assignment from the pastor to speak on raising children. And she met the challenge with a teaching she called, “Building With God’s Tools”. Because the pastor requested an opportunity be given for the people to ask questions, she was not able to finish the final two areas. But the questions kept her busy for another 40 minutes which those two areas would have needed.

You could tell from the questions there is a “BIG” need in this society for such teaching. After the session ended Pastor Guillermo approached me and said, “Put us on your list for requested services. I want her to finish this teaching.”

We had set up to video the sessions but I am not sure how they are going to turn out because the Church did not have adequate lighting. In fact they had only one light and that was in the center of their auditorium. This put a dark shadow Marilyn and the interpreter and the screen was not adequate to clearly see the PowerPoint presentation. But maybe I can save the audio and then give them the PowerPoint presentation for continued use.

Tomorrow, Thursday, is an easy day. Well, at least we can “sleep-in” because the activities do not begin until late afternoon for the Team.

Beyond The Peruvian News:

In the last two days I have received two invitations for ministry. The first comes from PastorDesiderio Escalante from Chincha. He wants me to go with him into the mountainous jungle area in mid-September and be one of the two speakers from the United States. There will be a four day event including a medical team of 22 doctors; a special day with emphasis on the Bible and two days of services. They are expecting 5,000 to attend.

Then I just received an email from Belgium and Mauricio Salazar has requested for me to be the speaker for a 3 day July event which includes their graduation services from Logos Bible School. Logos is one of Covenant Life Universities schools and has produced, if I remember correctly at least five pastors who have started churches after completing the two year school.

Please pray for finances so that I can walk through these open doors.

God bless,

Dr D, Marilyn, Katie, Emily, Dylon and two Peruvian team members who have been a great asset: Rosita and Jovanna – Ceci’s nieces.

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