Monday, September 5, 2011

PIURA: Arrival And Prison

But before I arrived, I had to depart from Talara. To do that, I had to minister in Mision Cristian Pan de Vida in Negritos with Pastor Victor and his wife Vicki. That was no task, only a pleasure.

At the conclusion of the message I asked for those who had any pain to place their hands on the area. I prayed and requested for those who knew the pain was now gone to raise their hands. Once again I saw so many hands I – doubted? – and so I said it again trying to be more exact so the translation perhaps would be easier and more clear. But the second time, more hands were raised. Once again the power of God was displayed in the testimonies of the people of God’s healing power to their healing. I cannot begin to tell you their stories, but to God be the glory. – Permit me to add here: The same thing happend Sunday evening here in Piura.

Arrangements were made with the pastor to condense their worship time to about 30 minutes so we would be able to complete the message. We were on a very tight schedule and had to eat, travel back to Talara, get our luggage ready, await the arrival of Pastor Giorgio and Jessica who were coming to assist our host in taking us to the bus terminal. All of this so we would arrive in Piura about 5:30 PM after a two hour ride. We did not make the 5:30 time, but did make it by 5:45.

Then we were transported by Pastor Gene Gayle to his home to get ready and go to the evening service. He said he arrived at Church at least one hour early – that would be 7:00, meaning we had to leave by 6:45. We did! Then we had to wait for the start of the service at 8:00. Meaning, service would not be over until at least 10:00. We did not make that time, but somewhere about 11:00 we arrived back to our abode while here in Piura. (Pronounced: Pure-A)

The Gayles, Gene and Kim have four children, Lily - 12, Caroline - 10/11, Levi -7 and then there is the “boss” of the family, Ella - 4. She is a “talker” - cute as a button possessing all the “why’s” – too many to answer.

Today, Monday – it was up and get going to pick up the sound system at the church by 9:00 and then make our way to Prison. Relax! I know some of you think it would help me, but believe me it wouldn’t! Anyway, we arrived at the Prison about 10:00. Then the delays began. We had to sit and wait until 11:30 before they would let us in. All this was due to a change in the position of the man who authorized who could go in and who could not. But the Catholics had no problem. So can you figure out what the “block” was?

Then we went through a three ring circus. Really! It was one ministry act after the other and when the men were tired, I had to deliver the word. But it is only the result of Pastor Gene working diligently to get the Evangelical Churches to cooperate and work together to reach the prisoners as well as begin a city wide missions effort to support missionaries from Piura who had a call to go to other areas of Peru where there is not gospel message. Just think! All Evangelical pastors working together and supporting a missionary regardless of which Church they had a their home Church. Somehow it almost sounds “SPIRITUAL! – WELL – AT LEAST BIBLICAL!” So as they learn to work together, one can put up with the 3-ring circus.

The end of the story is that we returned at 4:00 PM - hungry and without any food since Sunday evening. But pleased to have had the opportunity to see about 125-150 prisoners worship God – fall on their knees – raise their hands – shout ------ and much more, including swarming around to talk to us in their Spanish and trying to get it all translated for me. That was complicated because one prisoner was deaf, so his words were read by another to my interpreter and then put into English for me. He was one swell guy – a believer who’s life had been turned around because someone cared to visit him in prison.

Tomorrow we head to the jungle for a 12 hour experience. Therefore, it is bed time!

God bless,
Dr D

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