Tuesday, October 9, 2012


When I talked to you last, I had Monday through Thursday free, except for some meetings with pastors and some Peruvian missionaries.  Those days were great but it was very hard to “slow down.”  Strange but when you are. moving at a fast pace, to slowing down is difficult.  But I succeeded.

Friday, October 5th - 7th: Chincha

The two and one-half hour journey south, but that mean you are headed into the cooler climate.  That is sometimes hard to get through your mind when at home south means warmer climate.  Trip?  No problems.

My first meeting was at Mision Cristiana Agape, pastored by Maria Isabel Martinez.  This is a new church, but there were about 20 present and on a Friday evening, which is difficult due to their Peruvian lifestyle and work schedules.  But upon departing we rejoiced at the new birth of two youth in their twenties.  Pastor Maria has here ministerial credentials under Life Church.

Then on Saturday evening we were at Hoja Redonda A/G with pastor Obed and Abigail Nitac.  This was one of the churches we worked with through the Wilkerson Ministry and assisted them in rebuilding after the earthquake five years ago.  The attendance was about 60-70 and a great service, EXCEPT!

What? Okay I will confess, but be careful what you do with this information.  On my way to the platform I passed a large vase filled with fresh flowers.  Guess what?  You are right!  My coat tail caught one of the flowers and upset the vase with all the water right onto the platform all around the pulpit.  And the vase broke!  Yup!  They did not scalp me because who wants a bald scalp.  I was forgiven and finally got my composure to get on with the delivery of the Word.

Sunday, two services at Apostolico Temple, A/G pastored by Honorato and Teresa Martinez.  Pastor Honorato is the father of both of the girls at the previous two churches.  In fact, this Church was the first extension for Universidad Pacto De Vida (Covenant Life University) in Peru.  It was their communion service and so the ministry of the Word was all about the Passover Table and how it lead to and gives us a greater understanding of the Lord’s Table.

Now you cannot go to the Martinez house without leaving carrying large sacks of fresh Peruvian fruit, and as always the sacks will contain a new and hitherto never eaten by you, a fruit from Peru.  This trip was again the same.  A new fruit, a new taste and once again with great insistence told that this fruit is a “miracle fruit for lower blood pressure.”  Anyway you get the picture.

October 8th:
Monday we headed home - Lima - so I could spend the afternoon with Dan and Brenda Clowers, WMM Continental Coordinators for Latin America, Caribbean Region (LAMCAR).  Though Lima is their home away from home, well that is their home base, we always have a hard time making our schedules so we are here at the same time.  But we made it and had a great time discussing the Peruvian ministry and how to proceed with the same pattern, so we are both headed there together.

October 9th:
Packed, waiting to depart my home here for the airport, departing at 2:01 through Panama then Miami.

God bless and thanks for your prayers,

Dr D

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Sunday, September 23rd:
We concluded our ministry at Iglesia Centro Cristiano De Avivamiento with Pastor Gustavo & Jenny Rodriquez on Sunday morning and experienced a fabulous worship service and saw the numerical growth was forcing them to find new facilities and because the building owners had taken away their usage of rooms for their children.  But to accomplish this in Lima requires a lot from the people as well as the Hand of God to open new and better facilities.  So remember them in your prayers.

Sunday evening I head out to Ventanilla to minister at Christ is the Lord A/G, pastored by David Olaya.  The building will hold about 100 comfortably but they packed in approximately 150, but some had to sit outside the front doors.  Another great time with God’s people and a door opening for Universidad Pacto de Vida.  And an “arm twisting” by the pastor to promise to return to them on my next visit, not only to serve, but to “eat a feast of typical Peruvian food”.  Now that is what I call an INVITATION!”

I cannot remember a day when I served two churches that pulled everything out of me.  I have had at least one do that, but not two.  I went home totally exhausted and fell into bed, very glad that Monday and Tuesday were rest days – well at least no scheduled services.  Why?  Because every day is a day of serving in some way and Monday was no exception.

Monday - Tuesday, September 24th, 25th:
I did get “some rest” on Monday even though we went back to Jicamarca to see David and Ceci and make some last minute notes in preparation for the Life Church Team scheduled in May of next year.  And to assist David with some planning for other potential teams as well as areas in which he requested assistance to help the Church to continue to go forward.

Tuesday was “Good-by to Marilyn” by taking her to the airport for her return to Ft. Myers.  Then I went back to my “home” and crashed for the rest of the day.

Wednesday, September 26th:
Puente Piedra was my destination to serve Communidad Cristiana La Vina (Vineyard Christian Community), Guillermo & Lisset Sifuentes, pastors.  They are training some “youth” above 18 years of age to be leaders and so we sat down (a welcome position) and challenged to from the Word about some basic requirements for leadership.

Thursday, September 27th:
To the Rimac region of Lima to be with Pastor Carlos and Jessica Monzon at Iglesia El Comino.  They have an extension of Universidad Pacto de Vida and begin their third division of the first year next week.  The Word was directed to them as leaders.  What can I say: Another good time with loving people of God.

Friday, September 28th:
Independencia, beckons again this trip and I was with Pastor Jorge and — Alva at Iglesia Cristiana El Camino.  The service was a meeting of a Fraternity of Pastors in this area of Independencia.  Ten pastors were there along with some of their congregation.  It was definitely a unique time.  The unity between the the pastors is fabulous.  They meet twice a month just to pray together and share what is happing in their church and community --- AND — they also share their needs and problems openly.  This was definitely evident at the meal and fellowship afterwards.  You could see their love for one-another.  You know: I call that BEING A CHRISTIAN!  I wonder what would happen if that the norm for every area in every city.  Do you think you might just a great move of God take place?  My only problem was the full chicken meal at 11:00 PM and trying to go home and sleep and be ready for three hours of teaching on Saturday.

Saturday, September 29th:
Back to Iglesia Centro Cristiano De Avivamiento with Pastor Gustavo & Jenny Rodriquez for a Youth Seminar, ages 16-30.  I know!  It has been quite a while since I was a youth pastor, but I do remember being a youth and I do think I can still relate when it comes to presenting the Word.  The focus was on the Questions: Dating? Sex?  The answer: Y.E.S! - Youth Education Seminar.  How did I do?  According to the Facebook comments - I passed!  I will let the final score come from them.  But I will say, there were several times when there where no sounds in the room.  I mean what do you say when the “Old Man” is talking about sex?  And in a straight forward “lay it out like it is language” when youth fail to follow biblical standards and parental and pastoral guidelines.

Sunday, September 30th: Another BIG day!
In the morning I was with Pastor Jorge and Janine Watanabe, pastors in Elio at Iglesia Pentecostal de Santidad (The Pentecostal Holiness Church).  Pastor Watanabe is also the Superintendent of the IPHC in Peru.

What about the sermon?  Well I presented what God directed.  It was confirmed by several people to be right on target.  So we will leave it at that and move on to their Coffee House where we gathered afterwards for a lunch.  You Facebook Friends can see the pictures.

Then it was a quick nap and on to the 6:00 service at Christ Is The Way A/G led by Pastor Panfilo.  I am sorry but no one has provided me with his first name or that of his wife.  Their warmth and reception of the Word was delightful and the Peruvian Donuts afterwards were “delicious”.  In case you are not aware that in Peru you eat your donuts in the evening sometime after 5:30 pm.  Sweets are not for breakfast.  But as I ate them I wished for them to be available in the morning with my cup of Starbucks coffee!

O yes!  Seven of their congregation are graduates of the first year of Universidad Pacto de Vida.

And now I am on the downward spiral.  Just over one week and back into the air.  And I have Monday through Thursday FREE!  Well, that is, no services, but meetings with several pastors for fellowship and dispensing of answers to questions - so the days are not entirely “free”.

God bless and thanks again for your prayers,

Dr D

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Marriage is now – well I better say – we have completed the marriage seminars for this year.  I was going to say, “over” but I will not say that.

And before I go on, I must make a correction: I stated we were in Independencia at “Prince of Peace” but we were there at “Dulce Refugio” with Pastor Gilberto and Doris Varillas.  How I switched the name is beyond my comprehension, but I have done that for the last two years.  And now back to the report .

Friday, September 21st:
I do I describe the final service?  The final episode of “Love and Marriage” by the youth, a presentation on the Five Love Languages by Marilyn and an inspirational challenge by Dr D (that’s me) of the seven actions Paul speaks about in Ephesians 5:25-30, concluding with a renewal of marriage vows.

Then we sat down to a banquet including a roving Christian singer using love ballads and a Christian songs to inspire the couples.

Then it was off to try to get some sleep, arise and move on to the next ministry opportunity which was scheduled to begin at 9:30 AM.

Saturday, September 22nd:
We spent the day, from 9:30 to 5:30 at Iglesia Centro Cristiano De Avivamiento: Pastor Gustavo & Jenny Rodriquez and our hosts, Roger and Magally Falcon as interpreters (they are also the assistant pastors.) 
Teachings, a question and answer session, another great meal and of course Peruvian fellowship all filled the day with pleasure and an honor to be able to share with God’s people about the foundation of the Church - marriage and family. 

You do know that the first Church was a “family” don’t you?  Anyway, as the families of a Church are strong so is the Church but if they are weak, the Church is weak.  And you are aware that the first attack on the Church was on a family?  Well that was the premise of the day’s teaching.

A quiet evening with the Falcons at Larcamar overlooking the Pacific Ocean while eating an “Evening Tea” concluded the events of the day and provided warmth as we crawled into our beds.

God bless and thanks for your prayers,

Dr D and Marilyn

Friday, September 21, 2012


Wednesday- Thursday, September 19th-20th:
It was select and pack time.  So we picked out a few “rags” (not really but you get the drift) and stuffed them into our carry-on luggage, dropped them in Marco’s car and headed out to Independencia,  Principe de Paz (Prince of peace) - Pastor Gilberto & Doris Varillas for a three day “Congress on Marriage.”

This “city,” Metro-Lima is so large and can become a major parking lot during rush hour that it was deemed best if we just spent the time there instead of driving 2 hours plus each day.  Pastor Varillas is remodeling a large 14 room house so there is plenty of room and we have the place to ourselves most of the day.  And of course one of the most important items – NO! Starbucks is not close – but Wifi!

This is one well-planned event filled with youth participating in there dance, drama depicting the “Art of Falling in Love” and serving the adults with a small sandwich and a drink during break.

Pastor Gilberto has PowerPoint Presentations depicting the divorce statistics, the resulting crimes by youth and various other information to highlight the need and emphasize the need for the teaching we are doing at this “Congress on Marriage.”

We have been splitting the teaching time.  Marilyn with her “practical insightful from the eyes of a woman and mother” and me with my standard teaching sprinkled with my natural humor – believe it or not – I do have humor inside of me – but it only flows when I am outside of the US.  (They put people in white suits with locks for less than that in the US and I am not a candidate for such a suit.)

Tonight, (Friday) we wrap it up.  So standby for the conclusion – to arrive – when?  I am not sure as we will get back to our “home” very late or early (not sure which) and we begin Saturday at 8:45 AM.

So until you read more ramblings,

Thanks for your prayers,

Dr D & Marilyn

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sunday, September 16thPERU – MOVING  ON IN THIS JOURNEY:
It is amazing how the days here seem to be different from home.  I guess it is because of the different time schedule for Church services.  And today began typically of many other Sundays overseas.  You wake up slowly, get your self together and begin to function (I think that is what I did!!).  Anyway we departed at 10:40 AM for a service with Pastor Agustin and Jessica Ciccia at New Strength (Nuevas Fuerzas). 

I knew what my assignment was even before packing for this trip:  Minister on the Biblical Evidence for the Baptism In The Holy Spirit.  And I carried out that assignment, resulting in 4-5 receiving and testifying to their experience because they “heard” their voice speaking in a language they did not know.  Another 4-5 were re-filled after having forsake their previous experience.  There were another 7-8 at the altar and I do not personally know about their experience, but I can say they were “hungry and thirsty” and I know God will answer their thirst.

We finally got to the restaurant about 3:00 and had to rush to finish our meal.  Pastor Agustin and I left the rest sitting at the table and walked eight blocks to his house to meet Marco Aaron and head out for a 5:00 PM service in Independencia at Communiblica Vision Celestial - Pastor Rolando Martinzez.   Vision Celestial is one of the Churches involved in Universidad Pacto de Vida (Covenant Life University).

Then it was back to Ciccia home to await Marilyn.  Where was she?  She was attending her first Peruvian Wedding Shower.  We had committed to attend the wedding, but our schedule had changed prior to leaving for Peru, and so we had to inform her we would not be there, so this was a replacement.  She is a doctor, marrying a Doctor – you know: Doctor to Doctor!

It was 8:00 PM when I finally got back to the Ciccia home and I was ready for my bed, but it was still another 30 minutes away.  Now this shower was to start at 5:00 PM.  It was now 3 hours later and it had just really got started.  No food, no fun – you ladies know all about that stuff – and guys we do not even want to hear any more so I will stop.  BUT!  I could see that it was going to be a late night. 

So with great patience I made a call to Marilyn.  That was after Pastor Agustin made one.  Then after mine he called his wife again.  I received notice to pick Marilyn up about 9:30 PM.  Reluctantly I obeyed.  (Honestly it was with enthusiasm!)  I WILL NEVER DO IT AGAIN!  WHY?  SHE DID NOT GET TO EAT THE SPECIAL CUPCAKES OR ANY CAKE!

Guys do you know – are you aware of the MISTAKE I made?  I am alive but I am paying for it!  (LOL).

Monday, September 17th:
A day to relax?  Yes and No!  David and Ceci came by to discuss some pending plans and so we spent the day discussing, going out for pizza and then a supper meeting with a new couple who have started attending their church in Jicamarca, even though they live in the area of Brena (I know!  This means nothing to you from North America).  Anyway both husband and wife are involved in the investigative department of the Peruvian law department, similar to the District Attorney’s office in the US.  The wife had attended the Ladies Retreat Marilyn hosted in March of this year.

Then it was back to the Falcon residence to find my “nest” but that was after a stop at Metro for some late night desert – an attempt to replace the Wedding Shower disappointment for my wife.  She was satisfied, for the moment and I, well it was too rich and I paid for it again.  I wonder: Did she know that would happen?  Did she plot this to get even?  Naw!  She would not do that, would she?  I will never know.

Tuesday, September 19th:
A day of rest and preparation for beginning a three evening teaching for  Principe de Paz - Pastor Gilberto & Doris Varillas – “Congress of Marriage” in Independencia Wednesday through Friday.

So will I rest, I will let you rest. 

God bless and thanks for your prayers,

Dr D & Marilyn

Sunday, September 16, 2012


September 14, 2012
Many days have passed since I shared our experiences with you.  But I also have “many” experiences like: days that were too busy to blog; situations where there was no internet access; almost 48 hours of struggle with a stomach ailment including sitting up in bed to attempt to get some sleep.  All of those are now passed and we are back on track, so fasten your seat belt and let’s catch up where I finished the last blog on Thursday, September 6th in Talara, where David Hodges was translating for me and Marilyn was in Jicamarca with Ceci and the boys.

Thursday, September 6th:
The day was completed with a teaching on raising children and this time I followed the pastors’s instructions:  “Do not be so short.  Take more time to teach.  We need it.”  I did and he was happy, I think.  Anyway we had a great meeting and then back home for Peruvian Bar-B-Que chicken and Peruvian side dishes.  Do not ask me to tell you what they were!  They were good!  But how do you sleep on so much food so late at night?

Friday, September 7th:
The days here were not just filled with nothing to do until evening.  No the had special meals in strategic homes.  And in those homes there was always delicious Peruvian food, selected to provide a variety of tastes from north Peru.  You always had more to eat that you should, but there was an expectation that you would eat some of everything.  One lady, 74years of age, had all her daughters fix and bring in a special part of the meal.  And behind the kitchen eyes could be seen looking your way to see if you were eating some of everything.  I obliged (I am sorry to say.)

Then there was the trip back to our home, a short rest and off to the next service.  Which on this date was back in Neuritis, about 10 miles north of Talara at Mision Cristiana Pan de Vida with Pastor Victor and Vicki Nizama with an emphasis on raising children.  And of course, the evening meal followed with questions and answers about various pastoring problems, etc.  So once again we arrive home after midnight.

Saturday, September 8th:
In the home Church at Talara of Mision Cristiana Pan de Vida, with Pastor Giorgio and Jessica Schiantiareli the day began at 9:00 with the assigned subject for Pastors and Leaders.  I remembered the pastoral admonishment and finally stopped about 12:30 PM – only because I was tired.  They were ready for more.

I thought I had the rest of the day to rest, but rest was not to be the climax for the day.  Chinese food, a short stretching out on my bed and then back to the church for counseling with two families in crisis at the request of both Pastor Giorgio and Pastor Victor after the teaching of marriage and families up-rooted a problem in both families.  And while I was upstairs in the office David Hodges was the speaker for the youth service in the auditorium.

Do not worry, the evening did end with another feast – and on my plate as I sat down was a steak, a large slice of chicken breast and a slice of pork – all Bar-B-Qued and then all the “fixins” surrounding.  YES!  I finished my food!  What could you do?  The host family had been expecting me since last year!  So who am I to disappoint them?  Not me!  Would you?

Sunday, September 9th:
In the morning we were in the home church in Talara for a great Sunday worship experience, then off of a home of a new convert who wanted the privilege of hosting us for a meal.  It was a simple meal, good, tasty and the hospitality was great.  But something topped all of that!  The hostess is faced with kidney dialysis three times each week and I was requested to pray for her.  Then her brother was pointed out to me and I was told he once served Jesus but was not do so now.  I reached out and put my arm around his neck and in less that three minutes he was weeping and returning to Jesus as his lord.  I stepped to my left and laid my hands on their mother and she fell to the floor (something she said would NEVER happen to her) and in the process began to manifest demonic presence.  Not for long – because Jesus delivered her.  I found out she had gone to witches to solicit help for her daughter.  I turned back to the daughter, our hostess, and laid my hands on her again and she too crumbled to the floor.  Later she said she had a burning in the area of her kidneys.  I believe Jesus began the process of restoration and I await the verification from her and her doctor.

A short rest and then the taxi to take us to a special service of a group of pastors who call themselves missionaries.  They have a unique style of ministry and rotate every month to a different church body which they have raised up on various villages.  The place was packed, with standing room only and the doors and windows full of faces.  Simple, humble people who love God and have a desire to reach their people for Jesus.  What more can you ask for? 

The day and evening were completed by joining the leadership team at a local restaurant with more steak and fries (I do not eat the salad when eating out in a restaurant I am not familiar with).  Then we “crashed” into the bed.

Monday, September 10th:
This was our day to wrap up everything, that is pack, and prepare to fly back to Lima at 6:00 PM - we thought!  But while eating dinner we received notice that our plane was departing early so we had to rush, grab our bags, finish the making of CD’s for the pastor and rush to the airport.  We made it and eventually on home to Jicamarca and our wives.

Tuesday - September 11th:
A day to relax, get all belongings ready, finish the last minute details with David and Ceci and eat a special meal fixed by one of their Church families who wanted to do something for us.  However, their home was now under construction and so they brought their Bar-B-Que pit and fixed it at David and Ceci’s.  On the pit was the biggest slice of pork ribs I have ever seen (personally anyway) and they were running over with meat.  I am sure they did not get this pig anywhere close to Jicamarca.  So we had a picnic under the Pergola which was built by Life Church’s last work team earlier this year.

Wednesday - September 12th:
Arise early and head into Lima to drop off our luggage at the home of Roger and Magaly Falcon where we are to live until we both return home.  Then on to Jockey Plaza (not Jockey as in one who rides a horse, but “Jookey) proper for a meal and some shopping – which you know ladies cannot go to town without doing.  Here it is Sodimac replacing Walmart.  Then on to the sight of our next meeting at New Strength, Pastor Agustin and Jessica Ciccia and a session on marriage.  Here we said goodbye to David and Ceci for a while.

And upon arriving I began to notice that something was not right with me. (Stop laughing you did not know that all the time!) Anyway, I refused “AuggieBucks” the replacement of “Starbucks” at the Agustin coffee shop.  Now for me to do that you know something is wrong.  I made it through and even with that we had a great time ministering to several couples. 

Then to my bed.  But since it was now Thursday, let us move to the next day.

Thursday - September 13th:
No sleep was permitted.  I had to sit almost upright in the bed to be comfortable.  My stomach felt like a ride at Disney!  Several pills later and after 6:30 AM I was able to get more comfortable and go to sleep for an hour.  Then the fun began and I will spare you the rest.  Thank God the evening service had been changed by Agustin and I was free to rest and began the reviving process.

Friday - September 14th:
Up still not feeling great, but better.  So we were met by Agustin and Jessica for lunch.  Man what a lunch!  The greatest Chinese place and well – I had to eat soup and rice and drink a tea supposed to bring healing.  I mean isn’t that what they  say about every brand of tea? 

We spent the afternoon with them as they opened their hearts and shared some of the latest happenings in their Church asking our advice on how to proceed.  Because it was an issue regarding misinterpretation of scripture and the problem was caused by outside control of a family within the church, they had called us one month ago and we advise them to do what their leadership team suggested – release, with peace, those with the problem to another church with their family members who had instigated the questions in their minds.  In summary form it was about the place of women in the Church.  Enough said!

The evening was spent with their leadership, which we had installed the previous year when here, and supported their decision and encouraged them in the work of God they had accepted.  It was a great evening and on the way home I almost felt like the Apostle Paul – ALMOST! (I wish he had been there to speak!)

Man the bed felt great and the night began quickly.

So now we are up to date, except for Saturday which will follow in a few hours when it is finished.

Guess WhAT?  Saturday is finished.  We had a tour of Lima today in areas which we had never seen.  We were able to overlook Lima from a high point which provide a view of the Pacific Ocean and look back over the Mira Flores area of Metro-Lima.  Then a trip up the coast to “La Punta” and dinner in the restaurant operated by the Peruvian Navy - well at least the cooks are Navy Cooks.  DELICIOUS!  Nothing more to be said!

Then back home for an hour and off to New Strength where Marilyn spoke to the Ladies, and I prepared for the Youth (Young Adults).  Then back to our bed.

“Maybe” I can now keep you updated daily and you will not be so “full of news” or whatever you call these words.

Love you all and THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYERS – as many indicated on Facebook that they were praying for me.


Dr D and Marilyn

Peru Venture 2012


I made it!  I found the time to blog, so here we go by picking up where and when it all started and then take you on the journey through today:

Jicamarca: Iglesia Vida 5th Anniversary Services with Pastor David and Ceci Hodges - August 28 -September 2:

TuesdayWe arrived without and major “hitch” with six bags of luggage filled with more than our things like: peanut butter; special coffee creamer; one automatic espresso coffee machine; one “special” toilet lid for a dry latrine; two watches, one cologne; one smart phone battery; one 16 GB USB and other items too numerous to list.  All “special needs” for our friends in Peru. Well almost without a “hitch” except for “Aduana” – better know as the “Tax Department” where we had to pay $37 taxes on the espresso machine.  Then it was off to Jicamarca and an early morning bed time.

Wednesday found us scurrying around to take care of any last minute details of planning so we could head into Lima to get some groceries, find a place to eat, pick up some supplies from a Peruvian Ace Hardware better known Sodimac.  Of course, it is necessary to honor Starbucks, so we paid our dues and then headed back home.  Arriving there Pastor Hodges discovered the “ball” which rises and lowers as the water level varies in the storage tank was stuck at the top and the water was non-existent.  So for two days plus the day of travel we had not shower – did we stink?  No!  There is no such word for such an occurrence.  It is simply “endure” and keep on going. 

Thursday was more laid back for all but David as he ran around like a crazy man checking all the last minute details to be sure everything ready for the upcoming three day celebration.  Marilyn and I, well at least I just stayed out of the way and finished preparation for the speaking engagements.

Friday was the day for visiting pastors and pastoral friends to join in the celebration with lunch and a Pastor’s Clinic which included an inspirational challenge and practical teaching on handling the responsibilities of the pastor and his family – Marilyn did this practical section.  The evening concluded with an inspirational session for the church family.

Saturday began with two session for youth presented by Pastor Agustin Ciccia followed by lunch then a Sunday School Teachers presentation by Lisset Sifuentes, a pastor’s wife from Puenta Pierda and then an evening inspirational time.

Sunday - well it was a big day.  In fact, it was the biggest attendance for Iglesia Vida, 90-95 (it was hard to count do to the special assignments carried out in a professional way by the church people.

Permit me to list some of the highlights: Their worship was the best they have every had.  In fact it was their first real worship team.  Special worship dances done with devotional inspiration.  The “Children’s Band” led by a local pastor who donates his time to train the local children on guitars, violins, flutes, and drums.  They were great.  And then the congregation did all the cooking, all the set up and were on the spot with their ushering.  In other-words – they congregation took responsibility they had never accepted before and were efficient with it.

Monday, September 3rd - 10th: Mision Cristiano Pan de Vida in Talara and Negritos - with Pastor Girogio & Jessica Schiantiareli and Pastor Victor & Viki Nizama

This is where I am with David Hodges as translator, but Marilyn is back in Jicamarca with Ceci and the responsibility of sharing the Word.

The trip here was typical “Peruvian.”  We had to leave Jicamarca by 11:00 AM on Monday, make a couple of stops for business, then while we were on the way to the Lima airport, we received a phone call from Pastor Girogio telling us that our plane was leaving two hours earlier than scheduled.  So we had to hrruy, arrive, check in, and make it to the gate.  We made it only to be informed the plane was now going to be 40 minutes late.  So we arrived in Talara and made our way to our host home. 

We are staying at the home of Jose Chiappe and his wife, Mercedes.  He is an opthomalogist and has as his sideline for his guests, a gift of providing special coffee – for me cappuccino as well as a great breakfast coffee.  The only problem is turning down all the opportunities to drink one in lieu of being able to sleep at night.  (Some problem - huh? I bet you wish you had this problem!)

Tuesday evening at Mision Cristiano Pan de Vida, Talara: The theme was on marriage.  But for lunch we were taken to the home of the couple whose wedding I participated in last year – doing the wedding message.  She wanted to treat me to a typical northern Peruvian meal as a “thank-you” for last year’s participation.  She is in the early days of her pregnancy and is a high-risk for being able to carry the child, but in-spite of her struggle, prepared a delicious meal.  We had dried meat from the jungle mixed with fried plantains with a special sauce – “hen sauce”; rice, cevichie (raw fish with onions in lime sauce).  It was interesting for me, because I did not know she was pregnant but God revealed it to me the night before when told I was going to their house.  So hearing all the problems I was prepared to pray for her and was reminded by the Holy Spirit of the widow who prepared a meal for the prophet Elijah.  I am not an Elijah, but I knew God had planned this meal and I was to pray for peace and for her to carry the child fullterm.  Isn’t God good!

Oh, yes!  The evening service was good and I was told I did not go long enough – but I did speak and answer questions for 75 minutes (for you who cannot calculate fast, that is one hour and fifteen minutes.)

Today, we were hosted by Pastor Giorgio and Jessica for lunch.  The meal was fabulous but the dessert topped it!  Lemon Meringue Pie!! Eat your heart out because I did not save any for anyone!

Wednesday eve at Mision Cristiano Pan de Vida - Negritos: The theme was also on marriage, so we had a repeat of message but with great freedom and I was faithful to the request by the overseeing pastor from Talara and extended my time to 90 minutes.  WOW!  I love these suggestions and the hunger to be instructed. 

And of course!  No evening with God’s people is complete without another meal – this one of natural food.  And we were treated to Peruvian specialities.  I wish I could somehow share the taste of the food with you but since that is impossible, I ate it in honor of you!

Negritos is a small city about 10 miles south of Talara.  This region is a major center of oil production for Peru. 

Thursday: Breakfast is over and I am sipping my coffee and typing and attempting to think – which is tough because I just want to get more sleep.  We did not return from Negritos until about 12:30 AM.

So until I return to the keys of this machine, I bid you adieu.

God bless and remember us in prayer.

Dr D with David Hodges & Marilyn in Jicamarca with Ceci

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


It is all done but the final smiles and “good-byes!”  The warmth of what transpired will remain with us for a very long time.  Once again the potential available to those who follow the leading of the Holy Spirit was manifested.  From the opening service on Saturday afternoon through the final session on Monday evening, one can trace the imprint of the Holy Spirit on all participants.  

Dawn of Life, pastored by Valentina Melnyk, moved into their own building in early fall of last year.  The story of how they finally possessed the building is almost a novel in itself.  Over 15 years ago they rented the building and were led of God to anoint it and claim it for their home.  And when I say they anointed it, they laid hands smeared with oil on everything touchable.  During the years between it was unoccupied and every attempt for another party to purchase it fell through.  Not even the Ukraine equivalent of our Secret Service could get it.

It was in that atmosphere of God’s hand of protection and prophetic anointing we ministered to the leadership of the Church as well as the pastors of their daughter Churches.  Their hunger level was high and they pulled the Word out of you in every session.  And although my assignment was to speak to leaders, two messages were divinely chosen by God to set the next season in the life of Dawn of Life.  After each  each session (we had four and two of those were two hour teaching sessions) I would hear words like this: “We were just talking about that before you entered.”  Or, that was the same Word God gave the five of us the day we stood on the banks of the river for our first service.”  So the thread of the plan of God was once again laid out in direct fashion with instructions for proceeding forward with the mandate God had given them.

Jason found himself staying with a husband and wife team of youth leaders.  The only time we saw him was the first night and the last night.  Otherwise he was out preaching or hanging out with youth leaders and youth.  Maybe you saw his Russian Rendition and Dance on Facebook.  If not, you missed it.  He was ah “hit” to say the least.  He opened the final session speaking on authority and its impact on him, setting the stage for Marilyn to add another phase of standing under authority.  I had a great team for the entire time we have been here.

I totally expect to see Dawn of Life double their size in the next two - three years and for the Church to have a dramatic impact on their city.  God has strategically placed them at this time for a great harvest in Khmelnitsky.

The time between sessions was once again filled with counseling and encouragement for leaders.

Thank YOU for your support and prayer,

Dr D - Marilyn and Jason

Friday, May 18, 2012


It is 7:30 AM here in Ukraine.  Jason departed one hour ago by public transportation with the men from Chernivtsi and will meet up with us in Simferfopol at the train depot.  Marilyn is fixing up and completing the last minute packing.  I am typing this blog.  Now that you know what is “up” or “down” continue to read.

Yesterday was a great success.  Our morning session was a question and answer session.  So often when you go to a seminar, retreat (I an not sure what that really means because it should be called an “Advance”) the speaker(s) do all the talking and many times as the attendee you have questions you need answered.  So that was our approach to the morning session – along with worship and a devotional brought by a Ukrainian pastor.

Of course we ate!  What?  Food!  What is wrong with you?  I mean what else do you eat?  No it was not North American food!  Good but not from America.  I mean every morning we had a salad of lettuce or cabbage with cucumbers and some mornings tomatoes were included along with non-typical breakfast – and “No” not North American.  So I was glad they had vinegar on the table.  It provided the “touch”I needed.  This is enough about our physical food.  Now for the spiritual.

The session last night was filled with great events.  Blessing the workers who served us – providing written notes of appreciation for the owners – enjoying fellowship – participating in worship – being challenged by Jason’s “mini-sermon”about relationships that build the kingdom – and being on the receiving end of being “blessed” by those present.

The delivery of the word from my mouth was greatly challenged with a “raspy”voice at the verge of totally disappearing from over-extending in volume the previous sessions.  We only had one microphone and so I needed it for the interpreter and I “over extended” my volume so I could be heard.  But I made it to the end. And I set a new record for delivery of the Word in Ukraine – 30 minutes with interpretation for a message that normally requires 45-50 minutes.

The end?  No the beginning!  All because of the anointing of the Holy Spirit who visited us with a powerful prayer ministry time to the pastors and wives.  And then to watch them pray and minister to one another was a scene to behold!  After one hour the ministry time came to a close and fellowship accompanied with “see you next year” comments echoed throughout the room as departing greetings were heard.


Now it is time to “train it”to Khmelnitsky and our final assignment - Ukraine 2012.

So enjoy your time until you decide to catch-up on our final six days in Ukraine.

With love and appreciation for your prayers and for sending us as your representatives,

Dr D, Marilyn and Jason

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tuesday - Wednesday: May 15-16


This was an exciting day!  Well every “first day” is always exciting as you greet those you have know and meet those who come for the first time.  And that was the thrill we experienced again Tuesday for it is amazing how the language barrier just seems to slip aside as you wrap your arms around your friends from who you have been absent for at least one year.  In reality you are “forced” to permit the spirit world around us – the Biblical spirit world – to assist in our communication.  I mean, since we are spiritual beings in a physical body, then there is a communication that takes place - particularly a spiritual communication through the Spirit of God to each other.

Then add to it the privilege of sitting down and eating together.  Food always seems to cause one to drop their guard, their protective measures and permits you to get inside of them in a good way. 

We were off and rolling with Jason Edouard setting the stage for my message with a opening challenge.  He had no idea where I was going, but the Holy Spirit did and directed him with a splendid thought provoking 15 minute presentation from .....  And then – the worship team from Chernivtsi Word of Life with their lively and worshipful spirit, joined by those in attendance filled the room with worship that angels were envious.  Man!  It was easy going from there in sharing the Word for the evening. 


Pastor Stepan Toropochin – Holy Trinity Church – from Lugansk (just a few miles from the Russian border in the east), a former Captain in the Russian Army brought a devotional and once again without prior knowledge set the stage for my teaching, Leadership Integrity.  Marilyn to the ladies and did what she does so adequately addressing the needs of ladies in leadership, their constant demands of mother-hood and faithful companions.

Lunch and then private counseling sessions followed in the afternoon and before I knew it, it was time for supper followed by the evening session.  What happened?  Well Jason launched the night with another “stage-setting-superb-mini-message” and we were off into the realm of the Spirit for a great night.

I am not completely sure what Jason does during the time between sessions, but I have noticed that he is constantly surrounded by some of those attending, either deep in conversation, laughter or learning another phrase in Russian or Ukrainian.  You would think he had a desire to be a missionary.  No it is more than that  – he has a call and God has gifted him with the ability to quickly draw people to him.  Even the girls, ages 5-9.  You would think they were his children the way they look at him and kiss him on the cheek.

Now to get ready for the days activities, so see you at the “post” later,

Dr D, Marilyn and Jason

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Wednesday was departure from Chernivtsi for me and arrival in Kiev for Marilyn and Jason and our meeting in Simferopol on Thursday – I arrived about 9:50 and at 11:00 they rolled in.  The journey was approximately 21 hours by train for me and 17 hours for them.  From Simferopol we made our way by van - packed with 9 people and all of our luggage so we were sitting with a minimum of one extra person per row (four instead of three).  But we DID arrive - with no incident about 3:30 PM.
Thursday was set aside for attempting to “recover” from the exhaustive rumbling and rolling, jerking and creaking of the train ride with all of its stops, starts, slowing down, and picking up speed.  Although we did begin the process of planning the schedule for the Pastors’ Retreat.

But as all things seem to go when on a missions trip, new opportunities did present additional ministry.  It was all in the planning of the Lord.   Prior to departing from the US, the Lord spoke to me and told me to hold a Church service for the workers at the hotel.  And just prior to departing from Chernivtsi, the hosts sent word via email and requested a Church service confirming what God spoke to me.  So one was set for Friday afternoon at 4:00.  Every worker was there, as well as a couple of other guests who are relatives of Tolik and Oksana.  Here is the end result!  Every worker at the resort raised their hands indicating they had prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior during the altar request.  To validate what happened they were to come forward and pick up a Bible.  ALL came selected their Bible and many then requested for us to write a word in their Bibles and sign our names. 

Now what?  Well, because Sunday is a normal day for believers to attend Church, another service was scheduled at 4:00 PM.  We were joined by part of the leaders from Word of Life in Chernivtsi.  This provided us with worship music.  Jason set the stage for my message by talking to them about prayer and God’s desire to have relationship with them. The message was directed to the workers as new believers to teach them what it means to receive Jesus as Savior as well as what took place when they prayed and what is going to happen as well as take place in their walk with Jesus. 

Then we were instructed some had requested special prayer.  So a prayer line was formed.  Who came? Every one!  What did we do?  We prayed for all who then took the next step for us to lay hands on them?  What was the result?  For some we wait on the manifestation of the answer.  For the first person, he testified to immediately being healed.  It was an “eye-opener” for the others.  Faith was released and we just responded to the leading of the Spirit.

I want you to remember: This is a business establishment!  The owners have taken a definite stand regarding morals – what is right and wrong – as well as holding devotions with all the staff with required attendance!  And to top it off – they all arrived a minimum of 5 minutes prior to the starting time.  WOW!

Jason is busy learning Russian and Ukrainian.  His only problem is remembering which words are Russian and which are Ukrainian.  I think he is going to focus on only one to avoid the strange look when he mixes them.  BUT – he is using what he learns with the smiling approval of those present.

One of the workers as well as the hosts are requesting we go to the village from which these workers come and launch a Church.  “Begging” is the best way to describe their appeal.  So I am going to plan a few days next year to do this, “IF NOT” this fall when they return after their summer employment.  Pray for the guidance of the Lord on this.

So onward and forward – but always with your prayers,

Dr D & Marilyn with Jason

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2012

Did you ever say: “Time flies when you are having fun.”  I just did!  I have had a “fun time” though it has been very busy but that is what makes me “keep on ticking.”

Monday I had an opportunity to catch my breath from ministry and do some important office work that came with me, until 6:00 PM.  Then I was privilege to teach at a cell group which meets here in the home of my host, Luda and her nephew, Tolik and Oksana who see to my need for food, transportation, interpretation and just plain “fun.”

Tuesday was like Monday, except for preparation for sharing with the Leadership Team of Word of Life this evening.  We had a great time sharing the Word and encouraging them to stay focused on the call of God for each of their lives.  Their call to be a member of the leadership team in whatever function they serve, is as important and as anointed as that of any pastor.  The only difference is the specific responsibility we have  but we will all be judged by our faithfulness to the task to which God called us.

Enough preaching!  Now to finish my packing and be ready to depart in the morning at 8:30 for the van which will take us to Khmelnitskiy to meet the 1:50 PM train for an overnight, 20 hour ride in a sleeping compartment for four to Simferopol, accompanied by Tolik and Oksana.  Marilyn and Jason Edouard will arrive about one hour later from Kiev.  Then it is off for another 2 hour +/- to our destination - Olenivka - Cape Tarkhankout and “The Equator” Hotel.

By-The-Way: The internet service I have been using in Ukraine seems to have had a change and as of tonight I cannot get on line to our AOL email account, nor my office account.  So if you do not hear anything, just be patient – I will write and post as soon as possible.

God bless,

Dr D & Marilyn and Jason when they arrive

The Leadership Team at Word of Life:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

SUNDAY, MAY 6, 2012 - 10 HOURS

Blessing The Children
Dedicating Two Children
Blessing A Marriage
Bible Quiz
It was 10:25 AM when we walked downstairs to walk to Church, a distance of one mile.

Then it began! 11:00 - Worship, but I was notified that a couple had been married by the government officials and I was to “bless” their marriage, which was to include some remarks about their marriage commitment. That was after I blessed two children who were to be dedicated and that was after I blessed the Children before they departed the sanctuary for their Children’s Ministry....AND THEN....I could bring the message.

And so like any “instant in season” man of God, I did the tasks set before me, I mean, what else could I do. I was the “only” pastor there.

Now I was faced with another decision. Did I want to go get something to eat and then return to “watch” the "Brain Ring Game” scheduled to begin at 2:00 PM? It was now 1:20 and since I did not want to walk to a restaurant, walk back and watch until 4:00, then go preach another service at 5:00, I said I would rather just sit, watch and not eat. So it was settled. We did that. Four teams of youth and young adults were involved in a Bible quiz competition with all the “bells and whistles” that accompany such competition.

EXCEPT for one thing! The electricity went off! So we had competition anyway with out the “bells and whistles” replaced by hands and voices. They had a great time, I tried to doze, but when my head fell forward I snapped back to alert attention. Because of the electrical failure we ended about 3:00 and then took a cab to “Ephes” - a Greek restaurant for something to hold us over until after the 5:00 service.

I am certainly glad I ate some soup and salad, otherwise the 2 mile walk to our next service would have been a disaster on my energy level. But we made it and were greeted outside by an enthusiastic group of 20 year olds and ushered into the Church.  

EVENING: The Congregation of the Chernivtsi Assembly of God

Getting Wound-Up To Preach
They were a very lively group of Ukrainians and university students studying medicine from Ghana. Man did we have a service. I lost at least 40 years while preaching! No! I did not “act my age!” In fact, I know a couple of people whose names I will not mention but are descendants who probably would have had red faces, but we had a fantastic service as we motivated each other.

Starbucks was not there, but the coffee they handed me after the service was just as good and set the stage for some great fellowship regardless of the language barrier.

Then it was out to eat again, taken by our host, the administrator because the pastor was returning from Moscow and a pastor’s seminar.

And so, we returned at 8:30 – 10 hours later – exhausted, but feeling great. AND I WAS BLESSED with the presence of one of the ladies from the morning service was at the house visiting and because of her profession I received a great back massage with “sunflower oil”. So a hot shower to get rid of oil treatment and I am ready to “crash” just as soon as I finish this and post it.

God bless, and thanks for the prayers,
Dr D

Saturday, May 5, 2012


With the youth of Word of Life From the very start of this trip on Wednesday morning, May 2nd a whirlwind has been in the making. Although it had nothing to do with the trip to Tampa, or the flights and not even the train ride from Kiev to Chernivtsi – which was a total of 43 hours from my house to Chernivtsi (except for a loss of sleep) everything has been moving very fast. I moved into my room at the residence of Tolik and Okxana Smertina, unpacked, cleaned up and began with meeting Vika and Alena Kosovan for three hours, took a rest and prepared for the evening meeting with Word of Life and their monthly Communion Service. Permit me to say with all honest and humbly, it was a great time of worship, sharing the Word and participating in the Lord’s Supper with all my Chernivtsi family. Then back to the flat, eat a late meal, respond to some emails and update Marilyn about things we had not had time to discuss since she arrived home Tuesday evening from Peru before I left on Wednesday morning. Then try to get some sleep on a seven hour time-schedule change for my body - which did not go very good. However I did awake and finalize my Sabbath message for Beit Simha (House of Joy) pastored by Inna and Sasha Rekhlo, the service to begin at 11:00 AM. And of all things, I forgot my “Keepa” and had to ask Sasha to loan me another for the service. Well you know, my “Jewish roots” were showing and had to be covered (I may not be Jewish by physical blood but I am by spiritual blood). Forgetting the “humor(?) let us move on. We had an enthusiastic time of worship and the Word (no brag l- just fact!) From there we hastened back to change clothes and in rush out to a historical site for a picnic with the youth of Word of Life. It was supposed to be from 2 to 5 but the youth were having such a great time the final bell did not ring until 7:00 PM. It was the first youth meeting and therefore was important to allow them to depart with a good feeling. Now don’t worry, I did share a challenge to the youth, informing them I knew God’s will for their lives. I can tell every youth the will of God for their lives. Serve God, accept the ministry He has for you - it is a full-time job. After that, take time to pray and decide “how” God wants you to “earn your living” as a full-time minister. Notice, I did not say “pastor, evangelist, prophet, apostle or teacher.” For the majority of them and probably all of them, they will earn their living in a way we categorize as “secular” as opposed to “spiritual”. But it is just as much a “call of God” as if He called them into one of the “five-fold”. It requires the same anointing and has the same blessing. The only difference is “how” we all earn our living. Some, the minority from a Church and the majority from society. Anyway, the day has come to an end – at least I have! Now it is time to set my sights on the task assigned me for tomorrow - preach at the 11:00 service, eat, return by 2:00 for another youth gathering at the Church, then journey to a 5:00 service at a “new church” - one I have never ministered in before, but through Dmitry Nemchenko, pastor of Word of Life received an invitation. Thanks for your prayers and for sending me, Dr D

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nicole Kelley Peru Trip Update (Monday, 3/12 - Monday 3/19)

MONDAY: Today we went back to Lima. David, and Mom dropped Ceci, the 5 boys, and I off at Pastors Augustine and Jessica's house to swim while unbeknownst to Ceci, David and mom were buying a new refrigerator. David and Ceci never complained about their frig, but it was old and VERY small. Definitely not enough room when you have more than just their family staying at the house. Mom had some money given to her to fund this trip, and had enough to give towards a new frig. David decided to add some money they had saved so they could upgrade the frig. The boys had a great time swimming. My goal was to get in the pool and help Ceci with her boys in the pool...but surely I could keep my hair dry, right? NOT! I forgot about my son and nephew and that they might possibly gang up on me and make it impossible to stay dry. Yes, I gave up on the mission. LOL! After the pastor's kids got home, we thought we were just eating hot dogs and sausage. But, they also fixed steak and yellow mashed potatoes, and salad with homemade dressing. MMmmmmm...it was so good. I thought the potatoes was a corn casserole, so was shocked when I tasted it. ;-) What a blessed time we had. When you talk to Pastors from another country, you find out that the problems churches face, are the same world wide. TUESDAY: Marco took Caleb, Cole, Eliel and I into Lima for some sightseeing. We went to the Inca Market to shop. After much debate over how much they wanted to spend on themselves, the boys both bought drums...if you know these boys, it's no surprise. I also picked up souvenirs for my two kids that were left home. Probably the high-light of this day for Caleb and Cole was eating American food at Chili's! I had to remind them several times not to drink their drink before the meal arrived, because in foreign countries you don't get FREE refills. Caleb and Cole are neither one adventurous when it comes to trying foods, and both can be picky at times. So, while our food was not "weird" Peruvian food, they both like normal foods such as the chicken crisp, french fries, corn, and mozzarella sticks they ate at Chili's. After lunch we made our Skype calls to home at Starbucks, and then headed to the Pacific Ocean. It was very pretty. The boys had fun as Caleb picked up a jelly fish with a stick and proceeded to chase Me and then Marco with it. LOL! Rocks were picked up as well for souvenirs from the Pacific. Next, we stopped by Jovana's jewelry kiosk in the mall so I could look at Jovana's stock. Her sister, Teresa, was with her. Jovana spoke to Teresa in Spanish. Teresa then grabbed Jovana's wallet and took the boys downstairs to play some games. Then, it was time to head back to Jicamarca in time for Maria's Pizza made with turkey pepperoni we brought from the states and then for prayer. The frig was supposed to be delivered that night, before prayer, but they called saying they'd be there Wednesday morning. Before prayer, the boys were playing and Jordan hit the floor with his head...HARD. There was a huge knot. It could have been BAD. We prayed for him. (Now since it's been a week since the "accident", I can tell you there were NO repercussions. Thank you, JESUS!!) The last thing for the night was prayer at the church. There is nothing like being in His presence. And, how neat to be able to agree in prayer with other believers, even though you don't speak the same language. WEDNESDAY: Today the refrigerator was delivered! Ceci was very surprised and LOVED it! After lunch, David took the 4 boys to the Public Pool while the women and baby walked around Metro (their walmart). We had groceries to buy for the weekend for David, Caleb and Cole to feed the kids whose mom's would be at the retreat. At the Metro there is a place in the middle of the store to buy ice cream. They have Lucama Ice Cream...which is my oldest son's favorite and he told me I had to try SOMETHING with Lucama in it. Let's just say, I am not fond of the Lucama flavor. (that is putting it nice) ;-) Luckily for me, they gave me a sample. The boys gave us an earful about their experience at the pool. They are both modest types. So, showering in front of other people (the boys said 100 men) is out of their league. They decided they would shower with their swimsuits on, and then each took turns holding a towel so they could change in "privacy". THURSDAY: We spent today getting ready for the women's retreat and making sure Caleb and Cole had everything they needed for their weekend of ministry to the kids of Jicamarca. For lunch, Maria fixed us her Causa (Stuffed mashed potatoes). They were very yummy. While I was going over one of my teachings for the retreat that afternoon, Jovana stopped by to pick up some money and a list for some things we needed picked up for the retreat. As Jovana was headed out the door, mom suggested I go with Jovana into Lima. So, I did. Mom knew this would be an experience for me since we would have to take a taxi to and from Lima. Come to find out, we'd have to take two taxis there, and two back. It was an experience. The first taxi stopped to pick us up, and there was already a passenger in the back. Jovana told me to sit up front. I found out later that was because they sometimes squeeze 4 people in the back. There is no air in the taxis so the window was down and I not only got a different view of the city, I got a different smell of it too. ;-) Let's just say there was a time or two...maybe more...that I prayed, because if we'd been any closer to the other vehicle there would have been an accident. Jovana and I made our first stop at her jewelry kiosk. Then, we went to the pharmacy to pick up the bug repellent we needed for the women's retreat. Next, I suggested we go to Starbucks. MMMMmmmm...believe it or not, it was the first (and only) Starbucks I purchased on this trip. Then, we had to cross the street a couple times to go to a grocery store. Just walking across the street is an experience. I told Jovana, you cross and I'll follow you. I call it "Peruvian Roulette"...cars don't care if someone is crossing the street, and people cross the street when it looks like they shouldn't. We then had to take our third taxi to Jovana's friends' photography studio. Then, we had to catch 2 more taxi's to get us home. Jovana paid for an extra seat in the taxi on the way back so we wouldn't have to share the backseat. We got back in time to freshen up before Bible Study. My mom taught that night, (she didn't know when planning for the trip that she'd teach both Thursday's we were in Peru), my mom has changed a lot the last few years. Teaching, and preparing to teach, has become so easy to her that she doesn't stress when she doesn't have advanced notice. It was a great Bible Study. FRIDAY: This was not a great beginning to the weekend. Cole woke up in the middle of the night crying from ear pain. He has had so many ear infections that when he cries in pain, I know it's bad. Mom had some antibiotics we debated on giving him, but after searching the web for an hour, and not getting a definite on how much we should give to Cole, we decided to stick with the motrin for the night and call a doctor in the morning. My mom sent a message to a friend from Belgium asking for prayer since she was the only person mom knew would be awake. She told my mom to put garlic in his ear. I went to get it and the Advil had taken effect so Cole was asleep. I put the clove in his ear and he woke up and asked, "What did you put in my ear?". I had to tell him 3 x's. He said, "Y'all are messed up.". LOL! Mom and I were laughing so hard...trying to do it quietly since everyone was asleep. Those of you who really know us, know that for us to laugh quietly is a miracle! ;-) Cole was already hesitant for me to leave since he doesn't like me to leave him when in the states, let alone when we are both in a foreign country. In the morning mom called a doctor friend in Peru, who then told us Cole could take the regular adult dose for the medicine we had. When Cole woke up in the morning he was begging me not to leave. I gave him his first dose of antibiotic and some more advil...praying he would be fine when it was time to leave in the afternoon. Cole took a nap that morning while I was finishing last minute packing and when he woke up gradually was back to normal...playing and having a good time. THANK YOU JESUS!! We left for the women's retreat about 4:00 with 11 women in the Hodges' van, being driven by a young man from their church, and two taxi's with 3 or 4 women in each vehicle. There was a total of 18 women, including mom, Ceci, and I. The retreat center was so nice!! It was nicer than some of the camps I've been to in the states. We thought we'd all be sleeping in a door room together. There were 5 rooms, each with 2 or 3 women in them. Each room had its own bathroom and HOT water. It was nicer than anything most of these women had ever seen. We had our own conference room, and well as our own dining room. The food was very good as well. Mom and I had taken name tags (the kind they could hang around their necks and use for the whole weekend) with stickers to allow the women to decorate the plastic name tag holder. If we had a retreat in the states, we wouldn't have taken stickers because the women here would not appreciate that. But, these women LOVED it...and they were very proud of their name tags and have intentions of using them when the church does outreaches. Then we handed out bags to the women. One of the ladies from mom's church made denim bags and another woman crocheted flowers for the front. Each flower was different so you could tell them apart. Inside the bag were all kinds of donated items from toothbrushes and notebooks to a t-shirt. There was an individual letter inside each bag, as well as a notebook with an individual scripture verse on it. We were believing that the letter and scripture verse would touch each lady in an individual way and the person who needed to hear the content would receive it. When reading the letters/scripture verses, there were tears. And, many would say it was just what they needed. That night, I shared on Mary and Martha. I teased mom about being long-winded. Little did I know that my teaching would be over an hour long! (Actually, with the translation, it was 1 1/2 hours! YIKES!) It may have been long, but it went well, and I know (because they told me) it was just what many of them needed to hear. THANK YOU JESUS! SATURDAY: Saturday morning we had a question and answering session. Mom told me, but I guess it's hard to believe until you hear it for yourself. Women in foreign countries, whether they have a lot, or a little, deal with the same things as women in the states. That afternoon, after lunch, the women were going swimming, so I went in the pool as well. What a fun time with these women. Even when I couldn't understand everything they were saying, it was so fun to watch their expressions and see them communicate with one another. (Although frequently I reminded Jovana to translate for me.) After swimming for awhile, the women decided it was time to play the "game" Mama D had promised them. Knowing they all had to be there, they started gathering the other women. My poor mom wanted to nap. ;-) We had more donations that we had brought. So we put them in a garbage bag. The first person drew out of the bag. The next person could take hers, or draw a new item. The last person could choose any of the items any lady had, or draw out of the bag. Then the first person had the chance to pick what someone else had or keep what she had. It was fun watching their face light up. Saturday evening we had a time of ministry, praying for some of the women. There were chains that were broken, and a new freedom born in many. mom shared. It's amazing how she was able to tie in what I shared the night before with what she was sharing. SUNDAY: This morning we had our service after breakfast. One of the ladies had brought her tambourine, so we had a time of Praise & Worship before I shared on the Shunammite woman. You could see some "light bulbs" turning on in the heads of the women. After my time of sharing, Mom shared, and again, it was amazing how all of the messages tied in together. Mom and I had not discussed what we would teach, mom said it would all flow together. And, it did! It was definitely a "God-thing". We also had communion. We each tore off some bread, shared it with someone, and then prayed together. What a special time. Sunday after lunch, we left to head back to Jicamarca. There were some goodbye's before the van took off as not all of the women would meet us at the church. When we returned to the church, the kids and men were waiting for us with cameras and welcome home signs. The bittersweet part was beginning as we knew we had to say goodbye to women that were now apart of our hearts forever. Sunday, Jovana stayed and her sister, Teresa, and cousin, Xiomari rode a bus to Jicamarca from Lima to spend our last evening with us and the boys. The boys and I stayed up all night (Cole slept for an hour-an hour and a 1/2, Caleb slept for less than that) since we had to leave for the airport at 2:30 a.m. We had a full van as we headed to the airport with 4 people squeezing in the back (Caleb, Teresa, Xiomari, and Marco), Cole, Jovana and me in the middle, and David, Eliel, and mom up front. After checking in we ate breakfast together and then hung out 'till it was time for us to go to our gate. Our airplane ride was uneventful as we returned to Florida. This was my first missions trip of this kind. I've never had to teach, only give my testimony, and I've never taught to adults like I did on this trip. (My previous missions trips were mainly to children and youth.) I am forever changed. And, forever greatful to my mom for taking me with her, and including me in this ministry.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Nicole Kelley From Peru

Wednesday 3/7/12-Sunday 3/11/12 We arrived safe in Lima, Peru on Wed about 11:20 p.m. with a near perfect flight...other than the lady that sat in front of me (Nicole) having hair that hung almost to the floor when she sat. She kept flinging her hair and it would hit my knee. I finally had to ask a flight attendant to ask her to keep her hair in front of her. After arriving, we gathered our 9 bags and headed to customs, praying for a green light. For those of you that don't know, a green light means you and your bags can exit the airport without having your bags opened in front of the whole world. ;-) We got a red light. However, after putting our bags on the x-ray machine, they let us leave without opening them! YAY! The ride to Jicamarca was interesting. It's been 15 years since I've been to South America, but, the way they drive, the rules for driving (or lack of), the traffic, it is not something you forget. And, you really cannot prepare someone who has not been for what to expect. Caleb and Cole were very quiet on the drive. It seemed like rush hour at midnight when it was not even close to what it is like during their rush hour. When someone asked the boys what they were thinking Caleb said it was not what he had imagined. We arrived at the Hodges house in Jicamarca around 1:15 a.m., but did not get to bed until about 3:00 a.m. We did not unpack anything that night, and if you know my mom, she likes to unpack immediately. Thursday morning, the boys slept until 11. While they played with Eliel (8) and Jordan (5), mom and I unpacked, and tried to get the bags of goodies ready for the ladies retreat a week and a day later. While I was filling bags, it appeared we were missing some stuff. We knew TSA had been through a few of our bags, and we were worried they had taken some things. Long story short, one bag had been moved to he little boys room where I was filling bags. I turned around and realized we had one unopened bag. Praise the Lord, all of our belongings and goodies arrived safe. That evening there was Bible Study at Iglesia Vida (Life Church) and mom shared. I called her long winded because she shared for an hour. I had told her she better be funny because I was afraid I'd fall asleep. lol! She wasn't funny, but it WAS good and I didn't fall asleep! While the adults had Bible Study, Caleb and Cole showed a movie to the kids, played outside with them, and passed out candy. Friday David and Ceci fixed us a big breakfast with eggs and sausage. They weren't sure we'd like the sausage since it isn't seasoned like in the states, but it was good. Then, we went to Lima to a Peruvian Pastor's house, Augustin and Jessica. They have a pool and a basketball court so it was a fun day or adults and kids. Two of the pastors' kids got out of school early since we were coming. We ordered pizza from Papa John's and the guys picked up Inka Cola as well as other soda's and ICE. I think I was as happy for the ice as I was for the coke zero. Pastor Augustin also made us a frap. It was better than starbucks...and if you know me, and know I like my starbucks, that is saying a lot! After we left there, we went to the upscale mall to eat in the food court, and walk around. Saturday, after lunch, Caleb, Cole, David, and Ceci and I went to the Metro - their grocery store. It's similar to a Walmart because they sell clothes, appliances, electronics, and food. Cole and Caleb were quiet, and kind of strange acting. David was picking on them to get them going, and they just stood there and looked at him. I figured they must be really tired. When we got back to the house, mom fixed the boys some noodles with chicken. It didn't take long and they were back to normal. We decided there bodies were starved for protein. That night we showed the movie "Soul Surfer" at the church. The Hodges nieces, Jovana, Teresa, and Xiomara, spent the night. It didn't take long and the 2 girl cousins (who speak more English then the boys speak Spanish, but that isn't saying much), and 2 boy cousins (all very close in ages) were playing uno. Sometimes Eliel would translate for them. Jovana gave pedicures and manicures. Sunday, I love worshipping with other Christians. And, it's no different when there is a language barrier. When it comes to your love for Jesus, that barrier is gone. Today was my day to teach. If you know me, you know I was nervous. Caleb asked, during Praise and Worship, if today was my day, when I said yes, he said, "Good luck". And grinned. He had asked the other day if I was nervous, and when I said yes he said his mom would be too. I was nervous until I got on the platform and got started. I had notes on my handy iPad, but, it was definitely the Holy Spirit on me that allowed me to teach for (my mom timed to get me back for timing her...lol) 53 minutes!! I couldn't believe it when she told me! Caleb and Cole along with Teresa, Xiomara watched another video with the kids and played games. Kids don't think about the language barrier, they just do what they can to communicate without feeling silly. This afternoon the 2 sets of cousins, along with Eliel and Jordan climbed the mountain, and have played games all afternoon. Jovana asked her sister and cousin how the 4 of them communicate. They said, "We use our hands." However, I'm writing this downstairs, and upstairs I hear a lot of communication going on. We are having a fabulous time. Please continue to pray for us this week. On Friday, mom and I will be taking the ladies from the church on a women's retreat. The boys will be staying in Jicamarca with David and his 3 boys to help take care of the kids' whose moms will be enjoying a weekend away. Nicole

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Life Missions 2012 Begins in Brussels Thursday, January 26: “On the road again” or should it be: “In the air again...” Anyway we are currently in Kortrijk, Belgium at the home of Susan Phagan and her three children. Marilyn has been coming here for a couple of years each January and this time she requested for me to join her, so here I am. What started out as a more casual trip to visit with some ministry has followed the usual twist with its turns. Ministry opportunity has more than doubled. We arrived here on January 13 about 8:45 a.m. and were met by Susan with Sophie, her youngest and along with Bert Phagan, who graciously took us to Starbucks before we departed the airport. (Not bad, huh?) And with our bags firmly located in the car we took off for Kortrijk, which is west and south of Brussels about one and one-half hours by car. It is located about 5 miles from the border of France. O, let I forget, that meeting also was the first confirmation request for an additional service. Wouldn’t you just know it! That night the body did not want to sleep, even after not sleeping on the flight and taking two sleeping pills. It was after 5:30 AM before it decided to “nap.” But so is life when going from country to country (time zone to time zone.) That meant Saturday began too fast and preparation time for the up coming service on Sunday was not crucial, but not critical. I did not have to get my scriptures ready for an interpreter. My first service on Sunday was at the Praise Center Filipino Church and English is their language. But of course we had to leave at 9:00 to be there for the 10:30 service. And of course, no service with the Filipino congregation is complete without having the treat of eating their typical food after the service. No problem man, I can handle that! Then we were off to another Filipino Church, Lighthouse, for whom I had promised to speak when returning to Brussels. Their service was scheduled for 4:30 so after a short drive and finding an open place for the vehicle we found our way to their meeting place. Man can this Church worship! In English as it is their international service. Their Tagalog service is in the morning. I enjoyed myself and from the response, they enjoyed the Word. Then what do you do after Church at 6:30 in the evening on Sunday? You eat! What? Chicken! Where? At Pardos? No that is in Peru - at Hectors. That is “if” you are clear with instructions about “which Hectors” you are going. We were not and so it took a little longer to get our “wires” straight and make connections. After which Marilyn and I went home with Bill and Gretchen Schwartz so we could spend some quality time of Fellowship with them on Monday. They are in language school in the morning, so we had the time to relax and catch up on some “shut-eye” – well some anyway. From Tuesday until Friday we spent our time with Susan, Lillie, Kelvin and Sophie, that is while I moved my fingers up and down the keyboard working on some documents for Logos Bible College, our Belgium Covenant Life University Extension. And as well preparing the necessary scriptures in French for my interpreters in the coming speaking engagements. I am trying a new concept. Instead of having to print my sermons, scriptures and scriptures in the necessary language, I purchased a Kindle Fire, put the scriptures in French and then converted it to PDF and placed them on the Kindle. Now I will not have to reprint, just switch from the previous language to the language for that location on previously prepared PDF documents. Not bad! Right? Well at least for now, I did not have to bring my printer and the special paper. Did it work? YES!...for sermons and for college class instruction. Since Saturday, January 21 was Logos teaching day, followed by Sunday at Logos Church with Mauricio and Lulu Salazar wit their two children: Betsy and Obed. Bill Schwartz met us at the local Pizza Hut for Supper and I went home with them to avoid the early, early morning trip to Anderlecht Brussels. What was supposed to be two sessions quickly turned into four sessions and concluding at 3:00 PM instead of 1:00 PM. Sunday morning, Marilyn and Susan joined me for the service at Logos Church. We had a great time of ministry in their new location and then headed downtown Brussels to eat at Palaks. If you ever make it to Brussels, you MUST eat at Palak, at least one time. Their Greek food is delicious! Well that about ends the time, except that I did return to Kortrijk with the ladies to “huddle at the table” with my computer and the necessary college work and attempt to just “be there” for the ladies to chide because I did not want to go shopping with them, even to France. If you have seen one store, you have seen them all (male shopping translation). Well, except for today because I did break down after completing the necessary work, and join them in a trip across the border into France and the Arab Flea Market (street version), a look at one of the huge but cold churches and the new mall – the salvation here was the meal. I did survive due to the food. Well, okay, the ladies were also kind to me and I to them! So relax, you with feminine blood. That is the up-to-date synopsis. More to come after-the-fact, a Portugese service and one with Praise Centre. Thanks for your prayers, Dr D and Marilyn