Sunday, May 13, 2012


Wednesday was departure from Chernivtsi for me and arrival in Kiev for Marilyn and Jason and our meeting in Simferopol on Thursday – I arrived about 9:50 and at 11:00 they rolled in.  The journey was approximately 21 hours by train for me and 17 hours for them.  From Simferopol we made our way by van - packed with 9 people and all of our luggage so we were sitting with a minimum of one extra person per row (four instead of three).  But we DID arrive - with no incident about 3:30 PM.
Thursday was set aside for attempting to “recover” from the exhaustive rumbling and rolling, jerking and creaking of the train ride with all of its stops, starts, slowing down, and picking up speed.  Although we did begin the process of planning the schedule for the Pastors’ Retreat.

But as all things seem to go when on a missions trip, new opportunities did present additional ministry.  It was all in the planning of the Lord.   Prior to departing from the US, the Lord spoke to me and told me to hold a Church service for the workers at the hotel.  And just prior to departing from Chernivtsi, the hosts sent word via email and requested a Church service confirming what God spoke to me.  So one was set for Friday afternoon at 4:00.  Every worker was there, as well as a couple of other guests who are relatives of Tolik and Oksana.  Here is the end result!  Every worker at the resort raised their hands indicating they had prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior during the altar request.  To validate what happened they were to come forward and pick up a Bible.  ALL came selected their Bible and many then requested for us to write a word in their Bibles and sign our names. 

Now what?  Well, because Sunday is a normal day for believers to attend Church, another service was scheduled at 4:00 PM.  We were joined by part of the leaders from Word of Life in Chernivtsi.  This provided us with worship music.  Jason set the stage for my message by talking to them about prayer and God’s desire to have relationship with them. The message was directed to the workers as new believers to teach them what it means to receive Jesus as Savior as well as what took place when they prayed and what is going to happen as well as take place in their walk with Jesus. 

Then we were instructed some had requested special prayer.  So a prayer line was formed.  Who came? Every one!  What did we do?  We prayed for all who then took the next step for us to lay hands on them?  What was the result?  For some we wait on the manifestation of the answer.  For the first person, he testified to immediately being healed.  It was an “eye-opener” for the others.  Faith was released and we just responded to the leading of the Spirit.

I want you to remember: This is a business establishment!  The owners have taken a definite stand regarding morals – what is right and wrong – as well as holding devotions with all the staff with required attendance!  And to top it off – they all arrived a minimum of 5 minutes prior to the starting time.  WOW!

Jason is busy learning Russian and Ukrainian.  His only problem is remembering which words are Russian and which are Ukrainian.  I think he is going to focus on only one to avoid the strange look when he mixes them.  BUT – he is using what he learns with the smiling approval of those present.

One of the workers as well as the hosts are requesting we go to the village from which these workers come and launch a Church.  “Begging” is the best way to describe their appeal.  So I am going to plan a few days next year to do this, “IF NOT” this fall when they return after their summer employment.  Pray for the guidance of the Lord on this.

So onward and forward – but always with your prayers,

Dr D & Marilyn with Jason

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