Monday, June 1, 2009


Saturday it had been arranged for the kids to go to the Dump with a group from the Church for a feeding program they do there. There was a lot of confusion, no ride, no interpreter, but they finally were able to make a connection and arrived late.

It is hard to describe people living at “The Dump.” The poverty is above anything this group had ever experienced. Some children arrived without any clothes on. These families existence is dependant on what they can find while digging through other’s garbage. There source of water for drinking, bathing, washing clothes all comes from the river. It is very sad.

Visiting such a place should be a life altering experience but it is all to easy to forget when we experience the conveniences of our life. Add to that the little things in life that rub us the wrong way or inconvenience us in some way to cause agitations. We are such a blessed people.

In the afternoon they went to a “Feed the Children” center that works with boys who have suffered abuse. We had no way of knowing that it would be young boys as well as teenagers and were ill-prepared with gifts to give them. The gospel was presented and that is the most important thing. It is touching to see our kids interacting with the kids and reaching out to them, not only with God’s love but their own as well.

On Sunday, Alfredo’s family took us to the river for a barbeque and time for the kids to play in the river. It is a very relaxing spot. Along the river, people have purchased small portions of land and built family picnic areas. The sound of the water on the rocks and the beauty of the place was relaxing. My husband and Katie both had time to nap in the hammock.

We had wonderful Honduran food and enjoyed a time of fellowship with Alfredo’s family and the mother of two of the Interpreters.

We got back into town and had just over an hour for all of us to take a shower and get ready for Church. We made it with time to spare!!

Katie danced at Church to the song “I’m Desperate for You.” The kids once again had service for the children. This is one place that has not had proper organization from the Church. Each time has been chaotic - with last night being the worst - but the kids survived and that’s a good thing. It is for children ages 2-8, and some of the children arrived as soon as the Worship service was completed and the rest arrived when the Pastor dismissed them during his message. That is enough for a major amount of confusion but added to that, they are not accustomed to having teaching so it was a chore to have order.

The Church has faced a big challenge in their move to this new location. It is a 30 minute drive from our location and could be more from other areas. The Church provides bus transportation but not everyone has taken advantage of it. This was only the third Sunday they have met there and was the largest crowd they have had. They have a strong cell ministry so they are not losing contact with the people that haven’t yet made the adjustment.

This morning the students are back to the school for handicapped children. When they were there last week they were invited to return. It was one of their favorite places to be so they were glad to be able to do it.

Each trip we take has it’s own “flavor.” Often times, it is hard to say “adios” because of the relationships they have made. This trip has not afforded those opportunities and they have not revisited many places so I think the “good byes” will be easier than in some years.

I’m not sure if we will have an opportunity to send another Blog, possibly, but if not, thanks for all your prayers. We have needed them with the challenges we have had this trip. Tomorrow is a day of relaxation with our three interpreters as we are going to take another drive up the mountain going beyond where we went on Thursday. Then, it is pack up, clean-up and getting ready to head home. Everyone is ready.


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