Tuesday, May 22, 2012


It is all done but the final smiles and “good-byes!”  The warmth of what transpired will remain with us for a very long time.  Once again the potential available to those who follow the leading of the Holy Spirit was manifested.  From the opening service on Saturday afternoon through the final session on Monday evening, one can trace the imprint of the Holy Spirit on all participants.  

Dawn of Life, pastored by Valentina Melnyk, moved into their own building in early fall of last year.  The story of how they finally possessed the building is almost a novel in itself.  Over 15 years ago they rented the building and were led of God to anoint it and claim it for their home.  And when I say they anointed it, they laid hands smeared with oil on everything touchable.  During the years between it was unoccupied and every attempt for another party to purchase it fell through.  Not even the Ukraine equivalent of our Secret Service could get it.

It was in that atmosphere of God’s hand of protection and prophetic anointing we ministered to the leadership of the Church as well as the pastors of their daughter Churches.  Their hunger level was high and they pulled the Word out of you in every session.  And although my assignment was to speak to leaders, two messages were divinely chosen by God to set the next season in the life of Dawn of Life.  After each  each session (we had four and two of those were two hour teaching sessions) I would hear words like this: “We were just talking about that before you entered.”  Or, that was the same Word God gave the five of us the day we stood on the banks of the river for our first service.”  So the thread of the plan of God was once again laid out in direct fashion with instructions for proceeding forward with the mandate God had given them.

Jason found himself staying with a husband and wife team of youth leaders.  The only time we saw him was the first night and the last night.  Otherwise he was out preaching or hanging out with youth leaders and youth.  Maybe you saw his Russian Rendition and Dance on Facebook.  If not, you missed it.  He was ah “hit” to say the least.  He opened the final session speaking on authority and its impact on him, setting the stage for Marilyn to add another phase of standing under authority.  I had a great team for the entire time we have been here.

I totally expect to see Dawn of Life double their size in the next two - three years and for the Church to have a dramatic impact on their city.  God has strategically placed them at this time for a great harvest in Khmelnitsky.

The time between sessions was once again filled with counseling and encouragement for leaders.

Thank YOU for your support and prayer,

Dr D - Marilyn and Jason

Friday, May 18, 2012


It is 7:30 AM here in Ukraine.  Jason departed one hour ago by public transportation with the men from Chernivtsi and will meet up with us in Simferfopol at the train depot.  Marilyn is fixing up and completing the last minute packing.  I am typing this blog.  Now that you know what is “up” or “down” continue to read.

Yesterday was a great success.  Our morning session was a question and answer session.  So often when you go to a seminar, retreat (I an not sure what that really means because it should be called an “Advance”) the speaker(s) do all the talking and many times as the attendee you have questions you need answered.  So that was our approach to the morning session – along with worship and a devotional brought by a Ukrainian pastor.

Of course we ate!  What?  Food!  What is wrong with you?  I mean what else do you eat?  No it was not North American food!  Good but not from America.  I mean every morning we had a salad of lettuce or cabbage with cucumbers and some mornings tomatoes were included along with non-typical breakfast – and “No” not North American.  So I was glad they had vinegar on the table.  It provided the “touch”I needed.  This is enough about our physical food.  Now for the spiritual.

The session last night was filled with great events.  Blessing the workers who served us – providing written notes of appreciation for the owners – enjoying fellowship – participating in worship – being challenged by Jason’s “mini-sermon”about relationships that build the kingdom – and being on the receiving end of being “blessed” by those present.

The delivery of the word from my mouth was greatly challenged with a “raspy”voice at the verge of totally disappearing from over-extending in volume the previous sessions.  We only had one microphone and so I needed it for the interpreter and I “over extended” my volume so I could be heard.  But I made it to the end. And I set a new record for delivery of the Word in Ukraine – 30 minutes with interpretation for a message that normally requires 45-50 minutes.

The end?  No the beginning!  All because of the anointing of the Holy Spirit who visited us with a powerful prayer ministry time to the pastors and wives.  And then to watch them pray and minister to one another was a scene to behold!  After one hour the ministry time came to a close and fellowship accompanied with “see you next year” comments echoed throughout the room as departing greetings were heard.


Now it is time to “train it”to Khmelnitsky and our final assignment - Ukraine 2012.

So enjoy your time until you decide to catch-up on our final six days in Ukraine.

With love and appreciation for your prayers and for sending us as your representatives,

Dr D, Marilyn and Jason

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tuesday - Wednesday: May 15-16


This was an exciting day!  Well every “first day” is always exciting as you greet those you have know and meet those who come for the first time.  And that was the thrill we experienced again Tuesday for it is amazing how the language barrier just seems to slip aside as you wrap your arms around your friends from who you have been absent for at least one year.  In reality you are “forced” to permit the spirit world around us – the Biblical spirit world – to assist in our communication.  I mean, since we are spiritual beings in a physical body, then there is a communication that takes place - particularly a spiritual communication through the Spirit of God to each other.

Then add to it the privilege of sitting down and eating together.  Food always seems to cause one to drop their guard, their protective measures and permits you to get inside of them in a good way. 

We were off and rolling with Jason Edouard setting the stage for my message with a opening challenge.  He had no idea where I was going, but the Holy Spirit did and directed him with a splendid thought provoking 15 minute presentation from .....  And then – the worship team from Chernivtsi Word of Life with their lively and worshipful spirit, joined by those in attendance filled the room with worship that angels were envious.  Man!  It was easy going from there in sharing the Word for the evening. 


Pastor Stepan Toropochin – Holy Trinity Church – from Lugansk (just a few miles from the Russian border in the east), a former Captain in the Russian Army brought a devotional and once again without prior knowledge set the stage for my teaching, Leadership Integrity.  Marilyn to the ladies and did what she does so adequately addressing the needs of ladies in leadership, their constant demands of mother-hood and faithful companions.

Lunch and then private counseling sessions followed in the afternoon and before I knew it, it was time for supper followed by the evening session.  What happened?  Well Jason launched the night with another “stage-setting-superb-mini-message” and we were off into the realm of the Spirit for a great night.

I am not completely sure what Jason does during the time between sessions, but I have noticed that he is constantly surrounded by some of those attending, either deep in conversation, laughter or learning another phrase in Russian or Ukrainian.  You would think he had a desire to be a missionary.  No it is more than that  – he has a call and God has gifted him with the ability to quickly draw people to him.  Even the girls, ages 5-9.  You would think they were his children the way they look at him and kiss him on the cheek.

Now to get ready for the days activities, so see you at the “post” later,

Dr D, Marilyn and Jason

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Wednesday was departure from Chernivtsi for me and arrival in Kiev for Marilyn and Jason and our meeting in Simferopol on Thursday – I arrived about 9:50 and at 11:00 they rolled in.  The journey was approximately 21 hours by train for me and 17 hours for them.  From Simferopol we made our way by van - packed with 9 people and all of our luggage so we were sitting with a minimum of one extra person per row (four instead of three).  But we DID arrive - with no incident about 3:30 PM.
Thursday was set aside for attempting to “recover” from the exhaustive rumbling and rolling, jerking and creaking of the train ride with all of its stops, starts, slowing down, and picking up speed.  Although we did begin the process of planning the schedule for the Pastors’ Retreat.

But as all things seem to go when on a missions trip, new opportunities did present additional ministry.  It was all in the planning of the Lord.   Prior to departing from the US, the Lord spoke to me and told me to hold a Church service for the workers at the hotel.  And just prior to departing from Chernivtsi, the hosts sent word via email and requested a Church service confirming what God spoke to me.  So one was set for Friday afternoon at 4:00.  Every worker was there, as well as a couple of other guests who are relatives of Tolik and Oksana.  Here is the end result!  Every worker at the resort raised their hands indicating they had prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior during the altar request.  To validate what happened they were to come forward and pick up a Bible.  ALL came selected their Bible and many then requested for us to write a word in their Bibles and sign our names. 

Now what?  Well, because Sunday is a normal day for believers to attend Church, another service was scheduled at 4:00 PM.  We were joined by part of the leaders from Word of Life in Chernivtsi.  This provided us with worship music.  Jason set the stage for my message by talking to them about prayer and God’s desire to have relationship with them. The message was directed to the workers as new believers to teach them what it means to receive Jesus as Savior as well as what took place when they prayed and what is going to happen as well as take place in their walk with Jesus. 

Then we were instructed some had requested special prayer.  So a prayer line was formed.  Who came? Every one!  What did we do?  We prayed for all who then took the next step for us to lay hands on them?  What was the result?  For some we wait on the manifestation of the answer.  For the first person, he testified to immediately being healed.  It was an “eye-opener” for the others.  Faith was released and we just responded to the leading of the Spirit.

I want you to remember: This is a business establishment!  The owners have taken a definite stand regarding morals – what is right and wrong – as well as holding devotions with all the staff with required attendance!  And to top it off – they all arrived a minimum of 5 minutes prior to the starting time.  WOW!

Jason is busy learning Russian and Ukrainian.  His only problem is remembering which words are Russian and which are Ukrainian.  I think he is going to focus on only one to avoid the strange look when he mixes them.  BUT – he is using what he learns with the smiling approval of those present.

One of the workers as well as the hosts are requesting we go to the village from which these workers come and launch a Church.  “Begging” is the best way to describe their appeal.  So I am going to plan a few days next year to do this, “IF NOT” this fall when they return after their summer employment.  Pray for the guidance of the Lord on this.

So onward and forward – but always with your prayers,

Dr D & Marilyn with Jason

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

TUESDAY, MAY 8, 2012

Did you ever say: “Time flies when you are having fun.”  I just did!  I have had a “fun time” though it has been very busy but that is what makes me “keep on ticking.”

Monday I had an opportunity to catch my breath from ministry and do some important office work that came with me, until 6:00 PM.  Then I was privilege to teach at a cell group which meets here in the home of my host, Luda and her nephew, Tolik and Oksana who see to my need for food, transportation, interpretation and just plain “fun.”

Tuesday was like Monday, except for preparation for sharing with the Leadership Team of Word of Life this evening.  We had a great time sharing the Word and encouraging them to stay focused on the call of God for each of their lives.  Their call to be a member of the leadership team in whatever function they serve, is as important and as anointed as that of any pastor.  The only difference is the specific responsibility we have  but we will all be judged by our faithfulness to the task to which God called us.

Enough preaching!  Now to finish my packing and be ready to depart in the morning at 8:30 for the van which will take us to Khmelnitskiy to meet the 1:50 PM train for an overnight, 20 hour ride in a sleeping compartment for four to Simferopol, accompanied by Tolik and Oksana.  Marilyn and Jason Edouard will arrive about one hour later from Kiev.  Then it is off for another 2 hour +/- to our destination - Olenivka - Cape Tarkhankout and “The Equator” Hotel.

By-The-Way: The internet service I have been using in Ukraine seems to have had a change and as of tonight I cannot get on line to our AOL email account, nor my office account.  So if you do not hear anything, just be patient – I will write and post as soon as possible.

God bless,

Dr D & Marilyn and Jason when they arrive

The Leadership Team at Word of Life:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

SUNDAY, MAY 6, 2012 - 10 HOURS

Blessing The Children
Dedicating Two Children
Blessing A Marriage
Bible Quiz
It was 10:25 AM when we walked downstairs to walk to Church, a distance of one mile.

Then it began! 11:00 - Worship, but I was notified that a couple had been married by the government officials and I was to “bless” their marriage, which was to include some remarks about their marriage commitment. That was after I blessed two children who were to be dedicated and that was after I blessed the Children before they departed the sanctuary for their Children’s Ministry....AND THEN....I could bring the message.

And so like any “instant in season” man of God, I did the tasks set before me, I mean, what else could I do. I was the “only” pastor there.

Now I was faced with another decision. Did I want to go get something to eat and then return to “watch” the "Brain Ring Game” scheduled to begin at 2:00 PM? It was now 1:20 and since I did not want to walk to a restaurant, walk back and watch until 4:00, then go preach another service at 5:00, I said I would rather just sit, watch and not eat. So it was settled. We did that. Four teams of youth and young adults were involved in a Bible quiz competition with all the “bells and whistles” that accompany such competition.

EXCEPT for one thing! The electricity went off! So we had competition anyway with out the “bells and whistles” replaced by hands and voices. They had a great time, I tried to doze, but when my head fell forward I snapped back to alert attention. Because of the electrical failure we ended about 3:00 and then took a cab to “Ephes” - a Greek restaurant for something to hold us over until after the 5:00 service.

I am certainly glad I ate some soup and salad, otherwise the 2 mile walk to our next service would have been a disaster on my energy level. But we made it and were greeted outside by an enthusiastic group of 20 year olds and ushered into the Church.  

EVENING: The Congregation of the Chernivtsi Assembly of God

Getting Wound-Up To Preach
They were a very lively group of Ukrainians and university students studying medicine from Ghana. Man did we have a service. I lost at least 40 years while preaching! No! I did not “act my age!” In fact, I know a couple of people whose names I will not mention but are descendants who probably would have had red faces, but we had a fantastic service as we motivated each other.

Starbucks was not there, but the coffee they handed me after the service was just as good and set the stage for some great fellowship regardless of the language barrier.

Then it was out to eat again, taken by our host, the administrator because the pastor was returning from Moscow and a pastor’s seminar.

And so, we returned at 8:30 – 10 hours later – exhausted, but feeling great. AND I WAS BLESSED with the presence of one of the ladies from the morning service was at the house visiting and because of her profession I received a great back massage with “sunflower oil”. So a hot shower to get rid of oil treatment and I am ready to “crash” just as soon as I finish this and post it.

God bless, and thanks for the prayers,
Dr D

Saturday, May 5, 2012


With the youth of Word of Life From the very start of this trip on Wednesday morning, May 2nd a whirlwind has been in the making. Although it had nothing to do with the trip to Tampa, or the flights and not even the train ride from Kiev to Chernivtsi – which was a total of 43 hours from my house to Chernivtsi (except for a loss of sleep) everything has been moving very fast. I moved into my room at the residence of Tolik and Okxana Smertina, unpacked, cleaned up and began with meeting Vika and Alena Kosovan for three hours, took a rest and prepared for the evening meeting with Word of Life and their monthly Communion Service. Permit me to say with all honest and humbly, it was a great time of worship, sharing the Word and participating in the Lord’s Supper with all my Chernivtsi family. Then back to the flat, eat a late meal, respond to some emails and update Marilyn about things we had not had time to discuss since she arrived home Tuesday evening from Peru before I left on Wednesday morning. Then try to get some sleep on a seven hour time-schedule change for my body - which did not go very good. However I did awake and finalize my Sabbath message for Beit Simha (House of Joy) pastored by Inna and Sasha Rekhlo, the service to begin at 11:00 AM. And of all things, I forgot my “Keepa” and had to ask Sasha to loan me another for the service. Well you know, my “Jewish roots” were showing and had to be covered (I may not be Jewish by physical blood but I am by spiritual blood). Forgetting the “humor(?) let us move on. We had an enthusiastic time of worship and the Word (no brag l- just fact!) From there we hastened back to change clothes and in rush out to a historical site for a picnic with the youth of Word of Life. It was supposed to be from 2 to 5 but the youth were having such a great time the final bell did not ring until 7:00 PM. It was the first youth meeting and therefore was important to allow them to depart with a good feeling. Now don’t worry, I did share a challenge to the youth, informing them I knew God’s will for their lives. I can tell every youth the will of God for their lives. Serve God, accept the ministry He has for you - it is a full-time job. After that, take time to pray and decide “how” God wants you to “earn your living” as a full-time minister. Notice, I did not say “pastor, evangelist, prophet, apostle or teacher.” For the majority of them and probably all of them, they will earn their living in a way we categorize as “secular” as opposed to “spiritual”. But it is just as much a “call of God” as if He called them into one of the “five-fold”. It requires the same anointing and has the same blessing. The only difference is “how” we all earn our living. Some, the minority from a Church and the majority from society. Anyway, the day has come to an end – at least I have! Now it is time to set my sights on the task assigned me for tomorrow - preach at the 11:00 service, eat, return by 2:00 for another youth gathering at the Church, then journey to a 5:00 service at a “new church” - one I have never ministered in before, but through Dmitry Nemchenko, pastor of Word of Life received an invitation. Thanks for your prayers and for sending me, Dr D