Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Tuesday - May 13:

Today has been a long day and tomorrow will not be any shorter and may in fact be longer. We departed at 8:00 AM and got back here at 10:15 PM. Showers have been taken and bodies are lying on their beds, but their voices ring out about the activities of the day. Activities that you will have to read about later because all LTI students have been assigned to "crash" or "be crushed" - Dr. D. style!

Zac is still fighting with his stomach and the earthquake within. Brian is trying to figure out what his nose is doing with his sinus passages. Bethany appears to be okay, but with some questions because you never know what is going to come from her. Lindsay seems beat! Mikaela is back to normal – whatever that is!

Zac is lucky to be alive! He attacked "Elmo" at Burger King and drew a crowd! Thank God they were all friendly and loved his sense of humor when he picked up Elmo and spun him or was it "her" around. You never know what is going to come from this group!

Marilyn and I spent the day with Pastor Jorge Watanabe and his wife, Janine. They have just gone through a traumatic experience. Their associate pastor took over 50 people and departed with them, leaving them with less than 10. They have had to start over and in less than one month the attendance has doubled and with new excitement but with the lingering questions about what happened and why. So our time was expended in encouraging them. They took us to their home and we ate lunch with them, took a siesta, tried to get on-line and could not. We took them and the team to Pizza Hut for supper and then to their church for a seminar session on marriage and family life.

Check here later for more of the days activities.............(Dr D signing off until an LTI student can update you about their exciting experiences of the day)

1 comment:

nanaofapuppy said...

I just blogged a comment and be if the thing just wouldn't work....so here goes again. Thanks to Nicole for reminding me about this blog spot, because I am so used to Chip sending me missions updates. So I forgot.....call it "old age" or me nice and just call it.....forgetful.Anyway, it sounds like God is doing His thing as always! It's always amazing to me to hear all that He is doing through the groups that go to the missions field. My heart is overwhelmed at the response of the children and it brings me to tears to hear that seeds are planted and God is opening doors in Peru to do mighty things. I will continue to follow the blogs, I promise, and pray that everyone continues to walk in safety and health. Keep up the good work, gang and see you when you get home. Love and miss you, Mindy