Friday, April 24, 2009


I am happy with me! I got a lot of sermon – rather “Word” preparation accomplished. I got ready for this evening, for Sunday morning and evening. The messages came easy and then all I had to do was to prepare my scriptures and the interpreter’s scriptures. Yeah! I know! You think they were already prepared!

But I am not taking about writing scripture, but putting scripture in a location to be an aid to delivery when you do not have a pulpit or at least one large enough to hold your Bible and because this way my hands are free to fling around in any way I desire. I place all of my scriptures on the back of the preceding page so that I have them directly across from the location in my message that refers to them. It saves a lot of confusion and allows me time to think clearly so that I can use words and phrases that translate easily.

And then I prepare in the language of my interpreter all the scriptures that I will be using for the message so that he or she does not have to take time to look them up and delay the presentation of the Word. It makes the whole process flow much easier and if it is the first time an interpreter has worked with me, they are shocked and when the message is over, they are thankful for this methodology. I did not say I was a “Methodist!” I said “methodology!” Look it up in your dictionary if you do not understand its meaning.

It also allows the interpreter an opportunity to look at my notes and see how the scriptures in their language fit into the message. They are often able to help me in communicating more clearly what I desire to say because of this process.

It sure is a relief to know that you are prepared and can now allow the Holy Spirit to make any changes between now and the moment the Word precedes from your mouth. Anyway, I have everything printed out! Thank God for this electronic age! I have all of my library, my sermons, teachings on a computer and a printer to print the sermons or teachings as I need them.

Well maybe I ought to say something about this evening. OKAY!

Tonight I was at another cell group in the home of Pastor Vitaliy and Ira Pavlenko. Fourteen people crowded in the 6x12 foot living room. We had close fellowship to say the least, but it was a divine evening. By “divine” I do not mean “excellent” but an evening from God.

I shared a teaching called, “Dig Deep” which deals with four reason why many who start out to serve God drop out along the way. It’s basis in found in Luke 6:43-49 where Jesus said that the man who built the house which withstood the storm and “dug deep”. The message answered the question, “Why don’t we (people) not do as Jesus stated in this passage to “dig deep” and place our foundation on the “rock”.

This led to a time of prayer and prophetic ministry midst a heavy anointing of God’s presence filling the room and speaking to people I have no way of knowing what was going on in their lives, but God did and He spoke to them

Them came the physical food! A piano bench sized table was brought into the middle of the room and completely filled with cheese, sausage, bread, butter, sugar, tea cups filled with hot tea, two boxes of pastries, some saucers, spoons etc. Like all people, food starts the conversations and they “flowed liberally” tonight. After while some began to leave, excusing themselves saying that because they were the oldest people they had to go home. A few more minutes and some others found their way out the door until there were only eight of us left.

Then the “dam burst” as conversation, laughter – hilariously flowed from one to another. Story upon story cascaded from their lips – well, mine also. We heard about all the strange foods different people eat. I was asked if I ate such things as boiled liver – responding with their word, “nit” (no). And a discussion of some of the most ridiculous types of food reached a crescendo of conversation until everyone in the room was holding their sides; wiping tears or pointing with their fingers and making fun of the latest delicacy (if that is what you call some of the things shared.)

Two and one-half hours later no one could take any more and we decided to call it an evening. All I can say is that I am certainly glad I had a ride home and did not have to walk. I am not sure I could have made it. In fact, my sides hurt even now.

One side note: Even Jody Andrews made the conversation, even though I did not share his name. Oops! I just did! O well, if you know him, then sometime ask him about the funniest incident he encountered in Ukraine. And be prepared to hurt!

Tomorrow, I spend some time with Vika and the children and then enjoy a leisurely evening meal with the pastor and his wife.

God bless,

Dr D

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