Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I had a very inspirational time with Inna Uruymagov. I NEVER heard one word of discouragement or saw any despondent attitude but only a voice that spoke words of faith and vision for tomorrow and the work to which God has called.

I heard testimony of visions and prophetic words that confirmed the visions – and no one knew about the visions! I heard how God was working on her character and bringing healing to it. I heard how people of the Church have reacted – some close friends backing away while others who had appeared to be “side-liners” becoming very close and opening their hearts with gifts, cards, prayer and arms of love; how the Church is beginning to grow after the departure of some.

She tells of a pastor’s wife in Moscow who had all her female organs removed as a youth but who now has given birth to two (2) – THAT’S TWO – children and with a uterus to the amazement of the physicians and how this woman gave her an expensive gold bracelet. This was given because the she believes God is healing Inna for a greater work – and to remind Inna that she and her church are praying and fasting with her for her deliverance.

She expresses what is happening to her as a work of God in preparation for a greater ministry to which she believes she with Vadiim with enter in the days ahead.

She told me that the word “cancer” has not even penetrated her conscious because in a dream God told her that she was going to go through a dark period but not to accept the cause – and the dream was just before she noticed the first lump.

I listened as Vadiim shared how God had brought a new closeness to them and their family. I heard him tell of the work the Spirit of God was doing within him and healing him of some issues in his childhood. He too was as positive as Inna.

Not one of them denied what was going on in her body, but they emphasized the work of the Holy Spirit in them and those around them. They are aware if the outcome without God but they believe in the “Unseen Evidence” of a God who heals and does all things for His purpose and to fulfill that destiny they press forward for the prize.

One thing resounded over and over – that of priorities! They shared how so many things they thought were important no longer matter and how much at peace they are with God and His work in them.

I – I left being ministered to more than what I gave. I was blessed! I’ve never felt the presence of God in a restaurant like I did on Tuesday afternoon and the sweetness of Jesus as I did this afternoon in their home.
Continue to pray as we wage with them this spiritual attack that is manifesting itself in Inna’s body. The spirit of death wants to stop the life God has put within her so she will not “mother”others from her spiritual breast.

I leave for the airport (KBP) at 2:00 tomorrow so I will see you all on Friday – well maybe not, but I will be home Friday evening regardless of whether I see you or not.

In Christ,

Dr D

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