Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Sunday, September 19:

I arrived back in Lima at 8:00 AM and had to rush “home” (my apartment - well honestly the Dan and Brenda Clowers apartment – but they said it is mine anytime, even if they are here) so I did rush home! Well after I found my way upstairs at the airport to Starbucks – everyone has to treat someone to something special and I was the only one there that I knew who needed to be treated “special.” Anyway my ride wasn’t there so I had to kill some time and what better way to do it than with a frappuccino.

I had only one hour from arrival at the apartment to get ready and depart for my morning assignment - preaching at Iglesia Centro Christiano De Avivamiento pastored by Gustavo and Jenny Rodriquez. He is ministering in Chile and I was the “fill-in.” His assistant and brother-in-law, Dr.(MD) Roger Falcon was my host and interpreter for the morning. He and his wife, Magaly, were interpreters for Marilyn and I the first time she came to Peru with me and that was before they were married. Oh, yes! The service ended with four or five (I am honestly not sure about one) who received Jesus. So it was a good day.

After walking about three blocks to a mall, (Marco Aroni said “3") but I counted more, we ate in an open air food court so to keep my food warm all the way to my stomach, I ate and let them talk. And the rest of the day was spent in getting the items I took on the trip to the jungle put in the correct place and into my laundry bag. Then I spent the concluding time sharing with the Clowers.

Now believe it or not, though I have been here an average of 2-3 times per year for the last 5 years, and for the last three years I have served as the Conference Missions Director for the SonShine Conference - this was the first time that Dan and I actually met in Peru. And I have stayed in their apartment at least 3 times before and preached here at the church. It “appeared” that we had something against each other and therefore avoided seen each other but the contrary is the truth. We tried, but never were able to accomplish it.

Monday and Tuesday, September 20th, 21st and whoops, this is Wednesday, the 22nd:

Well I have spent the time since Monday morning, either meeting Americans who asked to meet with me or working on the course, The Development Scope And Study of the Bible, just to get it ready both in Spanish – getting the correct translation for the student edition and the PowerPoint presentation as well ans seeing that the English (my copy) was in harmony with the Spanish. This is not an easy task for one who is not versed in Spanish. But with my limited knowledge and the help of Marco Aroni (the coordinator for Universidad Pacto de Vida (Covenant Life University) we have accomplished the task.

So today, after cancelling the recording session yesterday because we discovered there were some issues that needed to be settled and because we needed some additional equipment to set up the recording studio, we finally did begin recording today. We accomplished two full class lectures of 50-55 minutes each.

Our studio is set up in the living room of the apartment. It may look primitive to some but it worked. Agustin Ciccia, pastor of Nuevas Fuerzas (New Strength) along with Franz, who is a genius with computers and video, we made it and are looking forward to 5-6 hours of recording tomorrow.

Now for you who refer to me as “Dr. Gadget,” I want you to know the many “gadgets” I carry – many of them proved to play a key part in the establishment of studio: the wireless mics (2); the Sony MP3 recorder; a Sony 40 GB hard-drive camera; my aluminum typing table; my computer; my Proxima projector; my many cables and extension cords; and my Logitech controller for operating my PowerPoint.

So go ahead and make fun! I will get the last laugh!

Anyway, that catches you up on the details of the ministry through today as well as telling you what I will be doing for the next almost three weeks until Marilyn, Allison and David arrive. Except for Saturday and Sunday speaking engagements and meeting with pastors.

God bless and thanks for your prayers,

Dr D

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