Sunday, September 12, 2010

A Great Day!

Sunday, September 12:

Another Lord’s Day is coming to a close and that makes for another “SPECIAL DAY!”

We had a great service, even if I was the preacher! Think about that! Now Smile! See, it has been a good day! How do I know? Because you just smiled.!

New Strength (Nuevas Fuerzas in Spanish) is growing both numerically and spiritually. You can hear, see and witness it by the Spirit during the worship and while delivering the Word. The last two times I have ministered here I have delivered messages which are far from being the basic messages of the past to a new congregation. There is a new depth in the body.

Now how do I tell you about the response and the flavor of the service without sounding egotistical? Maybe this will do. They had between 80-90 adults in the Tent of Meeting (It is literally a tent but supported by aluminum poles and trusses). Pastor Agustin Ciccia told me he had orders for 50 CD’s of the message. And one visitor requested my phone number so he could pass it on to his pastor because he believed his pastor would want me to minister in his church on a Thursday (since all my Sundays are filled.) Well, I’d better be honest – well I am but what I mean is – one visiting pastor purchased 15 to disperse to other pastors and churches.

The message conclusion is an encouragement for the people to worship and to “SHOUT” as Israel did when the had completed the seventh trip around Jericho on the seventh day. There was good response but it subsided. Then from outside the flaps of the tent was heard the “Cock-a-doodle-doo” three times of a rooster.

I guess in Peru if the people do not shout and praise the Lord the roosters will!

Or maybe my sermon was “for the birds!”

Anyway the response has been gratifying and I know God touched some who have previously been very reserved in the expression of their worship.

Now it is time to get back to the computer and do some work and preparation for the air trip to Ayacucho and then a seven (7) hour bus ride to San Francisco which is located between the last range of mountains and the jungle. They call that area the “eyebrow of the jungle.”

God bless and thanks for your prayers!

Dr D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Dr. D,

I wish you could get an audio podcast of the actual message up on the blog so we could hear it. This would make your blog come alive, if we could hear the exact message you shared with these people in Peru. Anyway, I am praying for you.

Blessings to you,
Jaime L. Hernandez