Thursday, May 28, 2009


7.1 Earthquake at 1:25 AM!

We want all of you to know that we survived the earthquake without any problems. We were without electricity and water until 10:15 AM this morning.

It was a strange way to wake and find yourself standing up and listening to all the sounds and see things moving. Vases fell from the book shelves and crashed to the floor. One fell and was standing upright all the way across the room from where it was.

And then the party began on the street.

We finally went back to bed about 2:30 and could hear the people in the streets. The surrounding blocks had their electricity back on in a few minutes but ours did not return until 10:15 AM.

So you all can rest easy and read the other statements that will appear on the blog later today or early tomorrow.

OOOOOOO – the ladies want you to know that they stood and prayed, but that Cody and I just stood and waited.

WE knew we would be okay and there was no problem.

Until the next blog..........

This is Dr D reporting.

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