Sunday, May 24, 2009


Saturday was an easy day. The LTI Students were free to relax and visit the Fiesta in the center of the city, which is about a 10 minute walk from where we are living. It is the 3rd largest Carnival in the World. It is filled with all kinds of activities. Horses arrive from many Central and South American Countries. Motorcycles, Military Fly-Overs and all kinds of revelry. Don’t worry their trip yesterday was to see the parade.

The temperature is about 90 degrees here in the house and water cascades from your body like a water falls. The nights are not bad because the temperature does drop and then the AC in our bedrooms is able to give us a comfortable rest – if you can handle the sound of the AC. Monday they will buy an adapter so we can run the AC I the living room - kitchen area. That will be nice.

Our evening was filled with an alternative for the people of The Door of Heaven congregation pastored by Milton and Myra Valle. It all began at 6:00 PM and was scheduled to be finished at 2:00 AM. We made it until 12:00 and then were taken home.

There were three sermons scheduled - 20 minutes each. I was to lead with the first. Pastor Alfredo was to be second and then Pastor Valle was to wrap it up. But I was the only one who was on schedule. The altar service after I preached was almost twice as long as my message. My time was preceded by the LTI students and others with drama, dance, and testimonies.

Pastor Alfredo got up to preach and the anointing of the Lord descended and he led the people in a prayer challenge for about 40 minutes. The was preceded by more dramas, dance, worship, special singing. Another break at which time we took leave and left Pastor Alfredo there to preach in place of the pastor during the last 2 hour session. He and Cody arrived back to hit the sack about 3;00 AM.

The activities began about 9:00 as some of us arose from slumber to prepare for the day. We are going to mall to eat, visit the internet store and return to leave for the Church service at 4:30 PM.

Thanks for your prayers.

Dr D, Marilyn, Pastor Alfredo, Cody, Katie, Lindsay, and Stacie

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