Friday, May 22, 2009

From Stacie And The Gang


We started the day off by waking up fairy early, 6:45am, getting everything ready for our trip to the elementary school of handicapped children. Lindsay did the teaching for the day on salvation and what it means to be washed by the blood of Jesus. The kids were very excited to have our company and we had around 20 kids accept Jesus into their hearts. As we were leaving, they all gave us flowers and started to play with us. Katie and I even got a wet kiss on the cheek from one of the little boys. As we left, we arrived back at home fairly early and caught up on our Journaling and Bible reading. Then we all started to get hungry so Pastor Alfredo recommended this beautiful place on the Caribbean. The ride there was beautiful and we finally got to see more greenery and mountains. We went by a few rivers and saw a lot of animals and people shack homes on the sides of the streets. As we arrived at the restaurant, we were the only ones there. As we got upstairs, the view was gorgeous and the breeze was phenomenal! We could see Roatan in the distance. There was also this little boy who was catching crabs on the beach. Cody, Pastor Alfredo and Dr. D ordered Pescado Rojo, which is an entire fried fish on a plate. I ordered Conch and it was amazing! The rest of them got grilled shrimp. We were all full and started to head downstairs. There were hammocks downstairs and we all rested a little bit. Then we got back into the van and headed to a typical market to buy souvenirs. There were a lot of different things to buy there and we wished we could get a lot of things. On our way home, we bought some watermelon on the side of the road; we were all excited to get it. When we all got home, we relaxed a little bit and the decided to play one of my favorite games, Apples to Apples. We played for nearly 3 straight hours and ate popcorn and made crazy home videos. We were all having a blast and after everyone getting fed up with me winning we decided to stop. We were getting really hot so we went across the street to meet up with Pastor Alfredo, who seemed to know everyone around this town. We talked with some of the locals who knew English and they tested our Espanol. After almost an hour over there, we decided to hit the hay and get some sleep.

Today we got the privilidge of sleeping in and having pancake batter ready for us to make. Since Katie and I really like to put chocolate chips in our pancakes, she came up with a great idea. We had bought Oreo’s at the grocery store the other day, so she crushed them in a bag and added them to our pancakes. They were amazingly good and definitely satisfied our sweet tooth. After breakfast, we got ready for our day and I sat out on the porch and got ready for my lesson. While Lindsay and Katie helped me make my slime for the kids; it went with my lesson. As we finished up Pastor Alfredo’s sister Maria was here, waiting to head out the door. On our way, we picked up Bibi and her brother Pana along with another Bi-lingual girl names Jessica. They came with us to the orphanage to translate for us, while Pastor Alfredo went to the dentist. There were about 20 kids there and their ages ranged from 22 and under. We had so much fun with them and did our stomps, cup game, balloon memory verse and then the lesson. They enjoyed all the treats and prizes we had for them. We also played a little bit of kickball, volleyball and a water balloon game that went along with following directions. The kids were so friendly and we loved on them the entire time. The owner let us take pictures with the kids, as we were told earlier we were not allowed to; they let us. Cody was getting along quite well with this boy named Marvin, we decided to call him Converse, since he was wearing bright red ones. They ended up climbing a tree with a sour fruit called, Little Apples. We filled an entire bag to take home with us and before we left we gave all of the kids the stuffed animals. But right before we were ready to leave, Jessica, one of our translators, told us there were 2 kids inside the orphanage that were sick. We all went to go visit the two, one had chicken pocks and the other couldn’t walk properly. We found out that she was about my age, 22. She was so excited to see us and thanked us for coming to visit, but also seeing her. We said our goodbye’s to the children, and I had a hard time saying goodbye. We dropped off one of our translators and then went to find Dr. D, Miss Marilyn, and Pastor Alfredo. Our other translators came with, Bibi and Pana to our La Casa to get our laptops and go out for some dinner. Now as I type, we’re sitting at Pizza Hut getting wireless so we can update our Blogs to our friend and family. Thank you for all your prayers, and support. Thank you so much for all of the donations as well. They’ve definitely come in handy. Now I’m getting bugged by Bibi to stop typing and eat some pizza with her. So goodbye for now. Much Love

Stacie, Katie, Lindsay, Cody, Pastor Alfredo, Dr.D and Miss Marilyn

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I am really excited to read your blog. Honduras holds a special spot in my heart as I spent time in Cholateka (spelling is wrong I am sure) when I was 21 with Medical Group Missions. Would love to get more details on your experience sometime. Know that prayers are with you. One of your other MOMs Tons of Love Peggy