Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Thanks to everyone for your prayers. I am not 100% - can’t seem to shake this cold but I am better. If laying on a bed would make me well, I would have been well several days ago.

This afternoon, Tanya, who was the main Assistant Pastor at the Church that had problems came to talk with me. I have kept in contact with her every time we have come to Chernivtsi. She really struggled after the problems and hadn’t gone to Church. I just kept encouraging her and talking about the God potential in her. At the time, she had a hard time seeing that God would use her again.

BUT, this time was different. She and her husband are attending Church and God has started giving her dreams about her future and her future ministry. Thank God, His gifts are resident in her to be used for Kingdom purposes. She thanked me over and over for speaking to her. She talked about specific times and places (that I don’t even remember) and though it seemed like she was rejecting what I was saying - the Holy Spirit was dealing with her.

Cell Group met here tonight and I’ll let Dave tell you about that but one of the lady’s who came is a massage therapist. She came in my room and massaged my hands, arms and face with a special cream (and it felt wonderful) praying all the time she was working. Here’s the kicker - when she left she gave special instructions for Oksana. She left fresh milk and told Oksana to warm it, put butter in it and some sugar. Dave didn’t want me to drink it because of the nasal situation and he thought it would make it worse but they believe it will really help. So, when in Ukraine do as the Ukrainians would do - and I drank a half a cup. It was delicious, we’ll see if it does anything to help me.

Cell group meetings are a vital part of the life of the Church in Ukraine. It is often their only other service besides either a service on Saturday or Sunday. It is a non-threatening place to invite people to whom the Church family has ministered. Tonight was no exception. When I entered the room, I noticed that those there were not the usual group. Since I stay in the home where this group meets, I have had the opportunity to speak every time I am here. I mean you are living here, so how can you say anything but “Yes.”

I had been planning on having the usual group but when I saw them I knew I had chosen the wrong teaching from the two I had wrestled with. I chose the one I had fully prepared in the afternoon instead of the one that wasn’t finished. Guess what? I had to use the “unfinished one.” And I am thankful I listened to the voice of the Holy Spirit and made the last minute switch, even though I had to use my computer to teach from.

At the conclusion of the teaching and a long discussion about the topic of God’s sanctification process with our soul the hostess said, “It is a tradition that everyone be prayed for.” So I did as was suggested. There was a young girl here and her sister requested that I pray first for her. She was to return to Italy tomorrow and was afraid of the flight and also needed prayer for a physical problem. As I prayed I began to realize that she was facing a big decision. So I stopped and began to speak to her about her decision. Tears began to flow down, both from her and the sister. You could see the visible move of God upon her. She said she had been attending a Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Italy but after attending this Church and been with these people she knew she had to find a Church like this.

Ministry to the others followed the same pattern as God spoke to each according to their situation. God knows how to speak through you to the hearts of the people even when you do not know the language of the fullness of their cultural backgrounds. It is fascinating to watch their faces as you speak directly to a situation. They know you do not know them and coming from someone with a different language through the interpreter still conveys the same anointing that came from you.

God is Great! Thanks for your prayers.
Dr D and Marilyn

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