Sunday, September 11, 2011


Where was I? Oh yeah, I had to leave for the evening service. That took place on Wednesday. This was more of a Cell Group in a area known as Casario Miraflores and is directed by the Luis Pena, the worship leader/small group pastor of Casa De Dios. To be honest (I mean what else can I be?) It was the hardest of all my assignments. I was not geared for a small group as such and had a sermon instead of a teaching. But as far as I can tell, it was received well – it is just that the “sender” did not have good feelings about the evening.

Then that leads us to Thursday, the final day in Piura. It all began with a meeting of all the Casa De Dios pastors and leaders and lasted from 9:30 until 1:00. My part was about two and one-half hours. BUT! I did feel good about the session. In fact, I was inspired by my own teaching as the Holy Spirit broke open new truths inside an old leadership lesson.

We then headed to the pastor’s house for dinner and about one hour of rest before piling into his 4x4 and heading to Paita. This is the city where the Spaniards first landed in Peru. The first and still standing Catholic Church is just a few miles north of the present city, just a short distance from the Pacific.

My first task was to teach on the radio for one hour. So now I am a Peruvian Radio Preacher also, “Also” because I am a Ukrainian Radio Preacher as well and have been known to show up on TV in Ukraine. (You can get me autograph later, “IF” you will send me $30 and I will send you some “hot air” to keep your hands warm in Alaska.)

We had just over an hour, and that provided the time for me to see the landing site of the Spaniards and the Church. I did also spend some time taking some sunset pictures at a retreat center on the shore of the Pacific. Is that okay with you? (Tough! I did it anyway! And with that attitude I will not let you see them!)

Then we went to Church for the 8:00 service. It is the largest facility of Casa De Dios and the largest congregation. The pastor, Jose Leon Campos, came to Pastor Gene Gayle and requested to be under his leadership. The Church is solid. However I discovered that the men sit on the right and the women on the left, facing the platform. Gene is waiting until the right time to gently suggest that family worship together. I noticed they had the “mountain” sound to their music. You will have to hear it to understand what I mean.

They have been working very hard on updating their building. They have poured a cement floor, except for the first few feet at the entrance. They held off with that until they can get the bathrooms in and the sewer line placed before pouring cement there. The pastor’s room is right behind the platform and to enter you go up on the platform then down into his room. He took me in there. It is a very simple room. Dirt floor, a bed, a light, a bookcase, a curtain to separate the bathroom from the bedroom. The bathroom consists of a bucket and no sink. THAT IS SIMPLE! He is unmarried, in his 40's and believes God is going to give him a wife in 2012. Somehow, after watching him, I believe it!

We returned home about 11:00 and I jumped into the packing mode but did not complete it until about 12:30 AM, then piled into bed to unwind, shift gears and begin thinking about the schedule for Friday, which began all to early. We had to be on the bus by 8:30 for a 4 hour ride to Chiclayo and an overnight in a hotel. Then back up, eat breakfast and on the bus by 9:00 for a 6 hour ride to Jaen over the mountains – meaning around turns, turns, turns, and more turns as we climbed up until 12:15 and then down again until our arrival in Jaen at 3:15 PM. No food, no drinks, just ride, ride, ride....ride.

Now I am sitting in my air-conditioned hotel room, with wifi, a full stomach awaiting our 7:30 departure for the Graduation of the first year students at the Pentecostal Nazareno Church.

So until, I ramble so more, God bless,

Dr D

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