Sunday, September 4, 2011


Today is the last day for our ministry in Talara, Peru. In fact, we complete it about mid-afternoon and then catch a bus for a two hour ride to Pirua, Peru. It has been a busy – busy time since we arrived here Tuesday afternoon.

My last dissertation, I mean blog, completed our activities for Wednesday. So if I can remember correctly, the next day was Thursday. And Thursday put us in Talara. Dinner was at the home of Dr. Jose Chiapee V, an “oftamologo” (Spanish) for dinner. We were served lasagna. Not just any lasagna, but Sword Fish Spinach Lasagna. The dish was developed by Dr. Chiapee’s wife, Mercedes. I was surprised at the taste. I would not want it often, but it was tasty.

The highlight of the time there was watching Dr. Chiapee make cappuccinos. Why? Because he took a machine Pastor Agustin Ciccia , from Lima, thought was destroyed and made it live again. So I had to have my picture taken watching the Dr. make me a cappuccino and then post a series of 12 on Facebook. You find ways to have fun in the midst of a busy day.

But! I did do something serious Thursday! The evening was spent in ministry at Mision Cristiana Pan de Vida (Christian Mission - Bread of Life) here in Talara, pastored by Pastor Giorgio and Jessica Schiantiarelli. (Try pronouncing that last name!)

Friday we ventured back to Negritos and Saturday began with a leadership meeting. Eight pastors and some of their leaders joined with Pan de Vida for two sessions that ended up starting at 9:00 (well that was the announced starting time, but it was actually 9:18) and ending at 2:00. So I had a little over 4 fours of teaching and answering questions.

The long term outcome of these sessions is yet to be realized but the immediate was a commitment to return next year and be the speaker for a Church - Pastor Conference to be hosted by the Church of God of Peru.

We were allowed time out for a meal a short rest and then back at 6:00 - 9:00 PM for a family emphasis.

Anyway, it was a profitable time and so here I am completing this blog and contemplating m direction for the final service which will be in Negritos with Pastor Victor at Mision Cristiana Pan de Vida. Then we return here to Talara, gather our luggage, meet with Pastor Giorgio and then head to the bus terminal for our two hour ride to Piura and an evening service at 7:00 PM.

Beyond that – the next four days will be as busy, if not more so than they have been here in the Talara - Negritos area.

God bless and thanks for your prayers,

Dr D

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