Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Here I sit - all packed and ready to go to bed and it is only 9:00 PM. But I have to arise at 3:00 AM to meet the taxi to make my 5:20 AM flight to Ayacucho so I can spend the day waiting on Ivan Galindo Paz who is coming from Honduras. His flight has been delayed and so instead of leaving about 6:30 AM from Ayacucho for Kimbiri we will not depart until about 6:30 PM.

That means I will be traveling for 5-6 hours over the high Andes Mountains – I take an altitude pill it because of the heighth – at night on a one lane mostly gravel road. Just what I wanted to do!

But that is missionary life. So I smile and proceed to do what I am committed to do – fulfill the call of God for this time in my life.

While I am here, permit me to catch you up on the time since I arrived here in my IPHC flat. I spent Monday just getting things in order and catch a couple of extra hours of sleep during the day. On Tuesday, I spent the day counseling with a pastor and his wife. Did my laundry and then went shopping in the “speciality stores” of Lima with David Hodges.

When I say, “speciality stores” I am talking about what you know as Flea Markets, but hundreds of kiosks jammed together over three floors with each floor about the size of two football fields and isles so narrow sometimes it is hard for two to walk together – in fact impossible. There is anything you want in that place and even things you do not want.

But anyway, we got what we needed – yes NEEDED! I had to have a travel bag for my flight – a small one because I can only take 7kg (15 lbs) as luggage, plus a “small back pack”. However, since I will only be gone for four days, I was able to get everything I would NEED into my 35 Sole bag ($12.86).

This morning while placing some documents on my iPad to use for the teachings in Kimbiri, I got all inspired and developed a new teaching for the Pastors: “Empowering The People.” Sorry, but I cannot teach it to you now, but who knows if you will or if you will not hear it – it is good anyway. So after tooting my own horn here about this I will finish with the events of the day. They are: Marco came and we went to eat and exchange some dollars into soles and then returned to complete preparations for tomorrow. I return back here on Monday morning at 7:00 AM.

So that’s it! God bless,

Dr D

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