Sunday, September 16, 2012


September 14, 2012
Many days have passed since I shared our experiences with you.  But I also have “many” experiences like: days that were too busy to blog; situations where there was no internet access; almost 48 hours of struggle with a stomach ailment including sitting up in bed to attempt to get some sleep.  All of those are now passed and we are back on track, so fasten your seat belt and let’s catch up where I finished the last blog on Thursday, September 6th in Talara, where David Hodges was translating for me and Marilyn was in Jicamarca with Ceci and the boys.

Thursday, September 6th:
The day was completed with a teaching on raising children and this time I followed the pastors’s instructions:  “Do not be so short.  Take more time to teach.  We need it.”  I did and he was happy, I think.  Anyway we had a great meeting and then back home for Peruvian Bar-B-Que chicken and Peruvian side dishes.  Do not ask me to tell you what they were!  They were good!  But how do you sleep on so much food so late at night?

Friday, September 7th:
The days here were not just filled with nothing to do until evening.  No the had special meals in strategic homes.  And in those homes there was always delicious Peruvian food, selected to provide a variety of tastes from north Peru.  You always had more to eat that you should, but there was an expectation that you would eat some of everything.  One lady, 74years of age, had all her daughters fix and bring in a special part of the meal.  And behind the kitchen eyes could be seen looking your way to see if you were eating some of everything.  I obliged (I am sorry to say.)

Then there was the trip back to our home, a short rest and off to the next service.  Which on this date was back in Neuritis, about 10 miles north of Talara at Mision Cristiana Pan de Vida with Pastor Victor and Vicki Nizama with an emphasis on raising children.  And of course, the evening meal followed with questions and answers about various pastoring problems, etc.  So once again we arrive home after midnight.

Saturday, September 8th:
In the home Church at Talara of Mision Cristiana Pan de Vida, with Pastor Giorgio and Jessica Schiantiareli the day began at 9:00 with the assigned subject for Pastors and Leaders.  I remembered the pastoral admonishment and finally stopped about 12:30 PM – only because I was tired.  They were ready for more.

I thought I had the rest of the day to rest, but rest was not to be the climax for the day.  Chinese food, a short stretching out on my bed and then back to the church for counseling with two families in crisis at the request of both Pastor Giorgio and Pastor Victor after the teaching of marriage and families up-rooted a problem in both families.  And while I was upstairs in the office David Hodges was the speaker for the youth service in the auditorium.

Do not worry, the evening did end with another feast – and on my plate as I sat down was a steak, a large slice of chicken breast and a slice of pork – all Bar-B-Qued and then all the “fixins” surrounding.  YES!  I finished my food!  What could you do?  The host family had been expecting me since last year!  So who am I to disappoint them?  Not me!  Would you?

Sunday, September 9th:
In the morning we were in the home church in Talara for a great Sunday worship experience, then off of a home of a new convert who wanted the privilege of hosting us for a meal.  It was a simple meal, good, tasty and the hospitality was great.  But something topped all of that!  The hostess is faced with kidney dialysis three times each week and I was requested to pray for her.  Then her brother was pointed out to me and I was told he once served Jesus but was not do so now.  I reached out and put my arm around his neck and in less that three minutes he was weeping and returning to Jesus as his lord.  I stepped to my left and laid my hands on their mother and she fell to the floor (something she said would NEVER happen to her) and in the process began to manifest demonic presence.  Not for long – because Jesus delivered her.  I found out she had gone to witches to solicit help for her daughter.  I turned back to the daughter, our hostess, and laid my hands on her again and she too crumbled to the floor.  Later she said she had a burning in the area of her kidneys.  I believe Jesus began the process of restoration and I await the verification from her and her doctor.

A short rest and then the taxi to take us to a special service of a group of pastors who call themselves missionaries.  They have a unique style of ministry and rotate every month to a different church body which they have raised up on various villages.  The place was packed, with standing room only and the doors and windows full of faces.  Simple, humble people who love God and have a desire to reach their people for Jesus.  What more can you ask for? 

The day and evening were completed by joining the leadership team at a local restaurant with more steak and fries (I do not eat the salad when eating out in a restaurant I am not familiar with).  Then we “crashed” into the bed.

Monday, September 10th:
This was our day to wrap up everything, that is pack, and prepare to fly back to Lima at 6:00 PM - we thought!  But while eating dinner we received notice that our plane was departing early so we had to rush, grab our bags, finish the making of CD’s for the pastor and rush to the airport.  We made it and eventually on home to Jicamarca and our wives.

Tuesday - September 11th:
A day to relax, get all belongings ready, finish the last minute details with David and Ceci and eat a special meal fixed by one of their Church families who wanted to do something for us.  However, their home was now under construction and so they brought their Bar-B-Que pit and fixed it at David and Ceci’s.  On the pit was the biggest slice of pork ribs I have ever seen (personally anyway) and they were running over with meat.  I am sure they did not get this pig anywhere close to Jicamarca.  So we had a picnic under the Pergola which was built by Life Church’s last work team earlier this year.

Wednesday - September 12th:
Arise early and head into Lima to drop off our luggage at the home of Roger and Magaly Falcon where we are to live until we both return home.  Then on to Jockey Plaza (not Jockey as in one who rides a horse, but “Jookey) proper for a meal and some shopping – which you know ladies cannot go to town without doing.  Here it is Sodimac replacing Walmart.  Then on to the sight of our next meeting at New Strength, Pastor Agustin and Jessica Ciccia and a session on marriage.  Here we said goodbye to David and Ceci for a while.

And upon arriving I began to notice that something was not right with me. (Stop laughing you did not know that all the time!) Anyway, I refused “AuggieBucks” the replacement of “Starbucks” at the Agustin coffee shop.  Now for me to do that you know something is wrong.  I made it through and even with that we had a great time ministering to several couples. 

Then to my bed.  But since it was now Thursday, let us move to the next day.

Thursday - September 13th:
No sleep was permitted.  I had to sit almost upright in the bed to be comfortable.  My stomach felt like a ride at Disney!  Several pills later and after 6:30 AM I was able to get more comfortable and go to sleep for an hour.  Then the fun began and I will spare you the rest.  Thank God the evening service had been changed by Agustin and I was free to rest and began the reviving process.

Friday - September 14th:
Up still not feeling great, but better.  So we were met by Agustin and Jessica for lunch.  Man what a lunch!  The greatest Chinese place and well – I had to eat soup and rice and drink a tea supposed to bring healing.  I mean isn’t that what they  say about every brand of tea? 

We spent the afternoon with them as they opened their hearts and shared some of the latest happenings in their Church asking our advice on how to proceed.  Because it was an issue regarding misinterpretation of scripture and the problem was caused by outside control of a family within the church, they had called us one month ago and we advise them to do what their leadership team suggested – release, with peace, those with the problem to another church with their family members who had instigated the questions in their minds.  In summary form it was about the place of women in the Church.  Enough said!

The evening was spent with their leadership, which we had installed the previous year when here, and supported their decision and encouraged them in the work of God they had accepted.  It was a great evening and on the way home I almost felt like the Apostle Paul – ALMOST! (I wish he had been there to speak!)

Man the bed felt great and the night began quickly.

So now we are up to date, except for Saturday which will follow in a few hours when it is finished.

Guess WhAT?  Saturday is finished.  We had a tour of Lima today in areas which we had never seen.  We were able to overlook Lima from a high point which provide a view of the Pacific Ocean and look back over the Mira Flores area of Metro-Lima.  Then a trip up the coast to “La Punta” and dinner in the restaurant operated by the Peruvian Navy - well at least the cooks are Navy Cooks.  DELICIOUS!  Nothing more to be said!

Then back home for an hour and off to New Strength where Marilyn spoke to the Ladies, and I prepared for the Youth (Young Adults).  Then back to our bed.

“Maybe” I can now keep you updated daily and you will not be so “full of news” or whatever you call these words.

Love you all and THANKS FOR YOUR PRAYERS – as many indicated on Facebook that they were praying for me.


Dr D and Marilyn

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