Sunday, September 23, 2012


Marriage is now – well I better say – we have completed the marriage seminars for this year.  I was going to say, “over” but I will not say that.

And before I go on, I must make a correction: I stated we were in Independencia at “Prince of Peace” but we were there at “Dulce Refugio” with Pastor Gilberto and Doris Varillas.  How I switched the name is beyond my comprehension, but I have done that for the last two years.  And now back to the report .

Friday, September 21st:
I do I describe the final service?  The final episode of “Love and Marriage” by the youth, a presentation on the Five Love Languages by Marilyn and an inspirational challenge by Dr D (that’s me) of the seven actions Paul speaks about in Ephesians 5:25-30, concluding with a renewal of marriage vows.

Then we sat down to a banquet including a roving Christian singer using love ballads and a Christian songs to inspire the couples.

Then it was off to try to get some sleep, arise and move on to the next ministry opportunity which was scheduled to begin at 9:30 AM.

Saturday, September 22nd:
We spent the day, from 9:30 to 5:30 at Iglesia Centro Cristiano De Avivamiento: Pastor Gustavo & Jenny Rodriquez and our hosts, Roger and Magally Falcon as interpreters (they are also the assistant pastors.) 
Teachings, a question and answer session, another great meal and of course Peruvian fellowship all filled the day with pleasure and an honor to be able to share with God’s people about the foundation of the Church - marriage and family. 

You do know that the first Church was a “family” don’t you?  Anyway, as the families of a Church are strong so is the Church but if they are weak, the Church is weak.  And you are aware that the first attack on the Church was on a family?  Well that was the premise of the day’s teaching.

A quiet evening with the Falcons at Larcamar overlooking the Pacific Ocean while eating an “Evening Tea” concluded the events of the day and provided warmth as we crawled into our beds.

God bless and thanks for your prayers,

Dr D and Marilyn

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