Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday, October 17

This was another busy day in the office – my traveling office. It – my office just seems to follow me everywhere I go. I’ve tried to lose it but it keeps finding me. So I have to utilize it and work it for all its worth. The problem is my secretary. He doesn’t want to work (that “he” is “me”). But when I add a little pressure, such as, “If you don’t the work will pile up and you will never catch up, so get busy!” All it requires is a little pressure and “he” responds.

Now if my computer will respond correctly all will be well. But that is a “horse of a different color.” My keyboard seems to have developed a will of its own. Sometimes it will just automatically erase a couple of sentences, or jump back up (it just did it again) a couple of lines and begin to insert the letters I just typed in previous sentenc(again)e – and then it erased half of the paragraph (but I got it back). It is time to take it to a computer chiropractor and gets it adjusted.

Tonight I taught a group of leaders from Andre and Ira Ivanov’s Church – Abundant Life, and about 12 students of our Kiev College. The subject was “leadership” (how about that since it was a group of leaders – what else do you expect.) Anyway we keyed in on David, his call to leadership and his schooling in Bethlehem, Adullam and Hebron. There are great lessons there, but you will have to attend my class on leadership if you want more. (I know – that’s rotten – but that’s the way I am!)

The trip to the facility where the class is held is the story of the evening. Eugene told me we were leaving at 6:30 but at 6:15 we departed. I always get ready early and expect to leave late – that is the norm. He had to get gas and as he passed the way we normally go I called his attention to the traffic in the lane going the opposite direction – the one we were going to be in after getting gas. So he decided to go a different way – much to our chagrin. The first five blocks went great. Then it stopped – the traffic that is and we would go about five to six car lengths and stop. This continued for twenty minutes and he recognized that we were not going to make it on time. The class started at 7:00, it was not 6:45. So he called and had Roslan (his assistant) alerted.

Seven o’clock came and we were not there. Now I am getting nervous. My assignment was to teach three sessions a group of lectures that normally requires five to six hours anyway. I could prophecy that there was no way now that I would even come close. We arrived at 7:25. Nothing was set up! Plus, I had to set up my computer, hook up my overhead projector to it, unpack my microphones (I carry a wireless unit with two mic – one for me and the other for my interpreter). It always requires a lot of patience when I hand them receiver and ask, “Which set of wires to you need?” I carry a combination that will allow me to hook up to almost any amplifier in various ways.

Finally we - my Ukrainian helpers and me accomplished the task. I was ready! But nothing else was. They had to finish setting up their sound system. Go find a screen. Then when all of that was done, they had to wait to get the video equipment set up. By this time I could have been steaming, but I kept my cool (go ahead and pat me on the back) and waited patiently until I got the high sign. I was just glad they did not take time to have a prayer meeting and worship service as they have in times past.

The blessing of the evening was my interpreter, Luda. She is a piece of dynamite. She will allow me to get started and then while I am talking she begins and keeps up with me and I pause to give her time, but I don’t think she needs it. I think she is has a “time delay mechanism” in her and my words are delayed, stored and then come out her mouth. She doesn’t miss a beat. She was one of two interpreters Marilyn and I had the first time we were in Chernivtsi. I have not had her for a long time and forgot how good she is or has become. Thank God for people like her and my secretary in Chernivtsi who can do likewise. I appreciate them both.

No I did not get finished. I only made it through one and three-quarters of lectures. I felt sorry for those there, but they will all have the ability to get a DVD or CD of the entire lectures. These were recorded about two years ago so they will not miss anything. This is the norm. When I teach a new class, we video it and put it on DVD and CD so that we can bicycle it throughout Ukraine to the various campuses of Zoe University.

We returned home about 10:30 to a cheese omelet Ukrainian style, with chocolate candy and tea to top it off. And now I am writing this blog before I go on-line to check my emails and respond to any that are necessary before I turn in.

Saturday, I have a 3:30 Sunday worship service. Yes I typed it correctly. Many churches meet Saturday. It all depends upon the type of work of the majority of the congregation and the availability of an auditorium for the to use a their sanctuary.

So before I get sleepy and the “z’s” begin to show up in repeated fashion, I sign off with....

God bless and thanks for your prayers,

Dr. D.

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