Thursday, October 2, 2008

Thursday - Chernivtsi, Ukraine

One update to yesterday’s blog: The afternoon was spent with Pastor Dema and Natasha Nemchenko. They came and we fellowshipped with them, shared insights and encouraged them to go forward in faith for the work that God has placed before them. They will begin Sunday services on October 12th with their new congregation – The Light of God’s Love. So remember then in your prayer.

Today began as yesterday – trying to finish out enough sleep to get through the day without yawning while meeting with members of the Body of Christ. But it also had a unique twist. Taking a shower-bath with two quarts of water! You read it correctly!

When the hot water tank has opted to quit and the new one has not arrived and you have not had a bath in two days you will find a way too get the clean feeling. That is just part of the excitement of traveling abroad and staying in the home of God’s people. I would just as soon have this minor inconvenience than stay in hotel. You get closer to the people by living with them and experiencing life with them on their terms.

This afternoon and evening from 1:00- 9:00 was spent in personal and apostolic ministry. First, we were with Vika Kosovan and her children. The two younger children (Igor and Rostislava) have really grown and Alena has become a beautiful teen graduate. It is always a pleasure to have fellowship with them and to talk about what God is doing in Vika’s life. She is moving forward and we believe into a greater ministry from the Lord. And she certainly is an excellent cook. In fact we sat down immediately to eat and it seems we ate all the time we were there.

At 4:30 we were taken to a meeting with Pastor Vitaliy and Ira Pavalenko and his leadership. After eating a delicious meal at a table spread with enough food for three times the number present, we were bombarded with question on how to establish the church with proper guidelines and a Biblical foundation. The hunger and eagerness of those leaders were presented a platform for Marilyn and I to teach from the Word and share from our experiences. And of course who can eat at a Ukrainian’s table without some “Chi,” Ukrainian chocolate candy and pastries. So we left, full of food, fellowship and with the lingering of laughter from the time with God’s people.

Dr. D. & Marilyn

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