Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tuesday/Wednesday, October 7-8

It is time to update and this is Wednesday here but actually Tuesday’s Blog. Why? Because I finally used up all my Svit-On-Line time. I have not added any time to my account since November of 06 so I guess it was time for it to hit the bottom of the barrel.

We spent the part of the time yesterday determining what we “had” to take with us to Donetsk. That is after I did the laundry. Yes, you got the pronoun right - “I”! Because I understand the machines and their method of operation. Anyway we accomplished the task and have reduced the luggage for this trip to two suitcases - one each and our carry-ons. It was a monumental task but satisfactorily completed.

We had a lunch-dinner (I am not sure what to call it because it was at 2:00) fellowship - encouragment time with Pastor Vadim and Inna Uruymagov. Inna is believing God to deliver her from a very aggressive form of breast cancer. Her biggest struggle seems to be the emotional pressure and harassment of the accuser, not the physical though she does have pain from time to time.

They were in the United States, Florida, and to be exact - Lakeland for three weeks in July. The first service they attended after arriving in the US - at a Church in the Orlando area - a man of God called them out and told her that she would not die from that which was attacking her. They had never met. Their first time in the service and he was a guest speaker. He was also the last pastor to speak to them about the situation and again restated what he had said and added that there was much more for her to accomplish for the Lord. They attended the revival in Lakeland where many others they met shared the same message from the Lord.

Her husband said that she now preaches better than he and with greater anointing than before. You can see and hear the work of God that is going on in both of them as they have come to recognize that there is more to life than life! They said that they have been able to “release life” from their own control and have grasped hold of God more than at anytime before.

Lena the wife of Eugene Taits, who is our host and the Dean of International Institute of Theology - Zoe (Covenant Life University here in Ukraine) is ill with a chest congestion/cold, etc. Remember her in prayer.

It seems that IIT-Zoe is attracting the attention of many Russian speaking pastors from other countries of Europe: France, Germany, Italy, and Israel is about to re-open, and a Church in Moscow. So everything is moving forward.

Wednesday at 5:30 we leave the apartment here and journey to the train station for a twelve hour over-night ride to Donetsk where we begin with a Thursday evening service in a Rehabilitation Center. Marilyn and I each have a service Friday evening - she with the Pastor’s wives and me with the Pastors and leaders. Saturday seminars at 10 and 2 and then three services on Sunday - 9, 11 and 5.

God bless and thanks for your prayers.

Dr. D. & Marilyn

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