Sunday, November 15, 2009


Sunday: November 16, 2009

Good sleep and an early rise make for a tired body by 9:15 PM. It is only amplified by the seven hour time difference.

Since this is Sunday – I went to Church, Abundant Life pastored by Andrey and Inna Ivanov, even though I did not have any scheduled service to minister the Word. I went just to worship and gain more strength for the battle that lies ahead. The battle is with the “spirit of infirmity,” namely, “the spirit of cancer and death.”

About 2:30 my ride arrived and we journeyed across the river to the home of Vadim and Inna Urumyagov. Inna was sleeping when I arrived so I found a place in the eldest son’s bedroom and began to work of some files I brought with me to see if every document was already on my computer and necessary. If so, then I updated the current file with any notes on my papers. Then it was “file 13" for the balance. It is amazing how few printed pages are necessary and can be discarded.

When Inna stirred I then spent a couple of hours praying in her room. She is very weak and cannot talk above a whisper and has to receive some Oxygen in the evenings for a few minutes to help her lungs breath so she can sleep. For this reason, the window is open allowing in the winter and damp winds. She cannot do anything for herself and so the burden falls on her husband and boys.

YET! There is faith in the air. There are plans for the future being made even now as they express their faith in the power of Jesus Christ to heal. I have not heard one whisper of negative words or complaining because of what they are going through..

It is wearisome, but you can hear the appreciation in their words.

And I spent some 30-40 minutes just allowing Vadim to vent and share some concepts for future ministry.

I had noticed on Saturday when I stopped by from the airport that the kitchen no longer had and cabinets and all the dishes were stacked on a shelf, and that when it was time to wash some dish or spoon that the individual do it would go to the bathroom. So this evening I asked 10 million dollar questions that you do not need to ask, but just to be sure you do! You know, “Are you selling your furniture to get finances to survive?” You guessed it! “YES,” came the response and I did not press for anything else.

Inna is going through the physical, spiritual and emotional strain but Vadim is also going through the same and as well as is his wife. It requires ministry but from a different point of view based on who you are and God’s directive.

I returned back to my place of abode and a tasty Ukrainian meal. Now to stop this and get to sleep, even though it is only 9:30 PM because I found my brain had stopped and my eyes were shut at least three times and you should have seen what my hands had typed! Words? Yes, but they did not make any sense and seemed to change subjects abruptly.

Please continue to stand in faith with me for Inna’s deliverance.

With love,

Dr D

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