Saturday, November 21, 2009


Saturday, November 21

Today I ministered to New Time Church, the Church pastored by Vadim and Inna. You could feel the pain and stress they are experiencing. They were much more solemn than at any time previously. Frankly, it was a battle but at then end I know the there was a communication from the Spirit to them.

They still face some emotional struggles with the possibility that their pastor will turn the reigns over to another man for a period of time, if not permanently. No one can say what is ahead. Though he is a shepherd, his first concern is his wife and family. They must be his priority and that is where Vadim is focusing.

So, continue to pray with us and for the Urumyagov family and New Time Church.

We are facing a countdown! There is not much more the physical body undergo naturally. We recognize that the hour is ripe for the display of God’s power in her life. This is the “hour of faith!” Though we cannot see more than the natural, the physical, we rejoice because we do not walk by sight, but by faith!

Sunday will be a busy day. I will minister the Word at Abundant Life, make a quick trip to the Borispol airport and a one-hour flight to Chernivtsi and minister the Word in the evening.

Monday I have several appointments to give guidance and encouragement and then fly back to Kiev Tuesday, arriving at 6:00 PM and spend the evening praying with Vadim and Inna. I will be in contact by phone with them every few hours.

Please maintain your prayers for them,

Dr D

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