Sunday, October 24, 2010


Sunday, October 17th - Saturday, October 23rd

Sunday, two services, one at the home church of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church, with Pastor Jorge and Janine Watanabee, here in Elio, a region of the greater Lima Metropolitan Area and the other in the evening at Jicamarca, Iglesia Vida with David and Ceci Hodges.

Allyson and David did the Children’s service while I handled the adults with David Hodges doing the interpreting for me. We both had a great day and the Word was planted in the hearts of the people.

David and Ceci had taken David’s mother to the airport at 5:30 in the morning, so they came to the apartment here in Elio. David assisted me while Ceci and the boys took an extended night’s sleep to make up for that which was lost by having to get up so early to go to the airport.

Then we went to a local mall for dinner and journeyed on to David’s home for a service as short time after arrival there.

Hey I must stop and finish this later because my taxi has arrived – you see this is Thursday and I have just finished 5 hours of video work and must get back to Jicamarca in order to speak at 7:30 this evening. I will pick up where I left off when I return, but when that is – is the question.

This is Sunday the 24th and I, Marilyn, am going to add to this to get something out to all of you.

We have not been at a place to have extended time on the Internet with our computers. All communication has been with our iPhones in public places. That is why communication has been sketchy.

David and Allyson have done very well. They, not only, have used all the material they prepared to work with children but have volunteered to do additional services. I have been very proud of them as they have stepped up to the plate to minister here in Peru.

I think they were pretty wide eyed at the conditions but kids are very adaptable and they have done fine with all the dust, dirt and inconvenience. We are sharing a very small space with just enough room to walk to our beds behind a wall of curtains. Ally commented that she wished we had more privacy but that just isn’t always a commodity we have while traveling.

I don’t believe they have ever seen so much dirt and dust except when we camp and as Ally said, she doesn’t like to camp. :-) It is a challenge to keep things clean and dust free. AND, the same kind of care we take in cooking and dish washing just isn’t a part of life overseas - unless it is in Western Europe.

The kids have never complained about being bored - which has surprised me but they have found plenty of things to keep them busy.

We came into Lima two days this week. They did shopping on the first day and then we visited the National Museum of Ancient Art and Culture. It was very interesting although David Kelley is the one who enjoys History and he found it especially interesting. The kids and the two David’s visited the 6th floor which was the History of Terrorism in Peru. Terrorism was prevalent until after the year 2000.

One ministry that is opening up to David in Jicamarca is to the gangs. These are not seasoned criminals but young people 13 and up who are getting into this lifestyle. Of course, if they do not find salvation and hope in Christ they will become seasoned criminals. They have been in every service, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday as well as coming by from time to time to have conversation with David. Truly, the harvest is plentiful in Jicamarca.
This has been a wonderful time with our grandchildren. We feel blessed to have had this opportunity for them to share in our ministry and to spend this special time with them.

Thanks for your prayers.

It is “I” again! Dr D
- the evening service is over, the second service today and I am exhausted. We had a great service this morning with Pastor Agustin and Jessica Ciccia and again God displayed His power with healing in the bodies of believers.

After a stop a McDonalds for lunch (Marilyn, Allyson and David and Rosita, Ceci’s niece who went along to interpret for Allyson’s and David’s ministry to children (I had a special Peruvian sandwich at Nuevas Fuerzas [Pastor Agustin’s church] – honestly I had two – and was full) we made it back to Jicamarcs at 3:00 - leaving enough time to catch a nap and then finish preparation of a PowerPoint illustrated sermon on the Battle To Enter The Kingdom of God.

And so we have completed all ministry for this trip and will just do some wrap up things, then pack and head for the airport and the trip back home. That journey begins Tuesday with departure on Wednesday morning early for Marilyn, Allyson and David and then I leave very early Thursday morning (12:29 AM)

However we will post at least one more to finish the account of this trip.

God bless.

Dr D, Marilyn, Allyson and David

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