Friday, August 5, 2011


I now can update you regarding our First Week! I finally have WiFi and the time to Blog – so hang on because here we goooooooooooooooooo..............

Our flight to Peru went without a hitch! In fact, because I had checked in on-line Wednesday evening - just in chance it would be viable – it was – and it allowed us to get through check-in without having our carry-on bags weighed. That was super! Why? Because they were over-weight!

We did draw the red light in Peru and had to take all our bags and run them through the scanner. No problems except for my carry-on and my projector. I had to argue to keep from listing it with customs. I had a problem the last time but the “judge” said it was to old to require being listed. But every inspector has different ideas. She allowed me to go on and told me to be sure and list it the next time. OK!

Friday, July 29th:
Sleep In! We did not get to bed until after 4 AM due to unpacking, talking, eating and other things - whatever that is! Therefore Friday was a day of rest to some degree.

Saturday, July 30th:
It was time to get busy - so I swung into action! Well, after once again sleeping until 10 – but only because we tend to stay up late and talk with David and Ceci. But since there was to be a service Saturday evening I did get busy, prepare and preach. Probably the highlight of the evening was setting up the wireless microphone system I brought to give to David. You should have seen his face when he was able to talk without hold a mic!

Sunday, July 31st:
Well, what can I say about Sunday? Everyone with any sense knows what to do on Sunday. You go to Church and worship! So we did! Even though I had to preach I went happily.

The Sunday service is generally at 5:00 PM, but because of the large amount of work that has had to be done on the wall, they are hold their service at 10:30 AM. It really worked out good because it allowed us to take David and Ceci downtown to Lima proper. They have been under a lot of pressure and they were able to relax and eat some Pizza with great fellowship. (Everyone knows that when you are in my presence, there is great fellowship! Well, there is fellowship anyway, regardless of what you are thinking! I’ll get even with you later!).

We finally found our way home about 9:30 PM, ate some popcorn, used our jaws to jabber for a while and then crashed for the night.

Monday, August 1st:
It was a day of victory for me! I finally drove a vehicle in Peru! If you have never been here you would not understand. But IF you have, then you know about such a victory. Well, honestly, I did not drive that far, but it was a victory anyway. I ran a couple of errands for David so he could complete his project without being delayed.

We packed for our next excursion - the 7th National Convention of Ministerios Cristianos El Camino and prepared to leave at 7:45 AM to meet Marco Aroni at his house. No I was not driving, David was.

Tuesday, August 2nd - Friday, August 5th:

These days began with an early departure from Jicamarca; meeting Marco at his house; meeting Agustin Ciccia - who was my interpreter for the 7th National Convention of El Camino and then driving two hours north west of Lima into the mountains - a climb to about 5,000 feet. And even though that isn’t high, you would notice the altitude when walking up from the dinning hall to our room.

I will not say much about the speaker, because if I do, you will think I am biased (and I would be) but – well I will go on to other things. So all I can say is, if the words shared upon departure were any indication, we – Marilyn and I – were well accepted (our ministry to the people). Pastor Walter who had extended the invitation indicated this morning that all the pastors in attendance rated this annual meeting as the best they have had – Word wise.

Our accommodation were specifically planned. They had our beds – bottom bunks – made with new sheets and pillow cases and a heavy warm wool blanket. They also installed a “widow-maker” hot water unit in the shower so we would not have to take COLD showers. For those of you who have traveled abroad, particularly in Central and South America you know the type of shower I am talking about.

This one had bare wires stuck into the receptacle just below the light switch on the door jam as you entered the rest room. But it was certainly “warm” and prevented the shock and screams created by the cascading of very, very cold water upon the frame of one’s body.

Our quarters was a separate building with two bedrooms, each with three bunks, a large entry room with a conference size table and of course the shower/toilet. On a small table we found containers of water, a flash light and some Styrofoam cups. And having taken my supply of Starbucks with me, I was all set.

One thing I do know and that is: We will be receiving invitations to take Pacto de Vida (Covenant Life University) to Ecuador and Chile and with that opportunities for ministry.

One pastor, just before giving his report, began to share an prophetic word which in summary stated that in the next five years, Pacto de Vida would have extensive growth and impact many more nations and with that would come an outside source of finances which would extend our personal ministry to many more pastors and churches. I was not prepared to record the word, but I hope to contact that pastor and see if he can recall the word he shared .

Three of the pastors present were from Van Nuys, CA. They are officers in the organization. Pastor Walter Villajuan, the Peruvian leader, told Marco the US leaders checked me out via goggle and FBI. Marco chucked when he said this. But who knows? It may be wisdom to do it! There are many charlatans around today. Anyway, we enjoyed the connections and the opportunity to share God’s Word with all present.

Anyway! Here we are back in Lima at Pastor Agustin Ciccia’s home, awaiting his special spaghetti and if I am not mistaken, they went to the market to purchase Ceviche (a Peruvian raw fish dish) for me to eat. My mouth is watering in anticipation. Do you want to join me?

O yes! The food was good at the convention.

Now it is time to complete our business here in Lima and then meet David and Ceci at Metro. They came into town to get some food items not available where they live.

So until I can get back on-line – just re-read this. You may be surprised what you find the second time that you missed the first time!

God bless, and thanks for your prayers.

Dr D and Marilyn

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