Tuesday, May 7, 2013

UKRAINE MINISTRY BLOG 8 - Location: Khmelnitskiy - Dawn of Life

Sometimes life is confusing!  Ever have that feeling!

I am happy that I have finished the first stage of my ministry at Dawn of Life in Khmelnitskiy, Ukraine, but I am sad that it is over for, even if I will be returning June 4-10.  Returning?  Yes to complete the final phase of the “next phase” of helping them to move forward into the destiny God has for this Church family.

Tonight we has a pleasant time of sharing with leadership as we sat on a couch on stage and the leaders sat at tables eating fruit, drinking juice, water, tea or coffee while munching on sweets (cookies and chocolate).  This relaxed atmosphere helped as we focused on the subject: “Balancing Ministry and Family Life. 

We did not “preach” but shared from our experience the need for believers to fulfill the ministry Jesus left to us but to do it in such a way that our family was the focal point to begin and then to move out from there.

When you read Paul’s instructions to Timothy and Titus about Church Leadership you must recognize that family life and relationships is the first basis for consideration of anyone to fulfill the position of an Elder.  That being true, then the first ministry we have is to our family.  As we start here the door is open for others to see and behold the working of God in our life and in the lives of those who are the closest to us.  That makes our testimony the most effective.

OOPPPSSS!  I better stop preaching!

Anyway, we concluded a successful time here and tomorrow we move by train to our next assignment.  We depart at 2:02 PM and I get off at 5:30 AM in Armyansk to spend four days of ministry there teaching a Graduate Class on Hermeneutics and then concluding on Sunday morning.  Marilyn and Corina Kudin (I mentioned about her in Blog #7) go on to Simferopol where they are met by Jason who will arrive about 2 hours after they do.  Pastor Yuri Kyzmin and Gala will meet them and be their host through Sunday and then deliver them to the retreat site, Equator, in the village of Olenivka on the west of Crimea directly on the Black Sea.  I will join them there Sunday evening and will be able to rest until Tuesday evening.

I am not sure about our ability to get on the Web when we arrive at the Equator Resort.  But I will tell you more as I get the correct information.

Until we meet again by Blog,

God bless and continue to pray.  Much good has been taking place.


Dr D and Marilyn

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