Thursday, May 26, 2011

CHERNIVTSI MINISTRY: Wednesday: May 25th

Up at and “at-em”— not quite! It did take some time to get to sleep after getting in so early in the morning, so I did what any good man would do – I slept in! But I did have a 12:00 appointment with Vika Kosovan – some of you will know her, but for the sake of others – she is the wife of a pastor with whom we once had a close relationship but has been cast aside. We keep in fellowship to encourage and support her in this hour of her life. She is a precious lady and we love her much.

Then it was back home – to the home of Oksana and Tolik Smertina. Oksana is the interpreter/secretary that works for us here in Ukraine. And of course they are my hosts when I return to Chernivtsi.

Tonight we served in the Cell Group Meeting of Vitaliy Pavelenko. Vitaliy is the assistant pastor of Word of Life. It was a good meeting and nothing is better than the fellowship with God’s people, after breaking the Word. It was interesting. I was led by the Lord to share a teaching on “The Broken Vessel” which shares how a potter repairs a vessel that cracked during the heating process. Why? That was the question.

It wasn’t until we were about half way through the worship time when a friend of Vitaliy’s, one he had invited many times but did not come, entered the apartment. He is unsaved. When I saw him the Lord quickened my heart and let me know he was the reason for the message, although it had a strong connection for all believers, it was a very non-threatening message for the only unsaved person in the room.

Right now I am enjoying a late night cup of Ukrainian Decaf Coffee with my favorite addition: When I finish this and get it delivered to you, I will crash and prepare for another day. I never know what schedule a new day will hold. Sometimes the schedule changes daily and sometimes two or three times in one day.

Good night – I mean have a good afternoon and evening. It is 11:00PM here so whatever time it is for you, have a blessed day.


Dr D

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