Sunday, May 29, 2011

Peru 2011 - Marilyn & LTI Students - Blog #1

It is Friday morning and the students are preparing for Ministry at a local school. This has been the FIRST opportunity we have had to write a blog and no one has been on the Internet as the only way we can do that is to have David or Ceci help us on their computer. So I am hoping that we can get this out today.

We arrived without big problems. David’s dad had made him Beef Jerky - and because the student that was carrying it got a “red light” going through customs and her bag was x-rayed, they investigated her bag and especially the jerky. By rights, she could have confiscated it as it was not labeled. After questioning, she allowed it to go through but next time we will have to re-think how it can be sent.

We arrived at the Hogdes just after mid-night, unloaded all the bags and made preparations for bed. There are four dogs and they were barking and they were the “alarm” that woke Jason and Dylon up at 7:00am although they could have slept later. We ate breakfast at nine and started working.

Elevation Church from Ft. Myers was here two weeks ago to complete some work in the Chruch Building. They built the platform area, two offices/study rooms and a nursery with dry wall, dry wall mud and sanding. The people of the Church had sanded and painted last week BUT the clean-up had not taken place so that was our job to accomplish. This was not a simple task as things had NOT been covered and not a lot of care was taken to keep things clean. It was obvious that the task to complete everything and get it done in a short amount of time was the primary concern.

With the three rooms that were built also came much needed attic/storage space. It had been decided what would go in each area and the we moved things to the right areas and the boys put everything in the attics. It seemed a monumental amount of “stuff” to be stored. It is hard to believe that just three years ago - only a shell of a house was here and David and Ceci didn’t even have furniture - to now, where there are three attic rooms of things that have to be stored and a fully equipped and furnished house, Church kitchen, class rooms and Church. God’s blessing is evident not only in the physical buildings that have been established but in the growth of the Church and the people as well (more about that later). To God be the glory!!

All of this has happened through relationships and teams that have come to help. In addition to Elevation Church, Honoring the Father Ministries from Ocala brought the Church building in a shipping container and erected it as well as bring school furnishing, tables and chairs and a multitude of other things. Teams from Life Church and others have also been a part of the process.

We didn’t finish working until 9:00pm (and the work wasn’t completed) and we were all ready for our beds and a good night’s rest. Up and at breakfast at 8:30 and started another long day. The gals working on the cleaning and the guys using pick axes to turn the dirt and dig trenches for an irrigation system in the courtyard which still has to be completed.

The gals mopped and remopped - washed chairs and rewashed chairs and arranged everything for service last night. Although I had decided everyone would quit working at 5:00 to have a little time before service - there was much to do and it just didn’t happen so they used what little time they to get cleaned up and ready for service.

Service - what an awesome time. First to see the Children of the Church leading in worship, praying and welcoming us as well as sharing what they have learned from God’s Word. One big change I saw was the majority of the people were here on time. What a change from the beginning when NO ONE would be here at starting time but the Hodges and their extended family. The people entered in, were receptive engaged. It was beautiful!

Emily shared in worship and prayer and Jason and Dylon did a “tag-team preaching” on being a Disciple. They all did a great job. Debie was on the schedule to share her testimony but somehow in the shuffle of things - it didn’t happen.

After service we shared with the people, had a snack and made preparations for today. I think all of us fell into bed well after 11:00. Maybe you have an idea why we haven’t had time to write and let me add - David and Ceci have worked right along with us and they haven’t been on the Internet either.

Saturday Morning -

As you can see - we did not have an opportunity to get on the Internet yesterday. There is no way to adequately explain the busyness of our days. We left for ministry in a school yesterday morning at 9:00 and were gone until after one. That gave the students just enough time to prepare for the Children’s Retreat that started yesterday afternoon. They boys didn’t get into bed until midnight and it was later for the girls. We have been busy and I am going to let the students tell you about their experiences.

Hi, my name is Jason Edouard. Fort Myers... um where do I start? I embarrassed myself at the airport, several times. Dylon almost left behind a carry on bag in Miami airport, the lady working there pretty much insulted his intelligence for doing so. Copa airlines is much better than spirit. I guess I abused my privileges because one flight attendant told another not to serve us anymore :( Can you blame me for being hungry? And thirsty? We reached Peru finally and encountered international resistance...not really, I guess the lady just had never seen beef jerky before because she searched the bag because of that. We arrived at David and Cecis and met the biggest dog in the history of doghood. His name is Big John. He eats stray dogs for lunch and dinner. He prefers a vegetarian breakfast though. Good thing Katie Galante did not travel with us this year lol. Ministry has been great. The children appreciate us they, they even sang a song to us in English. “Thank you brother for giving to the Lord” it was tight. The church looks great, the food is amazing. Im going to eat breakfast now. Hi Bethany Wolff, I miss you :)

Dylon here reporting from Peru. It has been a fantastic first four days and I hope all that has happened already is a sign of things to come on the rest of the trip. Obviously, and I’m sure as others have told you, we arrived safely, on time and went through customs smoothly. The bus ride from the airport to Jicamarca was just as exciting as last year with a tint of cold in the air.

Day one began with much work to be done in the church. A team was here just before us adding offices and a nursery to the already existing church. There were many finishing touches to be added including sanding, painting, organizing and eliminating the thick layer of dust that had accumulated from plaster and the beast of the air in Jicamarca- dust. Day two continued with labor as we served Pastor David and Sessi in the garden and la iglesia. I got to use a pickaxe for the very first time, outside of a video game, and it was an exciting job at first. Putting your back into it has a whole new level of meaning for me. The dirt in Jicamarca is... dry to say the least. Tilling the top layer and working through the tough rocks was a job in itself. Pastor David takes great pride in the health and color of his plants that requires much hard work. Jason and I were glad to offer ourselves in assistance to him.

We worked until about 5 on day two and then began to prepare for dinner and a mid-week service to be held on that evening at 7:30. Well, that’s the time we thought it would start. It was at this point we realized that every clock around the house and on our mobile devices was completely incorrect. I’ve read about experiments that have been done involving people living in a completely closed off area with no sunlight or clocks for them to use as a guide and observing their habits. Let me just say this- even with the sun shining brightly I have no idea what time it is. I’m always ready to eat though it may be hours before an appropriate time and I’m exhausted for bed by 9:30, which I could swear is really 1 in the morning.

Jason and I preached that evening on the topic of discipleship. I told Jason before the service that I felt like this trip would really be a time for me to flow and the service was a reflection of that. While I had notes, I really only used these for my scriptures and I spoke more from heart than I ever have before. Thank God he put many thoughts for me to address. While I do not want to use a congregation’s agreement with me as a measure of my success, this was the case and Pastor David said it was a very in-season word for the church as they continued to grow and finally had an “official” church building. I was glad for the confirmation of the Word that God had given to me.

Currently, I am sitting in a McDonald’s hogging the computer from both Debie and Emily who need to add to this, so I will have to write about Day 3 tomorrow. We took about 16 of the kids from Iglesia Vida on a special trip into the city for a treat. They got here and immediately jumped straight to the playground. They are currently enjoying the toys and hamburgers that came in their happy meals and this has been a great win for just loving on them and letting them know that we care and there is a church where we come from who also cares. I should also note, that the money to pay for this trip was donated by God’s Army who has been raising money for several months (they gave us over $300!) So a great thanks to them, Marcy Shaw, and the parents at home who teach their kids the importance of giving and the necessity of hard work through the means of allowance.

I am learning the love of Christ more and more every day and that is only increased by my time spent in Peru. Pastor David is a great example to me and the people here are so accepting of what we have to offer them. I love you all back home and am praying for you as you pray for me. Hey Mom, WHERE’S MY EMAIL?!


Hi everyone... WE’RE IN PERU! I just had to get that out. I guess it’s time to recap on everything that has happened and I apologize in advance if I leave anything out. Heading out of Ft. Myers I had a great idea of arriving early to make sure everything was done with enough time and of course I was the last one to arrive. (No bueno!) Heading to Miami I began to setting to mood with a little singing which quickly stop when the question was brought up by Jason if I was going to do that the whole way. HA LOL. I love that kid. Once we arrived to Miami we checked in and had lunch. Thanks Kelle (mom) for lunch it was good. D got a little upset though because I got Doritos and he didn’t. We won’t tell him it’s because you love me more :). Before we went through security we were given about 7 packs a travel size pringles because “they weren’t allowed through” we had no problem and we had snacks the whole ride to Peru. In between Florida and Peru, Jason made a friend who was 14 if I’m not mistaken who he spoke with most of the time. When we arrived to Peru, Jason Deb and I all got pulled aside and our bags checked because of the beef Jerky that David Hodges mom I guess packed for him.( It only took about 30 mins of our time away from getting to the house... but it’s OK) :) It was great to be back here. I didn’t think I would miss it as much as I did. God is good! There are so many things that have changed since the last time I was here. There are more buildings, more lights, Iglesia Vida is beautiful!!!! God has truly opened the windows of heaven and poured out his blessing over Jicamarca.

The our first two days here we were able to serve in the church by cleaning up and finishing up the things that needed to be done so that we would be able to hold service in the church with it actually picked up and put together. The room where the courses for CLU are taken if complete with tables, chairs, tv and a computer. David’s office is also done. The food has been amazing and we have been blessed with having our meals prepared by sister Maria which is Ceci’s sister.

Jason and Dylon shared an amazing message that seemed to be the perfect word for where the people of Iglesia Vida are. They spoke on being disciples of God and what all of that entails.

At the moment we are at Mcdonalds. I’m not done so this will be continued but we really just wanted to be able to post something to keep you guys updated. Debie and I will be adding more details about everything that has happened on the blog that will be posted on Monday. We love and miss everyone one back home. Thank you for all the prayers!!!

1 comment:

gayl'e said...

I loved reading all of your blogs.. by the way we are so sorry for the beef jerky.. but I know you seen Daveys face when you gave it to him.. THat in it self was a blessing right.. :-) and we do thank you for taking it to him.. Davey's papa has laughed so hard at you guys ... And thank you for Loving our family in Peru.. God Bless Gayle Hodges (Daveys mom)