Thursday, April 23, 2009


My evening assignment had been cancelled and I looked forward to the first day that I did not have to go someplace, travel somewhere, or speak. But the guests from California at last night’s cell group meeting brought that to a close. But when the invitation was first made I thought okay, it will be a nice quiet evening at a nice restaurant. Wrong! But right!

It was a quiet day. I could sleep late. Get around in a lazy manner and still accomplish what I needed to do. A quick walk for a few blocks to get some needed food items, some AAA batteries and a quick lunch. That was okay. Then time to stretch out on the bed and relax while watching Dr. Quinn - Medicine Woman. A few winks of shut eye. OK!

Then a taxi ride to Reflection - a nice Ukrainian restaurant with English menus a meal with the Barkers (Richard and Jane) from California. Quiet! The restaurant was. But it was easy to tell that the family was homesick to talk with fellow North Americans. And talk they did. Three hours later we loaded ourselves into two separate taxis and headed back home.

Now do not get me wrong. It was a VERY interesting evening. The Barkers are dedicated believers as opposed to those we sometimes call Christians by name only. They are committed and would make any pastor ecstatically happy to have in the Church. Their life history unfolded as the evening progressed. From the early days with a Catholic background, a first generation US citizen from Brazil for Richard and a Mormon background for Jane to their faith in Jesus and learning how to live for Him. Not just live for Him, but live and serve as Kings dedicated to serving others.

I heard about their business – just seven years old but able to support them and employ 32 people. And then there is Richard’s snow-tubing accident that paralyzed him for a period of time and left him with no feeling in his legs and a right arm that is dysfunctional. But who finds his greatest joy in being able to be involved in ministry to hurting families and missions at home and abroad. In fact, because of the success of his business he is able to go and do what he wants, when he wants and still see his business function without him because not only did he hire and train capable workers, but led them to Christ and discipled them. Now with five children of their own, they are here in Chernivtsi, Ukraine adopting three teen age boys.

Quiet a story. Yes, there wasn’t the full restful day that I desired, but it was a great day and an opportunity to see real Christians at their best even though I had to travel to Ukraine to meet them.

Isn’t it interesting that God has his special people doing special things in special places – maybe not in the palaces of kings, but brought by Him for “such a time as this.” Even YOU!

God bless and thanks for praying. (and reading this blog.)

O yes! The cancellation of tonight’s teaching was rescheduled today for tomorrow night! Praise God! It gave me the privilege of spending the evening with the Barkers.

Dr D

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