Monday, April 13, 2009


An early start and a late finish! That sums up the day!

I had to leave the house at 8:00 for a 10:00 service (waiting one and one-half hours for them to get set up, etc.). Then preaching the Word, prophesying, praying and receiving one into the kingdom (but after talking to the pastor this may have been a “set-up” instigated by a man the church to cover-up the fact that his daughter is moving to Malaysia and marrying an unbeliever, so he was instructed to come to the altar and pray this morning.)

This was all joy and exciting. The real work began at 3:00 PM, after dinner. The pastor and his wife began to pour out their hearts to me. Let me put it this way, it was so impacting that my interpreter was seen wiping her eyes! I even had a hard time to keep from becoming emotional.

It all began with them telling me about the two pastors with whom they had a close relationship and trusted in the past but who have divorced their wives so they can no longer respect as spiritual leaders. They then talked about other well-known pastor profess to want to help pastors and churches if they will join their association. However, in time there is no help evident and they are expected to send money monthly to be part of the association and to attend their yearly conventions which cost these local pastors about one month’s salary to attend – there has been no concern except for expecting them to send money and attend.

Then I heard about the night they were awakened to see fire higher than a four story house and be told that someone had set their car on fire. Shortly thereafter, people in their church began to complain because he was so busy trying to reach and help children and youth that he had no time for them. But when he had time they had nothing to say.

Then his wife fell down the stairs and broke her leg so severely, that it was only hanging on by flesh. Murmuring and complaining continued among the people. One day the pastor discovered that his hearing was almost completely gone in one ear. Now he cannot talk on the phone because he cannot understand anything, so how can he talk with his people. He cannot attend any conferences because he cannot understand what is being said. His only comfort is talking to his animals – pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, and a goat.

Some “spiritual friends” or at least they think they are, told him that God punishing him for some sin. It sounds like he has had a visit from Job’s friends. That is why his car was burned, his wife broke her leg and he lost his hearing. The even told him that they knew he and his wife would soon divorce because he had been so close to the other pastors. Now mind you – these are people to whom he is given his life when no one else cared for their souls.

He is so tired of hearing about how successful some pastors are – well how much they brag about what they are doing that he does not want to be around any except for a few who come to visit him. He told me that he has no one to whom he can talk or share his personal struggles but his wife. He just wants to be able to sit down and talk pastor to pastor and be able to be honest and open his heart and allow his friends to really be friends so they can help each other.

He finally says, “I do not know if I should remain as pastor, turn the church over to another pastor or just walk away. I am so tired and discouraged I do not know what to do.”

As they talk you know that soon the question will be, “What should I do?” You know you cannot tell him what to do because he must hear that from God. But you also know that you are here at this time by divine providence because you tried and tried to schedule these four open days, but all options fell through. You recognize that your task is to assist him in such a way that the revelation about what to do comes through him so that in the future he can rely on the knowledge that he is doing what God spoke to him. So you begin to ask questions to guide him in that self-discovery. You know in your mind that this is going to take all the days that you have, but somehow you must open up and share some of the trauma from your past so they will know you understand and feel their pain. You begin and after a while you stand, place your arms around them and begin to heave, groan and weep with their pain as you hear them weeping in your arms. Their sixteen year old daughter walks in and seeing tears in her eyes, you reach out and take her in your arms and hold her as you pray for her also.

You go to your room and search your heart and call out to God for help in the next four days that will give them direction for the future.

Sitting here reflecting on the events of the day, I recognize God’s hand in delaying my visit to Crimea the past two years. I am here at His time, for His people – all by Divine Providence. In fact, it is only the providence of God that I have this opportunity for ministry in Ukraine – a Joseph experience. All of this because what I thought was a traumatic experience and the devil meant for evil, God intended it for God.

Here in Ukraine! Two pastors going through traumatic experiences! I am here to stand beside them. O God help me to be Your arms, Your voice, Your flesh on this earth at this time to Your people to whom I have been sent!

Thank you Life Church for sending me!

Dr D

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