Saturday, April 25, 2009


That describes this day. Seven and one-half hours of fellowship with food and those beloved in Christ. It all began at 1:00 and ended at 9:30. But it was enjoyable and profitable.

My first meeting was with Vika Kosovan and her children. It is always a pleasure to spend time with them. Everyone is moving forward and you can see and hear the healing that has taken place in Vika. She is content with what God is doing currently in her life. She recognizes that there is coming another day when that which has been birthed in her by the Holy Spirit will be manifest. But for now she wait on the Lord and marvels at the way He brings to pass what she had been praying about.

Then I grabbed a quick stretch on the bed – without the benefit of sleep – but an enjoyable time before I jumped up and hurried down the stairs to meet the waiting car outside. After discovering that the choice restaurant of the evening was not accepting the hungry because of a private party was occupying the entire facility we returned to our choice of one year ago and enjoyed the entire room to ourselves. That was nice because we could just be ourselves and talk about the things of God without any interruptions and the sound of voices interfering with out conversation.

So the time of imparting into the life of Pastor Vitaliy and Ira Pavlenko was special. We dealt with such subjects as how to help in the counseling process of a couple who are having marital problems and are impacting others; how to share the Word with a meek and quiet spirit when you see people heading in the wrong direction without putting them on the defensive; how to walk in unity with other pastors of the city when there are doctrinal differences and other topics vital to a pastor in the first years of his ministry.

Now to complete the editing and burning of video discs of the college class in Armyansk and also the audio of the same class. I also try to leave a copy of the teachings and sermons with the pastor so he can take advantage of the Word for himself and the people he serves. So there is always work to be done and I am not sure I will complete everything by Monday noon. But who needs sleep? ME! But I’ve got a couple of hours before midnight, so I might as well utilize them and get some work accomplished.

God bless and thanks for your prayers,

Dr D

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